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What is the use of javascript arrays

Release: 2022-09-14 12:07:48
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In JavaScript, an array is a collection of ordered data, used to store large amounts of data. Multiple data can be stored at one time, and the length of the array can be dynamically adjusted; by using arrays, it can be Shorten and simplify program code to a large extent, thereby improving application efficiency.

What is the use of javascript arrays

The operating environment of this tutorial: windows7 system, javascript version 1.8.5, Dell G3 computer.

JavaScript Array is a collection of ordered data. Each member in the array is called an element, and the name (key) of each element is called the array index (Index). The length of the array is flexible and readable and writable; that is, the length of the array can be dynamically adjusted.

The role of arrays: Storing a large amount of data, multiple data can be stored at one time. By using arrays, program code can be shortened and simplified to a great extent, thereby increasing the efficiency of the application.

In JavaScript, you can use the Array object to define an array. In addition, the Array object also provides various properties and methods related to arrays.

Definition of array: Array Abbreviation: arr

Array is a data container in JS. It is one of the reference types.

Its function is very simple, it is used to hold multiple data, and The length of the array can be dynamically adjusted.

How to create array:

  • ##Literal

  • Constructor

Literal syntax:

var array name = [member 1, member 2, member 3, ...];

Array elements are separated by commas;

What is the use of javascript arrays

Constructor syntax:

var array name = new Array(member 1, member 2, member 3, ...) (at least there must be two or more array elements;) Small bug: when the parameterWhen there is only one parameter and the type of the parameter is a number, it will be regarded as the length of the array ;

var arr = new Arry(5 ); console.log(arr); The output result is:

var array name = new Array();

var arr = new Array ();//Create a new empty array

Note that Array 0, A must be capitalized

The array consists of two parts:

1: Index (also called subscript),

The subscript starts from 0;

2. Members (array elements):

Members have no restrictions and can be any type of data; It can be a string, it can be a number, it can be a Boolean value, it can be undefined, it can be null, it can also be an array;

What is the use of javascript arrays

##Get array elements:

The value of the array:

Array name [subscript]; The subscript starts from zero;

/ / Format: Array name [subscript] Subscript is also called index

/ Function: Get the value corresponding to the subscript of the array. If the subscript does not exist, undefined is returned. var arr = ['red',, 'green', 'blue'];


); // red console.log(arr[2]
) ; // blue aconsole.log(arr[3]
); // The maximum subscript of this array is 2. There is no such array element, so the output result is undefined ;

Add members/modify members through index:

// 构造函数定义一个数组
var arr = new Array('张三', '李四', '王五', '赵六')

// 添加成员
arr[4] = '龚七'
console.log(arr)  //张三', '李四', '王五', '赵六','龚七'
// 修改成员
arr[0] = '王老五'
console.log(arr)  //'王老五', '李四', '王五', '赵六'
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Special case: Setting multiple members through index will cause interruption in the middle On, empty; prohibited!

var arr = ["a", "b"];

arr[5] = "good";

console.log (arr); //


 What is the use of javascript arrays

What is the use of javascript arrays



 var  arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];

length表示数组的长度 它会跟着数组实时发生变化(动态监测数组元素的个数)

 console.log(arr.length)   //数组成员的个数: 8

 length属性可读可写  它也会影响数组的成员个数 但是我们一般不会主动修改该属性;

var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];

arr.length = 3;



What is the use of javascript arrays

What is the use of javascript arrays

What is the use of javascript arrays


What is the use of javascript arrays


What is the use of javascript arrays

数组元素转字符串,并分割开:    推荐: 数组名.join("连接符")

What is the use of javascript arrays


1What is the use of javascript arrays

1What is the use of javascript arrays


1What is the use of javascript arrays


unshift   头增       数组名.unshift("value")

