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What is JSX in Vue? When to use it? how to use?

Release: 2023-01-16 20:23:09
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What is JSX in Vue? The following article will introduce you to JSX in Vue, introduce when to use JSX, and its basic use in Vue2. I hope it will be helpful to you!

What is JSX in Vue? When to use it? how to use?

Introduction to JSX

JSX is a syntax extension of Javascript, which has all the features of Javascript Function, while also having the semantics and intuitiveness of html. It allows us to write template syntax in JS:

const el = <div>Vue 2</div>;
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The above code is neither HTML nor a string. It is called JSX, which is an extended syntax of JavaScript. JSX may remind you of template syntax, but it has the full programming power of Javascript. [Related recommendations: vuejs video tutorial, web front-end development]

When to use JSX

When to start writing a When the heading component can only be dynamically generated through level prop, you may quickly think of implementing it like this:

<script type="text/x-template" id="anchored-heading-template">
<h1 v-if="level === 1"> 
<h2 v-else-if="level === 2"> 
<h3 v-else-if="level === 3"> 
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Using a template here is not the best choice. Part of the code is repeated in the level title, which is not concise and elegant enough. If you try to write it in JSX, the code will become much simpler:

const App = {
  render() {
    const tag = `h${this.level}`
    return <tag>{this.$slots.default}</tag>
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Or if you write a lot of render functions, you may find the following code very painful to write:

    &#39;anchored-heading&#39;, {  
        props: {  
            level: 1  
    }, [  
    createElement(&#39;span&#39;, &#39;Hello&#39;),  
        &#39; world!&#39;  
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Especially when the corresponding template is so simple:

<anchored-heading :level="1">  
    <span>Hello</span> world!  
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At this time, JSX syntax can be used in Vue, which allows us to return to a syntax closer to the template:

import AnchoredHeading from &#39;./AnchoredHeading.vue&#39;  
new Vue({  
    el: &#39;#demo&#39;,  
    render: function (h) {  
        return (  
            <AnchoredHeading level={1}>  
                <span>Hello</span> world!  
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During the development process, the message prompt component Message is often used. One possible way to write it is like this:

  messge: &#39;确定要删除?&#39;,
  type: &#39;warning&#39;
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But I hope message can customize some styles , at this time you may need to make Message.alert support JSX (of course you can also use slot/html and other methods to solve it)

  messge: <div>确定要删除<span style="color:red">xxx</span>的笔记?</div>,
  type: &#39;warning&#39;
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In addition, only one component can be written in a .vue file. This may not be convenient in some scenarios. In many cases, when writing a page, you may actually need to split some small node fragments. Reuse them in small components. These small components can actually be solved by writing simple function components. Usually, due to the limitations of SFC, we may be accustomed to writing everything in one file, but I have to say that we can try this method.

// 一个文件写多个组件
const Input = (props) => <input {...props} />
export const Textarea = (props) => <input {...props} />
export const Password = (props) => <input type="password" {...props} />

export default Input
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For example, an Input component is encapsulated here. We hope to export the Password component and Textarea component at the same time to facilitate users to use them according to actual needs. These two components themselves use the Input component internally, but some props are customized. . It is very convenient in JSX. It is basically enough to write a simple function component, and just declare props through interface. But if it is written using a template, it may be split into three files, and perhaps an entry file of index.js will be added to export the three components.

Since the essence of JSX is JavaScript, it has the full programming capabilities of JavaScript. For another example, we need to use a piece of logic to reverse a set of DOM nodes. If we write it in the template, we will probably need to write two pieces of code.

Although this example may not be common, we have to admit that in some scenarios, JSX is still easier to write than templates.

Starting from Vue 2, template will be compiled into JavaScript's render function before running.

What is JSX in Vue? When to use it? how to use?

#Vue recommends using templates to create your HTML in most cases. However, in some scenarios, you need to use the render function, which is more flexible than template. These render function are the legendary Virtual DOM in the runtime stage.

What is JSX in Vue? When to use it? how to use?

Basic use of JSX in Vue2


In Vue 2 , JSX compilation needs to rely on the two packages @vue/babel-preset-jsx and @vue/babel-helper-vue-jsx-merge-props. The former package is responsible for compiling the syntax of JSX, and the latter package is used to introduce the runtime mergeProps function.

npm install @vue/babel-preset-jsx @vue/babel-helper-vue-jsx-merge-props
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And add configuration in babel.config.js:

module.exports = {
  presets: [&#39;@vue/babel-preset-jsx&#39;],
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Text interpolation

The text interpolation in the template code defaults to double braces :

<h1>{{ msg }}</h1>
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In JSX, you need to use single curly braces:

const name = &#39;Vue&#39;
const element = <h1>Hello, { name }</h1>
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Like text interpolation in template syntax, any valid JS expression is supported within curly braces, such as: 2 2, user.firstName, formatName(user), etc.




const element = (name) => {
  if (name) {
    return <h1>Hello, { name }</h1>
  } else {
    return <h1>Hello, Stranger</h1>
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const element = icon ? <span class="icon"></span> : null;
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const list = [&#39;java&#39;, &#39;c++&#39;, &#39;javascript&#39;, &#39;c#&#39;, &#39;php&#39;]
return (
  {list.map(item => {
   return <li>{item}</li>
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在模板代码中,一般通过 v-bind:prop="value":prop="value"来给组件绑定属性,在JSX里面就不能继续使用v-bind指令了,而是通过单大括号的形式进行绑定:

const href = &#39;https://xxx.com&#39;
const element = <a href={href}>xxx</a>
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const properties = {a: 1, b: 2}
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此外,模板代码中能通过<div v-bind="properties"></div>批量绑定标签属性。

