How to implement the magnifying glass function in html5: 1. Create an HTML sample file; 2. Initialize the image using the html5 canvas tag; 3. Obtain the canvas and image objects; 4. Through "function drawAnchor() {... }" and other methods to enlarge the selected area, and then draw it onto the original picture, ensuring that the center points of the two areas are consistent.
The operating environment of this tutorial: Windows 10 system, HTML5 version, DELL G3 computer
How to implement the magnifying glass function in html5?
【HTML5】Canvas implements magnifying glass effect
First select an area of the picture, then enlarge this area, and then draw it on the original picture to ensure that the center points of the two areas are consistent, as shown in the figure below Display:
<canvas id="canvas" width="500" height="500"> </canvas> <img src="image.png" style="display: none" id="img">
tag to preload the image
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); var img = document.getElementById("img");
// 图片被放大区域的中心点,也是放大镜的中心点 var centerPoint = {}; // 图片被放大区域的半径 var originalRadius = 100; // 图片被放大区域 var originalRectangle = {}; // 放大倍数 var scale = 2; // 放大后区域 var scaleGlassRectangle
function drawBackGround() { context.drawImage(img, 0, 0); }
function calOriginalRectangle(point) { originalRectangle.x = point.x - originalRadius; originalRectangle.y = point.y - originalRadius; originalRectangle.width = originalRadius * 2; originalRectangle.height = originalRadius * 2; }
clip function to crop out a circular area, and then draw the enlarged image in the area. Once a certain area is clipped, all future drawings will be limited to this area. Here we use the
save and
restore methods to clear the impact of the clipped area.
save Saves a state of the current canvas, including the context attributes of the canvas, such as
lineWidth, etc., and then pushes this state into a stack.
restore is used to restore the state of the last save and pop the top-most state from the stack.; context.beginPath(); context.arc(centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y, originalRadius, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); context.clip(); ...... context.restore();
scaleGlassRectangle = { x: centerPoint.x - originalRectangle.width * scale / 2, y: centerPoint.y - originalRectangle.height * scale / 2, width: originalRectangle.width * scale, height: originalRectangle.height * scale }
context.drawImage(img,sx,sy,swidth,sheight,x,y,width,height); method, Treat the canvas itself as a picture, then take the image of the magnified area and draw it into the magnifying glass area.
context.drawImage(canvas, originalRectangle.x, originalRectangle.y, originalRectangle.width, originalRectangle.height, scaleGlassRectangle.x, scaleGlassRectangle.y, scaleGlassRectangle.width, scaleGlassRectangle.height );
createRadialGradient Used to draw gradient images
context.beginPath(); var gradient = context.createRadialGradient( centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y, originalRadius - 5, centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y, originalRadius); gradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)'); gradient.addColorStop(0.80, 'silver'); gradient.addColorStop(0.90, 'silver'); gradient.addColorStop(1.0, 'rgba(150,150,150,0.9)'); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.lineWidth = 5; context.arc(centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y, originalRadius, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); context.stroke();
canvas.onmousemove = function (e) { ...... }
getBoundingClientRect is used to obtain the left, top, right and bottom positions of an element on the page relative to the browser window.