作用:头部增加 (可以增加多个)



var arr = ['张三', '李四', '王五', '赵六'];
var result = arr.unshift('王二',刘一)
console.log(result); // 6
// ["王二", "刘一","张三", "李四", "王五", "赵六"]
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push   尾增   数组名.push("value")

作用:尾部增加 (可以增加多个)



var arr = ['张三', '李四', '王五', '赵六'];
var result = arr.push('王二',"刘一")
console.log(result); // 6
console.log(arr); // ["张三", "李四", "王五", "赵六", "王二","刘一"]
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shift   头删    数组名.shift()   只删除第一个,()括号内为空;




var arr = ['张三', '李四', '王五', '赵六'];
var result = arr.shift()
console.log(result); // 张三
console.log(arr) //  ['李四', '王五', '赵六'];
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 pop   尾删    数组名.pop()   只删除最后一个,()括号内为空;




var arr = ['张三', '李四', '王五', '赵六'];
var result = arr.pop();
console.log(result); // 赵六
console.log(arr) //["张三", "李四", "王五"]
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concat      拼接,合并;   数组名.concat("value")





var arr1 = [1, 2, 3];

var arr2 = [4, 5, 6];

var newArr = arr1.concat(arr2, "good", true, 1);

console.log(arr1); // 1,2,3

console.log(arr2); //4,5,6

console.log(newArr); //1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, "good", true, 1

slice  截取     数组名.slice(start,end)   参数是下标; 包括开头,不包括结尾;




  1. 没有参数 截取全部

  2. 一个参数 从指定位置截取到最后(包括最后)

  3. 两个参数 从指定开始位置截取到指定的结束位置 1. 这两个参数都是下标 2. 开始位置(包含) 3. 结束位置(不包含) 4. 第二个参数要比第一个大;

  4. 参数可以是负数,负数是从后面开始,最后一个是-1;


没有参数 (截取全部的)
var arr = ['张三', '李四', '王五', '赵六'];
var arr1 = arr.slice();
console.log(arr1)  //  ["张三", "李四", "王五", "赵六"]

一个参数 (从指定位置截取到最后(包括最后))
var arr = ['张三', '李四', '王五', '赵六'];
var arr2 = arr.slice(1);
console.log(arr2) // ["李四", "王五", "赵六"]

两个参数 (包括开始,不包括结尾)
var arr = ['张三', '李四', '王五', '赵六'];
var arr3 = arr.slice(1, 3);
console.log(arr3) // ["李四", "王五"]

参数为负数; (还是第二个参数要比第一个大)

var arr = ['张三', '李四', '王五', '赵六','刘一'];
var arr3 = arr.slice(-3, -1);
console.log(arr3) // ["王五","赵六"]

PS: 如果参数是负数 那么表示从后往前数 最后一个值是-1

 splice    操作数组     数组名.splice(参数1,参数2,参数3)



  • 参数1:操作开始位置; (从第几个索引号后开始, 可以看成直接从顺序的第几个后开始的)
  • 参数2:删除的成员个数; (为0,是添加)
  • 参数3:从第三个参数开始是添加的成员;



// 删除

var arr = ['张三', '李四', '王五', '赵六'];
var result = arr.splice(1, 2)
console.log(result); // ["李四", "王五"]
console.log(arr); // ["张三", "赵六"]   
// 插入   第二个参数为0;

var arr = ['张三', '李四', '王五', '赵六'];
var  result = arr.splice(2, 0, '小绵羊');
console.log(result); // []
console.log(arr) // ["张三", "李四", "小绵羊", "王五", "赵六"]
// 替换   第一个参数从哪里开始, 第二个参数删除几个,第三个参数...添加的新成员;

var arr =['张三', '李四', '王五', '赵六'];
var result = arr.splice(2, 1, '小绵羊', '大绵羊');
console.log(result); // ["王五"]
console.log(arr) // ["张三", "李四", "小绵羊", "大绵羊","赵六"]
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如果只有一个参数 则第二个参数默认为删除所有;

var arr = ['张三', '李四', '王五', '赵六'];

var result = arr.splice(2);

console.log(result);  // ["王五","赵六"]

console.log(arr) // ["张三", "李四"]

indexOf      数组名.indexOf("数组元素")

