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How to use Python to implement genetic algorithm to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)?

Release: 2023-05-08 19:46:18
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TSP problem

So before we start, let’s describe this TSP problem in detail. Friends who have done digital modeling, or have been exposed to intelligent optimization or machine learning should all know this. Of course, for the sake of the universal audience of this article, we will try our best to make it as perfect and clear as possible here, so that we can actually solve the problem.

So the problem is actually simple, it goes like this:

How to use Python to implement genetic algorithm to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)?

In our N-dimensional plane, today we use this two-dimensional plane Come on, there are many cities on this plane, and the cities are connected to each other. Now we need to find the shortest path to visit all the cities. For example we have cities A, B, C, D, E. Now that we know the coordinates between cities, which is equivalent to knowing the distance between cities, we can now find a sequence that can make the shortest path to all cities A, B, C, D, and E. For example, after calculation, it may be B-->A-->C-->E-->D. In other words, find this order.


If we want to solve this problem first, there are actually many solutions. To put it bluntly, we just need to find an order that can minimize the sum of paths, so the easiest thing to think of is Naturally, it is an enumeration. For example, let A go first and then see if the nearest one to A is B, then go to B, and then go from B. Of course, this is a local greedy strategy, and it is easy to reach the local optimum. Then we can consider DP at this time, that is to say, we still assume that we start from A, and then ensure that 2 cities are the shortest, 3 cities are the shortest, and 4 and 5 are the shortest. Finally, assume the same thing from B. Or directly enumerate all situations and calculate the distance. But no matter what, as the number of cities increases, their complexity will increase, so at this time we have to find ways to make computing use our human expertise. I call it "blindness".

Intelligent Algorithm

Now let’s talk about this intelligent algorithm and why we should use it. We just said that the previous solution will require a large amount of calculations for a large amount of data, which is not necessarily the case. Simple to write. So at this time, first of all, for the TSP problem alone, what we want is a sequence, a sequence that will not repeat. So at this time, is there a simpler solution? And when the data is large enough, we don't necessarily need a completely accurate and completely minimal solution, as long as it's close. So at this time, if we use traditional algorithms, one is one. It will only calculate according to our rules, and we really don’t know what the standard answer is. It is also difficult to set a threshold to stop the calculation for traditional algorithms. . But for us people, there is something called "luck". Some people are so lucky that they may be confused about the answer as soon as they enter their soul. So our intelligent algorithm is actually a bit similar to "Monkey". But people pay attention to skills. For example, experience tells us that three long and one short is the shortest. You can use this technique to guess the answer. Or when you are looking for a boy friend who is as handsome as a blogger, you only need a piece of 40 series. (30 is also okay) The graphics card can be easily taken away. Meng requires skill, we call this strategy.


So the technique we just talked about, this trick. In intelligent algorithms, this mask is one of our strategies. How can we get rid of it so that our solution can be more reasonable? Then at this time, a hundred flowers begin to bloom. I won’t chant sutras here. Let’s take the two most classic algorithms as examples, one is the genetic algorithm and the other is the particle swarm algorithm (PSO). As an example, they used a strategy to mask, such as genetic algorithm. By simulating natural selection, they first randomly generated a bunch of solutions and a bunch of sequences, and then based on our natural selection strategy. Screen these solutions, and then use these solutions to find new and better solutions. After going back and forth like this, I finally got a good solution. The particle swarm is similar. We will explain these parts in detail when we use them.


Now that we already know this strategy, what is the algorithm? In fact, it is the steps to implement these strategies, which is our code, our loop, and data structure. We need to realize what we just mentioned, such as natural selection, such as our TSP, how to randomly generate a bunch of solutions.

Data Sample

ok, we have finished talking about some basic concepts here, so at this time, let’s take a look at how we represent this TSP problem. This is actually very simple. , for us here we simply prepare a test data. We assume there are 14 cities here, then our data for these cities are as follows:

    data = np.array([16.47, 96.10, 16.47, 94.44, 20.09, 92.54,
                     22.39, 93.37, 25.23, 97.24, 22.00, 96.05, 20.47, 97.02,
                     17.20, 96.29, 16.30, 97.38, 14.05, 98.12, 16.53, 97.38,
                     21.52, 95.59, 19.41, 97.13, 20.09, 92.55]).reshape((14, 2))
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We will use this set of data for testing later, and now above There are already 14 cities.

Then let’s start our solution

Genetic Algorithm

ok, then let’s talk about what our genetic algorithm is all about, and then , we use this to solve this TSP problem.

So now, let’s take a look at how our genetic algorithm is fooled.







