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In-depth understanding of generics in golang (Generic)

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This article brings you an in-depth understanding of generics in golang? How to use generics? It has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to you.

In-depth understanding of generics in golang (Generic)

What is generics

Generics (Generic) is a programming technology. In a strongly typed language, you are allowed to write code using types that are specified later, and specify the corresponding type at instantiation time.

In generics, type parameters can be used instead of specific data types. These type parameters can be declared in a class, method, or interface, and can be used in these declarations. Code that uses generics can specify the actual type parameters at runtime, which allows the code to be applied to many different types of data.

Generics can improve the readability, maintainability and reusability of code. It reduces the redundancy of your code and provides better type safety and compile-time type checking.

Let’s use a specific example to explain why generics can reduce code redundancy:

Provide a function that returns the minimum value of a and b. We need each Write a function for a specific data type "int, float..."; or use interface{} "It requires type assertion for parameters, which has an impact on running performance, and cannot constrain the parameters passed in"

func minInt(a, b int) int {
    if a > b {
        return b
    return a

func minFloat(a, b float64) float64 {
    if a > b {
        return b
    return a

func minItf(a, b interface{}) interface{} {
    switch a.(type) {
    case int:
        switch b.(type) {
        case int:
            if a.(int) > b.(int) {
                return b
            return a
    case float64:
        switch b.(type) {
        case float64:
            if a.(float64) > b.(float64) {
                return b
            return a
    return nil
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We can see from the above method that except for the different types of parameters and return results, minInt and minFloat have the same code. Is there a way to determine the type passed in when the function is called without specifying a specific type? Here, a concept called generics is introduced, which can be simply understood as a broad type or an unspecified specific type. By introducing generics, we no longer need to specify specific data types. The min function can be used in the following way:

// T 为类型参数, 在调用时确定参数的具体值, 可以为 int, 也可以为 float64;它与 a, b 一样也是参数, 需要调用时传入具体的值;不同的是,T 为类型参数,值为具体的类型, a,b 为函数参数,值为具体类型对应的值
func minIntAndFloat64[T int | float64](a, b T) T { 
    if a < b {
        return a
    return b

minIntAndFloat64[int](1, 2) // 实例化/调用时指定具体的类型
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Generics in go

go only introduced generics in version 1.8. If your go version is lower than 1.8, you cannot use generics. The code in this article uses version 1.9. In version 1.8, a lot of changes were made to support generics.

  • Type parameters are introduced in function and type declarations
  • A collection of types can be defined through interfaces, including types without methods
  • Type derivation, in some scenarios Type parameters will be deduced, and you can call the function without specifying the value of the type parameter

Formal parameters, actual parameters, type parameters, type actual parameters, instantiation

Let’s look at a common add function first. add is the function name, x, y is the formal parameter, (x, y int) is the parameter list. When a function call occurs, add(2, 3) 2, 3 are actual parameters.

In-depth understanding of generics in golang (Generic) By analogy to generics, we need a type parameter. When a function call occurs, the corresponding type parameter is passed in. A function with type parameters is called a generic function. [T int | int64] is the type parameter list, T is the type parameter, int | int64 is the type set/type constraint. When a function call occurs add[int](2,3), int is the type actual parameter. This call is also called instantiation, that is, the type actual parameter is determined.

In-depth understanding of generics in golang (Generic)

Type parameters can also be specified when declaring the structure. MyStruct[T] is a generic structure, and methods can be defined for generic structures.

In-depth understanding of generics in golang (Generic)

Type collection, interface

In the basic type, uint8 represents a collection of 0~255. Then for type parameters, you also need to define a collection of types just like the basic type. In the above example int | string is a collection of types. So how to reuse a collection of types? Interfaces are used here for definition. The following is the definition of a type collection. Therefore, we can define a generic function add[T Signed](x, y T) T

In-depth understanding of generics in golang (Generic)

Before go 1.8, the definition of the interface It is a collection of methods, that is, if the method corresponding to the interface is implemented, it can be converted into the corresponding interface. In the following example, the MyInt type implements the Add method and can therefore be converted to MyInterface.

type MyInterface interface {
    Add(x, y int) int

type MyInt int

func (mi myInt) Add(x, y int) int {
    return x + y

func main() {
    var mi MyInterface = myInt(1)
    fmt.Println(mi.Add(1, 2))
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If we think about it from another angle, MyInterface can be regarded as a type collection, which includes all types that implement the add method. Then, MyInterface can be used as a collection of types. For example, we can define a generic function as follows.

func I[T MyInterface](x, y int, i T) int {
    return i.Add(x, y)
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在泛型中, 我们的类型集合不仅仅是实现接口中定义方法的类型, 还需要包含基础的类型。因此, 我们可以对接口的定义进行延伸, 使其支持基础类型。为了保证向前兼容, 我们需要对接口类型进行分类:


只包含方法的集合, 既可以当作类型集合, 又可以作为数据类型进行声明。如下面的 MyInterface。还有一个特殊的接口类型 interface{}, 它可以用来表示任意类型, 即所有的类型都实现了它的空方法。在 1.8 之后可以使用 any 进行声明。

type any = interface{}

type MyInterface interface {
    Add(x, y int) int
    String() string
    String() string  // 非法: String 不能重复声明
    _(x int)         // 非法: 必须要有一个非空的名字
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可以通过接口组合的形式声明新的接口, 从而尽可能的复用接口。从下面的例子可以看出, ReadWriterReaderWrite 的类型集合的交集。

type Reader interface {
        Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)
        Close() error

type Writer interface {
        Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)
        Close() error

