Translator | Zhu Xianzhong
##Reviewer | Sun Shujuan
Decision tree in machine learningModern machine learning algorithms are changing our daily lives. For example, large language models like BERT are powering Google search, and GPT-3 is powering many high-level language applications.
On the other hand, building complex machine learning algorithms is much easier today than ever before. However, no matter how complex a machine learning algorithm may be, they all fall into one of the following learning categories:
In fact, Decision trees are one of the oldest supervised machine learning algorithms and can solve a wide range of real-world problems. Research shows that the earliest invention of the decision tree algorithm can be traced back to 1963.
Next, let’s delve into the details of this algorithm and see why this type of algorithm is still so popular today.
What is a decision tree?The decision tree algorithm is a popular supervised machine learning algorithm because of its relatively simple method of processing complex data sets. Decision trees get their name from their similarity to the structure of a tree; a tree structure consists of several components such as roots, branches, and leaves in the form of nodes and edges. They are used for decision analysis, much like an if-else based decision flow chart, where decisions will produce the desired predictions. Decision trees can learn these if-else decision rules to split the data set and finally generate a tree-like data model.
Decision trees have been used in the prediction of discrete results for classification problems and the prediction of continuous numerical results for regression problems. Over the years scientists have developed many different algorithms such as CART, C4.5 and ensemble algorithms such as random forests and gradient boosted trees.
The goal of the decision tree algorithm is to predict the outcome of the input data set. The tree data set is divided into three forms: attributes, attribute values, and types to be predicted. As with any supervised learning algorithm, the data set is divided into two types: training set and test set. Among them, the training set defines the decision rules that the algorithm learns and applies to the test set.
Before we gather together the steps of the decision tree algorithm, let us first understand the components of the decision tree:
The following is a visual representation of a decision tree and its above components, the decision tree algorithm goes through the following steps to arrive at the desired prediction:
In order to select the best attribute on each node, one of the following two attribute selection metrics will be used for splitting:
A brief explanation about the data set
The data set for this tutorial is an iris data set. This dataset is already built into the Scikit open source library, so developers do not need to load it externally. The dataset includes a total of four iris attributes and corresponding attribute values, which will be input into the model to predict one of three types of iris flowers.
Import library
First, import the library required to implement the decision tree through the following piece of code.import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
data_set = load_iris()
print('Iris plant classes to predict: ', data_set.target_names)
print('Four features of iris plant: ', data_set.feature_names)
Separating attributes and tags
X_att =
y_label =
print('数据集中总的样本数:', X_att.shape[0])
'sepal length':X_att[:,0],
'sepal width':X_att[:,1],
'petal length':X_att[:,2],
'petal width':X_att[:,3],
X_att_train, X_att_test, y_label_train, y_label_test = train_test_split(X_att, y_label, random_state = 42, test_size = 0.25)
by using the DecisionTreeClassifier function Classification modelto implement a decision tree, classification standard is set to "entropy"Way. This standard enables to set the attribute selection metric to (Information gain). The code then matches the model to our training set of attributes and labels. 下面的代码负责计算并打印决策树分类模型在训练集和测试集上的准确性。为了计算准确度分数,我们使用了predict函数。测试结果是:训练集和测试集的准确率分别为100%和94.7%。 当今社会,机器学习决策树在许多行业的决策过程中都得到广泛应用。其中,决策树的最常见应用首先是在金融和营销部门,例如可用于如下一些子领域: 作为本文决策树主题讨论的总结,我们有充分的理由安全地假设:决策树的可解释性仍然很受欢迎。决策树之所以容易理解,是因为它们可以被人类以可视化方式展现并便于解释。因此,它们是解决机器学习问题的直观方法,同时也能够确保结果是可解释的。机器学习中的可解释性是我们过去讨论过的一个小话题,它也与即将到来的人工智能伦理主题存在密切联系。 与任何其他机器学习算法一样,决策树自然也可以加以改进,以避免过度拟合和出现过于偏向于优势预测类别。剪枝和ensembling技术是克服决策树算法缺点方案最常采用的方法。决策树尽管存在这些缺点,但仍然是决策分析算法的基础,并将在机器学习领域始终保持重要位置。 朱先忠,51CTO社区编辑,51CTO专家博客、讲师,潍坊一所高校计算机教师,自由编程界老兵一枚。 原文标题:An Introduction to Decision Trees for Machine Learning,作者:Stylianos Kampakis#应用决策树分类器
clf_dt = DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion = 'entropy'), y_label_train)
print('Training data accuracy: ', accuracy_score(y_true=y_label_train, y_pred=clf_dt.predict(X_att_train)))
print('Test data accuracy: ', accuracy_score(y_true=y_label_test, y_pred=clf_dt.predict(X_att_test)))
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