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What are the new js basic data types in es6?

Release: 2022-10-17 17:53:42
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ES6 newly added basic data types: 1. Symbol type, which represents a unique value, that is, a Symbol instance is unique and immutable; it is generated because it is used as a unique mark and then used as a non- Object attributes in the form of strings ensure that object attributes use unique identifiers and there is no danger of attribute conflicts. 2. The BigInt type provides support for integers of any length, mainly to express integers greater than "2^53-1".

What are the new js basic data types in es6?

The operating environment of this tutorial: Windows 7 system, ECMAScript version 6, Dell G3 computer.

Basic data types Also known as primitive data types, including String, Number, Boolean, undefined, null, Symbol, BigInt, among which Symbol and BigInt New for ES6.

Symbol type

Symbol is a new data type introduced in ECMAScript6, which represents a unique value. Symbols are primitive values ​​(the underlying data type), and Symbol instances are unique and immutable. It is generated because it is used to uniquely mark and then be used as object attributes in non-string form. It is to ensure that object attributes use unique identifiers and there is no danger of attribute conflicts.

Before ES6, the key of an object could only be of string type. However, there was a problem with this, which was that it would cause a key name conflict. The latter would overwrite the former. In this case, a unique value would be needed to serve as the key name. , Symbol was born.

1. Concept

symbol is a basic data type, Symbol() The function returns a value of type symbol, which has static properties and static methods. But it is not a constructor and cannot be created with new Symbol().

let symbol = Symbol();
typeof symbol; // "symbol"
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When Symbol is used as an object attribute, it must be enclosed in square brackets when it is inside the object. If it is not enclosed in square brackets, it represents a string.

let s = Symbol();
let obj = {
  [s]: "Jack",
obj[s]; // "Jack"
obj.s; // undefined
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And when you want to get the value of this attribute, you cannot use the dot operator, because the dot operator is also followed by a string type.

When creating Symbol data types, they are all created with Symbol(). When printed, they are all Symbol(). This makes it difficult to distinguish what each Symbol type variable means. Therefore, the Symbol function can receive a string parameter, which represents the description of the defined Symbol type variable.

let s1 = Symbol("a");
console.log(s1); // Symbol(a)
s1.toString(); // "Symbol(a)"
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If the Symbol type receives an object type, its internal toString method will first be called to convert it into a string, and then a Symbol value will be generated.

let arr = [1, 2, 3];
let s1 = Symbol(arr);
console.log(s1); // Symbol(1,2,3)
let obj = {
  toString: () => "abc",
let s2 = Symbol(obj);
console.log(s2); // Symbol(abc)
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Symbol type variables cannot participate in operations with other variables, and they can only be converted to String type and Boolean type.

let s = Symbol();
console.log("1" + s); // TypeError: Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string
s.toString(); // "Symbol()"
Boolean(s); // true
Number(s); // TypeError: Cannot convert a Symbol value to a number
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##When adding a description to Symbol , the description can be obtained through Symbol.prototype.description.

let s = Symbol("Jack");
s.description; // 'Jack'
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3, Symbol.for(key) and Symbol.keyFor(sym)

When I first saw these two methods, I thought they were two traversal methods.

  • Symbol.for(key): Search for an existing symbol using the given key and return the symbol if found. Otherwise a new symbol will be created in the global symbol registry with the given key.

  • Symbol.keyFor(sym): Retrieve a key for the given symbol from the global symbol registry.

  • let s1 = Symbol.for("foo");
    let s2 = Symbol.for("foo");
    s1 === s2; // true
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Symbol.for will search for a Symbol value with this parameter as its name. If there is, return this Symbol value, otherwise create a new Symbol value named with this string and register it globally. So two values ​​of the same description created by it will be equal. This kind of creation has a completely different result from ordinary Symbol():

let s1 = Symbol("foo");
let s2 = Symbol("foo");
s1 === s2; // false
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Because Symbol() returns a brand-new value no matter what, in other words, the value generated by Symbol() is not registered. In the global, so the returned values ​​​​are all new, and Symbol.for() will first search in the global, and return the value if it is found. If not, create a new value, but the new value is also mounted in the global. of.

