Keyboard events
- In
we usually bind an event to get the code of the key, and then pass ## in event
#keyCode Attribute to get the code
If we need to implement a fixed key to trigger the event, we need to constantly judge, which is actually very troublesome-
let button = document.querySelector('button')
button.onkeyup = function (e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
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- vue
provides aliases for some commonly used keys. We only need to add the response alias after the event.
- vue
Common aliases are:
up/ Up arrow,
down/down arrow,
left/left arrow,
right/right arrow,
tab/line feed,
enter/carriage return,
// 只有按下回车键时才会执行 send 方法
<input v-on:keyup.enter="send" type="text">
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For keys that do not provide aliases in - Vue
, you can use the original
key value to bind. The so-called
key value is
event.key Obtained value
If the - key
value is a single letter, you can use it directly. If it is a camel case name consisting of multiple words, you need to split it and use
- Connection
// 只有按下q键时才会执行send方法
<input v-on:keyup.Q="send" type="text">
// 只有按下capslock键时才会执行send方法
<input v-on:keyup.caps-lock="send" type="text">
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For system modifiers - ctrl
shift these comparisons For the use of complex keys, there are two situations
Because these keys can be pressed while pressing other keys to form a combination shortcut key- When the trigger event is
- keydown
, we can directly press the modifier to trigger
When the trigger event is - keyup
, when pressing the modifier key, press other keys at the same time, and then release other keys , the event can be triggered.
// keydown事件时按下alt键时就会执行send方法
<input v-on:keydown.Alt="send" type="text">
// keyup事件时需要同时按下组合键才会执行send方法
<input v-on:keyup.Alt.y="send" type="text">
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Of course we can also customize the key alias - through
- Vue.config.keyCodes. Custom key name = key code
// 只有按下回车键时才会执行send方法
<input v-on:keydown.autofelix="send" type="text">
// 13是回车键的键码,将他的别名定义为autofelix
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Picture preview
We often need to use picture preview in projects, - viewerjs
is a very cool picture preview Plug-in
Function support includes image enlargement, reduction, rotation, dragging, switching, stretching, etc.- Installation
- viewerjs
npm install viewerjs --save
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Introduce and configure the function-
import Vue from 'vue';
import 'viewerjs/dist/viewer.css';
import Viewer from 'v-viewer';
'inline': true,
'button': true, //右上角按钮
"navbar": true, //底部缩略图
"title": true, //当前图片标题
"toolbar": true, //底部工具栏
"tooltip": true, //显示缩放百分比
"movable": true, //是否可以移动
"zoomable": true, //是否可以缩放
"rotatable": true, //是否可旋转
"scalable": true, //是否可翻转
"transition": true, //使用 CSS3 过度
"fullscreen": true, //播放时是否全屏
"keyboard": true, //是否支持键盘
"url": "data-source",
ready: function (e) {
console.log(e.type, '组件以初始化');
show: function (e) {
console.log(e.type, '图片显示开始');
shown: function (e) {
console.log(e.type, '图片显示结束');
hide: function (e) {
console.log(e.type, '图片隐藏完成');
hidden: function (e) {
console.log(e.type, '图片隐藏结束');
view: function (e) {
console.log(e.type, '视图开始');
viewed: function (e) {
console.log(e.type, '视图结束');
// 索引为 1 的图片旋转20度
if (e.detail.index === 1) {
zoom: function (e) {
console.log(e.type, '图片缩放开始');
zoomed: function (e) {
console.log(e.type, '图片缩放结束');
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Use the picture preview plug-in- Use a single picture
<img :src="cover" style="cursor: pointer;" height="80px">
export default {
data() {
return {
cover: "//"
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<viewer :images="imgList">
<img v-for="(imgSrc, index) in imgList" :key="index" :src="imgSrc" />
export default {
data() {
return {
imgList: [
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This is a fun special effects technique- For example, when you pick up people at the airport, you can use the marquee special effects on your mobile phone. Become the most handsome boy in the crowd
- The marquee special effect is actually to delete the first text and add it to the last one, thus forming the effect of text movement
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<style type="text/css">
#app {
padding: 20px;
<div id="app">
<button @click="run">应援</button>
<button @click="stop">暂停</button>
<h3>{{ msg }}</h3>
<script src=""></script>
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
msg: "飞兔小哥,飞兔小哥,我爱飞兔小哥~~~",
