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Michael Bronstein draws from algebraic topology and proposes a new graph neural network computing structure!

Release: 2023-04-09 22:11:36
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This article is co-authored by Cristian Bodnar and Fabrizio Frasca, and published by C. Bodnar, F. Frasca and others in 2021 ICML "Weisfeiler and Lehman Go Topological: Information Transfer Simple Network" and 2021 NeurIPS "Weisfeiler and Lehman Go Cellular: CW Network" paper is used as a reference.

This article is only part of the discussion of the graph neural network series from the perspective of differential geometry and algebraic topology.

Graphs can be used to model anything from computer networks to particle interactions in the Large Hadron Collider. Graphs are ubiquitous because of their discrete and combinatorial nature, which allows them to express abstract relationships while being easy to compute. One of the reasons for their popularity is that graphs abstract away geometry, i.e. where nodes are in space or how edges are curved, leaving only a representation of how nodes are connected.

Graph theory originated from the observations of Leonhard Euler in his 1741 book "Geometria situs", where he pointed out the famous Seven Bridges Problem of Königsberg There is no solution to the problem.

Michael Bronstein draws from algebraic topology and proposes a new graph neural network computing structure!

Note: The seven-bridge problem requires finding a circular walking route in Königsberg without crossing the bridge multiple times. . As Euler said, the exact shape of the city of Königsberg is not important, what matters is how the different lands (nodes of the graph) are connected to each other (edges). Euler showed that such a cycle exists if and only if all nodes have an even degree. Additionally, only five of the original bridges survive into modern times. Source: Wikipedia

Interestingly, the discovery of Euler not only marked the beginning of graph theory, but is also often considered to be the birth of topology. As with graphs, topologists are interested in those properties of a space that are independent of its specific shape or geometry.

The modern expression of these ideas appears in 1895's "Analysis situs," a seminal paper by Henri Poincaré, whose work ignited convection Combinatorial descriptions of shapes are of interest, and topological invariants can be more easily found and computed from these manifolds.

Michael Bronstein draws from algebraic topology and proposes a new graph neural network computing structure!

## Caption: Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) and Henri Poincaré (1854-1912)

These combinatorial descriptions are known today as cell complexes and can be thought of as high-dimensional generalizations of graphs.

Unlike graphs formed by nodes and edges, cell complexes can also contain higher-dimensional structures or "cells": vertices are 0-cells, edges are 1-cells, 2D surfaces are 2-cells etc. To build a cell complex, we can layer it by gluing the boundaries of one cell to other lower-dimensional cells.

In special cases, when cells are composed of simplexes (such as edges, triangles, tetrahedrons, etc.), these spaces are also called simplex complexes.

Michael Bronstein draws from algebraic topology and proposes a new graph neural network computing structure!

Note: The graph can be viewed as a set of vertices to which we attach edges (1-cell). Similarly, single cell complexes and cell complexes can be viewed as graphs where we connect 2-cells (shown in blue), 3-cells (shown in green), etc.

1 Topology in Machine Learning and Data Science

We believe that people do not have to wait 400 years for topology to become a practical tool .

Under the umbrella of topological data analysis (TDA), topological structures such as shallow composites have been used in machine learning and data science. This type of method emerged in the 1990s. s, attempts to analyze the "shape of the data" in a way that is metric insensitive and robust to noise.

The roots of TDA can be traced back to the work of one of the most prolific topologists, Leopold Vietnam Oris, in the late 1920s. However, these technologies had to wait until the advent of modern computing before they could be applied on a large scale.

Michael Bronstein draws from algebraic topology and proposes a new graph neural network computing structure!

Legend: Given a point cloud, the intersection between closed spheres of fixed radius around each point produces a simple complex. By gradually increasing the radius of the sphere, we can obtain a nested sequence of simple complexes. Image source: Bastian Rieck.

#The workhorse of TDA is Persistent Homology (PH), a method for extracting topological features from point clouds. Given a dataset of points, PH creates a nested sequence of simple complex numbers, where each complex number corresponds to a certain scale of the underlying point cloud analyzed. It then tracks various topological features (e.g., connected components, loops, or holes) that appear and disappear as the scale gradually increases and one transitions from one complex in the sequence to the next.

In the era of deep learning, persistent homology has a "second life" because it shows that one can perform backpropagation through it, allowing to convert already The established TDA device is integrated into a deep learning framework.

A recent body of work proposes different uses of simplifications and cellular complexes in geometric deep learning, as a richer underlying topological space to support data and calculations performed.

The first few works to exploit this idea proposed convolutional models and random walk methods operating on simplified complexes. As in this article, convolutional models can be understood as simple and concrete examples of information transfer on complexes of cells.

Since the calculation is driven by the topological structure of these spaces (i.e., neighborhood structure), we call this method topological information passing. In this framework, adjacent units, possibly of different dimensions, are exchanging information, as shown in the figure below.

Michael Bronstein draws from algebraic topology and proposes a new graph neural network computing structure!

