How to use uniapp to develop a snake game? The following article will take you step by step to implement the Snake game in uniapp. I hope it will be helpful to you!
The first time I played Snake, I still vaguely remember it being the first game my father played for me after ?️
This mini game uses uniapp
I won’t go into details about the pre-details:
If you need the detailed code structure, please go to github to view
It is mainly divided into : Start the game, plots, snake bodies, bugs, contaminated plots, game sound effects
<template> <view ref="body" class="content"> <view>蛇蛇目前:{{snakes.length}}米长</view> <view class="game-field"> <!-- 地面板块 --> <view class="block" v-for="(x, i) in blocks" :key="i"></view> </view> <view v-show="!started || ended" class="game-board-wrap"> <view v-show="!started" class="game-board"> <view class="title">选择游戏难度</view> <radio-group name="radio" @change="bindLevelChange"> <label class="label"> <radio value="1" :checked="level==1" /><text>简单模式</text> </label> <label class="label"> <radio value="2" :checked="level==2" /><text>正常模式</text> </label> <label class="label"> <radio value="3" :checked="level==3" /><text>困难模式</text> </label> <label class="label"> <radio value="4" :checked="level==4" /><text>地狱模式</text> </label> </radio-group> <button type="primary" @click="start">开始游戏</button> </view> <view v-show="ended" class="settle-board"> <view class="title">游戏结束</view> <view class="result">您的蛇蛇达到了{{snakes.length}}米</view> <view class="btns"> <button type="primary" @click="reStart">再次挑战</button> <button type="primary" plain @click="rePick">重选难度</button> </view> </view> </view> </view> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { blocks: [], // 板块 worms: [], // 虫子 snakes: [0, 1, 2, 3], // 蛇身 direction: "right", // 蛇移动方向 }; }, onLoad() { this.initGame(); }, methods: { initGame() { this.blocks = new Array(100).fill(0); // 生成100个地面板块 this.worms = [Math.floor(Math.random() * 96) + 4]; // 随机生成虫子 this.snakes = [0, 1, 2, 3]; // 初始化蛇身位置 } } } </script>
Put our snake in his coat
The rendering of the snake body is based on snakes
(with the snake's body inside) to match the index of the floor panel to find the corresponding grid and modify the background image to render the snake body, snake head and tail, which is snakes
The 0th and last digits and find the corresponding grid to modify the current background image
<template> <view class="game-field"> <view class="block" :style="`background-image: ${bg(x, i)}" v-for="(x, i) in blocks" :key="i"> </view> </view> </template> <script> import worm from "worm.png"; import snakeBody from "snake_body.png"; import snakeHead from "snake_head.png"; import snakeTail from "snake_tail.png"; import polluteBlock from "pollute.png"; import wormBoom from "worm_4.png"; export default { methods: { bg(type, index) { let bg = ""; switch (type) { case 0: // 地板 bg = "unset"; break; case 1: // 虫子 if (this.boom) { bg = `url(${wormBoom})`; } else { bg = `url(${worm})`; } break; case 2: // 蛇 let head = this.snakes[this.snakes.length - 1]; let tail = this.snakes[0]; if (index === head) { bg = `url(${snakeHead})`; } else if (index === tail) { bg = `url(${snakeTail})`; } else { bg = `url(${snakeBody})`; } break; case 3: // 污染的地块 bg = `url(${polluteBlock})`; break; } return bg; }, } } </scipt>
Control the direction of the snake on the PC side, we monitor the keyboard The event finds the code of the corresponding keyboard key up, down, left, and right to change the direction of the snake. On the mobile phone, we use the XY axis value of the finger touch point and sliding point at the touch time to determine the direction of the snake
