This article brings you relevant knowledge about mysql, which mainly introduces related issues about indexing, including relevant content on the principles of index optimization. Let’s take a look at it together. I hope Helpful to everyone.
Recommended learning: mysql video tutorial
##Foreword: I believe everyone knows that indexes can greatly improve MySQL retrieval speed, but when you actually write SQL in daily work, do you really consider how this SQL can use indexes to improve execution efficiency? This blog introduces 20 principles of index optimization in detail. As long as you can apply them at any time in your work, I believe that the SQL you write can hit the index and be very efficient.
1. Index classificationIndex can greatly improve the retrieval speed of MySQL. The index is like a table of contents in a book. In order to allow us to find the data we want faster, the following is an introduction to commonly used indexes in MySQL.(1) Ordinary index
This is the most basic index, it has no to use?
//方式1 ALTER TABLE table_name ADD INDEX index_name ( column )
//方式2 CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name (column_name)
(2) Unique index
Similar to a normal index, except that the value of the index column must be unique, but null values are allowed. If it is a composite index, the combination of column values must be to use?
//方式1 ALTER TABLE table_name ADD UNIQUE [indexName] (column)
//方式2 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_name ON table_name (column_name)
(3) Primary key index
It is a special unique index that does not allow null values. Generally, if the primary key is specified when creating a table, the primary key index will be automatically created. CREATE INDEX cannot be used to create a primary key index. Use ALTER TABLE to use?
//方式1 ALTER TABLE table_name ADD PRIMARY KEY ( column )
(1) Clustered index
Clustered index, also called clustered index, all data exists in the clustered index. The leaf nodes directly correspond to the data, from the intermediate index page The index rows directly correspond to the data pages. The primary key in the InnoDB storage engine creates a clustered index by default, and only one clustered index can be created for each table. The index order of records is the same as the physical order, which is more suitable for between and and order by operations. InnoDBThe leaf nodes of the clustered index store row records. Therefore, InnoDB must have and only one clustered index:
(1) If the table defines PK, Then PK is the clustered index; (2) If the table does not define PK, the first not NULL unique column is the clustered index; (3) Otherwise, InnoDB will create a hidden row-id is used as a clustered indexVoiceover: So PK query is very fast and row records are directly located.
For example, a table is like the Xinhua dictionary we used before, a clustered index is like a pinyin directory, and the page number where each word is stored is the physical address of our data. If we want to query a word "Wow", we only need to query the page number corresponding to the word "Wow" in the Pinyin catalog of Xinhua Dictionary, and then we can query the location of the corresponding word "Wow", and the words A-Z corresponding to the Pinyin catalog The order is the same as the order A-Z of the characters actually stored in Xinhua Dictionary. If we have a new Chinese character, and the first character at the beginning of Pinyin is B, then when it is inserted, it must be inserted after the character A according to the order of the Pinyin directory. .(2) Non-clustered index
Non-clustered index is also called non-clustered index and auxiliary index. All data and index directories are stored separately. Leaf nodes do not store specific entire rows of data (leaf nodes do not directly point to the data page), but store the value of the primary key of this row. The index order of records has nothing to do with the physical order. Each table can have multiple non-clustered indexes, which requires more disk and memory. Multiple indexes will affect the speed of insert and update.Voiceover: Non-clustered indexes need to be queried back to the table. First locate the primary key value, and then locate the row record. Because the index tree needs to be scanned twice, its performance is lower than scanning the index tree once.