Symbol.keyFor(sym) searches for the Symbol value globally, and returns the description if it exists.

let s1 = Symbol.for("Jack");
Symbol.keyFor(s1); // 'Jack'
let s2 = Symbol("Rose");
Symbol.keyFor(s2); // undefined
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Because s2 is not mounted globally, Symbol.keyFor() cannot find it, so it returns undefined.

4. Built-in Symbol attribute#

除了定义自己使用的 Symbol 值以外,ES6 还提供了 13(有可能今后会更多 ?) 个内置的 Symbol 值,指向语言内部使用的方法。

4.1 Symbol.asyncIterator

Symbol.asyncIterator 符号指定了一个对象的默认异步迭代器。如果一个对象设置了这个属性,它就是异步可迭代对象,可用于 for await...of 循环。换句话说一个异步可迭代对象内部必须有 Symbol.asyncIterator 属性。

const myAsyncIterable = new Object();
myAsyncIterable[Symbol.asyncIterator] = async function* () {
  yield "hello";
  yield "async";
  yield "iteration!";

(async () => {
  for await (const x of myAsyncIterable) {
    // expected output:
    //    "hello"
    //    "async"
    //    "iteration!"
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当执行 for await...of 时,就会执行该变量中 Symbol.asyncIterator 属性值。


Symbol.hasInstance 用于判断某对象是否为某构造器的实例。因此你可以用它自定义 instanceof 操作符在某个类上的行为。换句话说当判断一个实例是否为一个类的实例时,其实就是执行该类里面的 Symbol.hasInstance 属性。

class Fu {
  [Symbol.hasInstance](num) {
    return num === 1;
1 instanceof new Fu(); // true
2 instanceof new Fu(); // false
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内置的 Symbol.isConcatSpreadable 符号用于配置某对象作为 Array.prototype.concat()方法的参数时是否展开其数组元素。

// 默认情况下
let arr = [1, 2, 3];
let brr = [4, 5, 6];
arr.concat(brr); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
// 设置了Symbol.isConcatSpreadable后
let arr = [1, 2, 3];
let brr = [4, 5, 6];
brr[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = false;
arr.concat(brr); // [1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6]]
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将数组的 Symbol.isConcatSpreadable 属性设置为 false 后,使用 concat 方法时该数据就不会展开。

对于类数组而言,默认数组使用 concat 方法该类数组是不展开的,我们可以给类数组的 Symbol.isConcatSpreadable 设置为 true,这样就可以展开了,并且完成了类数组转换为数组,这样类数组转数组又多了一个方法。

// 默认情况下
function foo(x, y) {
  let arr = [].concat(arguments);
  console.log(arr); //[Arguments(2)]
foo(1, 2);
// 设置了Symbol.isConcatSpreadable为true后
function foo(x, y) {
  arguments[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = true;
  let arr = [].concat(arguments);
  console.log(arr); //[1, 2]
foo(1, 2);
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Symbol.iterator 为每一个对象定义了默认的迭代器。该迭代器可以被 for...of 循环使用。

const myIterable = {};
myIterable[Symbol.iterator] = function* () {
  yield 1;
  yield 2;
  yield 3;

[...myIterable]; // [1, 2, 3]
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对象进行 for...of 循环时,会调用 Symbol.iterator 方法,


Symbol.match 指定了匹配的是正则表达式而不是字符串。String.prototype.match() 方法会调用此函数。换句话说就是当 str.match()执行时如果该属性存在,就会返回该方法的返回值。

class foo {
  [Symbol.match](string) {
    return string;
"Jack".match(new foo()); // 'Jack'
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除上述之外,MDN 还提出了该属性另外一个功能:此函数还用于标识对象是否具有正则表达式的行为。比如, String.prototype.startsWith(),String.prototype.endsWith() 和 String.prototype.includes() 这些方法会检查其第一个参数是否是正则表达式,是正则表达式就抛出一个 TypeError。现在,如果 match symbol 设置为 false(或者一个 假值),就表示该对象不打算用作正则表达式对象。

"/bar/".startsWith(/bar/); // TypeError: First argument to String.prototype.startsWith must not be a regular expression
// 当设置为false之后
var re = /foo/;
re[Symbol.match] = false;
"/foo/".startsWith(re); // true
"/baz/".endsWith(re); // false
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Symbol.matchAll 返回一个迭代器,该迭代器根据字符串生成正则表达式的匹配项。此函数可以被 String.prototype.matchAll() 方法调用。

