Services are an important part of Windows systems, and you can adjust almost any service according to your needs. But let's say you've tweaked some services and you want to reset them all back to normal, and are looking for a way to do that. Don't worry. There are several ways to do this and here we list all the possible ways to achieve this.
Different startup types for services on your system –
A service can be set to four different types of startup types. You should learn more about what each startup type means.
Automatic – The service starts when the system starts. Generally, if you set a large number to automatic mode, it may increase your system startup time. All basic services should be set to automatic mode.
Automatic (Delayed Start) – The service will start after the system startup time. This way, services can start automatically without affecting system startup time.
Manual – Windows can start services on request. If you don't think a service is necessary, you can set it to "Automatic."
Disabled – As the name suggests, these services are disabled on your computer.
There are a large number of Windows services and it is easy to get lost in the crowd of various startup types for these services. So, for your convenience, we have listed all these services along with their default startup types.
Name of the Service - Service official name - Default Startup Type
Active-X Installer - AxInstSV - ManualAdaptive Brightness - SensrSvc - ManualAgent Activation Runtime - AarSvc - ManualAllJoyn Router Service - AJrouter - ManualApp Readiness - AppReadiness - ManualApplication Experience - AeLookupSvc - Running & ManualApplication Identity - AppIDSvc - ManualApplication Information - Appinfo - Running & ManualApplication Layer Gateway Service - ALG - ManualApplication Management - AppMgmt - ManualAppX Deployment Service - AppXSCV - ManualAssignedAccessManager - AssignedAccessManagerSvc - ManualAuto Time Zone Updater - tzautoupdate - ManualAVCTP service - BthAvctpSvc - ManualBackground Intelligent Transfer Service - BITS - Running & Automatic (Delayed Start)Background Tasks Infrastructure Service - BrokerInfrastructure - AutomaticBase Filtering Engine - BFE - Running & AutomaticBcastDVRUserService - BcastDVRUserService - AutomaticBitLocker Drive Encryption Service - BDESVC - ManualBlock Level Backup Engine Service - wbengine- ManualBluetooth Audio Gateway Service - BTAGService - ManualBluetooth Support Service - bthserv - ManualBluetooth User Support Service - BluetoothUserService_562a9 - ManualBranchCache - PeerDistSvc - ManualCapability Access Manager Service - camsvc - ManualCaptureService - CaptureService - ManualCellular Time - autotimesvc - ManualCertificate Propagation - CertPropSvc - ManualClient License Service (ClipSVC) - ClipSVC - ManualClipboard User Service - cbdhsvc - ManualCNG Key Isolation - KeyIso - Running & ManualCOM+ Event System - EventSystem - Running & AutomaticCOM+ System Application - COMSysApp - ManualComputer Browser - Browser - ManualConnected Devices Platform Service - CDPSvc - Automatic (Delayed Start)Connected Devices Platform User Service - CDPUserSvc - Running & AutomaticConnected User Experiences and Telemetry - DiagTrack - AutomaticConsentUX User Service - ConsentUxUserSvc - ManualContact Data - PimIndexMaintenanceSvc - ManualCoreMessaging - CoreMessagingRegistrar - AutomaticCredential Manager - VaultSvc - ManualCredentialEnrollmentManagerUserSvc - CredentialEnrollmentManagerUserSvc - ManualCryptographic Services - CryptSvc - Running & AutomaticData Sharing Service - DsSvc - ManualData Usage - CryptSvc - Running & AutomaticDCOM Server Process Launcher - DcomLaunch - Running & AutomaticDelivery Optimization - DoSvc - Running & AutomaticDesktop Window Manager Session Manager - UxSms - Running & AutomaticDevice Association Service - DeviceAssociationService - /ManualDevice Install Service - DeviceInstall - ManualDevice Management Enrollment Service - DmEnrollmentSvc- ManualDevice Management Wireless Application Protocol - dmwappushservice - ManualDevice Setup Manager - DsmSvc - ManualDeviceAssociationBroker - DeviceAssociationBrokerSvc - ManualDevicePicker - DevicePickerUserSvc - ManualDevicesFlow - DevicesFlowUserSvc - ManualDevQuery Background Discovery Broker - DevQueryBroker - ManualDHCP Client - Dhcp - Running & AutomaticDiagnostic Execution Service - diagsvc - ManualDiagnostic Policy Service - DPS - Running & AutomaticDiagnostic Service Host - WdiServiceHost - Running & ManualDiagnostic System Host - WdiSystemHost - ManualDisplay Enhancement Service - DisplayEnhancementService - ManualDisplay Policy Service - DispBrokerDesktopSvc - Running & AutomaticDisk Defragmenter - defragsvc - ManualDistributed Link Tracking Client - TrkWks - Running & AutomaticDistributed Transaction Coordinator - MSDTC - Running & ManualDNS Client - Dnscache - Running & AutomaticDownloaded Maps Manager - MapsBroker - AutomaticEasyAntiCheat - EasyAntiCheat - ManualEmbedded Mode - embeddedmode - ManualEncrypting File System (EFS) - EFS - ManualEnterprise App Management Service - EntAppSvc - ManualExtensible Authentication Protocol - EapHost - ManualFax - Fax - ManualFile History Service - fhsvc - ManualFunction Discovery Provider Host - fdPHost - ManualFunction Discovery Resource Publication - FDResPub - Running & AutomaticGameDVR and Broadcast User Service - BcastDVRUserService - ManualGeolocation Service - lfsvc - ManualGoogle Chrome Elevation Service - GoogleChromeElevationService - ManualGoogle Update Service - gupdate - Automatic (Delated Start)Google Update Service - gupdatem - ManualGraphicsPerfSvc - GraphicsPerfSvc - ManualGroup Policy Client - gpsvc - Running & AutomaticHealth Key and Certificate Management - hkmsvc - ManualHomeGroup Listener - HomeGroupListener - Running & ManualHomeGroup Provider - HomeGroupProvider - Running & ManualHuman Interface Device Access - hidserv - ManualHV Host Service - HvHost - ManualHyper-V - 8 Services - ManualIKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules - IKEEXT - AutomaticIntel(R) Storage Middleware Service - RstMwService - AutomaticInteractive Services Detection - UI0Detect - ManualInternet Connection Sharing (ICS) - SharedAccess - ManualIP Helper - iphlpsvc - Running & AutomaticIP Translation Configuration Service - IpxlatCfgSvc - ManualIPsec Policy Agent - PolicyAgent - ManualKtmRm for Distributed Transaction Coordinator - KtmRm - ManualLanguage Experience Service - LxpSvc - ManualLink-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper - lltdsvc - ManualLocal Profile Assistant Service - wlpasvc - ManualLocal Session Manager - LSM - AutomaticMachine Debug Manager (Visual Studio) - MDM - Running & Automatic (Delayed Start)Media Center Extender Service - Mcx2Svc - DisabledMessagingService - MessagingService - ManualMicrosoft Account Sign-in Assistant - wlidsvc - Running & ManualMicrosoft App-V Client - AppVClient - DisabledMicrosoft Defender Antivirus Network Inspection Service - WdNisSvc - ManualMicrosoft Defender Antivirus Service - WinDefend - AutomaticMicrosoft Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service - diagnosticshub.standardcollector.service - ManualMicrosoft Edge Elevation Service - MicrosoftEdgeElevationService - ManualMicrosoft Edge Update Service (edgeupdate) - edgeupdate - AutomaticMicrosoft Edge Update Service (edgeupdatem) - edgeupdatem - ManualMicrosoft iSCSI Initiator Service - MSiSCSI - ManualMicrosoft Passport - NgcSvc - ManualMicrosoft Passport Container - NgcCtnrSvc - ManualMicrosoft Software Shadow Copy Provider swprv - ManualMicrosoft Storage Spaces SMP - smphost - ManualMicrosoft Store Install Service - InstallService - ManualMicrosoft Windows SMS Router Service - SmsRouter - ManualMultimedia Class Scheduler - MMCSS - Running & AutomaticNatural Authentication - NaturalAuthentication - ManualNet.Tcp Port Sharing Service - NetTcpPortSharing - DisabledNetlogon - Netlogon - ManualNetwork Access Protection Agent - napagent - ManualNetwork Connected Devices Auto-Setup - NcdAutoSetup - ManualNetwork Connection Broker - NcbService - ManualNetwork Connections - Netman - ManualNetwork Connectivity Assistant - NcaSvc - ManualNetwork List Service - netprofm - Running & ManualNetwork Location Awareness - NlaSvc - Running & AutomaticNetwork Setup Service - NetSetupSvc - ManualNetwork Store Interface Service - nsi - Running & AutomaticOffline Files - CscService - ManualOpenSSH Authentication Agent - ssh-agent - DisabledOptimize drives - defragsvc - ManaulParental Controls - WPCSvc - ManualPayments and NFC/SE Manager - SEMgrSvc - ManualPeer Name Resolution Protocol - PNRPsvc - ManualPeer Networking Grouping - p2psvc - ManualPeer Networking Identity Manager - p2pimsvc - Running & ManualPen Service - PenService - ManualPerformance Counter DLL Host - PerfHost - ManualPerformance Logs & Alerts - pla - ManualPhone Service - PhoneSvc - ManualPlug and Play - PlugPlay - Running & ManualPnP-X IP Bus Enumerator - IPBusEnum - ManualPNRP Machine Name Publication Service - PNRPAutoReg - ManualPortable Device Enumerator Service - WPDBusEnum - Running & ManualPower - Power - Running & AutomaticProblem Reports Control Panel Support - wercplsupport - ManualProgram Compatibility Assistant Service - PcaSvc - Running & ManualPrint Spooler - Spooler - Running & AutomaticPrinter Extensions and Notifications - PrintNotify - ManualPrintWorkflow - PrintWorkflowUserSvc - ManualProblem Reports and Solutions Control Panel Support - wercplsupport - ManualProgram Compatibility Assistant Service - PcaSvc - Running & ManualProtected Storage - ProtectedStorage - Running & ManualQuality Windows Audio Video Experience - QWAVE - ManualRadio Management Service - RmSvc - ManualRecommended Troubleshooting Service - TroubleshootingSvc - Running & ManualRemote Access Auto Connection Manager - RasAuto - ManualRemote Access Connection Manager - RasMan - ManualRemote Desktop Configuration - SessionEnv - ManualRemote Desktop Services - TermService - ManualRemote Desktop Services UserMode Port Redirector - UmRdpService - ManualRemote Procedure Call (RPC) - RpcSs - Running & AutomaticRemote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator - RpcLocator - ManualRemote Registry - RemoteRegistry - ManualRetail Demo Service - RetailDemo - ManualRouting and Remote Access - RemoteAccess - DisabledRPC Endpoint Mapper - RpcEptMapper - Running & AutomaticSecondary Logon seclogon - ManualSecure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service - SstpSvc - ManualSecurity Accounts Manager - SamSs - Running & AutomaticSecurity Center - wscsvc - Automatic (Delayed Start)Sensor Data Service - SensorDataService - ManualSensor Monitoring Service - SensrSvc - ManualSensor Service - SensorService - ManualServer - LanmanServer - Running & AutomaticShared PC Account Manager - shpamsvc - DisabledShell Hardware Detection - ShellHWDetection - Running & AutomaticSmart Card - SCardSvr - ManualSmart Card Device Enumeration Service - ScDeviceEnum - ManualSmart Card Removal Policy - SCPolicySvc - ManualSNMP Trap - SNMPTRAP - ManualSoftware Protection - sppsvc - Automatic (Delayed Start)Spatial Data Service - SharedRealitySvc - ManualSpot Verifier - svsvc - ManualSPP Notification Service - sppuinotify - Running & ManualSSDP Discovery - SSDPSRV - Running & ManualState Repository Service - StateRepository - Running & AutomaticStill Image Acquisition Events - WiaRpc - ManualStorage Service - StorSvc - Running & AutomaticStorage Tiers Management - TieringEngineService - ManualSuperfetch - SysMain - Running & manualSync Host - OneSyncSvc - Automatic (Delayed Start)SysMain - SysMain - Running & AutomaticSystem Event Notification Service - SENS - Running & AutomaticSystem Events Broker - SystemEventsBroker - Running & AutomaticSystem Guard Runtime Monitor Broker - SgrmBroker - Automatic (Delayed Start)Tablet PC Input Service - TabletInputService - ManualTask Scheduler Schedule - Running & AutomaticTCP/IP NetBIOS Helper - lmhosts - ManualTelephony - TapiSrv - ManualThemes - Themes -Running & AutomaticTime Broker - TimeBrokerSvc - Running & ManualThread Ordering Server - THREADORDER - ManualTouch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service - TabletInputService - Running & ManualTPM Base Services - TBS - ManualUdk User Service - UdkUserSvcd - ManualUpdate Orchestrator Service - UsoSvc - Automatic (Delayed Start)UPnP Device Host - upnphost - ManualUser Data Access - UserDataSvc - ManualUser Data Storage - UnistoreSvc - ManualUser Experience Virtualization Service - UevAgentService - DisabledUser Manager - UserManager - Running & AutomaticUser Profile Service - ProfSvc - Running & AutomaticVirtual Disk - vds - ManualVolume Shadow Copy - VSS - Running & ManualVolumetric Audio Compositor Service - VacSvc - ManualWalletService - WalletService - ManualWarpJITSvc - WarpJITSvc - ManualWeb Account Manager - TokenBroker - Running & ManualWebClient - WebClient - Running & ManualWi-Fi Direct Services Connection Manager Service - WFDSConMgrSvc - ManualWindows Audio - AudioSrv - Running & AutomaticWindows Audio Endpoint Builder - AudioEndpointBuilder - Running & AutomaticWindows Backup - SDRSVC - Running & AutomaticWindows Biometric Service - WbioSrvc - Running & ManualWindows Camera Frame Server - FrameServer - ManualWindows CardSpace - idsvc - ManualWindows Color System - WcsPlugInService - ManualWindows Connect Now Config Registrar - wcncsvc - ManualWindows Connection Manager - Wcmsvc - Running & AutomaticWindows Defender - WinDefend - Running & Automatic (Delayed Start)Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection Service - Sense - ManualWindows Defender Firewall - mpssvc - Running & AutomaticWindows Driver Foundation User-mode Driver Framework - wudfsvc - Running & AutomaticWindows Encryption Provider Host Service - WEPHOSTSVC - ManualWindows Error Reporting Service - WerSvc - ManualWindows Event Collector - Wecsvc - ManualWindows Event Log - EventLog - Running & AutomaticWindows Firewall - MpsSvc - Running & AutomaticWindows Font Cache Service - FontCache - Running & Automatic (Delayed Start)Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) - StiSvc - ManualWindows Insider Service - wisvc - ManualWindows Installer - msiserver - ManualWindows License Manager Service -LicenseManager - ManualWindows Management Instrumentation - Winmgmt - Running & AutomaticWindows Management Service - WManSvc - ManualWindows Media Center Receiver Service - ehRecvr - ManualWindows Media Center Scheduler Service - ehSched - ManualWindows Media Player Network Sharing Service - WMPNetworkSvc - ManualWindows Mixed Reality OpenXR Service - MixedRealityOpenXRSvc - ManualWindows Mobile Hotspot Service - icssvc - ManualWindows Modules Installer - TrustedInstaller - ManualWindows Perception Service spectrum - ManualWindows Perception Simulation Service - perceptionsimulation - ManualWindows Presentation Foundation Font Cache - FontCache3.0.0.0 - ManualWindows Push Notifications System Service - WpnService - Running & AutomaticWindows Push Notifications User Service - WpnUserService - Running & AutomaticWindows PushToInstall Service - PushToInstall - ManualWindows Remote Management (WS-Management) - WinRM - ManualWindows Search - WSearch - Running & Automatic (Delayed Start)Windows Security Service - SecurityHealthService - Running & ManualWindows Time - W32Time - ManualWindows Update - wuauserv - Running & ManualWindows Update Medic Service - WaaSMedicSvc - ManualWinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service - WinHttpAutoProxySvc - ManualWired AutoConfig - dot3svc - ManualWLAN AutoConfig - Wlansvc - ManualWMI Performance Adapter - wmiApSrv - Running & ManualWork Folders - workfolderssvc - ManualWorkstation - LanmanWorkstation - Running & AutomaticWWAN AutoConfig - WwanSvc - ManualXbox Accessory Management Service - XboxGipSvc - ManualXbox Live Auth Manager - XblAuthManager - ManualXbox Live Game Save - XblGameSave - ManualXbox Live Networking Service - XboxNetApiSvc - Manual
All of these services may not exist on your system.
Now, let’s see how to easily modify individual services on your Windows device.
1. Open a Run box using Windows key R key.
2. Then, type this content in the box and click Enter .
Startup type.
5. Next, click "Apply" and then "OK" to save the changes.
Restore_All_Windows_Services_to_Deafult" batch file and click "Run as administrator" as administrator Run the batch file.
Optional steps –
If you don’t want to use a batch file, you can use a service to repair the executable file. 1. Download the service repair file. 2. Unzip the downloaded file and run "Service Repair".
The above is the detailed content of How to restore all Windows services to default settings in Windows 11. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!