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Create a command line application using Python built-in libraries

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Create a command line application using Python built-in libraries

When creating an application, you usually want to be able to tell your application how to do something. There are two popular ways to accomplish this task, you can have the application accept command line arguments, or you can create a graphical user interface. Some apps support both.

The command line interface is helpful when you need to run your code on the server. Most servers do not have a graphical interface, especially if they are Linux servers. In this case, even if you want to run the GUI, you may not be able to.

Python has a built-in library called argparse that can be used to create a command line interface. In this article, you will learn the following.

  • Parse arguments
  • Create useful information
  • Add aliases
  • Use mutually exclusive parameters
  • Create a simple There is much more to the search tool

argparse module than can be covered in this article. If you want to know more about it, you can check out the documentation.

Now it's time to start parsing the parameters from the command line.

Parsing Arguments

Before learning how to use argparse, it’s good to know that there is another way to pass parameters to a Python script. You can pass any parameters to a Python script and access these parameters by using the sys module.

To understand how it works, create a file called sys_args.py and enter the following code in it:

# sys_args.py
 import sys
 def main():
 print('You passed the following arguments:')
 if __name__ == '__main__':
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This code imports sys and prints out sys.argv of any content. The argv attribute contains a list of everything passed to the script, with the first item being the script itself.

Here is an example of what happens when you run this code with a few parameters.

$ python3 sys_args.py --s 45
 You passed the following arguments:
 ['sys_args.py', '--s', '45']
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The problem with using sys.argv is that you have no control over the arguments that can be passed to your application.

  • Cannot ignore parameters
  • Cannot create default parameters
  • Cannot determine what are valid parameters

This is why using argparse is to use Python standard library methods. The argparse module is very powerful and useful. Let's think about the common process followed by a command line application.

  • pass: Pass in a file
  • do: Do ​​some processing on the file in your program
  • output: Output the result

Below is a generic example of how this works. Go ahead and create file_parser.py and add the following code.

# file_parser.py
 import argparse
 def file_parser(input_file, output_file=''):
 print(f'Processing {input_file}')
 print('Finished processing')
 if output_file:
 print(f'Creating {output_file}')
 def main():
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('File parser')
 parser.add_argument('--infile', help='Input file')
 parser.add_argument('--out', help='Output file')
 args = parser.parse_args()
 if args.infile:
 file_parser(args.infile, args.out)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
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The file_parser() function is the logic for parsing. In this example, it just receives a filename and prints it. The default value of the output_file parameter is an empty string.

The focus of the program is in main(). Here you create an instance of argparse.ArgumentParser() and give your parser a name. Then you add two parameters, --infile and --out. In order to use this parser, you need to call parse_args(), which will return any valid arguments passed to your program. Finally, you want to check whether the user used the --infile flag. If they do, then you run file_parser().

Here's how you run the code in your terminal.

$ python file_parser.py --infile something.txt
 Processing something.txt
 Finished processing
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Here, you run your script with the --infile flag and a filename. This will run main() and then call file_parser().

The next step is to try running your application using the two command line arguments you declared in your code.

$ python file_parser.py --infile something.txt --out output.txt
 Processing something.txt
 Finished processing
 Creating output.txt
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This time, you get an extra output line mentioning the output file name. This represents a branch in your code's logic. When you specify an output file, you can have your code generate the file by using a new code block or a function. If you don't specify an output file, that block of code won't run.

When you use argparse to create your command line tools, you can easily add information that can help your users when they are unsure of how to properly interact with your program.

Now it's time to find out how to get help from your application

Create help information

The argparse library will use the information you provide when creating each argument , automatically creates a useful message for your application. Here is the code:

# file_parser.py
 import argparse
 def file_parser(input_file, output_file=''):
 print(f'Processing {input_file}')
 print('Finished processing')
 if output_file:
 print(f'Creating {output_file}')
 def main():
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('File parser')
 parser.add_argument('--infile', help='Input file')
 parser.add_argument('--out', help='Output file')
 args = parser.parse_args()
 if args.infile:
 file_parser(args.infile, args.out)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
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Now try running this code with the -h flag and you should see the following.

