Today’s article is mainly divided into two parts. One is to build a data website through Python, and the other is to use Excel and Python to obtain data from the written Web website.
Build a Web website and a Web API service through the Python Flask Web framework.
Create a new Python script named "" to create a simple web page containing a table. If the reader is not interested in the construction method, you can skip the following code and directly execute the script "" to open the website.
(1) Install the flask package.
pip install flask
(2) Build a web page containing a table.
from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__)# 创建Falsk Web应用实例 # 将路由“/”映射到table_info函数,函数返回HTML代码 @app.route('/') def table_info(): return """<h2>HTML表格实例,用于提供给Excel和Python读取</h2> <table border="1"> <caption>用户信息表</caption> <tbody><tr> <th>姓名</th> <th>性别</th> <th>年龄</th> </tr> <tr> <td>小米</td> <td>女</td> <td>22</td> </tr> ………. </tbody></table>""" if __name__ == '__main__': app.debug = True# 启用调试模式 运行,网站端口默认为5000
Start the website through the command "python ./", then enter in the browser, and the web page content shown in Figure 1 will appear. .
Figure 1 Test website built using Flask
Create a new website named "5-5-" Python script that uses the flask_restplus package to build a Web API service. If the reader is not interested in the construction method, you can skip the following code and directly execute the script "" to open the Web API service.
(1) Install the flask_restplus package.
pip install flask-restplus
(2) Import necessary libraries and initialize application objects.
from flask import Flask # Api类是Web API应用的入口,需要用Flask应用程序初始化 from flask_restplus import Api # Resource类是HTTP请求的资源的基类 from flask_restplus import Resource # fields类用于定义数据的类型和格式 from flask_restplus import fields app = Flask(__name__)# 创建Falsk Web应用实例 # 在flask应用的基础上构建flask_restplusApi对象 api = Api(app, version='1.0', title='Excel集成Python数据分析-测试用WebAPI', description='测试用WebAPI', ) # 使用namespace函数生成命名空间,用于为资源分组 ns = api.namespace('ExcelPythonTest', description='Excel与Python Web API测试') # 使用api.model函数生成模型对象 todo = api.model('task_model', { 'id': fields.Integer(readonly=True, description='ETL任务唯一标识'), 'task': fields.String(required=True, description='ETL任务详情') })
(3) Web API data operation class, including methods such as add, delete, modify, and query.
class TodoDAO(object): def __init__(self): self.counter = 0 self.todos = [] def get(self, id): for todo in self.todos: if todo['id'] == id: return todo api.abort(404, "ETL任务 {} 不存在".format(id)) def create(self, data): todo = data todo['id'] = self.counter = self.counter + 1 self.todos.append(todo) return todo # 实例化数据操作,创建3条测试数据 DAO = TodoDAO() DAO.create({'task': 'ETL-抽取数据操作'}) DAO.create({'task': 'ETL-数据清洗转换'}) DAO.create({'task': 'ETL-数据加载操作'})
(4) Build the routing mapping of Web API.
The HTTP resource request class inherits from the Resource class, and then maps to different routes, while specifying the HTTP method that can be used.
@ns.route('/')# 路由“/”对应的资源类为TodoList,可使用get方法和post方法进行请求 class TodoList(Resource): @ns.doc('list_todos')# @doc装饰器对应API文档的信息 @ns.marshal_list_with(todo)# @marshal_xxx装饰器对模型数据进行格式转换与输出 def get(self):# 定义get方法获取所有的任务信息 return DAO.todos @ns.doc('create_todo') @ns.expect(todo) @ns.marshal_with(todo, code=201) def post(self):# 定义post方法获取所有的任务信息 return DAO.create(api.payload), 201 # 路由/<int:id>对应的资源类为Todo,可使用get、delete、put方法进行请求 @ns.route('/<int:id>') @ns.response(404, '未发现相关ETL任务') @ns.param('id', 'ETL任务ID号') class Todo(Resource): @ns.doc('get_todo') @ns.marshal_with(todo) def get(self, id): return DAO.get(id) @ns.doc('delete_todo') @ns.response(204, 'ETL任务已经删除') def delete(self, id): DAO.delete(id) return '', 204 @ns.expect(todo) @ns.marshal_with(todo) def put(self, id): return DAO.update(id, api.payload) if __name__ == '__main__':, port=8000)# 启动Web API服务,端口为8000
(4) Start the Web API service.
Start the Web API service through the command "python ./" and enter "" in the browser, as shown in Figure 5-23 List of Web API service request methods shown.
Figure 2 List of WebAPI service request methods
Excel can be accessed through the "Data" tab The "from website" function captures web page data. Python can use the requests library, Beautiful Soup package, and Scrapy framework to crawl web page data.
Click "Data" → "From other sources" → "From website" function. There are limitations to the web page data that Excel can read: dynamic web page data cannot be automatically recognized, and non-table data cannot be automatically recognized.
(1) Click the "Data" → "From Other Sources" → "From Website" function.
(2) Make sure that the Web website written in Section 5.5.1 has been opened.
(3) Enter the website URL address ""
Click the "Advanced" button to configure more detailed HTTP request information, and then click " OK" button, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 Configure the URL of the website to be read
(4) Select import data in the "Navigator" window.
As shown in Figure 4, Excel automatically recognizes the table data in the web page, select the table name and click the "Load" button.
Figure 4 Excel automatically recognizes table data in web pages
The following demonstrates using the requests library to capture The data in the entire web page is then used to parse the web page using Beautiful Soup. Readers can refer to the code material file "5-5-web.ipynb" in this book to learn.
(1) Read web page data through requests.
import requests #导入requests包 url ='' strhtml= requests.get(url) #使用get方法请求网页数据
(2) Parse web pages through Beautiful Soup.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup soup = BeautifulSoup(strhtml.text)# 将网页内容作为参数,创建soup对象 table = soup.find('table')# 查找网页中的table元素 table_body = table.find('tbody')# 查找table元素中的tbody元素 data = [] rows = table_body.find_all('tr')# 查找表中的所有tr元素 for row in rows:# 遍历数据 cols = row.find_all('td') cols = [ele.text.strip() for ele in cols] data.append([ele for ele in cols if ele]) # 结果输出:[[], ['小米', '女', '22'],['小明','男','23'],……
Excel can call the Web API service through the "Self Website" function under the "Data" tab. Python can use the requests library, Beautiful Soup package, and Scrapy framework to call Web API to obtain data.
(1) Make sure that the Web API service written in Section 5.5.1 has been started.
(2) Enter the URL corresponding to the Web API method:
(3) Process the returned data.
After calling the Web API service, the data is returned in JSON format, and the JSON data is processed according to the method introduced in Section 5.4.3.
Use the requests library to call the Web API method, and then process the returned JSON data. Readers can refer to the code material file "5-5-api.ipynb" in this book "To learn.
import requests#导入requests包 url ='' strhtml= requests.get(url)#使用get方法获取网页数据 import pandas as pd frame= pd.read_json(strhtml.text)#使用Pandas包中的read_json函数 print(frame) #结果输出: id task 0 1 ETL-抽取数据操作 1 2 ETL-数据清洗转换 2 3 ETL-数据加载操作
表1 Excel和Python抓取互联网数据方法对比
The above is the detailed content of Get data from the internet using Excel and Python. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!