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Teach you step by step how to implement a vue two-way binding

Release: 2022-03-03 19:41:26
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How does vue implement two-way binding? This article will teach you how to write a vue two-way binding, so that everyone can better understand the logical direction of two-way binding. I hope it will be helpful to everyone!

Teach you step by step how to implement a vue two-way binding

This article is mainly a process of writing and filling pitfalls, so that the audience can better understand how to implement two-way binding and the logical direction of two-way binding. So far, step by step Let’s implement a two-way binding from scratch. This is a class tutorial article. As long as you follow the article and observe each class carefully, it is not difficult to implement.


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Teach you step by step how to implement a vue two-way binding

It can be seen from the picturenew Vue()It is divided into two steps

  • The agent monitors all data and associates it with Dep, and notifies subscribers to update the view through Dep . [Related recommendations: vuejs video tutorial]

  • Parse all templates, subscribe to the data used in the templates, and bind an update function, the data occurs When Dep changes, notify the subscriber to execute the update function.

The next step is to analyze how to implement it and what needs to be written. Let’s first look at a piece of vue’s basic code. Let’s analyze it from the beginning

<div id="app">
  <input v-model="message" />
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let app = new Vue({
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From the above code we You can see the operation of new Vue, which carries the el and data attributes. This is the most basic attribute, and in the html code we know <div id="app"> is the template root node rendered by vue, so to render the page, vue must implement a template parsing method Compile class, and the parsing method also needs To process the two instructions {{ }} and v-model, in addition to parsing the template, we also need to implement the data proxy, which is to implement the Observer class

Implementing the Vue class

As shown in the following code, this completes the Vue class. It is simple enough. If you are interested in class If you are not familiar with the keywords, it is recommended to learn them first. From the following we may see that two classes are instantiated here, one is the proxy data class, and the other is the parsing template class.

class Vue {
  constructor(options) {
    // 代理数据
    new Observer(options.data)
    // 绑定数据
    this.data = options.data
    // 解析模板
    new Compile(options.el, this)
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Next, let’s write a Compile class for parsing the template. Let’s analyze it again. What should we do to parse the template?

  • If we want to parse the template, it is impossible to continue operating on the dom directly, so we need to create a document fragment (virtual dom), and then copy the template DOM node to the virtual DOM node. After parsing the virtual DOM node, we will The DOM node replaces the original DOM node

  • After the virtual node is copied, we need to traverse the entire node tree for parsing. During the parsing process, the atrr attribute of the DOM will be traversed to find the Vue-related command, in addition to parsing the textContent node content to determine whether there are double curly braces

  • subscribe the parsed attributes

Implement template parsing Compile class

Below we will gradually implement

  • Build the Compile class, first Get the static nodes and Vue instances, and then define a virtual dom attribute to store the virtual dom

class Compile {
  constructor(el, vm) {
    // 获取静态节点
    this.el = document.querySelector(el);
    // vue实例
    this.vm = vm 
    // 虚拟dom
    this.fragment = null 
    // 初始化方法
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  • Implement the initialization methodinit(), this method is mainly used to create virtual dom and call the method of parsing the template. After the parsing is completed, the DOM node is replaced in the page.

class Compile { 

  init() {
    // 创建一个新的空白的文档片段(虚拟dom)
    this.fragment = document.createDocumentFragment()
  	// 遍历所有子节点加入到虚拟dom中
    Array.from(this.el.children).forEach(child => {
    // 解析模板
    // 解析完成添加到页面
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  • implementation The parse template methodparseTemplate mainly traverses all child nodes in the virtual DOM and parses them, and performs different processing according to the child node type.

class Compile { 

  // 解析模板 
  parseTemplate(fragment) {
    // 获取虚拟DOM的子节点
    let childNodes = fragment.childNodes || []
    // 遍历节点
    childNodes.forEach((node) => {
      // 匹配大括号正则表达式 
      var reg = /\{\{(.*)\}\}/;
      // 获取节点文本
      var text = node.textContent;
      if (this.isElementNode(node)) { // 判断是否是html元素
        // 解析html元素
      } else if (this.isTextNode(node) && reg.test(text)) { //判断是否文本节点并带有双花括号
        // 解析文本
        this.parseText(node, reg.exec(text)[1])

      // 递归解析,如果还有子元素则继续解析
      if (node.childNodes && node.childNodes.length != 0) {
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  • According to the above code, we conclude that two simple judgments need to be implemented, that is, whether it is an html element and a text element. Here, we obtain ## The value of #nodeType is used to distinguish. If you don’t understand, you can directly look at the portal: Node.nodeType. There is also an extension of the isVueTag method for the following code. Use

  • class Compile { 
    	// 判断是否携带 v-
      isVueTag(attrName) {
        return attrName.indexOf("v-") == 0
      // 判断是否是html元素
      isElementNode(node) {
        return node.nodeType == 1;
      // 判断是否是文字元素
      isTextNode(node) {
        return node.nodeType == 3;
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  • to implement the

    parseHtml method. Parsing the html code mainly involves traversing the attr attribute on the html element

class Compile {

  // 解析html
  parseHtml(node) {
    // 获取元素属性集合
    let nodeAttrs = node.attributes || []
    // 元素属性集合不是数组,所以这里要转成数组之后再遍历
    Array.from(nodeAttrs).forEach((attr) => {
      // 获取属性名称
      let arrtName = attr.name;
      // 判断名称是否带有 v- 
      if (this.isVueTag(arrtName)) {
        // 获取属性值
        let exp = attr.value;
        //切割 v- 之后的字符串
        let tag = arrtName.substring(2);
        if (tag == "model") {
          // v-model 指令处理方法
          this.modelCommand(node, exp, tag)
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  • 实现modelCommand方法,在模板解析阶段来说,我们只要把 vue实例中data的值绑定到元素上,并实现监听input方法更新数据即可。

class Compile {
   // 处理model指令
  modelCommand(node, exp) {
    // 获取数据
    let val = this.vm.data[exp]
    // 解析时绑定数据
    node.value = val || ""