function windowToCanvas(x, y) { var bbox = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); return {x: x - bbox.left, y: y -} }
#canvas { display: block; border: 1px solid red; margin: 0 auto; cursor: crosshair; }
(200.5, 400) -> (200.5, 200), the coordinates of the other line are
(201.5, 400) -> (201.5, 20), then the two lines will almost overlap, as shown in the following figure:
function Line(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd, index, color) { // 起点x坐标 this.xStart = xStart; // 起点y坐标 this.yStart = yStart; // 终点x坐标 this.xEnd = xEnd; // 终点y坐标 this.yEnd = yEnd; // 用来标记是哪条线段 this.index = index; // 线段颜色 this.color = color; }
// 原始线段 var chartLines = new Array(); // 处于放大镜中的原始线段 var glassLines; // 放大后的线段 var scaleGlassLines; // 位于放大镜中的线段数量 var glassLineSize; function initLines() { var line; line = new Line(200.5, 400, 200.5, 200, 0, "#888"); chartLines.push(line); line = new Line(201.5, 400, 201.5, 20, 1, "#888"); chartLines.push(line); glassLineSize = chartLines.length; glassLines = new Array(glassLineSize); for (var i = 0; i < glassLineSize; i++) { line = new Line(0, 0, 0, 0, i); glassLines[i] = line; } scaleGlassLines = new Array(glassLineSize); for (var i = 0; i < glassLineSize; i++) { line = new Line(0, 0, 0, 0, i); scaleGlassLines[i] = line; } }
function drawLines() { var line; context.lineWidth = 1; for (var i = 0; i < chartLines.length; i++) { line = chartLines[i]; context.beginPath(); context.strokeStyle = line.color; context.moveTo(line.xStart, line.yStart); context.lineTo(line.xEnd, line.yEnd); context.stroke(); } }
function calGlassRectangle(point) { originalRectangle.x = point.x - originalRadius; originalRectangle.y = point.y - originalRadius; originalRectangle.width = originalRadius * 2; originalRectangle.height = originalRadius * 2; scaleGlassRectangle.width = originalRectangle.width * scale; scaleGlassRectangle.height = originalRectangle.height * scale; scaleGlassRectangle.x = originalRectangle.x + originalRectangle.width / 2 - scaleGlassRectangle.width / 2; scaleGlassRectangle.y = originalRectangle.y + originalRectangle.height / 2 - scaleGlassRectangle.height / 2; // 将值装换为整数 scaleGlassRectangle.width = parseInt(scaleGlassRectangle.width); scaleGlassRectangle.height = parseInt(scaleGlassRectangle.height); scaleGlassRectangle.x = parseInt(scaleGlassRectangle.x); scaleGlassRectangle.y = parseInt(scaleGlassRectangle.y); }
由原理图我们知道,放大镜中使用坐标系的图例要比原始坐标系更加精确,比如原始坐标系使用 1:100
,那么放大镜坐标系使用 1:10
function calScaleLines() { var xStart = originalRectangle.x; var xEnd = originalRectangle.x + originalRectangle.width; var yStart = originalRectangle.y; var yEnd = originalRectangle.y + originalRectangle.height; var line, gLine, sgLine; var glassLineIndex = 0; for (var i = 0; i < chartLines.length; i++) { line = chartLines[i]; // 判断线段是否在放大镜中 if (line.xStart < xStart || line.xEnd > xEnd) { continue; } if (line.yEnd > yEnd || line.yStart < yStart) { continue; } gLine = glassLines[glassLineIndex]; sgLine = scaleGlassLines[glassLineIndex]; if (line.yEnd > yEnd) { gLine.yEnd = yEnd; } if (line.yStart < yStart) { gLine.yStart = yStart; } gLine.xStart = line.xStart - xStart; gLine.yStart = line.yStart - yStart; gLine.xEnd = line.xEnd - xStart; gLine.yEnd = line.yEnd - yStart; sgLine.xStart = parseInt(gLine.xStart * scale); sgLine.yStart = parseInt(gLine.yStart * scale); sgLine.xEnd = parseInt(gLine.xEnd * scale); sgLine.yEnd = parseInt(gLine.yEnd * scale); sgLine.color = line.color; glassLineIndex++; } glassLineSize = glassLineIndex; }
function drawAnchor() { context.beginPath(); context.lineWidth = 2; context.fillStyle = "#fff"; context.strokeStyle = "#000"; context.arc(parseInt(centerPoint.x), parseInt(centerPoint.y), 10, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); var radius = 15; context.moveTo(parseInt(centerPoint.x - radius), parseInt(centerPoint.y)); context.lineTo(parseInt(centerPoint.x + radius), parseInt(centerPoint.y)); context.moveTo(parseInt(centerPoint.x), parseInt(centerPoint.y - radius)); context.lineTo(parseInt(centerPoint.x), parseInt(centerPoint.y + radius)); //context.fill(); context.stroke(); }
