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Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse

Release: 2022-03-24 19:19:18
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This article brings you relevant knowledge about Git. It mainly introduces related issues from the construction of private Git warehouse to the use of commands to branch management. Below we will use examples to Take a look at it in detail, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse

Recommended study: "Git Tutorial"

1. What is Git?

Git is an open source distributed version control system that can effectively and quickly handle version management of projects from small to very large projects. Git is developed and implemented through C language.

2. Comparison between Git and SVN

Git and SVN are two completely different version control systems. Git is a distributed version control system, while SVN is a centralized version control system. To compare the differences between Git and SVN, you first need to understand the basic concepts of distributed version control systems and centralized version control systems.
Centralized version control system: A notable feature is that the version library is stored on a central server. The central server manages the version information and branch information of the project in a unified manner. Each member of the team needs to pull the latest code from the central server before starting work. After completing the work, submit the code to the central server. The centralized version server has two disadvantages:

    It must be connected to the Internet to work. When there is no network or the network is very poor, members of the team cannot work together.
  1. The security is not good because the version library is stored in the central server. When the central server is damaged, the version library will be lost, making all members unable to work.
The network topology of the centralized version control system is shown below:

Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse It can be seen that the work computers of all members of the team only deal with the central server. If the version library is compared to a book library, then everyone (each computer) needs to borrow books from the library first (pull the latest code), read them and then return them to the library (submit them to the central server after modification)

Distributed version control system: The biggest difference from the centralized version control system is that

all members of the team have a complete version library on their work computers and there is no central server. , This is equivalent to each member of the team having his own small library (version library), and members can exchange books in their own library with each other (submit their modifications to each other). There is no need for a central server to manage and coordinate management. When actually using a distributed version control system, it is rare to push the version library on computers between two people. This is because sometimes you are not in the same LAN, or your colleague's computer is shut down. Therefore, distributed version control systems usually also have a computer that acts as a "central server", but the role of this server is only to facilitate "exchanging" everyone's modifications. Without it, everyone can still work, but it is inconvenient to exchange modifications. .
The version library on this computer that acts as the "central server" is called the remote version library, and the version libraries on other member computers are called local version libraries. More on this later.

The network topology of the distributed version control system is shown in the figure below:

Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse The distributed version control system eliminates the central server, which fully reflects the core of distribution The concept is decentralization. There are two benefits to this:

    You can work without a network: Every member of the team can work without a network, because there is a complete version library locally, no need Worry about data loss.
  1. Data is more secure: It doesn’t matter when a member’s computer is broken, you only need to make a copy from other members’ computers. However, if there is a problem with the central server of a centralized version control system, the version library may be lost, making it impossible for everyone to work.
3. System environment


4. Install Git client

After talking about the basic concepts of Git, let’s install a Git client and play around. Here is a brief introduction to the installation of the Git client based on different operating systems.

Under Linux system

First check whether the Git client has been installed on the computer through the git --version command.
Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse
If you have already installed it, you can skip this chapter. If it is not installed, continue reading below:
Linux systems have different distribution versions. You can check the Linux version through the cat /proc/version command.

  1. Installing Git under Debian or Ubuntu
    In Debian or Ubuntu, you can install Git through the apt package management tool. The command is as follows:
sudo apt-get install git
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  1. Red Hat or Installing Git under CentOS
    Red Hat or CentOS can install Git through the yum package management tool. The command is as follows:
yum install git -y
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If the yum command cannot be found, you need to install the yum tool first. You can refer to the following command

#删除yum.repos.d目录下所有文件rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/*#然后重新下载阿里的yum源wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo http://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/Centos-7.repo#清理缓存yun clean all
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Under Windows system

The official download address of Git is: Git download address
Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse
After downloading the installation package, keep clicking Next Ready to install. Again I won’t go into details.

5. Local repository operation

After installing Git under Windows, two applications, Git Bash and Git GUI, will appear. Git Bash is the command line tool of Git, and Git GUI is It is a visualization tool for Git (generally rarely used).

Create a local repository

Creating a local repository is divided into two steps:
The first step is to create an empty folder named: git_learn.
The second step is to execute the git init command in the folder to turn the folder into a repository that can be managed by git.
After performing the second step, a hidden folder named .git will appear in the git_learn directory, which is the git version library. Remember not to manually modify any content in the .git folder to avoid the local version library becoming unavailable.

