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The 11 most popular PHP frameworks in 2023

Release: 2023-02-18 11:19:38
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What is PHP framework? Why use PHP framework? This article will talk to you about the advantages of PHP frameworks, and summarize and share 11 of the most popular PHP frameworks in 2023. I hope it will be helpful to everyone!

1: What is the PHP framework?

The PHP framework is simply written in the PHP language. It can improve development efficiency, create more stable programs, and reduce repeated writing by developers during the project development process. As for the code infrastructure, the most popular ones in China are ThinkPHP and Laravel frameworks.

PHP中文网"The 23rd Three-month Live Class for PHP Novices to Daniels"We chose the ThinkPHP6 framework, which is the most commonly used in China and is the most suitable for entry-level teaching. (Note: 23 will start on March 9, 2023)

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The 11 most popular PHP frameworks in 2023
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2: Why use the PHP framework?

There are many advantages to using a PHP framework compared to coding from scratch using the native PHP language.

1. Speed ​​up development progress

Because the PHP framework has built-in libraries and tools, it greatly shortens the time required for project development.

For example, the CakePHP framework has the Bake command line tool, which can quickly create any framework code needed in the application. Several popular PHP frameworks have integrated the PHPUnit library for easy testing.

2. Less code to write

Using the functions built into the framework means that there is no need to write too much original code.

3. There are many functional resource libraries

There are many common tasks that developers need to perform in web applications, such as form validation, data cleaning and CRUD operations ( Create, read, update and delete).

Using the framework, you don’t have to write your own functions for these tasks, just use the functions encapsulated by the framework.

4. Follow good coding practices

PHP frameworks usually follow coding best practices, for example, they neatly divide the code into multiple directories based on functionality. .

The 11 most popular PHP frameworks in 2023

#These directories force you to organize your code in a cleaner, neater, and more maintainable way.

The framework also has its own naming conventions for variables, directories, spaces, etc. You should follow these conventions.

5. More secure than applications written by yourself

There may be many PHP security threats after the project goes online, including cross-site scripting, SQL injection attacks and cross-site requests Forgery. Unless you take the correct countermeasures to protect your program, your PHP web application will be vulnerable to attacks.

While using a PHP framework does not replace writing secure code, it can minimize the opportunities for hackers to exploit vulnerabilities. Good frameworks have built-in data cleaning capabilities that protect against the common threats mentioned above.

6. Better teamwork

Projects developed by the team may go wrong if the following aspects are not clear:

  • Documentation

  • Design Decisions

  • Normative Standards

Use a framework to set clear goals for the project basic rules. Even if other developers are unfamiliar with the framework, they are able to quickly learn and work together.

7. Easy to maintain

The PHP framework encourages code refactoring and promotes DRY development (DRY-Don't Repeat Yourself), resulting in a more streamlined The code base requires less maintenance.

You also don’t have to worry about maintaining the framework core because the framework developers will do it for you.

3: What you need to know before using the PHP framework

1. PHP native basics

Before using the PHP framework, you must first master the native basics of PHP!

If you don’t have a good grasp of the language, it will be difficult for you to master the PHP encapsulated framework.

Recommended tutorials:

Free public welfare courses:

01. "Little White Savior: PHP7 Basics" Quick syntax preview》

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02.《php8, I’ll do it》

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2. 面向对象

了解PHP面向对象编程也是必不可少的一步,因为大多数现代PHP框架都是面向对象的,确保理解类、对象、继承、方法、 traits和访问修饰符等概念。

3. 数据库


4. 对象关系映射(ORM)模型


许多PHP框架都内置了自己的ORM,例如,Laravel使用了Eloquent ORM。其他框架则使用一种类似于ORM的开源原则。

5. WEB服务器环境



6. 模型-视图-控制器架构模式


The 11 most popular PHP frameworks in 2023



  • 模型是关于数据的,

  • 视图是关于页面渲染的,

  • 控制器是关于行为的。




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  • 模型:数据库

  • 视图:一个或多个HTML页面

  • 控制器:访问和更新数据库的功能

7. 命令行界面(CLI)