function drawMagnifyingGlass() { calScaleLines();; context.beginPath(); context.arc(centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y, originalRadius, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); context.clip(); context.beginPath(); context.fillStyle = "#fff"; context.arc(centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y, originalRadius, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); context.fill(); context.lineWidth = 4; for (var i = 0; i < glassLineSize; i++) { context.beginPath(); context.strokeStyle = scaleGlassLines[i].color; context.moveTo(scaleGlassRectangle.x + scaleGlassLines[i].xStart, scaleGlassRectangle.y + scaleGlassLines[i].yStart); context.lineTo(scaleGlassRectangle.x + scaleGlassLines[i].xEnd, scaleGlassRectangle.y + scaleGlassLines[i].yEnd); context.stroke(); } context.restore(); context.beginPath(); var gradient = context.createRadialGradient( parseInt(centerPoint.x), parseInt(centerPoint.y), originalRadius - 5, parseInt(centerPoint.x), parseInt(centerPoint.y), originalRadius); gradient.addColorStop(0.50, 'silver'); gradient.addColorStop(0.90, 'silver'); gradient.addColorStop(1, 'black'); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.lineWidth = 5; context.arc(parseInt(centerPoint.x), parseInt(centerPoint.y), originalRadius, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); context.stroke(); drawAnchor(); }
为了实现上面的效果,我们要实现3种事件 mousedown
, mousemove
, 'mouseup', 当鼠标按下时,检测是否在放大镜区域,如果在,设置放大镜可以移动。鼠标移动时更新放大镜中兴点的坐标。鼠标松开时,设置放大镜不可以被移动。
canvas.onmousedown = function (e) { var point = windowToCanvas(e.clientX, e.clientY); var x1, x2, y1, y2, dis; x1 = point.x; y1 = point.y; x2 = centerPoint.x; y2 = centerPoint.y; dis = Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2); if (dis < Math.pow(originalRadius, 2)) { lastPoint.x = point.x; lastPoint.y = point.y; moveGlass = true; } } canvas.onmousemove = function (e) { if (moveGlass) { var xDis, yDis; var point = windowToCanvas(e.clientX, e.clientY); xDis = point.x - lastPoint.x; yDis = point.y - lastPoint.y; centerPoint.x += xDis; centerPoint.y += yDis; lastPoint.x = point.x; lastPoint.y = point.y; draw(); } } canvas.onmouseup = function (e) { moveGlass = false; }
canvas.ondblclick = function (e) { var xStart, xEnd, yStart, yEnd; var clickPoint = {}; clickPoint.x = scaleGlassRectangle.x + scaleGlassRectangle.width / 2; clickPoint.y = scaleGlassRectangle.y + scaleGlassRectangle.height / 2; var index = -1; for (var i = 0; i < scaleGlassLines.length; i++) { var scaleLine = scaleGlassLines[i]; xStart = scaleGlassRectangle.x + scaleLine.xStart - 3; xEnd = scaleGlassRectangle.x + scaleLine.xStart + 3; yStart = scaleGlassRectangle.y + scaleLine.yStart; yEnd = scaleGlassRectangle.y + scaleLine.yEnd; if (clickPoint.x > xStart && clickPoint.x < xEnd && clickPoint.y < yStart && clickPoint.y > yEnd) { scaleLine.color = "#f00"; index = scaleLine.index; break; } } for (var i = 0; i < chartLines.length; i++) { var line = chartLines[i]; if (line.index == index) { line.color = "#f00"; } else { line.color = "#888"; } } draw(); }
, a
, s
, d
document.onkeyup = function (e) { if (e.key == 'w') { centerPoint.y = intAdd(centerPoint.y, -0.2); } if (e.key == 'a') { centerPoint.x = intAdd(centerPoint.x, -0.2); } if (e.key == 's') { centerPoint.y = intAdd(centerPoint.y, 0.2); } if (e.key == 'd') { centerPoint.x = intAdd(centerPoint.x, 0.2); } draw(); }
The above is the detailed content of How to implement the magnifying glass function in html5. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!