In fact, by definition, indexes other than clustered indexes are non-clustered indexes, but people want to subdivide non-clustered indexes into ordinary indexes, unique indexes, and full-text indexes. If we have to compare the non-clustered index to something in real life, then the non-clustered index is like the radical dictionary of Xinhua Dictionary, and its structural order is not necessarily consistent with the actual storage order.联合索引又叫复合索引,对表上的多个字段同时建立的索引(有顺序,ABC,ACB是完全不同的两种联合索引。)以联合索引(a,b,c)为例,建立这样的索引相当于建立了索引a、ab、abc三个索引。
#这样a,b可以用到(a,b,c),c不可以 select * from t where a=1 and b>1 and c =1;</p> <p>这条语句只有 a,b 会用到索引,c 都不能用到索引。</p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">create index mix_ind on 表名 (id,name,email); select * from 表名 where id = 123; # 命中索引 select * from 表名 where id = 123 and name = 'pamela'; # 命中索引 select * from 表名 where id > 123 and name = 'pamela'; # id命中,name不命中索引,因为出现范围 select * from 表名 where id = 123 and email = ''; # 命中索引 select * from 表名 where email = ''; # 不命中索引,因为条件中没有id select * from 表名 where name='pamela' and email = ''; # 不命中
A:select * from student where age = 16 and name = '小张' B:select * from student where name = '小张' and sex = '男' C:select * from student where name = '小张' and sex = '男' and age = 18 D:select * from student where age > 20 and name = '小张' E:select * from student where age != 15 and name = '小张'
C虽然从name开始,但是有索引最左边的age,mysql内部会自动转成where age = '18' and name = '小张' and sex = '男' 这种,所以还是遵从最左匹配原则;
E这个虽然遵循最左匹配原则,但是不走索引,因为!= 不走索引;
select * from test where a = 1 and b = 1 and c = 1;
咱们一看,直接加索引(a,b,c)就可以了,其实不然,也不能说这个答案不对,只能说这个答案不够完整。因为mysql在执行的时候会经历优化器过程,所以会把sql语句自动优化成符合索引的顺序,所以索引(a,b,c) (a,c,b) 或者是(c,b,a)都是可以的,那我们究竟如何确定索引呢?这个就得根据实际情况来了,比如a字段是表示性别的,只有0,1和2三个值来表示 未知,男,女三种性别,那么把a字段放在联合索引的最后会比较合适,反正哪个字段的内容重复率越高,就把哪个字段往联合索引的后面放。
SELECT * FROM table WHERE a > 1 and b = 2;
如果咱们建立索引(a,b),那么a>1是可以走到索引的,但是b=2就没法走到索引了。但是如果咱们建立索引(b,a),那么sql语句会被自动优化成 where b=2 and a> 1,这样a和b都能走到索引,所以建立索引(b,a)比较合适
覆盖索引其核心就是只从辅助索引要数据。那么, 普通索引(单字段)和联合索引,以及唯一索引都能实现覆盖索引的作用。explain的输出结果Extra字段为Using index时,能够触发索引覆盖。
create index ind_id on 表名(id); # 对id字段创建了索引 select id from 表名 where id > 100; # 覆盖索引:在查找一条数据的时候,命中索引,不需要再回表 select max(id) from 表名 where id > 100; # 覆盖索引:在查找一条数据的时候,命中索引,不需要再回表 select count(id) from 表名 where id > 100; # 覆盖索引:在查找一条数据的时候,命中索引,不需要再回表 select name from 表名 where id > 100; # 相对慢
(1) 如何实现索引覆盖?
select id,name from user where name='shenjian';
Extra:Using index。
原表为:user(PK id, name, sex);不能利用索引覆盖
select count(name) from user;
alter table user add key(name);
这个例子不再赘述,将单列索引(name)升级为联合索引(name, sex),即可避免回表。
将单列索引(name)升级为联合索引(name, sex),也可以避免回表。
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD KEY(column_name(prefix_length));
MySQL 前缀索引能有效减小索引文件的大小,提高索引的速度。但是前缀索引也有它的坏处:MySQL 不能在 ORDER BY 或 GROUP BY 中使用前缀索引,也不能把它们用作覆盖索引(Covering Index)。
深入理解 index merge 是使用索引进行优化的重要基础之一。理解了 index merge 技术,我们才知道应该如何在表上建立索引。
为什么会有index merge?
我们的 where 中可能有多个条件(或者join)涉及到多个字段,它们之间进行 AND 或者 OR,那么此时就有可能会使用到 index merge 技术。index merge 技术如果简单的说,其实就是:对多个索引分别进行条件扫描,然后将它们各自的结果进行合并(intersect/union)。
MySQL5.0之前,一个表一次只能使用一个索引,无法同时使用多个索引分别进行条件扫描。但是从5.1开始,引入了 index merge 优化技术,对同一个表可以使用多个索引分别进行条件扫描。
# 索引合并 create index ind_id on 表名(id); create index ind_email on 表名(email); select * from 表名 where id=100 or email = '' # 索引合并,临时把两个索引ind_id和ind_email合并成一个索引
索引条件下推(Index Condition Pushdown),简称ICP。MySQL5.6新添加,用于优化数据的查询。 通过索引下推对于非主键索引进行优化,可有效减少回表次数,从而提高效率。
create index mix_ind on 表名 (id); select * from 表名 where id = 123 and name = 'pamela'; # 有一列有索引,速度快 select * from 表名 where id = 123 or name = 'pamela'; # 不是所有列都有索引,速度慢
select * from doc where title like '%XX'; --不能使用索引 select * from doc where title like 'XX%'; --非前导模糊查询,可以使用索引
union能够命中索引,并且MySQL 耗费的 CPU 最少。
select * from doc where status=1 union all select * from doc where status=2;
in能够命中索引,查询优化耗费的 CPU 比 union all 多,但可以忽略不计,一般情况下建议使用 in。
select * from doc where status in (1, 2);
or 新版的 MySQL(MySQL5.0后) 索引合并能够命中索引,查询优化耗费的 CPU 比 in多,不建议频繁用or。
select * from doc where status = 1 or status = 2
确保mysql版本5.0以上,且查询优化器开启了index_merge_union=on, 也就是变量optimizer_switch里存在index_merge_union且为on。
负向条件有:!=、<>、not in、not exists、not like 等。
select * from doc where status != 1 and status != 2;
可以优化为 in 查询:
select * from doc where status in (0,3,4);
如果在(a,b,c)三个字段上建立联合索引,那么他会自动建立 a| (a,b) | (a,b,c)组索引。联合索引遵循最左前缀原则(必须带着最左边的列做条件才能命中索引),且从出现范围开始索引失效;
create index mix_ind on 表名 (id,name,email); select * from 表名 where id = 123; # 命中索引 select * from 表名 where id > 123; # 不命中索引,因为出现范围 select * from 表名 where id = 123 and name = 'pamela'; # 命中索引 select * from 表名 where id > 123 and name = 'pamela'; # 不命中索引,因为出现范围 select * from 表名 where id = 123 and email = ''; # 命中索引 select * from 表名 where email = ''; # 不命中索引,因为条件中没有id select * from 表名 where name='pamela' and email = ''; # 不命中索引,因为条件中没有id
select uid, login_time from user where login_name=? andpasswd=?