// ReadWriter&#39;s methods are Read, Write, and Close.
type ReadWriter interface {
        Reader  // includes methods of Reader in ReadWriter&#39;s method set
        Writer  // includes methods of Writer in ReadWriter&#39;s method set
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上面说的接口都必须要实现具体的方法, 但是类型集合中无法包含基础的数据类型。如: int, float, string...。通过下面的定义, 可以用来表示包含基础数据类型的类型集合。在 golang.org/x/exp/constraints 中定义了基础数据类型的集合。我们可以看到 符号, 它表示包含潜在类型为 int | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 的类型, | 表示取并集。Singed 就表示所有类型为 int 的类型集合。

// Signed is a constraint that permits any signed integer type.
// If future releases of Go add new predeclared signed integer types,
// this constraint will be modified to include them.
type Signed interface {
     ~int | ~int8 | ~int16 | ~int32 | ~int64

type myInt int // 潜在类型为 int

func add[T constraints.Integer](x, y T) T {
        return x + y

func main() {
        var x, y myInt = 1, 2
        fmt.Println(add[myInt](x, y))
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// 潜在类型为 int, 并且实现了 String 方法的类型
type E interface {
    String() string

type mInt int // 属于 E 的类型集合
func (m mInt) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%v", m)

// 潜在类型必须是自己真实的类型
type F interface {
    // ~mInt  invalid use of ~ (underlying type of mInt is int)
    // ~error illegal: error is an interface

// 基础接口可以作为形参和类型参数类型, 通用类型只能作为类型参数类型, E 只能出现在类型参数中 [T E]
var x E                    // illegal: cannot use type E outside a type constraint: interface contains type constraints
var x interface{} = E(nil) // illegal: cannot use interface E in conversion (contains specific type constraints or is comparable)
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由于泛型使用了类型参数, 因此在实例化泛型时我们需要指定类型实参。 看下面的 case, 我们在调用函数的时候并没有指定类型实参, 这里是编译器进行了类型推导, 推导出类型实参, 不需要显性的传入。

func add[T constraints.Integer](x, y T) T {
    return x + y

func main() {
    fmt.Println(add(1, 1)) // add[int](1,1)
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有时候, 编译器无法推导出具体类型。则需要指定类型, 或者更换写法, 也许可以推断出具体类型。

// 将切片中的值扩大
func Scale[E constraints.Integer](s []E, c E) []E {
    r := make([]E, len(s))
    for i, v := range s {
        r[i] = v * c
    return r

func ScaleAndPrint(p Point) {
    r := Scale(p, 2)
    r.string() // 非法, Scale 返回的是 []int32

type Point []int32

func (p Point) string() {

// 方法更新,这样传入的是 Point 返回的也是 Point
func Scale[T ~[]E, E constraints.Integer](s T, c E) T {
    r := make([]E, len(s))
    for i, v := range s {
        r[i] = v * c
    return r
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go 是在 1.8 版本中开始引入泛型的。下面主要介绍一下什么时候使用泛型:


在 go 中, 提供以下容器类型:map, slice, channel。当我们用到容器类型时, 且逻辑与容器具体的类型无关, 这个时候可以考虑泛型。这样我们可以在调用时指定具体的类型实参, 从而避免了类型断言。例如,下面的例子, 返回 map 中的 key。

// comparable 是一个内置类型, 只能用于对类型参数的约束。在 map 中, key 必须是可比较类型。
func GetKeys[K comparable, V any](m map[K]V) []K {
    res := make([]K, 0, len(m))
    for k := range m {
        res = append(res, k)
    return res
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对于一些通用的结构体, 我们应该使用泛型。例如, 栈、队列、树结构。这些都是比较通用的结构体, 且逻辑都与具体的类型无关, 因此需要使用泛型。下面是一个栈的例子:

type Stack[T any] []T

func (s *Stack[T]) Push(item T) {
    *s = append(*s, item)

func (s *Stack[T]) Pop() T {
    if len(*s) == 0 {
        panic("can not pop item in emply stack")
    lastIndex := len(*s) - 1
    item := (*s)[lastIndex]
    *s = (*s)[:lastIndex]
    return item

func main() {
    var s Stack[int]
    fmt.Println(s.Pop(), s.Pop())
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有些类型会实现相同的方法, 但是对于这些类型的处理逻辑又与具体类型的实现无关。例如: 两个数比大小, 只要实现 Ordered 接口即可进行大小比较:

func Min[T constraints.Ordered](x, y T) T {
    if x < y {
        return x

    return y

func main() {
    fmt.Println(Min(5, 6))
    fmt.Println(Min(6.6, 9.9))
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go 在引入泛型算是一次较大的改动。我们只有弄清楚类型参数、类型约束、类型集合、基础接口、通用接口、泛型函数、泛型类型、泛型接口等概念, 才能不会困惑。核心改动点还是引入了类型参数, 使用接口来定义类型集合。

当然,也不能为了使用泛型而使用泛型。还是要具体的 case 具体来分析。 简单的指导原则就是, 当你发现你的代码除了类型不同外, 其余代码逻辑都相同; 或者你写了许多重复代码, 仅仅是为了支持不同类型; 那么你可以考虑使用泛型。


The above is the detailed content of In-depth understanding of generics in golang (Generic). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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