$ file_parser.py -h
 usage: File parser [-h] [--infile INFILE] [--out OUT]
 optional arguments:
 -h, --help show this help message and exit
 --infile INFILEInput file
 --out OUTOutput file
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The help parameter of add_argument() is used to create the above help message. argparse automatically adds the -h and -help options. You can make your help informative by giving it a description and a postscript.

Let us use them to improve your help messages. First, copy the above code into a new file, name it file_parser_with_description.py, and then modify it to look like below.

# file_parser_with_description.py
 import argparse
 def file_parser(input_file, output_file=''):
 print(f'Processing {input_file}')
 print('Finished processing')
 if output_file:
 print(f'Creating {output_file}')
 def main():
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
 'File parser',
 description='PyParse - The File Processor',
 epilog='Thank you for choosing PyParse!',
 parser.add_argument('--infile', help='Input file for conversion')
 parser.add_argument('--out', help='Converted output file')
 args = parser.parse_args()
 if args.infile:
 file_parser(args.infile, args.out)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
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Here, pass the description and epilog parameters to ArgumentParser. Also updated the help argument for add_argument() to be more descriptive.

After making these changes, when you run this script with -h or --help, you will see the following output.

$ python file_parser_with_description.py -h
 usage: File parser [-h] [--infile INFILE] [--out OUT]
 PyParse - The File Processor
 optional arguments:
 -h, --help show this help message and exit
 --infile INFILEInput file for conversion
 --out OUTConverted output file
 Thank you for choosing PyParse!
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现在可以在你的帮助输出中看到新的description 和epilog。这给了你的命令行程序一些额外的修饰。

你也可以通过ArgumentParser的 add_help参数在你的应用程序中完全禁用帮助。如果你认为你的帮助文本过于冗长,你可以像这样禁用它。

# file_parser_no_help.py
 import argparse
 def file_parser(input_file, output_file=''):
 print(f'Processing {input_file}')
 print('Finished processing')
 if output_file:
 print(f'Creating {output_file}')
 def main():
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
 'File parser',
 description='PyParse - The File Processor',
 epilog='Thank you for choosing PyParse!',
 parser.add_argument('--infile', help='Input file for conversion')
 parser.add_argument('--out', help='Converted output file')
 args = parser.parse_args()
 if args.infile:
 file_parser(args.infile, args.out)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
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通过将 add_help设置为 False,你将禁用 -h和 --help标志。


$ python file_parser_no_help.py --help
 usage: File parser [--infile INFILE] [--out OUT]
 File parser: error: unrecognized arguments: --help
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别名是一个花哨的词,指的是使用一个替代的标志来做同样的事情。例如,你知道你可以使用 -h和 --help来访问程序的帮助信息。-h是 --help的别名,反之亦然。

看看 main()里面的 parser.add_argument()方法有什么变化。

# file_parser_aliases.py
 import argparse
 def file_parser(input_file, output_file=''):
 print(f'Processing {input_file}')
 print('Finished processing')
 if output_file:
 print(f'Creating {output_file}')
 def main():
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
 'File parser',
 description='PyParse - The File Processor',
 epilog='Thank you for choosing PyParse!',
 parser.add_argument('-i', '--infile', help='Input file for conversion')
 parser.add_argument('-o', '--out', help='Converted output file')
 args = parser.parse_args()
 if args.infile:
 file_parser(args.infile, args.out)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
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这里你改变了第一个 add_argument(),除了接受 -infile之外,还接受了 -i,你还在第二个 add_argument()中加入了 -o。这样就可以使用两个新的快捷标志来运行你的代码。