可以建立(login_name, passwd)的联合索引。因为业务上几乎没有passwd 的单条件查询需求,而有很多login_name 的单条件查询需求,所以可以建立(login_name, passwd)的联合索引,而不是(passwd, login_name)。
假如有联合索引 (empno、title、fromdate),那么下面的 SQL 中 emp_no 可以用到索引,而title 和 from_date 则使用不到索引。
select * from employees.titles where emp_no < 10010' and title='Senior Engineer'and from_date between '1986-01-01' and '1986-12-31'
例如下面的 SQL 语句,即使 date 上建立了索引,也会全表扫描:
select * from doc where YEAR(create_time) <= '2016';
select * from doc where create_time <= '2016-01-01';
比如下面的 SQL 语句:
select * from order where date < = CURDATE();
select * from order where date < = '2018-01-2412:00:00';
如果 phone 字段是 varchar 类型,则下面的 SQL 不能命中索引。
select * from user where phone=13800001234
select * from user where phone='13800001234';
更新会变更 B+ 树,更新频繁的字段建立索引会大大降低数据库性能。
一般区分度在80%以上的时候就可以建立索引,区分度可以使用 count(distinct(列名))/count(*) 来计算。
被查询的列,数据能从索引中取得,而不用通过行定位符 row-locator 再到 row 上获取,即“被查询列要被所建的索引覆盖”,这能够加速查询速度。
select uid, login_time from user where login_name=? and passwd=?
可以建立(login_name, passwd, login_time)的联合索引,由于 login_time 已经建立在索引中了,被查询的 uid 和 login_time 就不用去 row 上获取数据了,从而加速查询。
只要列中包含有NULL值都将不会被包含在索引中,复合索引中只要有一列含有NULL值,那么这一列对于此复合索引就是无效的。所以我们在数据库设计时,尽量使用not null 约束以及默认值。
order by 最后的字段是组合索引的一部分,并且放在索引组合顺序的最后,避免出现file_sort 的情况,影响查询性能。
例如对于语句 where a=? and b=? order by c,可以建立联合索引(a,b,c)。
如果索引中有范围查找,那么索引有序性无法利用,如 WHERE a>10 ORDER BY b;,索引(a,b)无法排序。
对列进行索引,如果可能应该指定一个前缀长度。例如,如果有一个CHAR(255)的列,如果该列在前10个或20个字符内,可以做到既使得前缀索引的区分度接近全列索引,那么就不要对整个列进行索引。因为短索引不仅可以提高查询速度而且可以节省磁盘空间和I/O操作,减少索引文件的维护开销。可以使用count(distinct leftIndex(列名, 索引长度))/count(*) 来计算前缀索引的区分度。
但缺点是不能用于 ORDER BY 和 GROUP BY 操作,也不能用于覆盖索引。
MySQL 并不是跳过 offset 行,而是取 offset+N 行,然后返回放弃前 offset 行,返回 N 行,那当 offset 特别大的时候,效率就非常的低下,要么控制返回的总页数,要么对超过特定阈值的页数进行 SQL 改写。
select a.* from 表1 a,(select id from 表1 where 条件 limit100000,20 ) b where;
比如如下 SQL 语句:
select * from user where login_name=?;
select * from user where login_name=? limit 1
The data types of the fields that need to be joined must be consistent. When querying multiple tables, ensure that the related fields need to have indexes.
For example: left join is determined by the left side. There must be data on the left side, so the right side is our key point. To build an index, we must build the right side. Of course, if the index is on the left, you can use right join.
consts: There is at most one matching row (primary key or unique index) in a single table, and the data can be read during the optimization phase.
ref: Use normal index (Normal Index).
range: Perform range retrieval on the index.
When type=index, all index physical files are scanned, which is very slow.
Don’t think that the unique index affects the insert speed. This speed loss is negligible, but the increase in search speed is obvious. In addition, even if very complete verification control is implemented at the application layer, as long as there is no unique index, according to Murphy's law, dirty data will inevitably be generated.
The more indexes, the better. If you think you need a query, just build an index. It is better to have less than too much, because indexes will consume space and seriously slow down updates and new additions.
Resist unique indexes and believe that the uniqueness of the business must be solved through the "check first and then insert" method at the application layer.
Premature optimization, starting optimization without understanding the system.
The primary key automatically creates a unique index.
Columns that often appear as query conditions in WHERE or ORDER BY statements must be indexed.
Fields associated with other tables in the query, foreign key relationships are indexed.
Columns that are often used in aggregate functions need to be indexed, such as aggregate functions such as min(), max(), etc.
The above is the detailed content of Summarize and organize MySQL index optimization knowledge points. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!