作用: 查找


返回值:下标(索引);      若有该成员返回该索引; 若没有就返回-1

 var arr = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"];

var idx = arr.indexOf("d"); //3

var idx = arr.indexOf("aa"); //-1


 join    数组名.join("连接符")



参数: 拼接符号(可选)

数组名.join()  不写内容,默认是逗号,  ;

数组名.join(''), '' 没有空格隔开, 数组直接相连;

数组名.join('   ')  空格隔开, 空格


var arr =['张三', '李四', '王五', '赵六'];
var str = arr.join();
console.log(str); // 张三,李四,王五,赵六

var str1 = arr.join('+');
console.log(str1); // 张三+李四+王五+赵六 

var str2 = arr.join('❤');
console.log(str2); // 张三❤李四❤王五❤赵六
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 reverse  数组倒叙     数组名.reverse()   括号内不跟参数;





var arr =['张三', '李四', '王五', '赵六'];
console.log(arr) // ["张三", "李四", "王五", "赵六"]

var arr1 = arr.reverse();
console.log(arr1) // ["赵六", "王五", "李四", "张三"]
console.log(arr === arr1) // true
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console.log(arr)  // ["赵六", "王五", "李四", "张三"]     //会改变原数组;


1What is the use of javascript arrays

sort      排序         数组名.sort(函数)  升序或降序



参数:规则函数; 不跟参数(//不跟参数,会先转为字符串,然后按照ascii码排序首字母排;)


var arr = [89, 96, 45, 66, 78, 3, 100, 1];

arr.sort(function(a, b) {

return a - b;     // 升序


 console.log(arr);  //   [1, 3, 45, 66, 78, 89, 96, 100];


var arr = [89, 96, 45, 66, 78, 3, 100, 1];

arr.sort(function(a, b) {

return b - a;     // 降序


 console.log(arr);  //   [100, 96, 89, 78, 66, 45, 3, 1];


var arr = [89, 96, 45, 66, 78, 3, 100, 1];

arr.sort();                //不跟参数,会先转为字符串,然后按照ascii码排序首字母排;

console.log(arr);    //[1, 100, 3, 45, 66, 78, 89, 96]


var a = 4;
var b = 5;

// 交换两个变量的值要借助第三个变量
var c = b;
b = a;
a = c;

console.log(a); // 5
console.log(b); // 4
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for (var j = 0; j
  for (var i = 0; i
    if (arr[i] > arr[i + 1]) {
      var temp = arr[i];
      arr[i] = arr[i + 1];
      arr[i + 1] = temp;


要排序 就要比较大小  

First compare the first number with the second number. If the first number is larger, swap positions. After the comparison, the number in the second position of the array must be larger than the first one.

Then take the first number After comparing the second and third numbers, the third number in the array must be larger than the number in the second position.

And so on, after one round of comparison, the final number must be the largest

The second round continues the comparison from the beginning. After the second round, the second largest number can be determined

The third round...

to the end.

// // The outer loop determines the execution of the inner loop Number of times

for (var j = 0; j


                                                 (var i = 0; i

// Determine if the front is larger and the back is smaller, then exchange

if (arr[i ] > arr[i 1]) {

var temp = arr[i];

arr[i] = arr[i 1];

arr[i 1]=temp;

##Two-dimensional array

Each member of an array is also an array, which is called a two-dimensional array.

One-dimensional array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Two-dimensional array:


[1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6],

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]



Method to clear the array:

// Method 1 recommendedarr = [ ];

// Method 2arr.length = 0;
// Method 3
arr.splice(0, arr.length);
[Recommended learning:
javascript advanced tutorial

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