Color is not a new attribute in CSS3. The color attribute has been used since CSS1. The color attribute is used to specify the color of text. You can use color names, hexadecimal characters, RGB (red, green, and blue), RGBA, HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) and HSLA methods to set colors.
The operating environment of this tutorial: Windows 10 system, CSS3&&HTML5 version, Dell G3 computer.
Color is not a new attribute in css3
color version: CSS1
The color attribute specifies the color of the text.
This attribute sets the foreground color of an element (in HTML representation, the color of the element's text); raster images are not affected by color. This color also applies to all borders of the element, unless overridden by border-color or another border-color property.
To set the foreground color of an element, the easiest way is to use the color attribute.
Color values can be set in the following ways:
Color name Color name, such as red, blue, brown, lightseagreen, etc., are not case sensitive .
Hex Hexadecimal symbols #RRGGBB and #RGB (such as #ff0000). "#" followed by 6 or 3 hexadecimal characters (0-9, A-F).
RGB, red-green-blue (RGB) specifies the color value as the color of the rgb code, the function format is rgb(R,G,B), The value can be an integer or percentage from 0-255.
RGBA, Red-Green-Blue-Alpha (RGBa) RGBa extends the RGB color mode to include an alpha channel, allowing you to set the transparency of a color. a represents transparency: 0=transparent; 1=opaque.
HSL, hue-saturation-lightness (Hue-saturation-lightness) Hue (Hue) represents an angle of the color wheel (that is, a ring representing a rainbow).
Saturation and brightness are expressed as percentages.
100% is full saturation, while 0% is a grayscale.
100% lightness is white, 0% lightness is black, and 50% lightness is "normal".
HSLA, Hue-Saturation-Lightness-Alpha (HSLa) HSLa extends from the HSL color mode and includes an alpha channel, which can specify the transparency of a color. a represents transparency: 0=transparent; 1=opaque.
The example is as follows:
body {color: #92a8d1;} body {color: rgb(255,0,51);} body {color: rgba(255,0,0,0.7);} body {color: hsl(120,100%,25%) ;} body {color: hsla(240,100%,50%, 0.7);}
The output result is as follows:
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