Y = np.sin(10 * x) * x + np.cos(2 * x) * x

的最大值(在一个范围内)那么我们的个体就是一组(X1)的解。好的个体就会被保留,不好的就会被pass,选择标准就是我们的函数 Y 。那么问题来了如何模拟这个过程?我们都知道在繁殖后代的时候我们是通过DNA来保留我们的基因信息,在这个过程当中,父母的DNA交互,并且在这个过程当中会产生变异,这样一来,父母双方的优秀基于会被保存,并且产生的变异有可能诞生更加优秀的后代。




How to use Python to implement genetic algorithm to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)?











import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Population_Size = 100
Iteration_Number = 200
Cross_Rate = 0.8
Mutation_Rate = 0.003
Dna_Size = 10
def F(x):
    :param x:
    return np.sin(10 * x) * x + np.cos(2 * x) * x
def CrossOver(Parent,PopSpace):
    :param parent:
    :param PopSpace:
    if(np.random.rand()) < Cross_Rate:
        cross_place = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=Dna_Size).astype(np.bool)
        cross_one = np.random.randint(0, Population_Size, size=1) #选择一位男/女士交配
        Parent[cross_place] = PopSpace[cross_one,cross_place]
    return Parent
def Mutate(Child):
    :param Child:
    for point in range(Dna_Size):
        if np.random.rand() < Mutation_Rate:
            Child[point] = 1 if Child[point] == 0 else 0
    return Child
def TranslateDNA(PopSpace):
    :param PopSpace:
    return PopSpace.dot(2 ** np.arange(Dna_Size)[::-1]) / float(2 ** Dna_Size - 1) * X_Range[1]
def Fitness(pred):
    pred 这是一个二维矩阵
    :param pred:
    return pred + 1e-3 - np.min(pred)
def Select(PopSpace,Fitness):
    :param PopSpace:
    :param Fitness:
    Better_Ones = np.random.choice(np.arange(Population_Size), size=Population_Size, replace=True,
                           p=Fitness / Fitness.sum())
    # np.unique(Better_Ones) #这个是我后面加的
    return PopSpace[Better_Ones]
if __name__ == &#39;__main__&#39;:
    PopSpace = np.random.randint(2, size=(Population_Size, Dna_Size))  # initialize the PopSpace DNA
    x = np.linspace(X_Range, 200)
    # plt.plot(x, F(x))
    for _ in range(Iteration_Number):
        F_values = F(TranslateDNA(PopSpace))  
        # something about plotting
        if &#39;sca&#39; in globals():
        sca = plt.scatter(TranslateDNA(PopSpace), F_values, s=200, lw=0, c=&#39;red&#39;, alpha=0.5)
        # GA part (evolution)
        fitness = Fitness(F_values)
        print("Most fitted DNA: ", PopSpace[np.argmax(fitness)])
        PopSpace = Select(PopSpace, fitness)
        PopSpace_copy = PopSpace.copy()
        for parent in PopSpace:
            child = CrossOver(parent, PopSpace_copy)
            child = Mutate(child)
            parent[:] = child
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1 2 3 4
2 3 4 5
3 2 1 4