<template> <view ref="body" class="content" @keyup.left="bindLeft" @keyup.right="bindRight" @keyup.down="bindDown" @keyup.up="bindUp" @touchstart="handleTouchStart" @touchmove="handleTouchMove"> <view>蛇蛇目前:{{snakes.length}}米长</view> <view class="game-field"> <view class="block" :style="`background-image: ${bg(x, i)}; v-for="(x, i) in blocks" :key="i"></view> </view> </view> </template> <script> export default { data(){ return { direction: "right", started: false, // 游戏开始了 ended: false, // 游戏结束了 level: 1, // 游戏难度 lastX: 0, lastY: 0, } }, onLoad() { this.initGame(); }, methods:{ initGame() { this.blocks = new Array(100).fill(0); // 生成100个地面板块 this.worms = [Math.floor(Math.random() * 96) + 4]; // 随机生成虫子 this.snakes = [0, 1, 2, 3]; // 初始化蛇身位置 document.onkeydown = (e) => { switch (e.keyCode) { // 获取当前按下键盘键的编码 case 37: // 按下左箭头键 this.bindLeft(); break; case 39: // 按下右箭头键 this.bindRight(); break; case 38: // 按下上箭头键 if (!this.started) { this.level--; } else { this.bindUp(); } break; case 40: // 按下下箭头键 if (!this.started) { this.level++; } else { this.bindDown(); } break; } } }, handleTouchStart(e) { // 手指开始位置 this.lastX = e.touches[0].pageX; this.lastY = e.touches[0].pageY; }, handleTouchMove(e) { let lastX = e.touches[0].pageX; // 移动的x轴坐标 let lastY = e.touches[0].pageY; // 移动的y轴坐标 let touchX = lastX - this.lastX; let touchY = lastY - this.lastY if (Math.abs(touchX) > Math.abs(touchY)) { if (touchX < 0) { if(this.direction === "right") return; this.direction = 'left' } else if (touchX > 0) { if(this.direction === "left") return; this.direction = 'right' } } else { if (touchY < 0) { if(this.direction === "down") return; this.direction = 'up' } else if (touchY > 0) { if(this.direction === "up") return; this.direction = 'down' } } this.lastX = lastX; this.lastY = lastY; }, bindUp() { if (this.direction === "down") return; this.direction = "up"; }, bindDown() { if (this.direction === "up") return; this.direction = "down"; }, bindLeft() { if (this.direction === "right") return; this.direction = "left"; }, bindRight() { if (this.direction === "left") return; this.direction = "right"; }, } } </script>
Adding game sound effects will make the game more immersive. Now we need to add background music, click interactive music, snake fart music, and snake eating food music to the snake. The music for the countdown to the bug explosion and the music for the bug explosion
First add the background music. There are always unscrupulous people who can play until the map is full. To play the background music in a loop, we only need to
Use uni.createInnerAudioContext
to create and return the internal audio context innerAudioContext
The object gets the path of the music and sets up automatic playback
<script> import bgm from 'bgm.mp3'; export default { data(){ return { bgmInnerAudioContext:null, } }, methods:{ start() { // 开始游戏 this.initGame(); this.handleBgmVoice() }, handleBgmVoice() { // 背景音乐 this.bgmInnerAudioContext = uni.createInnerAudioContext() // 创建上下文 this.bgmInnerAudioContext.autoplay = true; // 自动播放 this.bgmInnerAudioContext.src= bgm; // 音频地址 this.bgmInnerAudioContext.loop = true; // 循环播放 } } } <script>
The background music does sound after the snake gameover It kept ringing and I became impatient. Then we paused the background music after the snake gameover. pause
The music was paused without being clear.
<script> import bgm from 'bgm.mp3'; export default { data(){ return { bgmInnerAudioContext:null, } }, methods:{ start() { // 开始游戏 this.initGame(); this.handleBgmVoice() }, handleBgmVoice() { // 背景音乐 this.bgmInnerAudioContext = uni.createInnerAudioContext() // 创建上下文 this.bgmInnerAudioContext.autoplay = true; // 自动播放 this.bgmInnerAudioContext.src= bgm; // 音频地址 this.bgmInnerAudioContext.loop = true; // 循环播放 } checkGame(direction, next) { let gameover = false; let isSnake = this.snakes.indexOf(next) > -1; let isPollute = this.pollutes.indexOf(next) > -1; // 撞到蛇和被污染的地块游戏结束 if (isSnake || isPollute) { gameover = true; } // 撞到边界游戏结束 switch (direction) { case "up": if (next < 0) { gameover = true; } break; case "down": if (next >= 100) { gameover = true; } break; case "left": if (next % 10 === 9) { gameover = true; } break; case "right": if (next % 10 === 0) { gameover = true; } break; } return gameover; }, toWards(direction) { let gameover = this.checkGame(direction, next); if (gameover) { this.ended = true; this.handleDieVoice() this.bgmInnerAudioContext.pause() // 游戏结束 暂停背景音乐 clearInterval(this.timer); clearInterval(this.boomTimer); } else { // 游戏没结束 this.snakes.push(next); let nextType = this.blocks[next]; this.blocks[next] = 2; // 如果是空白格 if (nextType === 0) { this.snakes.shift(); } else { // 如果是虫子格 this.handleEatVoice() // 吃掉虫子后的音乐 this.worms = this.worms.filter((x) => x !== next); let nextWorm = this.createWorm(); this.worms.push(nextWorm); } this.blocks[tail] = 0; this.paint(); } }, } } <script>
