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In-depth understanding of redis cluster solutions (master-slave mode, sentinel mode, Redis Cluster mode)

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This article brings you relevant knowledge about Redis, which mainly introduces the related issues of master-slave mode, sentinel mode and Redis Cluster mode. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

In-depth understanding of redis cluster solutions (master-slave mode, sentinel mode, Redis Cluster mode)

Recommended learning: Redis tutorial

Introduction to the redis cluster solution (master-slave mode, sentinel mode, Redis Cluster mode)

1. Master-slave mode

There are two main problems in completely storing data in a single redis:

Data backup and performance degradation caused by large data volume.
The master-slave model of Redis provides a better solution to these two problems. The master-slave mode refers to using one redis instance as the host and the remaining instances as backup machines.
The data of the host and the slave are completely consistent. The host supports various operations such as data writing and reading, while the slave only supports synchronization and reading of data with the host. In other words, the client can Write to the host, and the host automatically synchronizes the data writing operation to the slave.
The master-slave mode solves the data backup problem very well, and because the master-slave service data is almost consistent, commands to write data can be sent to the host for execution, while commands to read data can be sent to different slaves. Machine execution, thereby achieving the purpose of separation of reading and writing.

How Master-Slave Replication works:

After the Slave slave node service starts and connects to the Master, it will actively send a SYNC command. After receiving the synchronization command, the Master service master node will start the background save process and collect all received commands for modifying the data set. After the background process is completed, the Master will transfer the entire database file to the Slave to complete a complete synchronization. . The Slave slave node service saves and loads the database file data into memory after receiving it. After that, the Master node continues to transmit all the collected modification commands and new modification commands to the Slaves in sequence. The Slaves will execute these data modification commands this time to achieve final data synchronization.
If the link between Master and Slave is disconnected, Slave can automatically reconnect to Master. After the connection is successful, a full synchronization will be automatically performed.
In-depth understanding of redis cluster solutions (master-slave mode, sentinel mode, Redis Cluster mode)


redis version:6.0.9

1. Copy 4 copies of the Redis configuration file

and name them master .conf slave1.conf slave2.conf slave3.conf

2. Simple configuration of 4 configuration files
The configuration file of the Master node generally does not require special settings. The default port is 6379
Slave1 node port Set 6380 and configure another row of replicaof 6379
Slave2 node port setting 6381 and configure another row of replicaof 6379
Slave3 node port setting 6382 configure another row of replicaof 6379

3. Open the Master node and 3 Slave nodes respectively

redis-server master.conf
redis-server slave1.conf
redis-server slave2.conf
redis-server slave3.conf

4. Verify the master-slave status of the cluster

In-depth understanding of redis cluster solutions (master-slave mode, sentinel mode, Redis Cluster mode)
In-depth understanding of redis cluster solutions (master-slave mode, sentinel mode, Redis Cluster mode)

The advantages and disadvantages of the master-slave mode:

1. Advantages:

The same Master can synchronize multiple Slaves.
The master can automatically synchronize data to the slave, and can separate reading and writing to share the read pressure of the master.
The synchronization between the master and the slave is performed in a non-blocking manner. During the synchronization period, the client can still submit Query or update request
2. Disadvantages:

does not have automatic fault tolerance and recovery functions. The downtime of the master or slave may cause the client request to fail. You need to wait for the machine to restart or manually switch the client IP. Recovery
The master is down. If the data is not synchronized before the downtime, there will be data inconsistencies after switching IP
It is difficult to support online expansion, and the capacity of Redis is limited by the single-machine configuration
In fact, the master of redis The slave mode is very simple and is rarely used in actual production environments. It is not recommended to use the master-slave mode in actual production environments to provide high availability of the system. The reason why it is not recommended is due to its shortcomings. In data The master-slave mode is also unstable when the volume is very large, or when the high availability requirements of the system are high. Although this model is very simple, this model is the basis of other models, so understanding this model will be very helpful for learning other models.

2. Sentinel Mode (Sentinel)

As the name suggests, Sentinel is here to stand guard for the Redis cluster. Once a problem is discovered, it can respond accordingly. Its functions include
Monitoring whether the master and slave are running normally
When the master fails, it can automatically convert a slave to the master (the elder brother is dead, choose a younger brother to take over)
Multiple sentries can monitor the same Redis and sentinels will also be automatically monitored

After automatically discovering the slave and other sentinel nodes, the sentinel can regularly monitor whether these databases and nodes have stopped services by sending PING commands regularly.
If the database or node being PING times out (configured through sentinel down-after-milliseconds master-name milliseconds) and does not reply, Sentinel considers it to be subjectively offline (sdown, s means Subjectively - subjectively). If the master is offline, the sentinel will send a command to other sentinels to ask them whether they also think that the master is subjectively offline. If a certain number (that is, the quorum in the configuration file) of votes is reached, the sentinel will consider that the master has been objectively offline (odown). , o is Objectively - objectively), and elects the leading sentinel node to initiate failure recovery for the master-slave system. If there are not enough sentinel processes to agree to the master's offline status, the master's objective offline status will be removed. If the master returns a valid reply to the PING command sent to the sentinel process again, the master's subjective offline status will be removed.

