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How is MySQL optimized? Let's talk about performance optimization from 5 dimensions

Release: 2022-06-22 10:23:17
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If the interviewer asks you: From what dimensions will you optimize MySQL performance? How would you answer?

The so-called performance optimization generally targets the optimization of MySQL queries. Since we are optimizing the query, we naturally need to first know what links the query operation goes through, and then think about which links can be optimized.

I use a picture to show the basic steps that the query operation needs to go through.

How is MySQL optimized? Lets talk about performance optimization from 5 dimensions

The following introduces some strategies for MySQL optimization from 5 perspectives.

How is MySQL optimized? Lets talk about performance optimization from 5 dimensions

1. Connection configuration optimization

Processing connections is the first step in the relationship between the MySQL client and the MySQL server. The first If you can't even walk well, let's not talk about the subsequent story.

Since the connection is a matter for both parties, we naturally optimize it from both the server side and the client side.

1.1 Server configuration

What the server needs to do is to accept as many client connections as possible. Maybe you have encountered error 1040: Too many Error in connections? It's because the server's mind is not broad enough, and the layout is too small!

How is MySQL optimized? Lets talk about performance optimization from 5 dimensions

We can solve the problem of insufficient connections from two aspects:

1. Increase the number of available connections and modify the environment variable max_connections, By default, the maximum number of connections on the server is 151

mysql> show variables like 'max_connections';
| Variable_name   | Value |
| max_connections | 151   |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
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2. Release inactive connections in a timely manner. The system default client timeout is 28800 seconds (8 hours). We can adjust this value a little smaller

mysql> show variables like 'wait_timeout';
| Variable_name | Value |
| wait_timeout  | 28800 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
Copy after login

MySQL has a lot of configuration parameters, and most parameters provide default values. The default values ​​are carefully designed by the MySQL author and can fully satisfy everyone. Due to the needs of some situations, it is not recommended to modify it rashly without knowing the meaning of the parameters.

1.2 Client Optimization

What the client can do is to minimize the number of times it establishes a connection with the server. The established connections can be used as much as possible. Use it. Don't create a new connection every time you execute a SQL statement. The resources of both the server and the client will be overwhelmed.

The solution is to use Connection pool to reuse connections.

Common database connection pools include DBCP, C3P0, Alibaba’s Druid, Hikari, the first two are used There are very few, and the latter two are currently at their peak.

But it should be noted that the bigger the connection pool, the better. For example, the default maximum connection pool size of Druid is 8, and the default maximum connection pool size of Hikari is 10 , blindly increasing the size of the connection pool may reduce system execution efficiency. Why?

For each connection, the server will create a separate thread to process it. The more connections there are, the more threads the server will create. When the number of threads exceeds the number of CPUs, the CPU must allocate time slices to perform context switching of threads. Frequent context switching will cause a lot of performance overhead.

Hikari official gives a recommended value formula for PostgreSQL database connection pool size, Number of CPU cores*2 1. Assuming that the number of CPU cores of the server is 4, just set the connection pool to 9. This formula is also applicable to other databases to a certain extent, and you can brag about it during interviews.

2. Architecture optimization

2.1 Using cache

It is inevitable that some slow queries will appear in the system. These queries Either the amount of data is large, or the query is complex (many associated tables or complex calculations), causing the query to occupy the connection for a long time.

If the effectiveness of this kind of data is not particularly strong (it does not change every moment, such as daily reports), we can put this kind of data into the cache system. During the cache validity period of the data, Get data directly from the cache system, which can reduce the pressure on the database and improve query efficiency.

How is MySQL optimized? Lets talk about performance optimization from 5 dimensions

2.2 Read-write separation (cluster, master-slave replication)

In the early stages of the project, the database usually runs on a On the server, all read and write requests from users will directly affect this database server. After all, the amount of concurrency that a single server can bear is limited.

To address this problem, we can use multiple database servers at the same time, set one of them as the team leader, called the master node, and the remaining nodes as team members, called slave. Users write data only to the master node, and read requests are distributed to various slave nodes. This solution is called read-write separation. Give the small group composed of the group leader and group members a name, cluster.

How is MySQL optimized? Lets talk about performance optimization from 5 dimensions

Note: Many developers are dissatisfied with the offensive words master-slave (because they think it will be associated with racial discrimination, black slaves, etc.), so a movement to change the name was launched.

Affected by this, MySQL will gradually stop using terms such as master and slave, and instead use source and replicaReplacement, just understand it when everyone encounters it.

One problem that must be faced when using a cluster is how to maintain data consistency between multiple nodes. After all, the write request is only sent to the master node. Only the data of the master node is the latest data. How to synchronize the write operation to the master node to all nodes? What about the slave node?