Laravel有自己的CLI Artisan控制台。使用Artisan中的“生成”命令,可以快速构建项目的模型、控制器和其他组件。

熟悉命令行也是使用Composer PHP包管理器的关键。Yii框架是使用Composer来安装和管理项目依赖 (应用程序运行所需的包)的几种框架之一。


The 11 most popular PHP frameworks in 2023






The PHP framework should meet the technical requirements of your project, most frameworks have a minimum PHP version and certain PHP extensions they use.

Additionally, you need to make sure that the framework you choose supports the database you choose and that you can use the framework with the web server you are deploying to.

Choose a framework with balanced functionality. For some projects, a feature-rich framework can be a boon, and if you don't need many features, then opt for a stripped-down framework.

Some important features include:

  • Testing

  • ##Cache Storage

  • Template Engine: A way to output PHP in HTML using PHP classes

  • Safety

If you need to build scalable applications Program, please choose a framework that supports the above functions.

Finally, if you want to use the PHP framework flexibly, you cannot do without good documentation and ecological support.

A framework with a large and vibrant community is also more likely to stand the test of time and be able to help you when you get stuck.

Six: What are the best PHP frameworks in 2022?

The following are some of the best PHP frameworks currently in use:

1.ThinkPHP (Most used in China, easy to get started, suitable for beginners )

2. Laravel (Most used in the world, known as the most elegant framework, difficult to get started)

#3. Symfony

4. CodeIgniter (referred to as CI, very lightweight)

5. Zend Framework / Laminas Project

6. Yii (Framework) (mostly used in domestic and foreign trade industries)

7. CakePHP

8. Slim

9. Phalcon

10. FuelPHP

##11. Fat-Free Framework


The 11 most popular PHP frameworks in 2023ThinkPHP was developed by Chinese people and is a free, open source, object-oriented, lightweight PHP development framework. Born in early 2006, it is the most used in China. The 23rd PHP live class teaching project of

php Chinese website

uses ThinkPHP6, which is very suitable for beginners! Popular version

    ThinkPHP5.x: Launched in 2015, MVC mode, supports PHP>=5.6
  • ThinkPHP6. x: Newly launched in 2019, start using Composer to install and update, support PHP>=7.1

Billed as the "PHP framework for web craftsmen," Laravel was developed by Taylor Otwell, who wanted a framework that included features that CodeIgniter didn't have, such as user authentication. The 11 most popular PHP frameworks in 2023

Laravel quick introduction

Release date: June 2011

Current version: Laravel8 - Released on September 8, 2020.

Technical requirements:

##PHP>=7.2.5 (or use Laravel Homestead)

  • Supports Composer installation

  • The database supports MySQL 5.6, PostgreSQL 9.4, SQLite 3.8.8, and SQL Server 2017.

  • Advantages of Laravel

Laravel Homestead is Lavarel’s official pre-packaged Vagrant Box, which provides you with an excellent development environment. There is no need for you to install PHP, Web server and any other server software on your local machine. Mom no longer has to worry about messing up your operating system! If you are a Mac user, you can also choose to use Laravel Valet as your development environment. Laravel Valet supports frameworks such as Symfony, CakePHP 3, Slim and Zend, and WordPress.

Laravel uses a template engine called Blade. One advantage it has over other template engines is that it can use PHP in Blade, which other engines cannot.

Packalyst is a collection of Laravel software packages, with more than 15,000 software packages that can be used in projects.

Laravel provides a range of security features and methods, including the following:


  • Authorization

  • Email Verification

  • Encryption

  • Hash

  • Password reset

Laravel Eloquent ORM and Fluent Query Builder prevent SQL injection attacks when using PDO parameter binding.

Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection is also enabled by default, and whenever you define an HTML form in your application, you should include a hidden CSRF _token field in the form.