// 等价于
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Symbol.replace 这个属性指定了当一个字符串替换所匹配字符串时所调用的方法。String.prototype.replace() 方法会调用此方法。

String.prototype.replace(searchValue, replaceValue);
// 等同于
searchValue[Symbol.replace](this, replaceValue);
// 例子
class Replace1 {
  constructor(value) {
    this.value = value;
  [Symbol.replace](string) {
    return `s/${string}/${this.value}/g`;

console.log("foo".replace(new Replace1("bar"))); // "s/foo/bar/g"
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Symbol.search 指定了一个搜索方法,这个方法接受用户输入的正则表达式,返回该正则表达式在字符串中匹配到的下标,这个方法由以下的方法来调用 String.prototype.search()。

// 等价于
// 例子
class Search1 {
  [Symbol.search](str) {
    return `${str} Word`;
"Hello".search(new Search1()); // Hello Word
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Symbol.species 是个函数值属性,其被构造函数用以创建派生对象,换句话说 species 访问器属性允许子类覆盖对象的默认构造函数。


// 默认情况下
class MyArray extends Array {}
let arr = new MyArray(1, 2, 3);
let brr = arr.map((item) => item);
brr instanceof MyArray; // true
brr instanceof Array; // true
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类 MyArray 继承于 Array,arr 为 MyArray 的实例,brr 为 arr 的衍生物,所以 brr 是 MyArray 的实例,并且由于原型链的缘故,brr 也是 Array 的实例。如果此时,我们只想让 brr 为 Array 的实例,那 Symbol.species 属性值就派上用场了。

class MyArray extends Array {
  static get [Symbol.species]() {
    return Array;
let arr = new MyArray(1, 2, 3);
let brr = arr.map((item) => item);
brr instanceof MyArray; // false
brr instanceof Array; // true
// 默认情况下
class MyArray extends Array {
  static get [Symbol.species]() {
    return this;
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值得注意的是,定义 Symbol.species 属性时,前面必须声明是静态的 static 并且要运用 get 取值器。


Symbol.split 指向 一个正则表达式的索引处分割字符串的方法。 这个方法通过 String.prototype.split() 调用。

String.prototype.split(separator, limit);
// 等价于
separator[Symbol.split](this, limit);
// 例子
class Split1 {
  [Symbol.split](str) {
    return `${str} Word`;
"Hello".split(new Split1()); // Hello Word
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Symbol.toPrimitive 是一个内置的 Symbol 值,它是作为对象的函数值属性存在的,当一个对象转换为对应的原始值时,会调用此函数。该函数在调用时,会传递一个字符串参数 hint,表示要转换到的原始值的预期类型。字符串 hint 的类型有三种:'number', 'string', 'default'。

let obj =
    [Symbol.toPrimitive](hint) {
      switch (hint) {
        case "number":
          return 123;
        case "string":
          return "123";
        case "default":
          return "default";
          throw new Error();
  } + obj; // 123
`${obj}`; // '123'
obj + ""; // "default"
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Symbol.toStringTag 是一个内置 symbol,它通常作为对象的属性键使用,对应的属性值应该为字符串类型,这个字符串用来表示该对象的自定义类型标签,通常只有内置的 Object.prototype.toString() 方法会去读取这个标签并把它包含在自己的返回值里。通俗点讲就是在 Object.prototype.toString()去判断自定义对象的数据类型时,返回的都是 object,可以通过这个属性来给自定义对象添加类型标签。

Object.prototype.toString.call('123'); // [object String]
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另外一些对象类型则不然,toString() 方法能识别它们是因为引擎为它们设置好了 toStringTag 标签:

Object.prototype.toString.call(new Map()); // "[object Map]"
Object.prototype.toString.call(function* () {}); // "[object GeneratorFunction]"
Object.prototype.toString.call(Promise.resolve()); // "[object Promise]"
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当我们自己定义一个类时,调用 Object.prototype.toString()时,由于没有内部定义 toStringTag 标签,所以只能返回"[object Object]"

class Foo {}
Object.prototype.toString.call(new Foo()); // "[object Object]"
// 设置Symbol.toStringTag
class Foo {
  get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
    return "Foo";
Object.prototype.toString.call(new Foo()); // "[object Foo]"
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Symbol.unscopables 指用于指定对象值,其对象自身和继承的从关联对象的 with 环境绑定中排除的属性名称。说白了其属性就是控制,在 with 词法环境中哪些属性会被 with 删除。

