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Let's talk about how to use Saloon for API integration in Laravel

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How to use Saloon for API integration in Laravel? The following article will introduce to you how to use Saloon for API integration in Laravel. I hope it will be helpful to you!

Let's talk about how to use Saloon for API integration in Laravel

#We’ve all been there, we want to integrate with a third-party API in Laravel, and we ask ourselves “how should I do that?”. I'm no stranger when it comes to API integration, but every time I wonder what's the best approach. Sam Carré built a package in early 2022 called Saloon that makes our API integrations amazing. However, this post will be very different, it will be a walkthrough on how to use it to build an integration from scratch.

Like all great things, it starts with laravel new and goes from there, so let's get started. Now when installing Laravel, you can use laravel installer or composer - this part is up to you. I would recommend the installer if you can, as it provides easy options to do more than just create a project. Create a new project and open it in the code editor of your choice. Once we're there, we're good to go.

What are we going to build? I am very happy to answer this question! We'll build an integration with the GitHub API to get a list of workflows available for the repo. Now, if you're like me and spend a lot of time on the command line, this can be very useful. You're developing an application, pushing changes to a branch or creating a PR - it goes through a workflow that might be running one of many other things. Knowing the status of this workflow can sometimes have a huge impact on what you do next. Is it fully functional? Are there issues with how our workflow is running? Do our tests or static analysis pass? All this you would normally wait and check the repo on GitHub to see the status. This integration will allow you to run artisan commands, get a list of available workflows for the repo, and allow you to trigger new workflows to run.

So by now, composer should have done its job and installed a perfect starting point, a Laravel application. Next we need to install Saloon - but we want to make sure we install the laravel version, so run the following command in the terminal:

composer require sammyjo20/saloon-laravel
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Just like that, we're one step closer to easier integration. If you have any questions at this stage, make sure to check which version of Laravel and PHP you are using, as Saloon requires at least Laravel 8 and PHP 8!

So, now that we have Saloon installed, we need to create a new class. In Saloons terminology, these are "connectors", and all a connector does is create an object-centric way to express - this API through such connections. There is a handy artisan command that allows you to create these, so run the following artisan command to create a GitHub connector:

php artisan saloon:connector GitHub GitHubConnector
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The command is in two parts, the first parameter is the integration you are creating, and the second The parameter is the name of the connector to be created. This means you can create multiple connectors for your integration - connecting them in many different ways if needed.

This will create a new class for you under app/Http/Integrations/GitHub/GitHubConnector.php Let’s take a look to understand what’s going on.

The first thing we see is that our connector extends "SaloonConnector", which will allow us to make our connector work without a lot of boilerplate code. Then we inherit a feature called "AcceptsJson". Now, if we look at the Saloon documentation, we know this is a plugin. This basically adds a header to our request telling the 3rd party API that we want to accept a JSON response. The next thing we see is that we have a method to define the base URL of our connector - so let's add our:

public function defineBaseUrl(): string
    return 'https://api.github.com';
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Nice and clean, we can even take it a step further so we can Handle fewer loose strings in your application - so let's see how we can do this. Add a new service record in your config/services.php file:

'github' => [
    'url' => env('GITHUB_API_URL', 'https://api.github.com'),
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This will allow us to override it in different environments - making it better and more testable for us s solution. Locally, we can even mock the GitHub API using their OpenAPI specification and test it to make sure it's working properly. However, this tutorial is about Saloon, so I digress... Now let's refactor our basic URL method to use the configuration:

public function defineBaseUrl(): string
    return (string) config('services.github.url');
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As you can see, we now get the newly added one from the configuration Logging - and converting it to a string to ensure type safety - config() may return several different types of results. We want to be strict about this if we can.

接下来我们有默认 header 和默认配置,无须担心默认 header 的内容,因为我们将在一段时间内自行处理身份验证。但配置部分是我们可以为集成定义 guzzle 选项的地方,因为 Saloon 在服务引擎下使用了 Guzzle。现在让我们设置超时并继续,我们需要花一些时间配置它:

public function defaultConfig(): array
    return [
        'timeout' => 30,
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我们现在已经按照我们的需要配置了我们的连接器,如果我们有需要添加的配置,可以稍后再添加。下一步是开始考虑我们要发送的请求。如果我们查看 GitHub Actions API 的 API 文档,我们有很多选择,我们将从列出特定存储库的工作流开始:/repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/workflows。运行以下 artisan 命令创建一个新请求:

php artisan saloon:request GitHub ListRepositoryWorkflowsRequest
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同样,第一个参数是集成,第二个参数是我们要创建的请求的名称。我们需要确保为我们正在创建的请求命名集成,以便它存在于正确的位置,然后我们需要给它一个名称。我将我的命名为 ListRepositoryWorkflowsRequest,因为我喜欢描述性的命名方法 - 但是,你可以随意调整以适应你喜欢的命名方式。这将创建一个新文件供我们查看:app/Http/Integrations/GitHub/Requests/ListRepositoryWorkflowsRequest.php - 现在让我们看一下。

我们再次在这里扩展了一个库类,这次是预期的 SaloonRequest。这里会包含一个连接器属性和一个方法。如果需要,我们可以修改这个方法 - 但默认的 GET 是我们现在需要的。然后我们有一个定义端点的方法。重构你的请求类,使其类似于以下示例:

 class ListRepositoryWorkflowsRequest extends SaloonRequest
    protected ?string $connector = GitHubConnector::class;

    protected ?string $method = Saloon::GET;

    public function __construct(
        public string $owner,
        public string $repo,
    ) {}

    public function defineEndpoint(): string
        return "/repos/{$this->owner}/{$this->repo}/actions/workflows";
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我们所做的是添加一个构造函数,它接受 repo 和 owner 作为参数,然后我们可以在端点定义方法中使用它们。我们还将连接器设置为我们之前创建的 GitHubConnector。所以我们有一个我们知道可以发送的请求,我们可以从集成中走一小步,转而考虑控制台命令。

如果你之前没有在 Laravel 中创建过控制台命令,请务必查看 文档。运行以下 artisan 命令来为此集成创建第一个命令:

php artisan make:command GitHub/ListRepositoryWorkflows
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这将创建以下文件:app/Console/Commands/GitHub/ListRespositoryWorkflows.php。我们现在可以开始使用命令来发送请求并获取我们关心的数据。当谈到控制台命令时,我总是做的第一件事就是考虑签名。我希望如何调用它?它需要能够解释它正在做什么,同时具备一定的辨识度。我将会用 github:workflows 作为签名,因为这很好地解释了我想做的事情。我们还可以向控制台命令添加描述,以便在浏览可用命令时更好地解释目的:「通过存储库名称从 GitHub 获取工作流列表」。

最后,我们到了命令的 handle 方法,这部分是我们实际需要做的事情。在我们的例子中,我们将发送一个请求,获取一些数据并以某种方式显示这些数据。然而,在我们能够做到这一点之前,我们还没有完成一件事。那就是身份验证。

对于每一个 API 集成,身份验证都是关键方面之一——我们需要 API 不仅知道我们是谁,而且知道我们实际上被允许发出这个请求。如果你转到 你的 GitHub 设置 并点击进入开发人员设置和个人访问令牌,在此你可以生成自己的设置。我建议使用这种方法,而不是为此使用完整的 OAuth 应用程序。我们不需要 OAuth,我们只需要用户能够访问他们需要的内容。

获得访问令牌后,我们需要将其添加到我们的 .env 文件中,并确保我们可以通过配置提取它。

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我们现在可以在 github 下的 config/services.php 中扩展我们的服务,添加这个令牌:

'github' => [
    'url' => env('GITHUB_API_URL', 'https://api.github.com'),
    'token' => env('GITHUB_API_TOKEN'),
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 class ListRepositoryWorkflows extends Command
    protected $signature = 'github:workflows
        {owner : The owner or organisation.}
        {repo : The repository we are looking at.}

    protected $description = 'Fetch a list of workflows from GitHub by the repository name.';

    public function handle(): int
        return 0;
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现在我们可以将注意力转移到 handle 方法上:

public function handle(): int
    $request = new ListRepositoryWorkflowsRequest(
        owner: $this->argument('owner'),
        repo: $this->argument('repo'),

    return self::SUCCESS;
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 public function handle(): int
    $owner = (string) $this->argument('owner');
    $repo = (string) $this->argument('repo');

    $request = new ListRepositoryWorkflowsRequest(
        owner: $owner,
        repo: $repo,

        string: "Fetching workflows for {$owner}/{$repo}",

    return self::SUCCESS;
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 public function handle(): int
    $owner = (string) $this->argument('owner');
    $repo = (string) $this->argument('repo');