Sentinel believes that after the master is objectively offline, the fault recovery operation needs to be performed by the elected leader sentinel.
After the leader is elected, the leader begins to perform fault recovery on the system, starting from the failed master Select one from the database to elect the new master,
After selecting the slave that needs to be succeeded, the leading sentinel sends a command to the database to upgrade it to master, then sends a command to other slaves to accept the new master, and finally updates data. Update the stopped old master to the slave database of the new master, so that it can continue to run as a slave after the service is restored.
In-depth understanding of redis cluster solutions (master-slave mode, sentinel mode, Redis Cluster mode)

The sentinel mode is based on the previous master-slave replication mode. The sentinel configuration file is sentinel.conf. Add the following configuration in the corresponding directory. Be careful not to conflict with the ports:

port 26379
protected-mode no
daemonize yes
pidfile "/var/run/redis-sentinel-26379.pid"
logfile "/data/redis/logs/sentinel_26379.log"
dir "/data/redis/6379"
sentinel monitor mymaster 6379 2           ##指定主机IP地址和端口,并且指定当有2台哨兵认为主机挂了,则对主机进行容灾切换
#sentinel auth-pass mymaster pwdtest@2019             ##当在Redis实例中开启了requirepass,这里就需要提供密码
sentinel down-after-milliseconds mymaster 3000                      ##这里设置了主机多少秒无响应,则认为挂了
sentinel failover-timeout mymaster 180000       ##故障转移的超时时间,这里设置为三分钟
Copy after login

The format is as follows:

In-depth understanding of redis cluster solutions (master-slave mode, sentinel mode, Redis Cluster mode)

View the sentinel status :
In-depth understanding of redis cluster solutions (master-slave mode, sentinel mode, Redis Cluster mode)

3. redis cluster mode (Cluster)

In-depth understanding of redis cluster solutions (master-slave mode, sentinel mode, Redis Cluster mode)

##Cluster adopts a centerless structure, and its characteristics are as follows:

The client is directly connected to the redis node. The client does not need to connect to all nodes in the cluster. It can connect to any available node in the cluster.

The specific working mechanism of Cluster mode:

On each node of Redis, There is a slot (slot), the value range is 0-16383, a total of 16384 slots
When we access the key, Redis will obtain a result based on the CRC16 algorithm, and then calculate the remainder of the result to 16384 , so that each key will correspond to a hash slot numbered between 0-16383. Use this value to find the node corresponding to the corresponding slot, and then automatically jump to the corresponding node for access operations. .

In order to ensure high availability, the Cluster mode also introduces the master-slave replication mode. One master node corresponds to one or more slave nodes. When the master node goes down, the slave nodes will be enabled.

When other master nodes ping a master node A, if more than half of the master nodes communicate with A times out, then the master node A is considered to be down. If master node A and its slave nodes are down, the cluster can no longer provide services.

Redis cluster must ensure that the nodes corresponding to the 16384 slots are working normally. If a node fails, the slots it is responsible for will also become invalid, and the entire cluster will not work.

In order to increase the accessibility of the cluster, the officially recommended solution is to configure the node into a master-slave structure, that is, a master node and n slave nodes. At this time, if the master node fails, Redis Cluster will select one of the slave nodes to be promoted to the master node based on the election algorithm, and the entire cluster will continue to provide services to the outside world. Redis Cluster itself provides failover fault tolerance.

Cluster mode cluster node has a minimum configuration of 6 nodes (according to the cluster election mechanism and the implementation of master-slave backup, redis requires at least three masters and three slaves in total to form a redis cluster, because at least half of them are needed to form a redis cluster. Determine whether a node is down and requires master-slave backup), where the master node provides read and write operations, and the slave node serves as a backup node, does not provide requests, and is only used for failover.

cluster cluster deployment

According to the cluster election mechanism and the implementation of master-slave backup, redis requires at least three masters and three slaves in total to form a redis cluster. The test environment can start 6 nodes on one physical machine. redis nodes, but at least 2 to 3 physical machines must be prepared for the production environment. (Three virtual machines are used here)

Cluster mode is based on Sentinel mode. When there is so much data that requires dynamic expansion, the first two will not work, and the data needs to be fragmented. Distribute redis data to multiple machines according to certain rules.

