This article will take you to understand Ref in React and introduce some knowledge points you need to know about Ref. I hope it will be helpful to everyone!
In React projects, there are many scenarios where Ref
is needed. For example, use the ref
attribute to obtain the DOM node and obtain the ClassComponent object instance; use the useRef
Hook to create a Ref object to solve problems such as setInterval
not being able to obtain the latest state. Question; you can also call the React.createRef
method to manually create a Ref
object. [Related recommendations: Redis Video Tutorial]
Although Ref
is very simple to use, it is inevitable to encounter problems in actual projects. This article will From the perspective of source code, sort out various issues related to Ref
, and clarify what is done behind the APIs related to ref
. After reading this article, you may have a deeper understanding of Ref
First of all ref
is the abbreviation of reference
, which is a reference. In the type declaration file of react
, you can find several types related to Ref, and they are listed here.
interface RefObject<T> { readonly current: T | null; } interface MutableRefObject<T> { current: T; }
When using useRef
Hook returns RefObject/MutableRefObejct. Both types define a { current: T }
object structure, the difference is that the current property of RefObject
is read-only. If refObject.current
is modified, Typescript will warn⚠️.
const ref = useRef<string>(null) ref.current = '' // Error
TS Error: Cannot assign to "current" because it is a read-only property.
View the definition of the useRef
method. Function overloading is used here. When passing in generic parameters T
will return RefObject<T>
when it does not contain null
, and MutableRefObject<T>## when it contains
null. #.
function useRef<T>(initialValue: T): MutableRefObject<T>; function useRef<T>(initialValue: T | null): RefObject<T>;
| null.
const ref = useRef<string | null>(null) ref.current = '' // OK
React.createRef() method, it also returns a
export function createRef(): RefObject { const refObject = { current: null, }; if (__DEV__) { Object.seal(refObject); } return refObject; }
RefObject/MutableRefObject was added in version
16.3, if you use an earlier version , need to use
Ref Callback.
Ref Callback is to pass a callback function. When react calls back, the corresponding instance will be passed back. You can save it yourself for convenience. transfer. The type of this callback function is
type RefCallback<T> = (instance: T | null) => void;
RefCallback Example:
import React from 'react' export class CustomTextInput extends React.Component { textInput: HTMLInputElement | null = null; saveInputRef = (element: HTMLInputElement | null) => { this.textInput = element; } render() { return ( <input type="text" ref={this.saveInputRef} /> ); } }
LegacyRef is a compatible version. In the previous old version,
ref can also be
type Ref<T> = RefCallback<T> | RefObject<T> | null; type LegacyRef<T> = string | Ref<T>;
ref on a JSX component, we pass ## The #ref
attribute sets a Ref
. We all know that the syntax of jsx
will be compiled into the form of createElement
by tools such as Babel. <div class="code" style="position:relative; padding:0px; margin:0px;"><pre class='brush:php;toolbar:false;'>// jsx
<App ref={ref} id="my-app" ></App>
// compiled to
React.createElement(App, {
ref: ref,
id: "my-app"
});</pre><div class="contentsignin">Copy after login</div></div>
It seems that
is no different from other props, but if you try to print props.ref inside the component, it is undefined
. And the dev
environment console will give a prompt.
undefinedbeing returned. If you need to access the same value within the child component, you should pass it as a different prop.
</blockquote><p>React 对 ref 做了啥?在 <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" ref="nofollow noopener noreferrer">ReactElement</a> 源码中可以看到,<code>ref
,它们都会被特殊处理,从 props 中提取出来传递给Element
。const RESERVED_PROPS = { key: true, ref: true, __self: true, __source: true, };Copy after login所以
版本之前,Function Component 是无状态的,只会根据传入的 props render。有了 Hook 之后不仅可以有内部状态,还可以暴露方法供外部调用(需要借助forwardRef
Function Component
,dev 环境下控制台会告警,提示你需要用forwardRef
进行包裹起来。function Input () { return <input /> } const ref = useRef() <Input ref={ref} />Copy after loginFunction components cannot be given refs. Attempts to access this ref will fail. Did you mean to use React.forwardRef()?