Note: Schematic diagram of topological information transmission. The blue arrows describe the "horizontal" information propagation between adjacent cells in the upper layer, i.e. cells on the boundaries of the same high-dimensional cell. The red arrow depicts "vertical" information propagation, where a cell receives information from lower-dimensional cells at its borders. This computation can be interpreted as a (differentiable) ensemble form by summarizing information from boundary cells into a coarser representation.

Beyond Graphs in GNNs

Despite the rich structure provided by cellular complexes, we cannot ignore that graphs are by far the most common in machine learning topological objects, and few datasets surpass them. Nonetheless, one can still exploit these interesting topological spaces by transforming the input graph.

We call converting a graph into a high-dimensional topological space "lifting" to resemble the concept of the same name in category theory. It is a transformation that appends high-dimensional cells to the input graph by following certain rules. For example, a graph can be promoted to a cell complex by attaching a higher-dimensional cell to each cliff or cycle of the graph. By doing this, the graph is replaced with a different space that has more structure and can provide the GNN with a better computational structure than the original graph. Below, we discuss the specific advantages of this approach.

Michael Bronstein draws from algebraic topology and proposes a new graph neural network computing structure!

Legend: By gluing the boundary of the two-dimensional closed disk to the induced loop in the figure, it can be obtained from the figure Construct high-dimensional cell complexes.

High-order features and structures

GNN usually adopts a node-centric view, and the data residing on the edges are only regarded as auxiliary information to increase communication between vertices. In topological information transfer, all units are first-class citizens. Regardless of their dimensions, they are assigned a specific representation, which is developed by exchanging information with neighboring units. This provides a recipe for explicitly modeling certain higher-order structures and interactions between them. In particular, it provides a principled approach to evolve the edge (i.e. 1 unit) features of the input graph, which is a problem that is not considered by a large class of GNN models.

Higher Order Interactions

Diagrams are by definition binary ("pairwise") and cannot represent relationships and interactions involving more than two objects . This can be a problem when modeling complex systems characterized by higher-order interactions: for example, three reactants in a chemical reaction might interact simultaneously. In a cell complex, this situation can be encoded by connecting reactants between two cells (i.e., a "filled" triangle). Therefore, the computational flow of the model is adapted to the presence of higher-order interactions.

Michael Bronstein draws from algebraic topology and proposes a new graph neural network computing structure!

Legend: Cell Weisfeiler-Lehman (CWL) test, extending the classic WL test to the cell population, each step of the algorithm Both perfectly hash the colors of adjacent cells (which may have different dimensions).


The expressive ability of information transfer GNN is limited by the Weisfeiler-Leman (WL) graph isomorphism test. It is well known that WL cannot detect some graphs. Substructures, such as triangles or cycles, are indistinguishable from even very simple non-isomorphic graphs.

According to previous papers (Paper address: https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.03212; https://arxiv.org/ abs/2106.12575), the cellular version of the WL test (CWL) can be used to test the isomorphism of cellular complexes. When this new test is matched with the graph lifting procedure described above, it is found that it can distinguish larger graph classes than the WL test. Therefore, under certain conditions, the topological information transfer process inherits the advantages of this test and improves expression ability compared with standard GNN. Insufficient, over-smoothing and bottlenecks

Information transfer GNN requires n layers to enable nodes that are n hops apart to communicate. When only a few layers are used so that nodes that are far apart cannot exchange

information, this phenomenon is called underreach.

In contrast, using too many layers can lead to over-smoothing, and information can be lost in structural bottlenecks of the graph.

Cell complexes can alleviate these problems because the richer neighborhood structure induced by high-dimensional cells creates shortcuts between nodes that may be far apart. Therefore, information only needs to contain some computational steps to be disseminated to be valid.

Michael Bronstein draws from algebraic topology and proposes a new graph neural network computing structure!

Caption: GNN requires many layers to enable nodes that are far apart to communicate (left). High-dimensional cells change the underlying topology of space by creating shortcuts (right). This allows remote nodes to exchange information in several messaging steps. Hierarchical modeling


InformationThe calculation performed by information passing is hierarchical, and information flows from low-dimensional units to high-dimensional units. dimensional units and back, can be thought of as a form of "vertical" (and differentiable) pooling, rather than the "horizontal" pooling in standard graph neural networks. This preserves the inductive bias of “compressed” graph regions without ignoring fine-grained information of the input graph that would harm GNN pooling-based performance.

Note: Topological information transfer allows information to exist hierarchically between units of different dimensions

Domain alignment

Certain applications are naturally consistent with the structure of cellular complexes, for example, the atoms, bonds, and chemical rings of a molecule can be represented as 0-cell, 1-cell, and 2-cell, a direct connection between the physical structure of the molecule and the complex representation of the cell. Correspondence allows topological information transfer to take advantage of the above properties, and these representations also demonstrate the state-of-the-art results achieved by topological information transfer in molecular property prediction tasks.

Other applications that exhibit good alignment might include discrete manifolds (grids) in computer graphics applications, social networks (cliques are particularly important), or spatial graphs such as Google Maps (Blocks between streets can be naturally represented as "cubic" cells).