After the local version library is built, you can create a file in the git_learn folder for testing. A file named readme.txt is created here.
Add to the staging area
The readme.txt file can be submitted to the staging area through the git add readme.txt command (the concept of the staging area will be introduced in detail later). If there are multiple files to be added, you can execute the git add . command.
Submit to the repository
Because git has a complete local repository, you also need to submit the readme.txt file created earlier to the current branch of the local repository. The default is master. The command format is git commit -m '<message>'</message>, where your submission remarks are written.

Workspace and staging area

There are two very important concepts here, one is the workspace and the other is the staging area (a concept unique to Git).
The workspace is the directory that can be seen on your computer (excluding hidden files). For example: the git_learn directory is a workspace.

Staging area
The workspace has a hidden directory .git. This is not a workspace, but a Git repository. The most important one is the stage.

There is also the first branch that Git automatically creates for us called master, and a pointer to master called HEAD.

The workspace, staging area, git add command and git comit command were mentioned earlier. So what's the relationship between them? Let’s use a flow chart to show it below:
Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse
Use the add command to submit the ABC folder in the workspace to the temporary storage area stage, and use the commit command to submit the ABC folder in the stage to the current stage. branch master.

Manage modifications

Git manages modifications rather than files. Modification here refers to any operation on the workspace, including adding files, deleting files, modifying files, etc. Even adding a sentence or deleting a character in the file can be considered a modification. The following is an example, still taking the readme.txt file as an example:

  1. 第一次在readme.txt文件中增加一个词语 gittest。然后执行git add readme.txt,并通过命令git status查看状态。
    hello world

    Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse
  2. 第二次再在readme.txt文件上添加一行内容git tracks changes
    hello world
    git tracks changes

直接执行git commit -m 'git tracks changes'命令。然后通过 git status,可以发现第二次的修改没有提交。这是因为第二次的修改没有先提交到暂存区中。
Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse
我们的操作过程是第一次修改 -> git add -> 第二次修改 -> git commit。当使用git add 命令后,在工作区中的第一次修改被放入暂存区中,准备提交,在工作区中的第二次修改没有被放入暂存区中,所以,git commit只负责把暂存区中的修改提交到当前分支。所以第二次的修改没有提交。
也就是说,所有的修改必须先通过git add 提交到暂存区,然后通过git commit 提交到当前分支。。在实际开发中一般是将所有修改合并起来add,然后在一起commit。



git rm test1.txtgit commit -m "remove test.txt"
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  1. 安装必须的一些服务
#更新apt源sudo apt-get update#安装依赖包,运行命令sudo apt-get install curl openssh-server ca-certificates postfixsudo apt-get install -y postfix
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  1. 接着信任 GitLab 的 GPG 公钥:
curl https://packages.gitlab.com/gpg.key 2> /dev/null | sudo apt-key add - &>/dev/null
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  1. 配置镜像路径
sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gitlab-ce.list
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deb https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/gitlab-ce/ubuntu xenial main
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  1. 安装gitlab-ce
sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install gitlab-ce
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5. 修改外部url

sudo vi /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
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external_url ''  ## 本机的局域网ip地址为192.168.41.128
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  1. 执行配置
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
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  1. 启动GitLab
sudo gitlab-ctl start
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可以通过ps -ef|grep gitlab 命令查看GitLab是否启动成功。
8. 进行浏览器访问
Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse



点击设置按钮,进入设置栏,选中Users->New User 进入添加用户页面。
Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse
Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse


用户添加好之后,就是将用户添加到团队中,GitLab中默认会有一个名为GitLab Instance的团队,你也可以添加自己的团队,这里我添加了一个名为ai_edu的团队。并在团队中添加了两个成员。
Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse
选中要添加成员的团队,在右侧会出现一个添加Add user(s) to the group的栏目。再此栏目中所有用户并添加到团队中。用户的角色有游客,测试人员,开发人员,管理者,拥有者等几个不同的角色。
Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse


说完了用户和团队的设置后,现在就进入了重点了,如何新建一个远程仓库。同样也是比较方便。操作步骤是:Project->Your projects->New project
Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse
Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse
Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse

这里仓库的权限等级有三个等级,分别是:Private(只有你团队的人才能拉取和推送代码),Internal(除了黑名单之外的用户可以拉取和推送代码)。Public (所有的用户都可以拉取)。