为何物?查看源码 ReactForwardRef.js 将__DEV__
相关的代码折叠起来,它只是一个无比简单的高阶组件。接收一个 render 的 FunctionComponent,将它包裹一下定义$$typeof
跟踪代码,找到 resolveLazyComponentTag,在这里
会被解析成对应的 WorkTag。
对应的 WorkTag 是 ForwardRef。紧接着 ForwardRef 又会进入 updateForwardRef 的逻辑。case ForwardRef: { child = updateForwardRef( null, workInProgress, Component, resolvedProps, renderLanes, ); return child; }Copy after login这个方法又会调用 renderWithHooks 方法,并在第五个参数传入
。nextChildren = renderWithHooks( current, workInProgress, render, nextProps, ref, // 这里 renderLanes, );Copy after login继续跟踪代码,进入 renderWithHooks 方法,可以看到,
是从哪里来的(对比 ClassComponent contructor 第二个参数是 Context)。
了解如何传递 ref,那下一个问题就是 ref 是如何被赋值的。
ref 的赋值
打断点(给 ref 赋值一个 RefCallback,在 callback 里面打断点) 跟踪到代码 commitAttachRef,在这个方法里面,会判断 Fiber 节点的 ref 是
还是 RefObject,依据类型处理 instance。如果这个 Fiber 节点是 HostComponent (tag = 5
) 也就是 DOM 节点,instance 就是该 DOM 节点;而如果该 Fiber 节点是 ClassComponent (tag = 1
),instance 就是该对象实例。function commitAttachRef(finishedWork) { var ref = finishedWork.ref; if (ref !== null) { var instanceToUse = finishedWork.stateNode; if (typeof ref === 'function') { ref(instanceToUse); } else { ref.current = instanceToUse; } } }Copy after login以上是 HostComponent 和 ClassComponent 中对 ref 的赋值逻辑,对于 ForwardRef 类型的组件走的是另外的代码,但行为基本是一致的,可以看这里 imperativeHandleEffect。
接下里,我们继续挖掘 React 源码,看看 useRef 是如何实现的。
useRef 的内部实现
通过跟踪代码,定位到 useRef 运行时的代码 ReactFiberHooks
的操作。function updateRef<T>(initialValue: T): {|current: T|} { const hook = updateWorkInProgressHook(); return hook.memoizedState; } function mountRef<T>(initialValue: T): {|current: T|} { const hook = mountWorkInProgressHook(); const ref = {current: initialValue}; hook.memoizedState = ref; return ref; }Copy after login可以看到
时直接将它取出返回。不同的 Hook memoizedState 保存的内容不一样,
中 保存着effect
方法背后是一条 Hooks 的链表,在不修改链表的情况下,每次 render useRef 都能取回同一个 memoizedState 对象,就这么简单。应用:合并 ref
至此,我们了解了在 React 中
相关的源码。用一个应用题来巩固以上知识点:有一个 Input 组件,在组件内部需要通过 innerRefHTMLInputElement
节点,同时也允许组件外部 ref 该节点,需要怎么实现?const Input = forwardRef((props, ref) => { const innerRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null) return ( <input {...props} ref={???} /> ) })Copy after login考虑一下上面代码中的
应该怎么写。============ 答案分割线 ==============
通过了解 Ref 相关的内部实现,很明显我们这里可以创建一个
进行赋值就可以了。export function combineRefs<T = any>( refs: Array<MutableRefObject<T | null> | RefCallback<T>> ): React.RefCallback<T> { return value => { refs.forEach(ref => { if (typeof ref === 'function') { ref(value); } else if (ref !== null) { ref.current = value; } }); }; } const Input = forwardRef((props, ref) => { const innerRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null) return ( <input {...props} ref={combineRefs(ref, innerRef)} /> ) })Copy after login更多编程相关知识,请访问:编程入门!!
The above is the detailed content of Let you understand Ref in React and share knowledge points worth knowing.. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!