    // 监听input事件
    node.addEventListener("input", (event) => {
      let newVlaue = event.target.value;
      if (val != newVlaue) {
        // 更新data数据
        this.vm.data[exp] = newVlaue
        // 更新闭包数据,避免双向绑定失效
        val = newVlaue
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  • 处理Text元素就相对简单了,主要是将元素中的textContent内容替换成数据即可

class Compile {
  parseText(node, exp) {
    let val = this.vm.data[exp]
    // 解析更新文本
    node.textContent = val || ""
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Teach you step by step how to implement a vue two-way binding


Teach you step by step how to implement a vue two-way binding


  • 在第6点modelCommand方法中并没有实现双向绑定,只是单向绑定,后续要双向绑定时还需要继续处理


  • 第7点parseText方法上面的代码中并没有去订阅数据的改变,所以这里只会在模板解析时绑定一次数据

实现数据代理 Observer 类





defineReactive中传入三个参数data, key, val


// 监听者
class Observer {
  constructor(data) {
  // 递归方法
  observe(data) {
    if (!data || typeof data != "object") {
      return ""
    } else {
      Object.keys(data).forEach(key => {
        this.defineReactive(data, key, data[key])

  // 代理方法
  defineReactive(data, key, val) {
    // 递归子属性
    Object.defineProperty(data, key, {
      configurable: true,  //可配置的属性
      enumerable: true, //可遍历的属性
      get() {
        return val
      set(newValue) {
        val = newValue
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class Vue {
  constructor(options) {
    // 代理数据
    new Observer(options.data)
    // 绑定数据
    this.data = options.data
    // 解析模板
    new Compile(options.el, this)
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Teach you step by step how to implement a vue two-way binding


Teach you step by step how to implement a vue two-way binding


  • 这里虽然实现了数据代理,但是按照图上来说,还需要引入管理器,在数据发生变化时通知管理器数据发生了变化,然后管理器再通知订阅者更新视图,这个会在后续的填坑过程过讲到。

实现管理器 Dep 类


class Dep {
  constructor() {
    // 记录订阅者
    this.subList = []
  // 添加订阅者
  addSub(sub) {
    // 先判断是否存在,防止重复添加订阅者
    if (this.subList.indexOf(sub) == -1) {
  // 通知订阅者
  notify() {
    this.subList.forEach(item => {
      item.update() //订阅者执行更新,这里的item就是一个订阅者,update就是订阅者提供的方法
// Dep全局属性,用来临时存储订阅者
Dep.target = null
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  • Observer通知Dep主要是通过调用notify方法
  • Dep通知Watcher主要是是调用了Watcher类中的update方法

Teach you step by step how to implement a vue two-way binding

实现订阅者 Watcher 类

订阅者代码相对少,但是理解起来还是有点难度的,在Watcher类中实现了两个方法,一个是update更新视图方法,一个putIn方法(我看了好几篇文章都是定义成 get 方法,可能是因为我理解的不够好吧)。

  • update:主要是调用传入的cb方法体,用于更新页面数据
  • putIn:主要是用来手动加入到Dep管理器中。
// 订阅者
class Watcher {
  // vm:vue实例本身
  // exp:代理数据的属性名称
  // cb:更新时需要做的事情
  constructor(vm, exp, cb) {
    this.vm = vm
    this.exp = exp
    this.cb = cb
  update() {
    // 调用cb方法体,改变this指向并传入最新的数据作为参数
    this.cb.call(this.vm, this.vm.data[this.exp])
  putIn() {
    // 把订阅者本身绑定到Dep的target全局属性上
    Dep.target = this
    // 调用获取数据的方法将订阅者加入到管理器中
    let val = this.vm.data[this.exp]
    // 清空全局属性
    Dep.target = null
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  • Watcher类中的putIn方法再构造函数调用后并没有加入到管理器中,而是将订阅者本身绑定到target全局属性上而已



Teach you step by step how to implement a vue two-way binding

埋坑 1 和 2


modelCommand(node, exp) {
  // ...省略其他代码
  // 实例化订阅者,更新时直接更新node的值
  new Watcher(this.vm, exp, (value) => {
    node.value = value

parseText(node, exp) {
  //  ...省略其他代码
  // 实例化订阅者,更新时直接更新文本内容
  new Watcher(this.vm, exp, (value) => {
    node.textContent = value
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埋坑 3

完成坑点三,主要是为了引入管理器,通知管理器发生改变,主要是在Object.defineProperty set方法中调用dep.notify()方法

// 监听方法
defineReactive(data, key, val) {
  // 实例化管理器--------------增加这一行
  let dep = new Dep()
  // ...省略其他代码
    set(newValue) {
      val = newValue
      // 通知管理器改变--------------增加这一行

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埋坑 4


defineReactive(data, key, val) {
  // ...省略其他代码
    get() {
      // 将订阅者加入到管理器中--------------增加这一段
      if (Dep.target) {
      return val
  // ...省略其他代码
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Teach you step by step how to implement a vue two-way binding


Teach you step by step how to implement a vue two-way binding




Teach you step by step how to implement a vue two-way binding


The above is the detailed content of Teach you step by step how to implement a vue two-way binding. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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