What is responsiveness? VueHow to implement responsiveness? The following article will give you an in-depth understanding of the responsiveness principle of Vue3. I hope it will be helpful to you!
I believe everyone is familiar with the Vue framework. When it comes to Vue, I believe one of the first questions the interviewer will ask is how the responsive principle of Vue is implemented. I have written an article about the responsiveness principle of Vue2 before, so today we will talk about the responsiveness mechanism of Vue3. [Related recommendations: vuejs video tutorial, web front-end development]
There is no concept of responsiveness in variables in JavaScript. The execution logic of the code is top-down. In the Vue framework, responsiveness is one of the special features. Let’s look at an example first
let num = 1; let double = num * 2; console.log(double); // 2 num = 2; console.log(double); // 2
It can be clearly seen that the relationship between the variable double and the variable num is not responsive. If we encapsulate the logic of calculating double into a function, when the value of the variable num If it changes, we will re-execute this function, so that the value of double will change as num changes, which is what we commonly call responsive.
let num = 1; // 将计算过程封装成一个函数 let getDouble = (n) => n * 2; let double = getDouble(num); console.log(double); // 2 num = 2; // 重新计算double,这里当然也没有实现响应式,只是说明响应式实现的时候这个函数应该再执行一次 double = getDouble(num); console.log(double); // 4
Although the actual development process will be much more complicated than the current simple situation, it can be encapsulated into a function to implement. The problem now is how we make the value of double change according to the num variable And what about recalculation?
If the value of the num variable is modified every time, the getDouble function can know and execute it. According to the change of the num variable, the double will also change accordingly. This is a prototype of responsiveness.
I have used three responsive solutions in Vue, namely defineProperty, Proxy and value setter. defineProperty API is used in Vue2, which has been described in detail in previous articles. If you want to know more about Vue2 responsiveness, click here --->vue responsiveness principle | vue2 article
The core part of Vue2 is the defineProperty data hijacking API. When we define an object obj, use defineProperty to proxy num Attribute, the get function is executed when reading the num attribute, and the set function is executed when modifying the num attribute. We only need to write the logic of calculating double in the set function, so that every time num changes, double will be assigned accordingly. That is responsive.
let num = 1; let detDouble = (n) => n * 2; let obj = {} let double = getDouble(num) Object.defineProperty(obj,'num',{ get() { return num; } set(val){ num = val; double = getDouble(val) } }) console.log(double); // 2 obj.num = 2; console.log(double); // 4
defineProperty defect: When we delete the obj.num property, the set function will not be executed, so in Vue2 we need a $delete
A specialized function to delete data. And attributes that do not exist in the obj object cannot be hijacked, and modifying the length attribute on the array is also invalid.
From the name of Proxy alone, we can see that it means proxy, and the important significance of Proxy is to solve the shortcomings of Vue2 responsiveness.
Proxy usage:
var proxy = new Proxy(target, handler);
All usages of Proxy objects are in the above form, the only difference is the writing of handler parameters. Among them, new Proxy() means generating a Proxy instance, the target parameter indicates the target object to be intercepted, and the handler parameter is also an object , used to customize interception behavior.
var proxy = new Proxy({}, { get: function(target, propKey) { return 35; } }); proxy.time // 35 proxy.name // 35 proxy.title // 35
Supports 13 types of customized interception on Proxy
。proxy.foo = v
或proxy['foo'] = v
,返回一个布尔值。propKey in proxy
的操作,返回一个布尔值。delete proxy[propKey]
的返回结果仅包括目标对象自身的可遍历属性。Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proxy, propKey)
,返回属性的描述对象。Object.defineProperty(proxy, propKey, propDesc)
、Object.defineProperties(proxy, propDescs)
,返回一个布尔值。Object.setPrototypeOf(proxy, proto)
、proxy.call(object, ...args)
。new proxy(...args)
。在ES6中官方新定义了 Reflect 对象,在ES6之前对象上的所有的方法都是直接挂载在对象这个构造函数的原型身上,而未来对象可能还会有很多方法,如果全部挂载在原型上会显得比较臃肿,而 Reflect 对象就是为了分担 Object的压力。
(1) 将Object
(2) 修改某些Object
方法的返回结果,让其变得更合理。比如,Object.defineProperty(obj, name, desc)
在无法定义属性时,会抛出一个错误,而Reflect.defineProperty(obj, name, desc)
// 老写法 try { Object.defineProperty(target, property, attributes); // success } catch (e) { // failure } // 新写法 if (Reflect.defineProperty(target, property, attributes)) { // success } else { // failure }
(3) 让Object
操作是命令式,比如name in obj
和delete obj[name]
,而Reflect.has(obj, name)
和Reflect.deleteProperty(obj, name)
// 老写法 'assign' in Object // true // 新写法 Reflect.has(Object, 'assign') // true
Proxy(target, { set: function(target, name, value, receiver) { var success = Reflect.set(target, name, value, receiver); if (success) { console.log('property ' + name + ' on ' + target + ' set to ' + value); } return success; } });
所以我们在这里会使用到 Proxy 和 Reflect 对象的方与 Proxy 一一对应这一特性,来实现Vue3的响应式原理。
function reactive (target){ // 返回一个响应式对象 return createReactiveObject(target); }
根据我们前面所做的铺垫,所以我们会使用 Proxy
代理我们所需要的相应的对象,同时使用 Reflect
function isObject(val){ return typeof val === 'object' && val !== null }
function createReactiveObject (target) { // 首先由于Proxy所代理的是对象,所以我们需要判断target,若是原始值直接返回 if(!isObject(target)) { return target; } let handler = { get(target, key, receiver) { let res = Reflect.get(target, key, receiver); // 使用Reflect对象做映射,不修改原对象 console.log('获取'); return res; }, set(target, key, value, receiver) { let res = Reflect.set(target, key, value, receiver); console.log('修改'); return res }, deleteProperty(target, key) { let res = Reflect.deleteProperty(target, key) console.log('删除'); return res; } } let ProxyObj = new Proxy(target,handler); // 被代理过的对象 return ProxyObj; }
当我们深层代理时,我们直接修改深层对象中的属性并不会触发 Proxy 对象中的 set 方法,那为什么我们可以修改呢?其实就是直接访问原对象中深层对象的值并修改了,那我们如何优化这个问题呢?