Michael Bronstein draws from algebraic topology and proposes a new graph neural network computing structure!

Caption: Caffeine factors are modeled as two-dimensional cellular complexes

2 Combination of topology and differential geometry

In the transfer of topological information, many interesting connections with algebraic topology and differential geometry are retained, allowing the use so far Mathematical tools for graph and geometric deep learning remain underexplored until now.

Hole algebra and directional equivalence

In algebraic topology, it is common to use directed simplicial complexes, where there is an arbitrary "orientation" for each simplex, e.g. We choose a source node and a target node in each edge, and for each triangle we choose an order in which to traverse its nodes. Once the direction is chosen, interesting algebraic operators can be performed on complex shapes, such as computing the boundaries of certain simplexes via "boundary operators". These algebraic operations can also be used to find "holes" in simplicial complexes - regions that have no boundaries but are not on the boundaries of something else. Behind the scenes, persistent homology relies on these calculations to detect topological features.

Michael Bronstein draws from algebraic topology and proposes a new graph neural network computing structure!

Legend: The boundary operator applied to a 2-simplex produces a triangle. Applying the operator to the triangle again, the result is zero, since the triangle is a cycle it has no bounds.

#Topological information transfer can be seen as a (nonlinear) generalization of algebraic operators (such as boundary operators). Therefore, it is necessary that the topological information passing behaves similarly: we want the outputs of each layer to respond "uniformly" to changes in the orientation of the input complex. In other words, we want our layers to be directionally equivalent. In our work, we study how topological information transfer satisfies this property by choosing appropriate nonlinearities and information transfer functions, also in a pure convolutional setting. This was studied.

Distinguish topological spacesOne of the earliest known topological invariants, Euler characteristics, was originally used for the classification of Platonic solids. We can define it as every The alternating sum of the number of cells in dimensions. Surprisingly, if two cellular complexes are homeomorphic, these sums will be consistent even if they are different discretizations of the same space.

Interestingly, the readout operation of the topological information transfer model makes it easy to calculate the invariance of the topology because it applies a subsumption to each dimensional unit. Restoration of invariants.

Therefore, this type of model can structurally distinguish certain non-isomorphic spaces (that is, have different Euler characteristics). From a computational perspective, this can be seen as a generalization of the WL test, where we are not only interested in determining whether two cellular complexes are identical, but also whether they are isomorphic to each other.

Discrete Hodge Theory

Discrete Hodge Theory provides a more geometric explanation for the topological properties of cellular complexes. When the sign of the features associated with a k-cell depends on the orientation of the k-cell, these features can be viewed mathematically as discrete versions of differential k-shapes in differential geometry (i.e., k-dimensional volume elements that can be integrated) . An operator called the Hoch Laplacian generalizes the graphical Laplacian and operates on these differential forms. It can be proved that The diffusion PDE based on this Laplacian operator will converge to the signal related to the hole of the composite in the limit.

Michael Bronstein draws from algebraic topology and proposes a new graph neural network computing structure!

Note: The diffusion partial differential equation based on the Hoch Laplace operator converges to the initial differential form The limit of projection on the Laplacian kernel. This image shows how the zero eigenvector of the Hoch Laplacian takes high values ​​around holes in the complex.

#The first simple neural network model was actually based on Hoch Laplace’s convolutional model, which in turn was inspired by topological signal processing. Just recently, a version of the convolutional model based on this operator was used to solve NP-hard problems in computational algebraic topology.

3 Final Thoughts

Are these just charts in disguise?

Recent papers argue that, among other things, topological information transfer methods are nothing more than GNNs that operate information transfer on modified graphs encoding the structure of cellular complexes. This is true for convolutional models, where information transfer calculations involve pairs of cells.

However, in its most general form, the information function allows a high-dimensional cell to modulate the energy passed between low-dimensional cells on its boundary. ##information. In general, information can be passed through the regular information on the graph, because an edge connects exactly two nodes, and a 2-cell can connect as many edges as desired. In both cases, the computation is driven by the topology of the underlying space to which the data is attached. We believe that the benefits of adopting this topological perspective on information transfer extend beyond purely computational considerations. In addition to valuable mathematical connections, it opens up research discourse to other mathematical and computational disciplines, facilitating positive cross-fertilization among our often too monotonous communities.

What is the next step for topological information transfer?

We foresee two main future directions for topological information transfer methods:

First, many architectures developed in GNNs over the years ( Such as attention mechanisms) may be adopted in these new topological spaces while exploiting their specific characteristics.

Secondly, more mathematical objects and tools from the field of algebraic topology (including structures such as honeycomb pulleys) will satisfy even the most mathematically savvy ML researchers , which may also sound foreign to them) will be adopted by the graph and geometric deep learning communities.

These methods can provide answers to old problems and help solve new problems. As Robert Ghrist said: "novel challenges necessitate novel math" (new challenges require novel math) new mathematics).

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