Event sourcing is a term that has become increasingly popular in the PHP community over the past few years, but remains a mystery to many developers. The questions are always how and why, and of course that's understandable. The purpose of this tutorial is to not only help you understand what event sourcing is in a practical way, but also to let you know when you might want to use it.
In traditional applications, our application state is represented directly in the database to which we are connected. We don't fully understand how it got there. We just know him like this. There are ways we can understand a little bit further, using tools that audit model changes so we can see what was changed and who made it. This is also a step in the right direction. However, we still don't understand this crucial issue. [Related recommendations: laravel video tutorial]
Why? Why did this model change? What is the purpose of this change?
This is where event sourcing comes into play, retaining a historical view of what happened to the application state and why it changed. Event sourcing allows you to make decisions based on the past so you can generate reports. But at a basic level, it allows you to know why the state of the application has changed. This is done through events.
I will build a basic Laravel project to walk you through how it works. We will build this application to be simple so that you can understand the logic of time tracing and not be confused by the application logic. We are building an app that celebrates team members. now it's right. Simple and easy to understand. We have teams with our users, and we want to be able to celebrate something publicly within the team.
We will create a new Laravel project, but I will use Jetstream because I want to enable authentication and team structure and functionality. Once you have created the project, open it in your IDE. (The correct answer here is of course PHPStorm ), Now we are ready to dive into event sourcing in Laravel.
We wish to create an additional model for the application, this is the only one. This is a Celebration
model, you can create it using the following Artisan command:
php artisan make:model Celebration -m
Modify your migration file up method, it should look like this:
public function up(): void { Schema::create('celebrations', static function (Blueprint $table): void { $table->id(); $table->string('reason'); $table->text('message')->nullable(); $table ->foreignId('user_id') ->index() ->constrained() ->cascadeOnDelete(); $table ->foreignId('sender_id') ->index() ->constrained('users') ->cascadeOnDelete(); $table ->foreignId('team_id') ->index() ->constrained() ->cascadeOnDelete(); $table->timestamps(); }); }
We have a reason to celebrate reason
, a simple sentence followed by an optional message message
that we may wish to send with the celebration. In addition to this, we have three relationships, the user who is celebrating, the user who sent the celebration, and the team they are on. With Jetstream, a user can belong to multiple teams, and there may be situations where two users are on the same team, and we want to make sure we celebrate them publicly on the correct team.
declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Models; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany; final class Celebration extends Model { use HasFactory; protected $fillable = [ 'reason', 'message', 'user_id', 'sender_id', 'team_id', ]; public function user(): BelongsTo { return $this->belongsTo( related: User::class, foreignKey: 'user_id', ); } public function sender(): BelongsTo { return $this->belongsTo( related: User::class, foreignKey: 'sender_id', ); } public function team(): BelongsTo { return $this->belongsTo( related: Team::class, foreignKey: 'team_id', ); } }
Laravel Livewire to control the UI. But I won't go into detail about this package in this tutorial because I want to make sure I can focus on the event sourcing aspect.
As with most projects I create, no matter how big or small, I adopt a modular layout for the application - a Domain Driven Design approach. This is just something I do, don't feel like you have to follow this yourself as it is very subjective. My next step is to set up my domains, for this demo I only have one domain: Culture. In the culture I created namespaces for everything I might need. But I'll go through it so you understand the process The first step was to install a package that enabled me to use event sourcing in Laravel. To do this, I used aSpatie package which did a lot of the background work for me
composer require spatie/laravel-event-sourcing
php artisan migrate
Projector 是一个位于你的应用程序中并处理你调度的事件的类。然后,这些将更改你的应用程序的状态。这不仅仅是简单地更新你的数据库。它位于中间,捕获一个事件,存储它,然后进行所需的更改 —— 然后 “投射” 应用程序的新状态