// {
//   copyWithin: true,
//   entries: true,
//   fill: true,
//   find: true,
//   findIndex: true,
//   includes: true,
//   keys: true
// }
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这里简单的讲解一下 with 函数,with 主要是用来对对象取值的,举个简单的例子:

let obj = {};
with (obj) {
  let newa = a;
  let newb = b;
  console.log(newa + newb);
// 等价于
let newa = obj.a;
let newb = obj.b;
console.log(newa + newb);
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with 的 优点: 当 with 传入的值非常复杂时,即当 object 为非常复杂的嵌套结构时,with 就使得代码显得非常简洁。 with 的缺点: js 的编译器会检测 with 块中的变量是否属于 with 传入的对象, 上述例子为例,js 会检测 a 和 b 是否属于 obj 对象,这样就会的导致 with 语句的执行速度大大下降,性能比较差。

回归正题,我们举个例子看一下 Symbol.unscopables 属性的作用。

let obj = {
  foo() {
    return 1;
with(obj) {
  foo(); // 1
// 设置了Symbol.unscopables
let obj = {
  foo() {
    return 1;
  get [Symbol.unscopables]() {
    return {
      foo: true
with(obj) {
  foo(); // Uncaught ReferenceError: foo is not defined
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BigInt 是一种特殊的数字类型,它提供了对任意长度整数的支持。


BigInt 是一个新型的内置类型,主要是为了表达大于 2^53-1 的整数。

我们定义一个 BigInt 类型的数据时有两种方式,第一个是在数字后面加 n,另外一种是调用 BigInt()方法。

let theBigInt = 9007199254740991n;
let alsoHuge = BigInt(9007199254740991); // 9007199254740991n
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当用 typeof 对其进行类型判断时,返回的是 bigint。

let theBigInt = 9007199254740991n;
typeof theBigInt; // bigint
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BigInt 支持以下的运算符,+、*-**% ,并且支持除了>>> (无符号右移)之外的 其他位运算符。

let previousMaxSafe = BigInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); // 9007199254740991n
let maxPlusOne = previousMaxSafe + 1n; // 9007199254740992n
let maxMinusOne = previousMaxSafe - 1n; // 9007199254740990n
let multi = previousMaxSafe * 2n; // 18014398509481982n
let mod = previousMaxSafe % 10n; // 1n
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值得注意的是,BigInt 是不支持单目+运算符的。

+previousMaxSafe; // Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert a BigInt value to a number
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主要原因还是 BigInt 无法和 Number 类型直接运算,如果想要运算的话必须在同一个类型上,但是有一点值得注意的是,当 BigInt 转为 Number 类型时,有可能会丢失精度。

在比较运算符中,BigInt 和 Nunber 类型的之间不是严格相等的。

10n == 10; // true
10n === 10; // false
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Number 和 BigInt 是可以进行比较的。

1n < 2; // true
2n > 1; // true
2n >= 2; // true
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BigInt 拥有两个静态方法:

  • BigInt.asIntN(width, bigint):将 BigInt 值转换为一个-2^width-1 与 2^width-1-1 之间的有符号整数。

  • BigInt.asUintN(width, bigint):将一个 BigInt 值转换为 0 与 2^width-1 之间的无符号整数。


const max = 2n ** (64n - 1n) - 1n;
BigInt.asIntN(64, max); // 9223372036854775807n

const max = 2n ** 64n - 1n;
BigInt.asUintN(64, max); // 18446744073709551615n
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同时 BigInt 还拥有三个实例方法:

  • BigInt.prototype.toLocaleString():返回此数字的 language-sensitive 形式的字符串。覆盖 Object.prototype.toLocaleString() 方法。

  • BigInt.prototype.toString():返回以指定基数(base)表示指定数字的字符串。覆盖 Object.prototype.toString() 方法。

  • BigInt.prototype.valueOf():返回指定对象的基元值。 覆盖 Object.prototype.valueOf() 方法。

let bigint = 3500n;
bigint.toLocaleString(); // "3,500"
bigint.toString(); // "3500"
bigint.valueOf(); // 3500n
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The above is the detailed content of What are the new js basic data types in es6?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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