    $request = new ListRepositoryWorkflowsRequest(
        owner: $owner,
        repo: $repo,

        token: (string) config('services.github.token'),

        string: "Fetching workflows for {$owner}/{$repo}",

    $response = $request->send();

    return self::SUCCESS;
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如果你修改上述内容并在 $response->json() 上执行 dd(),然后运行命令:

php artisan github:workflows laravel laravel
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这将获得 laravel/laravel repo 的工作流列表。我们的命令将允许你使用任何公共存储库,如果你希望它更具体,你可以建立一个要检查的存储库选项列表,而不是接受参数 —— 但这部分取决于你个人。对于本教程,我将重点关注更广泛更开放的用例。

现在,我们从 GitHub API 得到的响应非常好且信息丰富,但它需要转换才能显示,如果我们孤立地查看它,则没有上下文。相反,我们将在我们的请求中添加另一个插件,这将允许我们将响应转换为 DTO(域传输对象),这是处理此问题的好方法。它将允许我们放松我们习惯于从 API 获取的灵活数组,并获得更具上下文感知的东西。让我们为工作流创建一个 DTO,创建一个新文件:app/Http/Integrations/GitHub/DataObjects/Workflow.php 并向其中添加以下代码:

 class Workflow
    public function __construct(
        public int $id,
        public string $name,
        public string $state,
    ) {}

    public static function fromSaloon(array $workflow): static
        return new static(
            id: intval(data_get($workflow, 'id')),
            name: strval(data_get($workflow, 'name')),
            state: strval(data_get($workflow, 'state')),

    public function toArray(): array
        return [
            'id' => $this->id,
            'name' => $this->name,
            'state' => $this->state,
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我们有一个构造函数,其中包含我们要显示的工作流的重要部分,一个 fromSaloon 方法,它将一个数组从一个 saloon 转换为一个新的 DTO,以及一个用于将 DTO 显示回数组的数组方法当我们需要它时。在我们的ListRepositoryWorkflowsRequest 中,我们需要继承一个新特征并添加一个新方法:

 class ListRepositoryWorkflowsRequest extends SaloonRequest
    use CastsToDto;

    protected ?string $connector = GitHubConnector::class;

    protected ?string $method = Saloon::GET;

    public function __construct(
        public string $owner,
        public string $repo,
    ) {}

    public function defineEndpoint(): string
        return "/repos/{$this->owner}/{$this->repo}/actions/workflows";

    protected function castToDto(SaloonResponse $response): Collection
        return (new Collection(
            items: $response->json('workflows'),
        ))->map(function ($workflow): Workflow {
            return Workflow::fromSaloon(
                workflow: $workflow,
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我们继承了 CastsToDto trait,它允许这个请求在响应中调用 dto 方法,然后我们添加一个 castToDto 方法,我们可以控制它的转换方式。我们希望它返回一个新的集合,因为有多个工作流,使用响应正文的工作流部分。然后我们映射集合中的每个项目 - 并将其转换为 DTO。现在我们既可以这样做,也可以使用 DTO 构建集合:

protected function castToDto(SaloonResponse $response): Collection
    return new Collection(
        items: $response->collect('workflows')->map(fn ($workflow) =>
                workflow: $workflow
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public function handle(): int
    $owner = (string) $this->argument('owner');
    $repo = (string) $this->argument('repo');

    $request = new ListRepositoryWorkflowsRequest(
        owner: $owner,
        repo: $repo,

        token: (string) config('services.github.token'),

        string: "Fetching workflows for {$owner}/{$repo}",

    $response = $request->send();

    if ($response->failed()) {
        throw $response->toException();

        headers: ['ID', 'Name', 'State'],
        rows: $response
            ->map(fn (Workflow $workflow) =>

    return self::SUCCESS;
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因此,我们创建一个带有标题的表,然后对于我们想要响应 DTO 的行,我们将映射返回的集合,将每个 DTO 转换回要显示的数组。从响应数组转换为 DTO 再转换回数组,这似乎违反直觉,但这会强制执行类型,以便 ID、名称和状态在预期时始终存在,并且不会给出任何有趣的结果.它允许正常响应数组可能没有它的一致性,如果我们愿意,我们可以将它转换为一个值对象,我们可以在其中附加行为。如果我们现在运行我们的命令,我们现在应该会看到一个漂亮的表格输出,它比几行字符串更容易阅读:

php artisan github:workflows laravel laravel
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Fetching workflows for laravel/laravel
| ID       | Name             | State  |
| 12345678 | pull requests    | active |
| 87654321 | Tests            | active |
| 18273645 | update changelog | active |
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最后,仅仅列出这些工作流程是很棒的——但让我们以科学的名义更进一步。假设你正在针对你的一个存储库运行此命令,并且想手动运行更新更改日志?或者,也许你希望使用你的实时生产服务器或你可能想到的任何事件在 cron 上触发它?我们可以将变更日志设置为每天午夜运行一次,这样我们就可以在变更日志中获得每日回顾或任何我们可能想要的内容。让我们创建另一个控制台命令来创建一个新的工作流调度事件:

php artisan saloon:request GitHub CreateWorkflowDispatchEventRequest
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在这个新文件 app/Http/Integrations/GitHub/Requests/CreateWorkflowDispatchEventRequest.php 中添加以下代码,以便我们浏览它:

class CreateWorkflowDispatchEventRequest extends SaloonRequest
    use HasJsonBody;

    protected ?string $connector = GitHubConnector::class;

    public function defaultData(): array
        return [
            'ref' => 'main',

    protected ?string $method = Saloon::POST;

    public function __construct(
        public string $owner,
        public string $repo,
        public string $workflow,
    ) {}

    public function defineEndpoint(): string
        return "/repos/{$this->owner}/{$this->repo}/actions/workflows/{$this->workflow}/dispatches";
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通过设置连接器,并继承 HasJsonBody 特征以允许我们发送数据。该方法已设置为 POST 请求,因为我们要发送数据。然后我们有一个构造函数,它接受构建端点的 URL 部分。

最后,我们在 defaultData 中有圆顶默认数据,我们可以使用它来设置此发布请求的默认值。与 repo 一样,我们可以在此处传递提交哈希或分支名称 - 所以我将默认设置为 main,因为这就是我通常所说的生产分支。

我们现在可以触发这个端点来调度一个新的工作流事件,所以让我们创建一个控制台命令来控制它,这样我们就可以从我们的 CLI 运行它:

php artisan make:command GitHub/CreateWorkflowDispatchEvent
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class CreateWorkflowDispatchEvent extends Command
    protected $signature = 'github:dispatch
        {owner : The owner or organisation.}
        {repo : The repository we are looking at.}
        {workflow : The ID of the workflow we want to dispatch.}
        {branch? : Optional: The branch name to run the workflow against.}

    protected $description = 'Create a new workflow dispatch event for a repository.';

    public function handle(): int
        $owner = (string) $this->argument('owner');
        $repo = (string) $this->argument('repo');
        $workflow = (string) $this->argument('workflow');

        $request = new CreateWorkflowDispatchEventRequest(
            owner: $owner,
            repo: $repo,
            workflow: $workflow,

            token: (string) config('services.github.token'),

        if ($this->hasArgument('branch')) {
                data: ['ref' => $this->argument('branch')],

            string: "Requesting a new workflow dispatch for {$owner}/{$repo} using workflow: {$workflow}",

        $response = $request->send();

        if ($response->failed()) {
            throw $response->toException();

            string: 'Request was accepted by GitHub',

        return self::SUCCESS;
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就像在我们有签名和描述之前一样,这次我们的签名有一个可选的分支,以防我们想要覆盖请求中的默认值。所以在我们的处理方法中,我们可以简单地检查输入是否有参数 branch,如果有,我们可以解析它并为请求设置数据。然后我们向 CLI 提供一些反馈,让用户知道我们在做什么 - 并发送请求。如果此时一切顺利,我们可以简单地输出一条消息,通知用户 GitHub 接受了请求。但是,如果出现问题,我们希望抛出特定的异常,至少在开发过程中是这样。

最后一个请求的主要警告是,我们的工作流程设置为通过在工作流程中添加一个新的 on 项目来由 webhook 触发:

on: workflow_dispatch
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这就对了!我们使用 Saloon 和 Laravel 不仅列出存储库工作流程,而且如果配置正确,我们还可以触发它们按需运行:muscle:

正如我在本教程开始时所说的,有很多方法可以实现 API 集成,但有一点是肯定的 - 使用 Saloon 使它变得干净和简单,而且使用起来也非常愉快。




The above is the detailed content of Let's talk about how to use Saloon for API integration in Laravel. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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