另一种方法,我的首选方法,聚合 - 这些是像投影仪一样为你处理应用程序状态的类。我们不是在我们的应用程序中自己触发事件,而是将其留给聚合为我们做。把它想象成一个中继,你要求中继做某事,它会为你处理。
第一步是创建模型和迁移,因为你将来需要一种方法来查询它以进行报告等。运行以下 artisan 命令来创建这些:
php artisan make:model CelebrationStoredEvent -m
以下代码是你在 up 方法中进行迁移所需的代码:
public function up(): void { Schema::create('celebration_stored_events', static function (Blueprint $table): void { $table->id(); $table->uuid('aggregate_uuid')->nullable()->unique(); $table ->unsignedBigInteger('aggregate_version') ->nullable() ->unique(); $table->integer('event_version')->default(1); $table->string('event_class'); $table->json('event_properties'); $table->json('meta_data'); $table->timestamp('created_at'); $table->index('event_class'); $table->index('aggregate_uuid'); }); }
declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Models; use Spatie\EventSourcing\StoredEvents\Models\EloquentStoredEvent; final class CelebrationStoredEvent extends EloquentStoredEvent { public $table = 'celebration_stored_events'; }
当我们扩展 EloquentStoredEvent
要使用这些模型,你必须创建一个存储库来查询事件。这是一个非常简单的存储库 —— 然而,这是一个重要的步骤。我将我的添加到我的域代码中,位于 src/Domains/Culture/Repositories/
declare(strict_types=1); namespace Domains\Culture\Repositories; use App\Models\CelebrationStoredEvent; use Spatie\EventSourcing\StoredEvents\Repositories\EloquentStoredEventRepository; final class CelebrationStoredEventsRepository extends EloquentStoredEventRepository { public function __construct( protected string $storedEventModel = CelebrationStoredEvent::class, ) { parent::__construct(); } }
declare(strict_types=1); namespace Domains\Culture\Aggregates; use Domains\Culture\Repositories\CelebrationStoredEventsRepository; use Spatie\EventSourcing\AggregateRoots\AggregateRoot; use Spatie\EventSourcing\StoredEvents\Repositories\StoredEventRepository; final class CelebrationAggregateRoot extends AggregateRoot { protected function getStoredEventRepository(): StoredEventRepository { return app()->make( abstract: CelebrationStoredEventsRepository::class, ); } }
我构建了一个软件包,让我做这件事更容易。可以通过以下 Composer 命令安装它:
composer require juststeveking/laravel-data-object-tools
和以前一样, 我默认将我的数据对象保存在我的领域, 但你可以添加到对你最有意义的地方。 我创建了一个名为 Celebration
declare(strict_types=1); namespace Domains\Culture\DataObjects; use JustSteveKing\DataObjects\Contracts\DataObjectContract; final class Celebration implements DataObjectContract { public function __construct( private readonly string $reason, private readonly string $message, private readonly int $user, private readonly int $sender, private readonly int $team, ) {} public function userID(): int { return $this->user; } public function senderID(): int { return $this->sender; } public function teamUD(): int { return $this->team; } public function toArray(): array { return [ 'reason' => $this->reason, 'message' => $this->message, 'user_id' => $this->user, 'sender_id' => $this->sender, 'team_id' => $this->team, ]; } }
当我升级到 PHP 8.2 时,这会容易得多,因为我可以创建只读类 - 是的,我的包已经支持它们。
declare(strict_types=1); namespace Domains\Culture\Events; use Domains\Culture\DataObjects\Celebration; use Spatie\EventSourcing\StoredEvents\ShouldBeStored; final class CelebrationWasCreated extends ShouldBeStored { public function __construct( public readonly Celebration $celebration, ) {} }
declare(strict_types=1); namespace Domains\Culture\Aggregates; use Domains\Culture\DataObjects\Celebration; use Domains\Culture\Events\CelebrationWasCreated; use Domains\Culture\Repositories\CelebrationStoredEventsRepository; use Spatie\EventSourcing\AggregateRoots\AggregateRoot; use Spatie\EventSourcing\StoredEvents\Repositories\StoredEventRepository; final class CelebrationAggregateRoot extends AggregateRoot { protected function getStoredEventRepository(): StoredEventRepository { return app()->make( abstract: CelebrationStoredEventsRepository::class, ); } public function createCelebration(Celebration $celebration): CelebrationAggregateRoot { $this->recordThat( domainEvent: new CelebrationWasCreated( celebration: $celebration, ), ); return $this; } }
在这一点上,我们有一种方法来要求一个类记录事件。但是,这一事件还不会持续下去 —— 那是以后的事。此外,我们不会以任何方式改变应用程序的状态。那么,我们该如何做这项活动采购工作呢?这一部分是关于 Livewire 中的实现的,我现在将向你介绍它。
我喜欢通过调度一个事件来管理这个过程,因为它更高效。如果你考虑如何与应用程序交互,你可以从 Web 访问它,通过 API 端点发送请求,或者发生 CLI 命令可能运行的事件 —— 可能是一个 Cron 作业。在所有这些方法中,通常,你需要即时响应,或者至少您不想等待。我将在我的 Livewire 组件上向你展示我为此使用的方法:
public function celebrate(): void { $this->validate(); dispatch(new TeamMemberCelebration( celebration: Hydrator::fill( class: Celebration::class, properties: [ 'reason' => $this->reason, 'message' => $this->content, 'user' => $this->identifier, 'sender' => auth()->id(), 'team' => auth()->user()->current_team_id, ] ), )); $this->closeModal(); }
在这一点上,我们有一种方法来要求一个类记录事件。但是,这一事件还不会持续下去 —— 那是以后的事。此外,我们不会以任何方式改变应用程序的状态。那么,我们该如何做这项活动采购工作呢?这一部分是关于 Livewire 中的实现的,我现在将向你介绍它。