Artisan Console for Laravel The command line tool speeds up development by allowing developers to automate repetitive tasks and quickly generate framework code.

If you need to benchmark PHP, Laravel is the fastest PHP framework you can choose from.

The Laravel ecosystem has several useful tools, such as Mix for compiling CSS and JS resources, and Socialite for OAuth authentication.

Laravel benefits from a large developer community (like WordPress).

The editor has compiled some community addresses for you:

  • Laracasts: Learning portal including courses, blogs, podcasts and forums

  • Laravel.io: A community portal with over 45,000 users.

  • The Laravel subreddit: A community portal for 50,000 Laravel artisans.

  • laravel video tutorial:


  • laravel technical articles:


Course Recommendation:

#Laravel 9 Newly launched on the Chinese website "Laravel 9 is the time to learn - nanny-level tutorial, it is difficult to learn!"

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The 11 most popular PHP frameworks in 2023

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This course will start from scratch and teach you how to use the world’s most popular Develop any project with the popular PHP framework, saving you a lot of development and maintenance time and improving development efficiency!

Opening address:


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The 11 most popular PHP frameworks in 2023

Symfony is both a PHP framework and A collection of PHP components for building websites.

Symfony quick introduction

Release date: October 2005

Current version: Symfony5.1.4

Technical requirements:
  • PHP>=7.2.5
  • Support Composer installation

Symfony Advantages

Symfony is the best choice for websites and applications that require scalability. Its modular component system is flexible, allowing you to choose the components you need for a variety of projects.

Symfony supports most databases in popular PHP frameworks:
  • Drizzle
  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL
  • SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere
  • SQLite
  • SQLServer

The best way to interact with the database is through the Doctrine ORM.

Symfony uses a data mapper to map objects to the database. This will keep the object model and database schema separate, which means if you need to change a column of the data table, you don’t need to make multiple changes in the code base. .

Using the built-in toolbarDebugging

Debugging a Symfony project is very easy.

Symfony uses the Twig

template engine which is easy to learn, fast and secure.

Packagist lists more than 4000 Symfony packages

ready for you to download and use.

Symfony has commercial support from Sensio Labs. This means that unlike most other PHP frameworks, Symfony has a professional support team and it also has long-term version support, with a support period of 3 years.


The 11 most popular PHP frameworks in 2023







  • PHP>=7.2

  • 数据库支持MySQL、PostgreSQL、SQLite3











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The 11 most popular PHP frameworks in 2023

Zend Framework / Laminas Project

The 11 most popular PHP frameworks in 2023

Zend框架是一个久负盛名的PHP框架,现在正在向Laminas Project过渡。

如果您的项目正在使用Zend, 小编强烈建议您将项目迁移到Laminas,因为Zend不再更新。

Laminas Project由3部分组成:

1. Laminas组件和MVC

2. Mezzio

3. Laminas API工具

Laminas 快速了解


当前版本:3.0.0 (Zend) or 1.3.0 (Laminas)


  • PHP>=5.6(Zend)或>=7.3(Laminas)

  • 支持Composer方式的安装

  • 数据库支持MariaDB、MySQL、Oracle、IBM DB2、Microsoft SQL Server、PostgreSQL、SQLite和Informix Dynamic Server


Zend框架的下载量超过5.7亿,它也是企业使用最多的PHP框架。Zend遵循PHP框架互操作组(PHP Framework Interop Group 简称为PHP-FIG)标准,这意味着其代码可以轻松地移植到其他框架。

与Symfony一样,您可以使用所需的组件,您可以使用Zend构建RESTful API。


Yii (Framework)

1The 11 most popular PHP frameworks in 2023

这个框架的名字叫Yii,在汉语中的意思是“简单而进化”。它还代表“Yes, It Is!”