在JSX中也有相应的替换方案:<div {...properties}></div>


const element = <div className={`accordion-item-title ${ disabled ? &#39;disabled&#39; : &#39;&#39; }`}></div>
const element = <div class={
    [ &#39;accordion-item-title&#39;, disabled && &#39;disabled&#39; ]
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const width = &#39;100px&#39;
const element = <button style={{ width, fontSize: &#39;16px&#39; }}></button>
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在模板代码中通过v-on指令监听事件,在JSX中通过on + 事件名称的大驼峰写法来监听,且绑定事件也是用大括号,比如click事件要写成onClick,mouseenter事件要写成onMouseenter

const confirm = () => {
  // 确认提交
<button onClick={confirm}>确定</button>
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 render() {
    // 监听下拉框根元素的click事件
    return <CustomSelect nativeOnClick={this.handleClick}></CustomSelect>
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  render() {
    return (
          focus: this.handleFocus,
          input: this.handleInput
          click: this.handleClick
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对于 .passive.capture.once 这些事件修饰符,Vue 提供了相应的前缀可以用于 on

What is JSX in Vue? When to use it? how to use?


on: {  
    &#39;!click&#39;: this.doThisInCapturingMode,  
    &#39;~keyup&#39;: this.doThisOnce,  
    &#39;~!mouseover&#39;: this.doThisOnceInCapturingMode  
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对于所有其它的修饰符,私有前缀都不是必须的,因为你可以在事件处理函数中使用事件方法:What is JSX in Vue? When to use it? how to use?具体可查阅Vue规范文档。



v-modelVue提供的一个语法糖,它本质上是由 value属性(默认) + input事件(默认)组成的,所以,在JSX中,我们便可以回归本质,通过传递value属性并监听input事件来手动实现数据的双向绑定:

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      name: &#39;&#39;
  methods: {
    // 监听 onInput 事件进行赋值操作
    handleInput(e) {
      this.name = e.target.value
  render() {
    // 传递 value 属性 并监听 onInput事件
    return <input value={this.name} onInput={this.handleInput}></input>
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此外,在脚手架vue-cli4中,已经默认集成了对v-model的支持,可以直接使用<input v-model={this.value}>,如果项目比较老,也可以安装插件babel-plugin-jsx-v-model来进行支持。


export default {
  methods: {
    handleChangeVisible(value) {
      this.visible = value
  render() {
    return (
        on={{ &#39;update:visible&#39;: this.handleChangeVisible }}
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 render() {
    return (
      <ElDialog title="弹框标题" visible={this.visible}>
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export default {
  props: {
    visible: {
      type: Boolean,
      default: false
  render() {
    return (
      <div class="custom-dialog" vShow={this.visible}>
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 render() {
    return (
      <ElDialog title="弹框标题" visible={this.visible}>
        {/** 具名插槽 */}
        <template slot="footer">
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自定义具名插槽: 在上节自定义默认插槽时提到了$slots,对于默认插槽使用this.$slots.default,而对于具名插槽,可以使用this.$slots.footer进行自定义

render() {
    return (
      <div class="custom-dialog" vShow={this.visible}>
        <div class="custom-dialog__foolter">{this.$slots.footer}</div>
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data() {
    return {
      data: [
          name: &#39;xxx&#39;
  render() {
    return (
      <ElTable data={this.data}>
            default: ({ row }) => {
              return <div style="color:red;">{row.name}</div>
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render() {
    const { data } = this
    // 获取标题作用域插槽
    const titleSlot = this.$scopedSlots.title
    return (
      <div class="item">
        {/** 如果有标题插槽,则使用标题插槽,否则使用默认标题 */}
        {titleSlot ? titleSlot(data) : <span>{data.title}</span>}
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import MyComponent from &#39;./my-component&#39;

export default {
  render() {
    return <MyComponent>hello</MyComponent>
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 methods: {
    renderFooter() {
      return (
  render() {
    const buttons = this.renderFooter()
    return (
      <ElDialog visible={this.visible}>
        <template slot="footer">{buttons}</template>
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What is JSX in Vue? When to use it? how to use?


message: [
      // 每个数组的第一个参数为消息类型:0:文本 1:图片 2:引用。第二个参数为具体内容
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methods: {
    // 展示引用消息
    showQuote (msg) {
      return (
        <div class="content-quote">
          <span class="quote-title">引用:</span>
          {msg.map(item => {
            if (item[0] === 0) {
              return <p class="content-text">{item[1]}</p>
            } else if (item[0] === 1) {
              return (
            } else {
              return this.showQuote(item[1])
  render (h) {
    return (
      <ul class="chat-record-list">
        {this.recordList.map(item => {
          return (
              <div class="title">
                <span class="person-info">
                  { `${item.sendUserNick}(${item.sendUserNet}) → ${item.receiverNick}(${item.receiverNet})` }
                <span class="sendtime">
                  { this.formatTime(&#39;YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS&#39;, item.timeStamp) }
              <div class="content">
                {item.message.map(msg => {
                  if (msg[0] === 0) {
                    return <p class="content-text">{msg[1]}</p>
                  } else if (msg[0] === 1) {
                    return (
                  } else {
                    // 递归渲染引用类型消息
                    return this.showQuote(msg[1])
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// 当前组件就是RecordMessage组件,自己引入自己
import RecordMessage from &#39;./RecordMessage.vue&#39;

export default {
    props: {
        message: {
            type: Array,
            default: () => []
    render () {
        const parseMessage = msg => {
            const type = msg[0]
            if (type === 0) {
                // 文本
            } else if (type === 2) {
                // 图片
            } else {
                // 引用类型
                return (
                            msg[1].map(subMsg => (
                                // 自己递归渲染自己
        return parseMessage(this.message)
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The above is the detailed content of What is JSX in Vue? When to use it? how to use?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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