Absolute tags in html5: 1. basefont, used to define the default color, size and font of all text in the document; 2. big, used to make larger text; 3. font, specifying the text Font, font size, font color; 4. s, identifies incorrect, inaccurate or useless text; 5. strike, defines strikethrough text; 6. tt, defines typewriter text; 7. u, defines Underlined text; 8. frameset, defines a frameset; 9. dir, defines a directory list.

The operating environment of this tutorial: Windows 7 system, CSS3&&HTML5 version, Dell G3 computer.
HTML5 obsolete tags (elements)
1. Tags that can be replaced by CSS
Among some of the tags before html5, some tags are purely used for display effects. 2. H5 continues the separation of content and performance, leaving more of the display effects to CSS. Therefore, the abandoned tags in this regard are: <basefont>
, <big>
, <font>
, <s>
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- <big>: Used to make larger text.
- <font>: Specifies the font, font size, and font color of the text.
- <s>: Identifies text that is incorrect, inaccurate, or useless. This tag should not be used to define replaced or deleted text. If you want to define replacement or deleted text, use the
- <strike>: Define strikethrough text.
- <tt>: Define typewriter text.
- <u>: Define underlined text.
2. Frame is no longer supported
Since frame has a negative impact on page usability, frame is no longer supported in HTML5. But iframe framework is supported. Therefore, the