SSH key的配置(生成公钥和私钥)

为啥要配置SSH key呢?这是因为GitLab与你的电脑是通过SSH协议来通信的。说白了,如果你没有配置SSH key的话,则你不能推送代码到远程库。这里首先在你本地生成公钥和私钥文件,然后把公钥文件的内容复制到GitLab上。

  1. 配置用户名
git config --global user.name “username”
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  1. 配置邮箱
 git config --global user.email  jayxiang31@gmail.com
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4. 生成公钥和私钥

ssh-keygen -C 'you email jayxiang31@gmail.com' -t rsa
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如果简单些的话可以直接填写ssh-keygen 命令。邮箱地址填写前面设置的邮箱地址。有提示的话一直按Enter键。正确执行后会输入如下信息
Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse

2 找到公钥文件id_rsa.pub,复制公钥内容到GitLab
Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse

6. 分支管理


Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse

1. 创建dev分支


git checkout -b dev
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git checkout 加上-b参数表示创建并切换到dev分支上,相当于下面两条命令。

$ git branch dev
$ git checkout dev
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Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse
Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse
git checkout命令是一个比较特殊的命令,传入不同的参数会有截然不同的效果。例如:git checkout -- file 命令,表示的意思是撤销file文件中所有的修改。所以Git还提供了git switch命令用于创建和切换分支。

## 创建并切换到新的dev分支git switch -c dev## 切换到已有的master分支git switch master
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2. 查看所有分支

分支创建好之后,可以通过git branch命令进行查看。

3. 分支合并

Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse


#切换到master分支git checkout master#合并dev分支git merge dev
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  1. 删除dev分支
git branch -d dev
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在团队协作过程中,难免会碰到各种修改冲突。那么该如何解决这些冲突呢? 例如:你和你同事分别修改了readme.txt文件,那么当你们同时提交时就会出现冲突。又或者在你在master分支和feature1分支上分别修改了readme.txt文件。那么当你合并feature1分支到master分支时就会出现冲突。举个栗子吧:

  1. 在feature1分支上给readme.txt文件中加上了文本处理冲突。然后提交到feature1分支。
  2. 切换到master分支,给readme.txt文件中加上文本
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3. 将feature1分支合并到master分支,此时就会出现合并冲突。如下图所示:


$ git add README.md
$ git commit -m "解决冲突"
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  1. 比较两个提交之间的差异 git diff 36e4fd7 b55da38
    Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse
  2. 比较工作区与仓库区的不同,HEAD表示最新的那次提交 git diff HEAD


通常情况下,Git在合并分支时,会使用Fast forward模式。但是,这种模式下,删除分支后,会丢掉分支信息。如下图所示,删除dev分支之后,分支的信息也就就丢失了

Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse
如果要强制禁用Fast forward模式,Git会在merge时生成一个新的commit。当删除分支时就不会丢失分支信息。其命令是
git merge --no-ff -m "merge with no-ff" dev
准备合并dev分支,其中--no-ff参数,表示禁用Fast forward,因为本次合并要创建一个新的commit,所以加上-m参数。把commit描述写进去。


通过stash功能可以满足你的愿望,将当前工作现场隐藏起来。如下图所示:执行git stash命令之后,新建的hello.html文件就从工作区中消失了。
Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse


git stash
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git stash命令可以将当前未提交的工作隐藏起来。让你的工作区变的干净清爽。


git stash list 可以查看当前仓库所有已经保存的工作现场。

git stash list
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git stash apply
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通过git stash apply 命令可以恢复工作现场。但是,恢复之后工作现场还在。那么这时候我们还需要一个命令来删除工作现场。其命令是:

git stash drop
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git stash pop
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git cherry-pick  821ea4d
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通过git cherry-pick 命令可以将单个的提交复制到当前分支。可以通过 git log 查看提交的提交的版本号。


前面介绍可以通过git branch -d branchname 命令删除分支。但是,如果被删除的分支还没有合并到主分支的话,用该命令删除的话分支的话,Git会抛出一个错误提示并不能删除该分支。如下:要删除一个名为feature-01的分支。但是该分支还没有被merge。这时候就需要强制删除分支的命令了。

git branch -D feature-01
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git remote add origin
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git remote add origin git@gitee.com:jayxiang31/python_learn.git
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git pull --rebase origin master
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前面第三章已经搭好了私有的Git仓库管理器GitLab。同时也创建了一个名为git_test的仓库。现在要做的就是将远程仓库克隆下来。克隆的命令是git clone

git clone
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其中http:// 是远程仓库的地址。