The first music was added successfully and the rest were It’s much simpler. The countdown for bug explosion also needs to explode or after gameover, you need to clear the countdown sound effect stop
(the next playback will start from the beginning). The rest does not need to clear the sound effect and loop playback. The remaining code is attached below
<script> export default { data() { return { bgmInnerAudioContext:null, clockInnerAudioContext:null, } }, watch: { boomCount(val) { if (val === 0) { // 超过爆炸时间还没吃到,则将虫子格子变成被污染的土地,并且重置爆炸状态,同时生成一只新的虫子: this.handleExplodeVoice() // 爆炸的音乐 this.clockInnerAudioContext.stop() // 清楚倒计时音乐 const boomWorm = this.worms.pop(); this.pollutes.push(boomWorm); this.blocks[boomWorm] = 3; // 被污染的地方我们用3表示 this.boom = false; this.worms.push(this.createWorm()); } } }, methods:{ // 蛇吃到食物后的声音 handleEatVoice() { const innerAudioContext = uni.createInnerAudioContext(); innerAudioContext.autoplay = true; innerAudioContext.src = eatVoice; }, // 虫子污染爆炸后的声音 handleExplodeVoice(){ const innerAudioContext = uni.createInnerAudioContext(); innerAudioContext.autoplay = true; innerAudioContext.src = explodeVoice; }, // 游戏背景音乐 handleBgmVoice() { this.bgmInnerAudioContext = uni.createInnerAudioContext() this.bgmInnerAudioContext.autoplay = true; this.bgmInnerAudioContext.src= bgm; this.bgmInnerAudioContext.loop = true; }, // 按钮点击的声音 handleClickVoice() { const innerAudioContext = uni.createInnerAudioContext() innerAudioContext.autoplay = true; innerAudioContext.src= click; }, // 爆炸倒计时的声音 handleClockVoice() { this.clockInnerAudioContext = uni.createInnerAudioContext() this.clockInnerAudioContext.autoplay = true; this.clockInnerAudioContext.src= clock; }, // 蛇gameover后的声音 handleDieVoice() { const innerAudioContext = uni.createInnerAudioContext() innerAudioContext.autoplay = true; innerAudioContext.src= die; }, checkGame(direction, next) { let gameover = false; let isSnake = this.snakes.indexOf(next) > -1; let isPollute = this.pollutes.indexOf(next) > -1; // 撞到蛇和被污染的地块游戏结束 if (isSnake || isPollute) { gameover = true; } // 撞到边界游戏结束 switch (direction) { case "up": if (next < 0) { gameover = true; } break; case "down": if (next >= 100) { gameover = true; } break; case "left": if (next % 10 === 9) { gameover = true; } break; case "right": if (next % 10 === 0) { gameover = true; } break; } return gameover; }, paint() { this.worms.forEach((x) => { this.blocks[x] = 1; }); this.snakes.forEach((x) => { this.blocks[x] = 2; }); this.$forceUpdate(); }, toWards(direction) { let gameover = this.checkGame(direction, next); if (gameover) { this.ended = true; this.handleDieVoice() this.bgmInnerAudioContext.pause() // 游戏结束 暂停背景音乐 this.clockInnerAudioContext && this.clockInnerAudioContext.stop() // 清楚倒计时音乐 clearInterval(this.timer); clearInterval(this.boomTimer); } else { // 游戏没结束 this.snakes.push(next); let nextType = this.blocks[next]; this.blocks[next] = 2; // 如果是空白格 if (nextType === 0) { this.snakes.shift(); } else { // 如果是虫子格 this.handleEatVoice() // 吃掉虫子后的音乐 this.worms = this.worms.filter((x) => x !== next); let nextWorm = this.createWorm(); this.worms.push(nextWorm); } this.blocks[tail] = 0; this.paint(); } }, // 生成下一只虫子 createWorm() { this.boom = false; let blocks = Array.from({ length: 100 }, (v, k) => k); // 在不是蛇和被污染的地方生成虫子 let restBlocks = blocks.filter(x => this.snakes.indexOf(x) < 0 && this.pollutes.indexOf(x) < 0); let worm = restBlocks[Math.floor(Math.random() * restBlocks.length)]; // 根据游戏难度,概率产出会爆炸的虫子: this.boom = Math.random() / this.level < 0.05; // 生成了新虫子说明吃到了那个爆炸的虫子,重置下爆炸 if (this.boom) { this.boomCount = 10; this.boomTimer && clearInterval(this.boomTimer); this.handleClockVoice() this.boomTimer = setInterval(() => { this.boomCount--; }, 1000) } else { this.clockInnerAudioContext && this.clockInnerAudioContext.stop() clearInterval(this.boomTimer); } return worm; }, } } <script>
Special thanks@大肖老元@无码 Thanks to Mr. Dashuai for his leadership and guidance and daily supervision, and special thanks as well. Help and support from teammates
Source code address:
##Original address: /post/7087525655478272008Author: SophoraRecommended: "
uniapp tutorial"
The above is the detailed content of Let's talk about how to use uniapp to develop a snake game!. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!