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How to use Python to implement the PSO algorithm to solve the TSP problem?

Release: 2023-05-08 08:34:07
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PSO Algorithm

Before we start, let’s talk about the basic PSO algorithm. The core is just one:

How to use Python to implement the PSO algorithm to solve the TSP problem?

How to use Python to implement the PSO algorithm to solve the TSP problem?

Let’s explain this formula, and you’ll understand.

Old rules let us assume that there is an equation y=sin(x1) cos(x2)

The PSO algorithm achieves our optimization by simulating bird migration. I won’t say how this came about. Okay, let’s talk about this core.

In the equation we just had, there are two variables, x1, x2. Because it is a simulated bird, in order to realize the blind method, the concept of speed is introduced here. Naturally, x is our feasible domain, which is the solution space. By changing the speed, x is moved, that is, the value of x is changed. Among them, Pbest represents the optimal solution in the location where the bird has walked, and Gbest represents the optimal solution of the entire population. What do you mean, that is to say, as it moves, this bird may move to a worse position, because unlike genetics, it will be killed if it is bad, but this one will not. Of course, there are many local issues involved, which we will not discuss here. No algorithm is perfect, and this one is right.

Algorithm process

The main process of the algorithm:

The first step: Initialize the random position and speed of the particle swarm, and set the number of iterations.

Step 2: Calculate the fitness value of each particle.

Step 3: For each particle, compare its fitness value with the fitness value of the best position pbest i experienced. If it is better, use it as the current individual optimal position. .

Step 4: For each particle, compare its fitness value with the fitness value of the best position gbestg experienced globally. If it is better, use it as the current global optimal position. .

Step 5: Optimize the speed and position of the particles according to the speed and position formulas to update the particle position.

Step 6: If the end condition is not reached (usually the maximum number of cycles or the minimum error requirement), return to the second step

How to use Python to implement the PSO algorithm to solve the TSP problem?


PSO algorithm has no crossover and mutation operations and relies on particle speed to complete the search. In the iterative evolution, only the optimal particles pass information to other particles, so the search speed is fast.

PSO algorithm has memory, and the historical best position of the particle group can be memorized and passed to other particles.

There are fewer parameters that need to be adjusted, the structure is simple, and it is easy to implement in engineering.

Adopts real number encoding, which is directly determined by the solution of the problem. The number of variables in the problem solution is directly used as the dimension of the particle.


Lacks dynamic adjustment of speed and easily falls into local optimum, resulting in low convergence accuracy and difficulty in convergence.

Cannot effectively solve discrete and combinatorial optimization problems.

Parameter control, for different problems, how to choose appropriate parameters to achieve optimal results.

Cannot effectively solve some non-cartesian coordinate system description problems,

Simple implementation

ok, let’s take a look at the simplest implementation:

import numpy as np
import random
class PSO_model:
    def __init__(self,w,c1,c2,r1,r2,N,D,M):
        self.w = w # 惯性权值
        self.N=N # 初始化种群数量个数
        self.D=D # 搜索空间维度
        self.M=M # 迭代的最大次数
        self.x=np.zeros((self.N,self.D))  #粒子的初始位置
        self.v=np.zeros((self.N,self.D))  #粒子的初始速度
        self.pbest=np.zeros((self.N,self.D))  #个体最优值初始化
        self.gbest=np.zeros((1,self.D))  #种群最优值
        self.fit=1e8 #初始化全局最优适应度
# 目标函数,也是适应度函数(求最小化问题)
    def function(self,x):
        A = 10
        Z = 2 * A + x1 ** 2 - A * np.cos(2 * np.pi * x1) + x2 ** 2 - A * np.cos(2 * np.pi * x2)
        return Z
     # 初始化种群
    def init_pop(self):
        for i in range(self.N):
            for j in range(self.D):
                self.x[i][j] = random.random()
                self.v[i][j] = random.random()
            self.pbest[i] = self.x[i] # 初始化个体的最优值
            aim=self.function(self.x[i]) # 计算个体的适应度值
            self.p_fit[i]=aim # 初始化个体的最优位置
            if aim < self.fit:  # 对个体适应度进行比较,计算出最优的种群适应度
                self.fit = aim
                self.gbest = self.x[i]
    # 更新粒子的位置与速度
    def update(self):
        for t in range(self.M): # 在迭代次数M内进行循环
            for i in range(self.N): # 对所有种群进行一次循环
                aim=self.function(self.x[i]) # 计算一次目标函数的适应度
                if aim<self.p_fit[i]: # 比较适应度大小,将小的负值给个体最优
                    if self.p_fit[i]<self.fit: # 如果是个体最优再将和全体最优进行对比
                        self.fit = self.p_fit[i]
            for i in range(self.N): # 更新粒子的速度和位置
                self.v[i]=self.w*self.v[i]+self.c1*self.r1*(self.pbest[i]-self.x[i])+ self.c2*self.r2*(self.gbest-self.x[i])
if __name__ == &#39;__main__&#39;:
    # w,c1,c2,r1,r2,N,D,M参数初始化
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Solution TSP

Data representation

First of all, using PSO is actually similar to our previous use of genetics. We still use a matrix to represent the population, and a matrix to represent the distance between cities. .