  1. 选中File->New->Project from Version Control->Git。如下图所示:
    Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse
  2. 在URL中填入远程仓库的地址,点击Clone按钮。如下图所示:
    Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse
    需要注意的是默认情况下只会克隆master分支,其他的分支不会被克隆下来。其他的分支需要通过git pull命令拉取,后面会详细介绍。


 git remote rm origin
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通过git remote命令可以查看远程仓库,origin表示远程主机。
通过git remote -v 命令可以查看远程仓库详细的信息,包括远程仓库的地址。

$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)origin (push)
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现在将远程仓库克隆下来了,那么该如何将当前分支上所有的本地提交推送到远程库呢?答案是通过git push命令,其语法结构是git push <remote branch> <local branch></local></remote> 其中<remote branch></remote>表示远程分支名,<local branch></local>表示本地分支名。

git push origin master
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该语句表示将本地的master分支推送到远程的origin分支上。在实际应用中会在git push命令后面加上-u参数,就像git push -u origin master这样。这是因为如果当前分支与多个主机存在追踪关系,则可以使用 -u 参数指定一个默认主机,这样后面就可以不加任何参数使用git push。那么哪些分支该与远程分支保持一致呢?一般认为:

  1. master 分支是主分支,需要时时与远程同步
  2. dev分支是开发分支,团队所有成员都需要在上面工作,所以也需要与远程同步
  3. bug分支只用于在本地修复bug,就没必要推到远程了,除非老板要看看你每周到底修复了几个bug;
  4. feature分支是否推到远程,取决于你是否和你的小伙伴合作在上面开发。


通过git push命令还能创建远程分支。

git push origin dev
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通过git pull命令可以拉取远程仓库的数据和分支信息。假设如下这个场景:你同事在他本地创建了一个dev分支,并提交到了远程库。同时你也在本地创建了一个dev库,当你push时会推送失败。结果如下图所示:

因为你同事的最新提交和你试图推送的的提交有冲突。解决的办法就是根据Git的提示,先用git pull把最新的提交从origin/dev抓下来,然后,在本地合并,解决冲突后,在推送。

$ git pull
There is no tracking information for the current branch.
Please specify which branch you want to merge with.
See git-pull(1) for details.    git pull <remote> <branch>If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:    git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/<branch> dev</branch></branch></remote>
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git pull也失败了。原因是没有指定本地dev分支与远程origin/dev分支的链接,根据提示,设置dev和origin/dev的链接:


$ git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/dev dev
Branch 'dev' set up to track remote branch 'dev' from 'origin'.
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关联好本地分支和远程分支之后,在pull就能成功了。这回git pull成功,但是合并有冲突,需要手动解决,解决的方式也是在本地手动处理冲突文件,解决后,提交,在push。



git push origin :dev
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命令可以删除远程dev分支。但是这时候本地的dev分支还是存在的。所以还需要通过git branch -d dev删除本地的dev分支。


通过git branch可以查看本地分支
通过git branch -a 可以查看本地分支和远程分支。
Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse



  1. 通过git log 命令找到当前的仓库所有的提交日志。然后,找到你需要回退到的版本。如下图所示:
  2. 回退到上一个版本:git reset HEAD
  3. 回退到指定版本:git reset commitId 其中commitId是指定版本的版本号,比如这里将版本信息回退到b50c9bdcbf9641d33e4b531bd96dc1f27d4bf602 这个版本。那么命令就是:
git reset b50c9bdcbf9641d33e4b531bd96dc1f27d4bf602
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回退之后,再次通过git log查看,则最新的提交日志已经变成了hello 提交这个版本了。
当然,通过IDEA来回退则更加的简单。直接在Version Control->Log 在待回退到的版本上右键,选中Reset Current Branch to Here 即可。
Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse



git branch -m oldname newname
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7. 标签管理


#创建标签 v1.0git tag v1.0#查看标签git tag#删除标签v1.0git tag -d v0.1#推送标签git push origin --tags#删除远程标签git push origin :refs/tags/v1.0
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Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse


The above is the detailed content of Completely master the construction and branch management of Git warehouse. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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