Establishing AI talent and project channels requires not only educational value, but also technical value. For this purpose, centers of excellence in artificial intelligence led by world-renowned scientific advisors are necessary.
When governments and grassroots initiatives are involved, a stronger AI ecosystem will emerge.
The artificial intelligence ecosystem is implemented as a value network, redesigning the threshold for entering artificial intelligence and providing a path for participation for stakeholders.
The benefits of artificial intelligence as a catalyst for economic growth are unevenly distributed in cities around the world. So, too, does its talent. The artificial intelligence centers we know as Boston, Silicon Valley, Toronto, etc. do not exist in the heartland of the United States, nor in emerging or frontier markets around the world.
These AI centers are underpinned by some of the world’s greatest learning institutions and led by scientific advisors who attract global talent. Without such an artificial intelligence ecosystem, it will be impossible to cultivate the next generation of AI talents.
In the development of artificial intelligence, although technology and algorithms have been commoditized, skilled workers who can create solutions to artificial intelligence problems are the most important factor. An entire generation of workers with AI capabilities will be needed. This generation of talent will support the nation’s interests in aerospace, defense, education, housing, transportation, public safety, supply chain, manufacturing and many other industries critical to national security.
As John F. Kennedy said, fix the roof while the sun is shining. All signs point to bright prospects for America’s AI achievements.
At the same time, to maintain this leadership position, now is the time to cultivate the next generation of AI talent. According to Stanford University's 2022 Artificial Intelligence Index Report, the United States is the global leader in artificial intelligence as it relates to publications, capital investment, conference citations, net new investment in companies, and patents accepted.
If we set the United States as the North Star for the AI ecosystem, we can identify opportunities for emerging tech hubs to develop local ecosystems. According to Stanford University's 2022 Artificial Intelligence Index Report, the U.S. government spent the highest on the Department of Defense's artificial intelligence contracts in 2021, and the National Science Foundation (NSF) spent the lowest.
National governments need to contribute to the grassroots AI ecosystem. Every stakeholder in the AI ecosystem is building a value network, from local governments to federal policy. An AI ecosystem consists of 8 stakeholders, all with different goals. In order for these stakeholders to achieve their goals, government support is required.
The specific role of governments is to immediately recognize AI degrees and education at the graduate school level, as well as in k-12 curricula. Imagine if the government education department did not recognize medical, law or teaching degrees? The education system would not function. But paradoxically, education departments need to build in-house expertise to identify such AI degrees.
The artificial intelligence ecosystem and the methods for cultivating the next generation of AI talent cannot be compartmentalized. AI workshops, certificates, and bootcamps have no educational value and do not build practitioner-level skills.
Must start with a standardized AI degree – supporting AI centers of excellence led by grassroots organizations. As entrepreneurs and stakeholders who care about cultivating the next generation of AI talent, we can’t wait for the government to take action to establish a localized AI ecosystem.
Must be built around the knowledge infrastructure that already exists in local academia. For AI education to be effective, centers of excellence that engage through the 8-stakeholder model must emerge from these communities. This is a bottom-up approach that brings value to AI education.
There is a need to act now to identify gaps in the local ecosystem as entrepreneurial opportunities to add value. Therefore, technology and academia in each region must join forces to establish their own centers of excellence in AI.
But this must be done in an integrated manner with all stakeholders who are educated and believe in the capabilities of AI technology. This means working with industry to build trust and solve local problems that can be solved with AI.
Without education, we will not be able to lead in the field of artificial intelligence. This is why it is crucial to bring value to the academic body of the subject.
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