In-depth understanding of redis cluster solutions (master-slave mode, sentinel mode, Redis Cluster mode)


那么这样就很容易添加或者删除节点, 比如如果我想新添加个新节点, 我只需要从已有的节点中的部分槽到过来;如果我想移除某个节点,就只需要将该节点的槽移到其它节点上,然后将没有任何槽的A节点从集群中移除即可。由于从一个节点将哈希槽移动到另一个节点并不会停止服务,所以无论添加删除或者改变某个节点的哈希槽的数量都不会造成集群不可用的状态。





In-depth understanding of redis cluster solutions (master-slave mode, sentinel mode, Redis Cluster mode)


以 9001 的为例子,其余五个类似。

编辑 /data/redis-cluster/9001/redis.conf


port 9001(每个节点的端口号)
daemonize yes
appendonly yes  //开启aof
bind绑定当前机器 IP)
dir "/data/redis-cluster/9001"(数据文件存放位置,,自己加到最后一行 快捷键 shift+g)
pidfile /var/run/redis_9001.pid(pid 9001和port要对应)
logfile "/data/redis-cluster/logs/9001.log"
cluster-enabled yes(启动集群模式)
cluster-config-file nodes9001.conf(9001和port要对应)
cluster-node-timeout 15000
Copy after login

/data/redis-cluster/bin/redis-server /data/redis-cluster/9001/redis.conf

/data/redis-cluster/bin/redis-server /data/redis-cluster/9002/redis.conf

/data/redis-cluster/bin/redis-server /data/redis-cluster/9003/redis.conf

/data/redis-cluster/bin/redis-server /data/redis-cluster/9004/redis.conf

/data/redis-cluster/bin/redis-server /data/redis-cluster/9005/redis.conf

/data/redis-cluster/bin/redis-server /data/redis-cluster/9006/redis.conf


ps -el | grep redis

In-depth understanding of redis cluster solutions (master-slave mode, sentinel mode, Redis Cluster mode)


此时的节点虽然都启动成功了,但他们还不在一个集群里面,不能互相发现,测试会报错:(error) CLUSTERDOWN Hash slot not served。


In-depth understanding of redis cluster solutions (master-slave mode, sentinel mode, Redis Cluster mode)

redis-cli --cluster create --cluster-replicas 1
Copy after login

–cluster-replicas 1 这个指的是从机的数量,表示我们希望为集群中的每个主节点创建一个从节点。




In-depth understanding of redis cluster solutions (master-slave mode, sentinel mode, Redis Cluster mode)



/data/redis-cluster/bin/redis-cli -c -h -p 9001

cluster info

cluster nodes
Copy after login


In-depth understanding of redis cluster solutions (master-slave mode, sentinel mode, Redis Cluster mode)






Election voting: When the slave node obtains the election qualification, it will initiate an election request to other master nodes with slots, and they will vote. The higher the priority slave node, the more likely it is to become the master node. When When the number of votes obtained from the slave node reaches a certain value (for example, if there are N master nodes in the cluster, then as long as one slave node obtains N/2 1 votes, it is considered the winner), it will be replaced as the master node.

Replace the master node: The elected slave node will execute slaveof no one to change its status from slave to master, then execute the clusterDelSlot operation to cancel the slots responsible for the failed master node, and execute clusterAddSlot to allocate these slots to itself, and then broadcast its own pong message to the cluster to notify all nodes in the cluster that the current slave node has become the master node.

Takeover related operations: The new master node takes over the slot information of the previously failed master node, receives and processes command requests related to its own slot.

Failover test

This is the situation of specific nodes in the previous cluster. I have simplified it as follows. You can look back at the cluster information in the picture.

In-depth understanding of redis cluster solutions (master-slave mode, sentinel mode, Redis Cluster mode)

Close the process of the 9001 port here, which is to simulate that the master node hangs up.

If you log in to a dead redis node, you will be denied service. Enter through a master node that is still running normally, and then check the information in the cluster again

In-depth understanding of redis cluster solutions (master-slave mode, sentinel mode, Redis Cluster mode)

In short, the previous cluster information has become as follows

In-depth understanding of redis cluster solutions (master-slave mode, sentinel mode, Redis Cluster mode)
In-depth understanding of redis cluster solutions (master-slave mode, sentinel mode, Redis Cluster mode)

Now, I restart the master node that just hung up, Recheck the node situation within the cluster. The specific situation is as shown in the figure below

In-depth understanding of redis cluster solutions (master-slave mode, sentinel mode, Redis Cluster mode)

In short, the current node situation in the cluster is as follows

In-depth understanding of redis cluster solutions (master-slave mode, sentinel mode, Redis Cluster mode)

Recommended learning: Redis tutorial

The above is the detailed content of In-depth understanding of redis cluster solutions (master-slave mode, sentinel mode, Redis Cluster mode). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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