那么我们在 get 方法内部就不能直接将映射之后的 res 返回出去了
get(target, key, receiver) { let res = Reflect.get(target, key, receiver); // 使用Reflect对象做映射,不修改原对象 console.log('获取'); // 判断代理之后的对象是否内部含有对象,如果有的话就递归一次 return isObject(res) ? reactive(res) : res; }
这样我们就实现了对象的深层代理,并且只有当我们访问到内部嵌套的对象时我们才 会去递归调用reactive ,这样不仅可以实现深层代理,并且节约了性能,但是其实我们还没有彻底完善,我们来看看下面这段代码
let proxy = reactive({name: '寒月十九', message: { like: 'coding' }}); reactive(proxy); reactive(proxy); reactive(proxy);
在 Vue3 中,使用了hash表做映射,来记录是否已经被代理了。
// WeakMap-弱引用对象,一旦弱引用对象未被使用,会被垃圾回收机制回收 let toProxy = new WeakMap(); // 存放形式 { 原对象(key): 代理过的对象(value)} let toRow = new WeakMap(); // 存放形式 { 代理过的对象(key): 原对象(value)}
let ProxyObj = new Proxy(target,handler); // 被代理过的对象 toProxy.set(target,ProxyObj); toRow.set(ProxyObj.target); return ProxyObj;
let ByProxy = toProxy.get(target); // 防止多次代理 if(ByProxy) { // 如果在WeakMap中可以取到值,则说明已经被代理过了,直接返回被代理过的对象 return ByProxy; } // 防止多层代理 if(toRow.get(target)) { return target } // 为了防止下面这种写法(多层代理) // let proxy2 = reactive(proxy); // let proxy3 = reactive(proxy2); // 其实本质上与下面这种写法没有区别(多次代理) // reactive(proxy); // reactive(proxy); // reactive(proxy);
let arr = [1 ,2 ,3 ,4]; let proxy = reactive(arr); proxy.push(5); // 在set内部其实会干两件事,首先会将5这个值添加到数组下标4的地方,并且会修改length的值
与 Vue2 的数据劫持相比,Vue3 中的 Proxy 可以直接修改数组的长度,但是这样我们需要在 set 方法中判断我们是要在代理对象身上添加属性还是修改属性。
// 判断属性是否原本存在 function hasOwn(target,key) { return target.hasOwnProperty(key); } set(target, key, value, receiver) { let res = Reflect.set(target, key, value, receiver); // 判断是新增属性还是修改属性 let hadKey = hasOwn(target,key); let oldValue = target[key]; if(!hadKey) { // 新增属性 console.log('新增属性'); }else if(oldValue !== value){ console.log('修改属性'); } return res },
function isObject(val) { return typeof val === 'object' && val !== null } function reactive(target) { // 返回一个响应式对象 return createReactiveObject(target); } // 判断属性是否原本存在 function hasOwn(target, key) { return target.hasOwnProperty(key); } // WeakMap-弱引用对象,一旦弱引用对象未被使用,会被垃圾回收机制回收 let toProxy = new WeakMap(); // 存放形式 { 原对象(key): 代理过的对象(value)} let toRow = new WeakMap(); // 存放形式 { 代理过的对象(key): 原对象(value)} function createReactiveObject(target) { // 首先由于Proxy所代理的是对象,所以我们需要判断target,若是原始值直接返回 if (!isObject(target)) { return target; } let ByProxy = toProxy.get(target); // 防止多次代理 if (ByProxy) { // 如果在WeakMap中可以取到值,则说明已经被代理过了,直接返回被代理过的对象 return ByProxy; } // 防止多层代理 if (toRow.get(target)) { return target } let handler = { get(target, key, receiver) { let res = Reflect.get(target, key, receiver); // 使用Reflect对象做映射,不修改原对象 console.log('获取'); return isObject(res) ? reactive(res) : res; }, set(target, key, value, receiver) { let res = Reflect.set(target, key, value, receiver); // 判断是新增属性还是修改属性 let hadKey = hasOwn(target, key); let oldValue = target[key]; if (!hadKey) { // 新增属性 console.log('新增属性'); } else if (oldValue !== value) { console.log('修改属性'); } return res }, deleteProperty(target, key) { let res = Reflect.deleteProperty(target, key) console.log('删除'); return res; } } let ProxyObj = new Proxy(target, handler); // 被代理过的对象 return ProxyObj; } // let proxy = reactive({name: '寒月十九'}); // proxy.name = '十九'; // console.log(proxy.name); // delete proxy.name; // console.log(proxy.name); // let proxy = reactive({name: '寒月十九', message: { like: 'coding' }}); // proxy.message.like = 'writing'; // console.log('===================================='); // console.log(proxy.message.like); // console.log('===================================='); let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4]; let proxy = reactive(arr); proxy.push(5)
在IE11以下的浏览器都不兼容,所以如果使用 Vue3 开发一个单页应用的项目,需要考虑到兼容性问题,需要我们做额外的很多操作,才能使得IE11 以下的版本能够兼容。
The above is the detailed content of An in-depth exploration of Vue3's responsive mechanism. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!