$ python3 file_parser_aliases.py -i something.txt -o output.txt
 Processing something.txt
 Finished processing
 Creating output.txt
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如果你去看argparse文档,你会发现也可以给子解析器添加别名。子解析器是一种在你的应用程序中创建子命令的方法,这样它就可以做其他事情。一个很好的例子是Docker,一个虚拟化或容器应用程序。它有一系列的命令,你可以在docker下运行,以及docker compose等等。这些命令中的每一个都有独立的子命令,你都可以使用。


docker exec -it container_name bash
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这将用docker启动一个容器。而如果你要使用docker compose,你将使用一组不同的命令。exec和compose是subparsers的例子。



argparse模块提供了 add_mutually_exclusive_group()方法,它就是这样做的。


# file_parser_exclusive.py
 import argparse
 def file_parser(input_file, output_file=''):
 print(f'Processing {input_file}')
 print('Finished processing')
 if output_file:
 print(f'Creating {output_file}')
 def main():
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
 'File parser',
 description='PyParse - The File Processor',
 epilog='Thank you for choosing PyParse!',
 group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
 group.add_argument('-i', '--infile', help='Input file for conversion')
 group.add_argument('-o', '--out', help='Converted output file')
 args = parser.parse_args()
 if args.infile:
 file_parser(args.infile, args.out)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
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首先,你创建了一个相互排斥的组。然后,你把 -i和 -o参数添加到组中,而不是添加到解析器对象中。现在这两个参数是互斥的。


$ python3 file_parser_exclusive.py -i something.txt -o output.txt
 usage: File parser [-i INFILE | -o OUT]
 File parser: error: argument -o/--out: not allowed with argument -i/--infile
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你可以使用 Python 的 glob 模块来搜索文件类型。你可以在这里阅读关于这个模块的所有信息。

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还有一个 fnmatch 模块,glob 自己也使用它。你现在应该使用 glob,因为它更容易使用,但是如果你有兴趣写一些更专业的东西,那么 fnmatch 可能是你正在寻找的。

然而,由于你希望能够通过文件大小来选择性地过滤返回的文件,你可以使用 pathlib,它包括一个类似 glob 的接口。glob 模块本身并不提供文件大小的信息。

你可以先创建一个名为 pysearch.py 的文件并输入以下代码。

# pysearch.py
 import argparse
 import pathlib
 def search_folder(path, extension, file_size=None):
 Search folder for files
 folder = pathlib.Path(path)
 files = list(folder.rglob(f'*.{extension}'))
 if not files:
 print(f'No files found with {extension=}')
 if file_size is not None:
 files = [
 for f in files
 if f.stat().st_size >= file_size
 print(f'{len(files)} *.{extension} files found:')
 for file_path in files:
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  • path - 要搜索的文件夹
  • extension - 要寻找的文件扩展名
  • file_size - 要过滤的文件大小,以字节为单位。


如果找到了任何文件,就检查是否已经设置了filesize。如果它被设置了,就用一个list comprehension来过滤出小于指定的filesize的文件。



def main():
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
 description='PySearch - The Python Powered File Searcher',
 parser.add_argument('-p', '--path',
 help='The path to search for files',
 parser.add_argument('-e', '--ext',
 help='The extension to search for',
 parser.add_argument('-s', '--size',
 help='The file size to filter on in bytes',
 args = parser.parse_args()
 search_folder(args.path, args.extension, args.size)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
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$ python3 pysearch.py -p /Users/michael/Dropbox/python101code/chapter32_argparse -e py -s 650
 6 *.py files found:
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$ python3 pysearch.py -p /Users/michael/Dropbox/python101code/chapter32_argparse -e py -s python
 usage: PySearch [-h] -p PATH -e EXTENSION [-s SIZE]
 PySearch: error: argument -s/--size: invalid int value: 'python'
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   更好地处理扩展文件。现在,它将接受 *.py,这不会像你期望的那样工作。






  • 解析参数
  • 创建有用的信息
  • 添加别名
  • 使用相互排斥的参数
  • 创建一个简单的搜索工具


The above is the detailed content of Create a command line application using Python built-in libraries. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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