      # 群体的初始化和路径的初始化
        self.population = np.array([0] * self.num_pop * self.num).reshape(
            self.num_pop, self.num)
        self.fitness = [0] * self.num_pop
        self.__matrix_distance = self.__matrix_dis()
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What is the biggest difference from our original PSO? In fact, it is simple and related to our speed of updating. When we have a continuous problem, it is actually like this:

How to use Python to implement the PSO algorithm to solve the TSP problem?

Similarly, we can use X to represent the city number, but obviously we cannot use this solution to update the speed.

At this time, if we want to update the speed, we need to use a new solution. So this solution is actually the X update using the genetic algorithm. To put it bluntly, the reason why we need speed is to update X and make X move in a good direction. Now it is no longer possible to simply use speed update, so we are updating X anyway, so why not just choose a solution that can update this X well? Therefore, genetics can be used directly here. Our speed update is based on Pbest and Gbest, and then "learned" according to a certain weight. In this way, this V has a "characteristic" of Pbest and Gbest. So if that's the case, then when I directly imitate genetic crossover and cross it with Best, can't I learn some corresponding "features"?

    def cross_1(self, path, best_path):
        r1 = np.random.randint(self.num)
        r2 = np.random.randint(self.num)
        while r2 == r1:
            r2 = np.random.randint(self.num)
        left, right = min(r1, r2), max(r1, r2)
        cross = best_path[left:right + 1]
        for i in range(right - left + 1):
            for k in range(self.num):
                if path[k] == cross[i]:
                    path[k:self.num - 1] = path[k + 1:self.num]
                    path[-1] = 0
        path[self.num - right + left - 1:self.num] = cross
        return path
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At the same time we can still introduce mutations.

    def mutation(self,path):
        r1 = np.random.randint(self.num)
        r2 = np.random.randint(self.num)
        while r2 == r1:
            r2 = np.random.randint(self.num)
        path[r1],path[r2] = path[r2],path[r1]
        return path
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Complete code