from math import floor
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class Gena_TSP(object):
    def __init__(self, data, maxgen=200,
                 size_pop=200, cross_prob=0.9,
                 pmuta_prob=0.01, select_prob=0.8
        self.maxgen = maxgen            # 最大迭代次数
        self.size_pop = size_pop        # 群体个数,(一次性瞎蒙多少个解)
        self.cross_prob = cross_prob    # 交叉概率
        self.pmuta_prob = pmuta_prob    # 变异概率
        self.select_prob = select_prob  # 选择概率
        self.data = data        # 城市的坐标数据
        self.num = len(data)    # 有多少个城市,对应多少个坐标,对应染色体的长度(我们的解叫做染色体)
        self.__matrix_distance = self.__matrix_dis()
        self.select_num = int(self.size_pop * self.select_prob)
        # 通过选择概率确定子代的选择个数
        self.parent = np.array([0] * self.size_pop * self.num).reshape(self.size_pop, self.num)
        self.child = np.array([0] * self.select_num * self.num).reshape(self.select_num, self.num)
        self.fitness = np.zeros(self.size_pop)
        self.best_fit = []
        self.best_path = []
        # 保存每一步的群体的最优路径和距离
    def __matrix_dis(self):
        res = np.zeros((self.num, self.num))
        for i in range(self.num):
            for j in range(i + 1, self.num):
                res[i, j] = np.linalg.norm(self.data[i, :] - self.data[j, :])
                res[j, i] = res[i, j]
        return res
    def rand_parent(self):
        rand_ch = np.array(range(self.num))
        for i in range(self.size_pop):
            self.parent[i, :] = rand_ch
            self.fitness[i] = self.comp_fit(rand_ch)
    def comp_fit(self, one_path):
        :param one_path:
        res = 0
        for i in range(self.num - 1):
            res += self.__matrix_distance[one_path[i], one_path[i + 1]]
        res += self.__matrix_distance[one_path[-1], one_path[0]]
        return res
    def out_path(self, one_path):
        :param one_path:
        res = str(one_path[0] + 1) + &#39;-->&#39;
        for i in range(1, self.num):
            res += str(one_path[i] + 1) + &#39;-->&#39;
        res += str(one_path[0] + 1) + &#39;\n&#39;
    def Select(self):
        fit = 1. / (self.fitness)  # 适应度函数
        cumsum_fit = np.cumsum(fit)
        pick = cumsum_fit[-1] / self.select_num * (np.random.rand() + np.array(range(self.select_num)))
        i, j = 0, 0
        index = []
        while i < self.size_pop and j < self.select_num:
            if cumsum_fit[i] >= pick[j]:
                j += 1
                i += 1
        self.child = self.parent[index, :]
    def Cross(self):
        if self.select_num % 2 == 0:
            num = range(0, self.select_num, 2)
            num = range(0, self.select_num - 1, 2)
        for i in num:
            if self.cross_prob >= np.random.rand():
                self.child[i, :], self.child[i + 1, :] = self.intercross(self.child[i, :],
                                                                             self.child[i + 1, :])
    def intercross(self, ind_a, ind_b):
        :param ind_a:
        :param ind_b:
        r1 = np.random.randint(self.num)
        r2 = np.random.randint(self.num)
        while r2 == r1:
            r2 = np.random.randint(self.num)
        left, right = min(r1, r2), max(r1, r2)
        ind_a1 = ind_a.copy()
        ind_b1 = ind_b.copy()
        for i in range(left, right + 1):
            ind_a2 = ind_a.copy()
            ind_b2 = ind_b.copy()
            ind_a[i] = ind_b1[i]
            ind_b[i] = ind_a1[i]
            x = np.argwhere(ind_a == ind_a[i])
            y = np.argwhere(ind_b == ind_b[i])
            if len(x) == 2:
                ind_a[x[x != i]] = ind_a2[i]
            if len(y) == 2:
                ind_b[y[y != i]] = ind_b2[i]
        return ind_a, ind_b
    def Mutation(self):
        for i in range(self.select_num):
            if np.random.rand() <= self.cross_prob:
                r1 = np.random.randint(self.num)
                r2 = np.random.randint(self.num)
                while r2 == r1:
                    r2 = np.random.randint(self.num)
                self.child[i, [r1, r2]] = self.child[i, [r2, r1]]
    def Reverse(self):
        for i in range(self.select_num):
            r1 = np.random.randint(self.num)
            r2 = np.random.randint(self.num)
            while r2 == r1:
                r2 = np.random.randint(self.num)
            left, right = min(r1, r2), max(r1, r2)
            sel = self.child[i, :].copy()
            sel[left:right + 1] = self.child[i, left:right + 1][::-1]
            if self.comp_fit(sel) < self.comp_fit(self.child[i, :]):
                self.child[i, :] = sel
    def Born(self):
        index = np.argsort(self.fitness)[::-1]
        self.parent[index[:self.select_num], :] = self.child
def main(data):
    Path_short = Gena_TSP(data)     # 根据位置坐标,生成一个遗传算法类
    Path_short.rand_parent()        # 初始化父类
    ## 绘制初始化的路径图
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    x = data[:, 0]
    y = data[:, 1]
    ax.scatter(x, y, linewidths=0.1)
    for i, txt in enumerate(range(1, len(data) + 1)):
        ax.annotate(txt, (x[i], y[i]))
    res0 = Path_short.parent[0]
    x0 = x[res0]
    y0 = y[res0]
    for i in range(len(data) - 1):
        plt.quiver(x0[i], y0[i], x0[i + 1] - x0[i], y0[i + 1] - y0[i], color=&#39;r&#39;, width=0.005, angles=&#39;xy&#39;, scale=1,
    plt.quiver(x0[-1], y0[-1], x0[0] - x0[-1], y0[0] - y0[-1], color=&#39;r&#39;, width=0.005, angles=&#39;xy&#39;, scale=1,
    print(&#39;初始染色体的路程: &#39; + str(Path_short.fitness[0]))
    # 循环迭代遗传过程
    for i in range(Path_short.maxgen):
        Path_short.Select()     # 选择子代
        Path_short.Cross()      # 交叉
        Path_short.Mutation()   # 变异
        Path_short.Reverse()    # 进化逆转
        Path_short.Born()      # 子代插入
        # 重新计算新群体的距离值
        for j in range(Path_short.size_pop):
            Path_short.fitness[j] = Path_short.comp_fit(Path_short.parent[j, :])
        index = Path_short.fitness.argmin()
        if (i + 1) % 50 == 0:
            print(&#39;第&#39; + str(i + 1) + &#39;步后的最短的路程: &#39; + str(Path_short.fitness[index]))
            print(&#39;第&#39; + str(i + 1) + &#39;步后的最优路径:&#39;)
            Path_short.out_path(Path_short.parent[index, :])  # 显示每一步的最优路径
        # 存储每一步的最优路径及距离
        Path_short.best_path.append(Path_short.parent[index, :])
    return Path_short  # 返回遗传算法结果类
if __name__ == &#39;__main__&#39;:
    data = np.array([16.47, 96.10, 16.47, 94.44, 20.09, 92.54,
                     22.39, 93.37, 25.23, 97.24, 22.00, 96.05, 20.47, 97.02,
                     17.20, 96.29, 16.30, 97.38, 14.05, 98.12, 16.53, 97.38,
                     21.52, 95.59, 19.41, 97.13, 20.09, 92.55]).reshape((14, 2))
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How to use Python to implement genetic algorithm to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)?

The above is the detailed content of How to use Python to implement genetic algorithm to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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