timer: null // 定时器
methods: {
run() {
// 如果timer已经赋值就返回
if (this.timer) return;
this.timer = setInterval(() => {
// msg分割为数组
var arr = this.msg.split('');
// shift删除并返回删除的那个,push添加到最后
// 把数组第一个元素放入到最后面
// arr.join('')吧数组连接为字符串复制给msg
this.msg = arr.join('');
}, 100)
stop() {
this.timer = null;
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There are many applications for the countdown technique- For example, when there are many rush-buying products, we need to have a countdown to remind users of the time to start the rush
- In fact, it is every other Seconds, recalculate the time and assign it to
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<div id="app">
<script src=""></script>
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data() {
return {
count: '', //倒计时
seconds: 864000 // 10天的秒数
mounted() {
this.Time() //调用定时器
methods: {
// 天 时 分 秒 格式化函数
countDown() {
let d = parseInt(this.seconds / (24 * 60 * 60))
d = d < 10 ? "0" + d : d
let h = parseInt(this.seconds / (60 * 60) % 24);
h = h < 10 ? "0" + h : h
let m = parseInt(this.seconds / 60 % 60);
m = m < 10 ? "0" + m : m
let s = parseInt(this.seconds % 60);
s = s < 10 ? "0" + s : s
this.count = d + '天' + h + '时' + m + '分' + s + '秒'
Time() {
setInterval(() => {
this.seconds -= 1
}, 1000)
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Customized right-click menu
In the project, we sometimes You need to customize the options that appear with the right mouse button instead of the browser's default right-click options- How to implement the right-click menu is actually very simple in
- Vue
, just use
vue-contextmenujs Plug-in can be installed
- vue-contextmenujs
npm install vue-contextmenujs
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import Vue from 'vue';
import Contextmenu from "vue-contextmenujs"
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How to use- You can use
You can add icons to options
You can use- style
Style of label customization option
You can use - disabled
You can click the attribute to disable the option
You can use - divided:true
Set the underline of the option
You can use - children
to set sub-options
.custom-class .menu_item__available:hover,
.custom-class .menu_item_expand {
background: lightblue !important;
color: #e65a65 !important;
<div style="width:100vw;height:100vh" @contextmenu.prevent="onContextmenu"></div>
import Vue from 'vue'
import Contextmenu from "vue-contextmenujs"
export default {
methods: {
onContextmenu(event) {
items: [
label: "返回",
onClick: () => {
// 添加点击事件后的自定义逻辑
{ label: "前进", disabled: true },
{ label: "重载", divided: true, icon: "el-icon-refresh" },
{ label: "打印", icon: "el-icon-printer" },
label: "翻译",
divided: true,
minWidth: 0,
children: [{ label: "翻译成中文" }, { label: "翻译成英文" }]
label: "截图",
minWidth: 0,
children: [
label: "截取部分",
onClick: () => {
// 添加点击事件后的自定义逻辑
{ label: "截取全屏" }
event, // 鼠标事件信息
customClass: "custom-class", // 自定义菜单 class
zIndex: 3, // 菜单样式 z-index
minWidth: 230 // 主菜单最小宽度
return false;
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Print function
Supports printing function for web pages, which is also common in many projects - To use the printing function in Vue, you can use the
- vue-print-nb
installation- vue-print-nb
npm install vue-print-nb --save
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Introducing printing service-
import Vue from 'vue'
import Print from 'vue-print-nb'
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Use- Use the
- v-print
command to start the printing function
<div id="printStart">
<button v-print="'#printStart'">打印</button>
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JSONP request
- jsonp
is one of the main ways to
solve cross-domain issues
So learn how to It is actually very important to use - jsonp
Installation- jsonp
npm install vue-jsonp --save-dev
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// 在vue2中注册服务
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueJsonp from 'vue-jsonp'
// 在vue3中注册服务
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import VueJsonp from 'vue-jsonp'
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Usage method- It should be noted that after using
- jsonp
to request data, the callback is not
then Instead of executing
in the custom - callbackName
, it needs to be mounted on the
window object
export default {
data() {...},
created() {
mounted() {
window.jsonpCallback = (data) => {
// 返回后回调
methods: {
getUserInfo() {
this.$jsonp(this.url, {
callbackQuery: "callbackParam",
callbackName: "jsonpCallback"
.then((json) => {
// 返回的jsonp数据不会放这里,而是在 window.jsonpCallback
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