ok, now let’s see the complete code:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class HybridPsoTSP(object):
    def __init__(self ,data ,num_pop=200):
        self.num_pop = num_pop  # 群体个数
        self.data = data        # 城市坐标
        self.num =len(data)     # 城市个数
        # 群体的初始化和路径的初始化
        self.population = np.array([0] * self.num_pop * self.num).reshape(
            self.num_pop, self.num)
        self.fitness = [0] * self.num_pop
        self.__matrix_distance = self.__matrix_dis()
    def __matrix_dis(self):
        res = np.zeros((self.num, self.num))
        for i in range(self.num):
            for j in range(i + 1, self.num):
                res[i, j] = np.linalg.norm(self.data[i, :] - self.data[j, :])
                res[j, i] = res[i, j]
        return res
    def cross_1(self, path, best_path):
        r1 = np.random.randint(self.num)
        r2 = np.random.randint(self.num)
        while r2 == r1:
            r2 = np.random.randint(self.num)
        left, right = min(r1, r2), max(r1, r2)
        cross = best_path[left:right + 1]
        for i in range(right - left + 1):
            for k in range(self.num):
                if path[k] == cross[i]:
                    path[k:self.num - 1] = path[k + 1:self.num]
                    path[-1] = 0
        path[self.num - right + left - 1:self.num] = cross
        return path
    def mutation(self,path):
        r1 = np.random.randint(self.num)
        r2 = np.random.randint(self.num)
        while r2 == r1:
            r2 = np.random.randint(self.num)
        path[r1],path[r2] = path[r2],path[r1]
        return path
    def comp_fit(self, one_path):
        :param one_path:
        res = 0
        for i in range(self.num - 1):
            res += self.__matrix_distance[one_path[i], one_path[i + 1]]
        res += self.__matrix_distance[one_path[-1], one_path[0]]
        return res
    def out_path(self, one_path):
        :param one_path:
        res = str(one_path[0] + 1) + '-->'
        for i in range(1, self.num):
            res += str(one_path[i] + 1) + '-->'
        res += str(one_path[0] + 1) + '\n'
    def init_population(self):
        rand_ch = np.array(range(self.num))
        for i in range(self.num_pop):
            self.population[i, :] = rand_ch
            self.fitness[i] = self.comp_fit(rand_ch)
def main(data, max_n=200, num_pop=200):
    Path_short = HybridPsoTSP(data, num_pop=num_pop)  # 混合粒子群算法类
    Path_short.init_population()  # 初始化种群
    # 初始化路径绘图
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    x = data[:, 0]
    y = data[:, 1]
    ax.scatter(x, y, linewidths=0.1)
    for i, txt in enumerate(range(1, len(data) + 1)):
        ax.annotate(txt, (x[i], y[i]))
    res0 = Path_short.population[0]
    x0 = x[res0]
    y0 = y[res0]
    for i in range(len(data) - 1):
        plt.quiver(x0[i], y0[i], x0[i + 1] - x0[i], y0[i + 1] - y0[i], color='r', width=0.005, angles='xy', scale=1,
    plt.quiver(x0[-1], y0[-1], x0[0] - x0[-1], y0[0] - y0[-1], color='r', width=0.005, angles='xy', scale=1,
    print('初始染色体的路程: ' + str(Path_short.fitness[0]))
    # 存储个体极值的路径和距离
    best_P_population = Path_short.population.copy()
    best_P_fit = Path_short.fitness.copy()
    min_index = np.argmin(Path_short.fitness)
    # 存储当前种群极值的路径和距离
    best_G_population = Path_short.population[min_index, :]
    best_G_fit = Path_short.fitness[min_index]
    # 存储每一步迭代后的最优路径和距离
    best_population = [best_G_population]
    best_fit = [best_G_fit]
    # 复制当前群体进行交叉变异
    x_new = Path_short.population.copy()
    for i in range(max_n):
        # 更新当前的个体极值
        for j in range(num_pop):
            if Path_short.fitness[j] < best_P_fit[j]:
                best_P_fit[j] = Path_short.fitness[j]
                best_P_population[j, :] = Path_short.population[j, :]
        # 更新当前种群的群体极值
        min_index = np.argmin(Path_short.fitness)
        best_G_population = Path_short.population[min_index, :]
        best_G_fit = Path_short.fitness[min_index]
        # 更新每一步迭代后的全局最优路径和解
        if best_G_fit < best_fit[-1]:
        # 将每个个体与个体极值和当前的群体极值进行交叉
        for j in range(num_pop):
            # 与个体极值交叉
            x_new[j, :] = Path_short.cross_1(x_new[j, :], best_P_population[j, :])
            fit = Path_short.comp_fit(x_new[j, :])
            # 判断是否保留
            if fit < Path_short.fitness[j]:
                Path_short.population[j, :] = x_new[j, :]
                Path_short.fitness[j] = fit
            # 与当前极值交叉
            x_new[j, :] = Path_short.cross_1(x_new[j, :], best_G_population)
            fit = Path_short.comp_fit(x_new[j, :])
            if fit < Path_short.fitness[j]:
                Path_short.population[j, :] = x_new[j, :]
                Path_short.fitness[j] = fit
            # 变异
            x_new[j, :] = Path_short.mutation(x_new[j, :])
            fit = Path_short.comp_fit(x_new[j, :])
            if fit <= Path_short.fitness[j]:
                Path_short.population[j] = x_new[j, :]
                Path_short.fitness[j] = fit
        if (i + 1) % 20 == 0:
            print('第' + str(i + 1) + '步后的最短的路程: ' + str(Path_short.fitness[min_index]))
            print('第' + str(i + 1) + '步后的最优路径:')
            Path_short.out_path(Path_short.population[min_index, :])  # 显示每一步的最优路径
    Path_short.best_population = best_population
    Path_short.best_fit = best_fit
    return Path_short  # 返回结果类
if __name__ == '__main__':
    data = np.array([16.47, 96.10, 16.47, 94.44, 20.09, 92.54,
                     22.39, 93.37, 25.23, 97.24, 22.00, 96.05, 20.47, 97.02,
                     17.20, 96.29, 16.30, 97.38, 14.05, 98.12, 16.53, 97.38,
                     21.52, 95.59, 19.41, 97.13, 20.09, 92.55]).reshape((14, 2))
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初始染色体的路程: 71.30211569672313
第20步后的最短的路程: 29.340520066994223
第40步后的最短的路程: 29.340520066994223
第60步后的最短的路程: 29.340520066994223
第80步后的最短的路程: 29.340520066994223
第100步后的最短的路程: 29.340520066994223
第120步后的最短的路程: 29.340520066994223
第140步后的最短的路程: 29.340520066994223
第160步后的最短的路程: 29.340520066994223
第180步后的最短的路程: 29.340520066994223
第200步后的最短的路程: 29.340520066994223










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