The previous article introduced the skeletal animation that comes with cocos2dx in general. This article introduces the meaning of each field of the exported configuration data (it also explains the meaning of each field of the xml data exported by DragonBone meaning).
skeleton node
<skeleton name="Dragon" frameRate="24" version="2.2">
name: flash file name.
frameRate: flash frame rate.
version: dragonbones version number.
armatures node
The first is the armatures node, which intercepts some data in armatures.
<armatures> <armature name="Dragon"> <b name="tail" parent="body" x="." y="-." kX="" kY="" cX="" cY="" pX="." pY="." z=""> <d name="parts-tail" pX="" pY="-."/> </b> <b name = "LegR" ... /> <b/> …… <b/> </armature> </armatures>
The node is a bone (b is the abbreviation of bone). The
Why does the
b node (child node of armature node)
<b name="tail" parent="body" x="45.9" y="-70.8" kX="30" kY="30" cX="1" cY="1" pX="11.5" pY="176.35" z="10">
Skeleton information, based on the first frame information.
name: The name of the bone is the name of the layer in TimeLine, as shown above.
parent: Bone parent node, pictured above.
x, y: The coordinates of the component rotation anchor point relative to the origin of the parent node, as shown in the figure below, the y direction is downward as the positive direction.
kX, kY: represents skewX and SkewY. Generally, the two are equal and represent the Rotate (rotation) size.
cX, cY: represents scaleX, scaleY, represents the zoom size.
pX, pY: represents pivotX, pivotY, the coordinates of the rotation anchor point relative to the origin of the component. The following figure adjusts the 30-degree rotation.
z: Level, the bottom layer is layer 0, increasing one by one.
d node
The nodes displayed in the skeleton can be understood as skin. If several components from the library are used in a layer, there will be several
<d name="parts-tail" pX="0" pY="-63.8"/>
name: Displays the name of the object, which is the concatenation of the path and component name in the library.
pX, pY: Display the displacement of the object relative to the origin.
animations node
The<animations> <animation name="Dragon"> <mov name="stand" dr="" to="" drTW="" lp="" twE=""> <b name="tail" sc="" dl=""> <f x="." y="-." cocosd_x="." cocosd_y="-." kX="" kY="" cX="" cY="" pX="." pY="." z="" dI="" dr=""/> <f x="." y="-." cocosd_x="." cocosd_y="-." kX="." kY="." cX="" cY="" pX="." pY="." z="" dI="" dr=""/> <f x="." y="-." cocosd_x="." cocosd_y="-." kX="" kY="" cX="" cY="" pX="." pY="." z="" dI="" dr=""/> </b> </mov> <mov name="walk" dr="" to="" drTW="" lp="" twE=""> </mov> <mov name="jump" dr="" to="" drTW="" lp="" twE="NaN"> </mov> <mov name="fall" dr="" to="" drTW="" lp="" twE="NaN"> </mov> </animation> </animations>
Why does
mov node
The mov node actually corresponds to an animation in the program. A frame label on TimeLine will generate a mov, so there will be multiple movs in one
<mov name="stand" dr="7" to="6" drTW="30" lp="1" twE="0">
name: frame label name.
dr: represents duration, how many frames mov lasts. As shown in the above figure, stand lasts 7 frames.
to: I really don’t know what it does.
drTW: stands for duration_tween, how long the animation runs, 1/24*7=0.29s. Setting TotalTime on the dragonbones panel affects this value.
lp: stands for loop, whether to loop or not.
twE: I really don’t know what it does.
b node (child node of mov node)
Bone status, there will be all bone b nodes in mov.
<b name="tail" sc="1" dl="0">
<f x="45.9" y="-70.8" cocos2d_x="124.1" cocos2d_y="-229.25" kX="30" kY="30" cX="1" cY="1" pX="11.5" pY="176.35" z="10" dI="0" dr="2"/>
dI:display_index 显示哪个图(
dr: duration 帧数.
<TextureAtlas name="Dragon" width="" height=""> <SubTexture/> <SubTexture name="parts-tail" width="" height="" cocosd_pX="" cocosd_pY="-." x="" y=""/> <SubTexture/> <SubTexture/> <SubTexture/> </TextureAtlas>