Yii 快速了解




  • PHP>=5.4.0 推荐PHP7以上版本

  • 支持Composer方式的安装

  • 数据库支持SQLite、MySQL、PostgreSQL、MSSQL或Oracle

Yii 的优点




1The 11 most popular PHP frameworks in 2023





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1The 11 most popular PHP frameworks in 2023


CakePHP 快速了解




  • PHP>=7.2 推荐PHP7.4

  • 支持Composer方式的安装

  • 数据库支持MySQL 5.6+, MariaDB 5.6+, PostgreSQL 9.4+, SQLite 3.8, SQL Server 2012+






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1The 11 most popular PHP frameworks in 2023


Slim 快速了解




  • PHP>=7.2

  • 具有URL重写的Web服务器




Slim很容易学习和理解。你可以在几分钟内运行一个“Hello World”应用程序。Slim被Sland网站上的开发人员评为最佳的PHP框架。

1The 11 most popular PHP frameworks in 2023



The 11 most popular PHP frameworks in 2023


Phalcon 快速了解




  • PHP>=7.2

  • PSR扩展



  • 架构简单。

  • Zephir、C扩展和PHP的一次性加载。

  • 代码是编译的,而不是解释的,因此速度更快。

  • 内存常驻,意味着您可以随时在需要时调用它。

  • 与大多数其他PHP框架不同,Phalcon不使用文件读取和文件统计信息,从而提高了性能。



遇到任何问题,您可以通过Phalcon的文档、论坛、Discord chat、Stack Overflow和多个社交媒体平台寻求解决方案与支持。


1The 11 most popular PHP frameworks in 2023


FuelPHP 快速了解




  • PHP>=5.4

  • 任何wed服务器


FuelPHP也采用了MVC架构模式,但也支持HMVC(Hierarchical Model View Controller),即在控制器和视图之间添加另一层。


  • 更好的代码组织

  • 更大的模块化

  • 更具扩展性

  • 鼓励代码重用



  • 输出编码 

  • CSRF保护 

  • 输入、URI和XSS过滤 

  • 用户的输入会被转义后才参与组建SQL语句

FuelPHP has its own command line utility - oil, which you can use to perform tasks, debug code and generate public components.

In addition, FuelPHP’s ORM function is very powerful, but it is also very lightweight. You can join the FuelPHP community on the FuelPHP forum, Facebook and Twitter.


The 11 most popular PHP frameworks in 2023

##Like Slim, Fat-Free-Framework (referred to as F3 ) is also a micro-framework that aims to achieve a balance between efficient features, framework simplicity, ease of use, and speed.

Fat-Free-Framework quick introduction

Release date: 2009

Current version: Fat-Free-Framework3.7.2

Technical requirements:

  • PHP>=5.4

  • The database supports MySQL, SQLite, MSSQL/Sybase, PostgreSQL and MongoDB.

Advantages of Fat-Free-Framework

The code base of F3 is about 65Kb, so it runs very fast, even though it is very light , F3 still has all the features you expect. You can extend the framework as needed using optional plugins.

F3 is very easy to get started with. It works right out of the box. No need to use Composer, curl or dependency injection to get started. You can create a Hello World application in minutes.

Almost all elements of F3 are modular, so you can use only the parts you need to build your web application. F3 by default does not add code you don’t need, making your application Stay in the most "capable" state.

F3’s documentation is also very clear and easy to understand, with a large number of example demonstrations. The Fat-Free framework offers a choice of template engines: you can use PHP, F3's own template engine, or other template engines such as Smarty or Twig.

F3 developers are generally active on Slack and the Fat-Free Framework Google Group.

Seven: Which PHP framework is best for beginners?

For beginners, it is best to choose frameworks that are simpler and more suitable for Chinese people in the starting stage, such as the ThinkPHP framework.

The 11 most popular PHP frameworks in 2023

The 11 most popular PHP frameworks in 2023

After beginners master the simple framework, you can enter a field with richer functions, and then come into contact with complex and large-scale Frameworks such as laravel are more convenient and will not dampen the enthusiasm for learning.

So which PHP framework is your favorite and why? Let us know in the comments below!

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