我喜欢通过调度一个事件来管理这个过程,因为它更高效。如果你考虑如何与应用程序交互,你可以从 Web 访问它,通过 API 端点发送请求,或者发生 CLI 命令可能运行的事件 —— 可能是一个 Cron 作业。在所有这些方法中,通常,你需要即时响应,或者至少你不想等待。我将在我的 Livewire 组件上向你展示我为此使用的方法:
public function celebrate(): void { $this->validate(); dispatch(new TeamMemberCelebration( celebration: Hydrator::fill( class: Celebration::class, properties: [ 'reason' => $this->reason, 'message' => $this->content, 'user' => $this->identifier, 'sender' => auth()->id(), 'team' => auth()->user()->current_team_id, ] ), )); $this->closeModal(); }
当我验证来自组件的用户输入,可以分派处理一个新的作业,然后结束这个流程。我使用我的包将一个新的数据对象传递给作业。它有一个 Facade,可以让我用一系列属性来为类添加——到目前为止它工作得很好。那么这是怎么实现的呢?让我们来看看。
declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Jobs\Team; use Domains\Culture\Aggregates\CelebrationAggregateRoot; use Domains\Culture\DataObjects\Celebration; use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable; use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue; use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\Dispatchable; use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue; use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels; use Illuminate\Support\Str; final class TeamMemberCelebration implements ShouldQueue { use Queueable; use Dispatchable; use SerializesModels; use InteractsWithQueue; public function __construct( public readonly Celebration $celebration, ) {} public function handle(): void { CelebrationAggregateRoot::retrieve( uuid: Str::uuid()->toString(), )->createCelebration( celebration: $this->celebration, )->persist(); } }
我们的工作将数据对象接受到它的构造函数中,然后在处理它时存储它。处理作业时,它使用 CelebrationAggregateRoot
按 UUID 检索聚合,然后调用我们之前创建的 createCelebration
方法。在它调用了这个方法之后 - 它在聚合本身上调用了 persist
让我们创建我们的投影仪,我称之为处理程序 —— 因为它们处理事件。但我会让你决定如何命名你的。
declare(strict_types=1); namespace Domains\Culture\Handlers; use Domains\Culture\Events\CelebrationWasCreated; use Spatie\EventSourcing\EventHandlers\Projectors\Projector; use Infrastructure\Culture\Actions\CreateNewCelebrationContract; final class CelebrationHandler extends Projector { public function __construct( public readonly CreateNewCelebrationContract $action, ) {} public function onCelebrationWasCreated(CelebrationWasCreated $event): void { $this->action->handle( celebration: $event->celebration, ); } }
我们的投影机 / 处理程序,无论你选择如何称呼它,都将从容器中为我们解析 - 然后它将寻找一个以 on
。在我的示例中,我使用一个动作来执行事件中的实际逻辑 - 单个类执行一项可以轻松伪造或替换的工作。所以再一次,我们把树追到下一个班级。动作,这对我来说是这样的:
declare(strict_types=1); namespace Domains\Culture\Actions; use App\Models\Celebration; use Domains\Culture\DataObjects\Celebration as CelebrationObject; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; use Infrastructure\Culture\Actions\CreateNewCelebrationContract; final class CreateNewCelebration implements CreateNewCelebrationContract { public function handle(CelebrationObject $celebration): Model|Celebration { return Celebration::query()->create( attributes: $celebration->toArray(), ); } }
这是当前执行的操作。如你所见,我的操作类本身实现了一个合同 / 接口。这意味着我将接口绑定到我的服务提供者中的特定实现。这使我可以轻松地创建测试替身 / 模拟 / 替代方法,而不会对需要执行的实际操作产生连锁反应。这不是严格意义上的事件溯源,而是通用编程。我们确实拥有的一个好处是我们的投影仪可以重放。因此,如果出于某种原因,我们离开了 Laravel Eloquent,也许我们使用了其他东西,我们可以创建一个新的操作 - 将实现绑定到我们的容器中,重放我们的事件,它应该都能正常工作。
在这个阶段,我们正在存储我们的事件并有办法改变我们的应用程序的状态 —— 但是我们做到了吗?我们需要告诉 Event Sourcing 库我们已经注册了这个 Projector/Handler 以便它知道在事件上触发它。通常我会为每个域创建一个 EventSourcingServiceProvider
declare(strict_types=1); namespace Domains\Culture\Providers; use Domains\Culture\Handlers\CelebrationHandler; use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider; use Spatie\EventSourcing\Facades\Projectionist; final class EventSourcingServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { public function register(): void { Projectionist::addProjector( projector: CelebrationHandler::class, ); } }
剩下的就是确保再次注册此服务提供者。我为每个域创建一个服务提供者来注册子服务提供者 —— 但这是另一个故事和教程。
在这个阶段,我们正在存储我们的事件,并有一种办法改变我们的应用程序的状态——但是我们做到了吗?我们需要告诉 Event Sourcing 库,我们已经注册了 Projector/Handler 以便它知道在事件上触发它。通常,我会为每个域创建一个EventSourcingServiceProvider
declare(strict_types=1); namespace Domains\Culture\Providers; use Domains\Culture\Handlers\CelebrationHandler; use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider; use Spatie\EventSourcing\Facades\Projectionist; final class EventSourcingServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { public function register(): void { Projectionist::addProjector( projector: CelebrationHandler::class, ); } }
剩下确保此服务提供者重新注册。我为每个域创建一个 Service Provider 来注册子服务提供者--但这是另一个故事和教程。
You can do this as much as you want or dip your toe into event sourcing whichever makes the most sense. Hopefully this tutorial has shown you a clear and practical path to start using event sourcing today.
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Have you ever used event sourcing? How did you deal with it? Tell us in the comments section!
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