Master-slave replication Technology is here! I briefly introduced the binlog log in my previous article, so I moved it directly.

binlog is the core component that implements the MySQL master-slave replication function. masterThe node will record all write operations into the binlog. slaveThe node will have a dedicated I/O thread to read the binlog of the master node and write The operation is synchronized to the current slave node.

How is MySQL optimized? Lets talk about performance optimization from 5 dimensions

This cluster architecture has a very good effect on reducing the pressure on the main database server. However, as business data increases, if the data volume of a certain table If the query performance of a single table increases sharply, the query performance of a single table will drop significantly. This problem cannot be solved even if the separation of reading and writing is done. After all, all nodes store exactly the same data. The query performance of a single table is poor. Naturally, the performance of all nodes is poor. Difference.

At this time, we can disperse the data of a single node to multiple nodes for storage, which is sub-database and sub-table.

2.3 Sub-database and sub-table

The meaning of nodes in sub-database and sub-table is relatively broad. If the database is used as a node, it is a sub-database; if the leaflet is The table serves as a node, that is, a sub-table.

Everyone knows that sub-databases and tables are divided into vertical sub-databases, vertical sub-tables, horizontal sub-databases and horizontal sub-tables, but every time they fail to remember these concepts, I will explain them in detail to help. Everyone understands.

2.3.1 Vertical sub-database

How is MySQL optimized? Lets talk about performance optimization from 5 dimensions

Based on the single database, make several vertical cuts and split according to business logic into different databases, this is vertical sub-database.

How is MySQL optimized? Lets talk about performance optimization from 5 dimensions

2.3.2 Vertical table partitioning

How is MySQL optimized? Lets talk about performance optimization from 5 dimensions

Vertical table partitioning is in a single table Basically, make a vertical cut (or several cuts) to split multiple words in a table into several small tables. This operation needs to be judged based on the specific business. Usually, frequently used fields (hot fields) are divided into Table, fields that are not used frequently or are not used immediately (cold fields) are divided into one table to improve query speed.

How is MySQL optimized? Lets talk about performance optimization from 5 dimensions

Take the picture above as an example: Usually the product details are relatively long, and when viewing the product list, it is often not necessary to display the product details immediately (usually click the details button will be displayed), but will display the more important information of the product (price, etc.). According to this business logic, we made the original product table into vertical sub-tables.

2.3.3 Horizontal table sharding

Save the data of a single table to multiple data tables according to certain rules (called sharding rules in jargon), horizontally Give the data table a knife (or several knifes), and it will be horizontal table.

1How is MySQL optimized? Lets talk about performance optimization from 5 dimensions

1How is MySQL optimized? Lets talk about performance optimization from 5 dimensions

2.3.4 水平分库


1How is MySQL optimized? Lets talk about performance optimization from 5 dimensions

1How is MySQL optimized? Lets talk about performance optimization from 5 dimensions

2.3.5 总结


2.4 消息队列削峰



1How is MySQL optimized? Lets talk about performance optimization from 5 dimensions

3. 优化器——SQL分析与优化



3.1 慢查询



mysql> show variables like 'slow_query%';
| Variable_name       | Value                                |
| slow_query_log      | OFF                                  |
| slow_query_log_file | /var/lib/mysql/9e74f9251f6c-slow.log |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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mysql> show variables like '%long_query%';
| Variable_name   | Value     |
| long_query_time | 10.000000 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
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3.1.1 打开慢日志




# 是否开启慢查询日志
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mysql> set @@global.slow_query_log=1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.06 sec)

mysql> set @@global.long_query_time=2;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Copy after login

3.1.2 慢日志分析


mysql> SELECT sleep(5);
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[root@iZ2zejfuakcnnq2pgqyzowZ ~]# mysqldumpslow -s t -t 1 -g 'select' /var/lib/mysql/9e74f9251f6c-slow.log

Reading mysql slow query log from /var/lib/mysql/9e74f9251f6c-slow.log
Count: 1  Time=10.00s (10s)  Lock=0.00s (0s)  Rows=1.0 (1), root[root]@localhost
  SELECT sleep(N)
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  • Count:表示这个SQL执行的次数
  • Time:表示执行的时间,括号中的是累积时间
  • Locks:表示锁定的时间,括号中的是累积时间
  • Rows:表示返回的记录数,括号中的是累积数

更多关于mysqldumpslow的使用方式,可以查阅官方文档,或者执行mysqldumpslow --help寻求帮助。

3.2 查看运行中的线程

我们可以运行show full processlist查看MySQL中运行的所有线程,查看其状态和运行时间,找到不顺眼的,直接kill。

1How is MySQL optimized? Lets talk about performance optimization from 5 dimensions


  • Id:线程的唯一标志,可以使用Id杀死指定线程
  • User:启动这个线程的用户,普通账户只能查看自己的线程
  • Host:哪个ip和端口发起的连接
  • db:线程操作的数据库
  • Command:线程的命令
  • Time:操作持续时间,单位秒
  • State:线程的状态
  • Info:SQL语句的前100个字符

3.3 查看服务器运行状态

使用SHOW STATUS查看MySQL服务器的运行状态,有sessionglobal两种作用域,一般使用like+通配符进行过滤。

-- 查看select的次数
mysql> SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'com_select';
| Variable_name | Value  |
| Com_select    | 168241 |
1 row in set (0.05 sec)
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3.4 查看存储引擎运行信息

SHOW ENGINE用来展示存储引擎的当前运行信息,包括事务持有的表锁、行锁信息;事务的锁等待情况;线程信号量等待;文件IO请求;Buffer pool统计信息等等数据。


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3.5 EXPLAIN执行计划





3.6 SQL与索引优化

3.6.1 SQL优化


  • 使用小表驱动大表;用join改写子查询;or改成union
  • 连接查询中,尽量减少驱动表的扇出(记录数),访问被驱动表的成本要尽量低,尽量在被驱动表的连接列上建立索引,降低访问成本;被驱动表的连接列最好是该表的主键或者是唯一二级索引列,这样被驱动表的成本会降到更低
  • 大偏移量的limit,先过滤再排序


-- 1. 大偏移量的查询
mysql> SELECT * FROM user_innodb LIMIT 9000000,10;
Empty set (8.18 sec)

-- 2.先过滤ID(因为ID使用的是索引),再limit
mysql> SELECT * FROM user_innodb WHERE id > 9000000 LIMIT 10;
Empty set (0.02 sec)
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3.6.2 索引优化



4. 存储引擎与表结构

4.1 选择存储引擎



  • 查询操作、插入操作多的业务表,推荐使用MyISAM
  • 临时表使用Memory
  • 并发数量大、更新多的业务选择使用InnoDB
  • 不知道选啥直接默认。

4.2 优化字段


4.2.1 整数类型


  • tinyint
  • smallint
  • mediumint
  • int
  • integer
  • bigint



4.2.2 字符类型



4.2.3 Non-null

Try to set non-null fields to NOT NULL, and provide a default value, or use a special value instead of NULL.

Because NULL type storage and optimization will have poor performance problems, the specific reasons will not be discussed here.

4.2.4 Do not use foreign keys, triggers and view functions

This is also a principle mentioned in the "Alibaba Development Manual". There are three reasons:

  • Reduces readability, and you have to check the database code while checking the code;

  • Hands over the calculation work For the program, the database only does the storage work and does this well;

  • The work of data integrity verification should be completed by the developer rather than relying on external Key, once you use foreign keys, you will find that it becomes extremely difficult to delete some junk data during testing.

4.2.5 Image, audio and video storage

Do not store large files directly, but store the access address of large files.

4.2.6 Large field splitting and data redundancy

Large field splittingIn fact, it is the vertical table partitioning mentioned before. Split infrequently used fields or fields with large amounts of data to avoid too many columns and too large amounts of data, especially if you are used to writing SELECT * . The problem will be seriously magnified!

Field redundancyIn principle, it does not conform to the database design paradigm, but it is very conducive to fast retrieval. For example, when the customer ID is stored in the contract table, the customer name can be stored redundantly, so that there is no need to obtain the user name based on the customer ID when querying. Therefore, it is also a better optimization technique to make a certain degree of redundancy for business logic.

5. Business Optimization

Strictly speaking, business optimization is no longer a means of MySQL tuning, but business optimization can very effectively alleviate the problem. Database access pressure. A typical example in this regard is Taobao. Here are a few simple examples to give you some ideas:

  • In the past, shopping started on the night of Double 11. Recently, In the past few years, the pre-sale front for Double 11 has become longer and longer, starting more than half a month in advance, and various deposit red envelope models have emerged in endlessly. This method is called Pre-sale diversion. This can divert customer service requests, and you don’t have to wait until the early morning of Double Eleven to place orders collectively;

  • In the early morning of Double Eleven, you may want to check orders outside of that day, but But the query failed; even the chicken rations in Alipay were delayed. This is a downgrade strategy, which gathers computing resources for unimportant services to ensure the current core business;

  • During Double Eleven, Alipay strongly recommends using Huabei for payment instead of bank card payment. Although part of the consideration is to improve the stickiness of the software, on the other hand, using Yu'e Bao actually uses Alipay The internal server has fast access speed, but using a bank card requires calling the bank interface, which is much slower in comparison.

The summary of MySQL optimization ends here. There are many details not mentioned, which makes me feel that this article is not perfect. However, there are too many knowledge points to cover in detail. It is impossible to write them all down at once. Let’s write them down later.

[Related recommendations: mysql video tutorial]

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