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How to create a maze mini-game with Python and Turtle, in which the character is a turtle?

Release: 2023-05-09 12:22:08
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1. Introduction

1. What is Turtle

Turtle is translated as turtle in English, but what we are introducing is not this animal, but a drawing software named after it.

Introduced in the python documentation, Turtle itself is a simple and easy-to-use drawing software, which is very suitable for novices to enter the world of programming.

Turtle drawing Turtle is a built-in module of Python. In short, it is a very simple and fun library.

The main actions are: lifting the pen, the subsequent actions are just moving the brush, leaving no traces on the canvas; putting down the pen, as long as the brush is moved, traces will be left on the canvas.

The brush movements only include absolute movement, relative movement, forward (backward) movement, steering (absolute angle, relative angle), circle or arc, point (solid circle), so it cannot draw ellipses or function curves. difficulty!

2. How to play with Turtle

Of course, you need to enter the python programming environment here, and then you can start writing turtle-related code in this python file.

Turtle is a built-in module that comes with python installation. It is very simple to call this module. Load it directly using the import method:

import turtle or from turtle import *

This is also The first line of code in the program is used to prepare the turtle module for use.

3. Canvas settings

1.1 Set the canvas size

turtle.screensize()       # 返回默认大小(400, 300)
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1.2 Display the window with the default drawing window size, and the window is centered on the screen

turtle.screensize(width, hight[, bg])
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Among them: width—— represents the width of the canvas (unit pixel); Hight—— represents the height of the canvas (unit pixel); bg—— the canvas background color. This parameter can be defaulted. The default is a white background

1.3 Case

For example:

turtle.screensize(800, 600, "green"),表示画布大小为800×600,绿色画布。
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turtle.setup(width, hight[, x, y])
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Where: width, height—— represents the width and height of the canvas. When it is an integer, it means pixels; when it is a decimal, it means the proportion of the computer screen occupied

4. Set the background/canvas color

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2. Turtle’s brush settings

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Among them: size - brush thickness, expressed in pixels.

1.Basic method of turtle drawing

After importing the turtle library drawing module, you can realize drawing. The basic operations are to draw a straight line forward (back) and rotate (change direction left to right) ), draw a circle (arc), etc.

Here are some of the most commonly used commands.

1.1 Set brush attributes

Command Description
turtle.pensize(width) is used to set the width (i.e. thickness) of the brush. The larger the width, the thicker it is
turtle.pencolor(color) Used to set the color of the brush. The color parameter can be a string such as "green", "red", or an RGB triplet
turtle.shape(shape) Used to set the shape of the brush. The shape parameter is a string, which mainly includes "turtle" turtle shape, "square" square shape, etc.
turtle.speed(speed ) is used to set the movement speed of the brush. The speed parameter can be a string such as "fast", "slow", etc., or an integer between 0 and 10

1.2 Brush drawing commands

##turtle.left(degree)Turn left along the current brush direction degree° ;turtle.down()Put the brush down and start drawingturtle.up()Lift the pen to move without drawing graphics##turtle.circle()setx( )sety( )setheading(degree)ht()



这个海龟闯关的小迷宫游戏是设计了三个关卡,运行代码之后会有相应的关卡弹窗设置,想完那关可以直接玩那关, 也可以按照顺序闯关。






How to create a maze mini-game with Python and Turtle, in which the character is a turtle?


# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import turtle  # 导入海龟绘图模块
import random  # 导入随机数模块
game_title = '小海龟大迷宫闯关小游戏'  # 游戏名字
level = 0  # 关卡
txt_path = 'map/map1.txt'  # 地图信息文本文件路径及名称
road_color = (191, 217, 225)  # 迷宫通道的颜色
R, C = 0, 0  # 迷宫地图的总行数R、总列数C
cell_size = 20  # 一个格子的尺寸
area_sign = {}  # 记录入口和出口索引位置
mazeList = []  # 地图列表
map_t = turtle.Turtle()  # 绘制地图的海龟
map_t.speed(0)  # 设置绘图速度最快(地图绘制)
sign_t = turtle.Turtle()  # 绘制入口和出口标记的海龟
auto_t = turtle.Turtle()  # 自动走迷宫的海龟
auto_t.pensize(5)  # 画笔粗细(自动)
auto_t.speed(0)  # 设置绘图速度最快(手动)
auto_t.ht()  # 隐藏海龟光标
manual_t = turtle.Turtle()  # 手动走迷宫的海龟
manual_t.pensize(5)  # 画笔粗细(手动)
manual_t.speed(0)  # 设置绘图速度最快(手动)
manual_t.shape('turtle')  # 设置海龟光标为小海龟(手动)
manual_t.ht()  # 隐藏手动走迷宫所用的海龟光标(手动)
# 要探索4个方向对应索引的变化规则
direction = [
    (1, 0),  # 右
    (-1, 0),  # 左
    (0, 1),  # 上
    (0, -1)  # 下
def imoveto(ci, ri):
    :param ci: 列索引
    :param ri: 行索引
    auto_t.penup()  # 抬笔
    cx, cy = itoc((ci, ri))  # 将索引位置转换为坐标位置
    auto_t.goto(cx, cy)  # 移动到指定位置
    auto_t.pendown()  # 落笔
    auto_t.shape('turtle')  # 设置海龟光标的形状
    auto_t.color('red')  # 设置画笔颜色为红色
    auto_t.st()  # 显示海龟光标
def c_move_to(t, ctuple):  # 移动到指定位置
    :param t: 海龟对象
    :param ctuple: 记录坐标位置的元组
    t.ht()  # 隐藏海龟光标
    t.penup()  # 抬笔
    t.goto(ctuple[0], ctuple[1])  # 移动到坐标指定的位置
    t.pendown()  # 落笔
def itoc(ituple):
    :param ituple: 行、列索引组成的元组
    :return: 实际坐标位置
    ci = ituple[0]
    ri = ituple[1]
    tx = ci * cell_size - C * cell_size / 2  # 根据索引值计算每个正方形的起点(x坐标)
    ty = R * cell_size / 2 - ri * cell_size  # 根据索引值计算每个正方形的起点(y坐标)
    cx = tx + cell_size / 2  # 正方形中心的x坐标
    cy = ty - cell_size / 2  # 正方形中心的y坐标
    return (cx, cy)
def ctoi(cx, cy):
    :param cx: x轴坐标
    :param cy: y轴坐标
    :return: 元组,(ci,ri)
    ci = ((C - 1) * cell_size / 2 + cx) / cell_size  # 计算列索引
    ri = ((R - 1) * cell_size / 2 - cy) / cell_size  # 计算行索引
    return (int(ri), int(ci))  # 返回行列索引的元组
def get_map(filename):
    :param filename: 地图文件名
    :return: 地图列表
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:  # 打开文件
        fl = f.readlines()  # 读取全部行
    maze_list = []  # 保存地图的列表
    for line in fl:  # 将读取的内容以空格分割为二维列表
        line = line.strip()  # 去掉空格
        line_list = line.split(" ")  # 以空格进行分割为列表
        maze_list.append(line_list)  # 将分割后的列表添加到地图列表中
    return maze_list  # 返回地图列表
def draw_square(ci, ri, colorsign):
    :param ci: 列索引
    :param ri: 行索引
    :param colorsign: 填充颜色
    tx = ci * cell_size - C * cell_size / 2  # 根据索引值计算每个正方形的起点(x坐标)
    ty = R * cell_size / 2 - ri * cell_size  # 根据索引值计算每个正方形的起点(y坐标)
    map_t.penup()  # 抬笔
    map_t.goto(tx, ty)  # 移动到绘图起点(正方形的左上角)
    if colorsign == '1':  # 判断是否为墙(如果为墙,则随机生成填充颜色)
        r = random.randint(100, 130)  # 红色值
        g = random.randint(150, 180)  # 绿色值
        map_t.color(r, g, 200)  # 指定颜色为随机生成的颜色
        map_t.color(colorsign)  # 设置为指定的通道颜色
    map_t.pendown()  # 落笔
    map_t.begin_fill()  # 填充开始
    for i in range(4):  # 绘制正方形
    map_t.end_fill()  # 填充结束
    map_t.ht()  # 隐藏海龟光标
def draw_map(mazelist):
    :param mazelist: 保存地图数据的列表
    turtle.tracer(0)  # 隐藏动画效果
    global area_sign  # 全局变量,记录入口和出口索引位置
    for ri in range(R):  # 遍历行
        for ci in range(C):  # 遍历列
            item = mazelist[ri][ci]
            if item in ['1']:  # 判断墙
                draw_square(ci, ri, '1')  # 绘制墙
            elif item == "S":  # 判断入口
                draw_square(ci, ri, road_color)  # 绘制通道
                draw_sign(ci - 1, ri, '入口')  # 标记入口
                area_sign['entry_i'] = (ci, ri)  # 保存入口索引
            elif item == "E":  # 判断出口
                draw_square(ci, ri, road_color)  # 绘制通道
                draw_sign(ci - 1, ri, '出口')  # 标记出口
                area_sign['exit_i'] = (ci, ri)  # 保存出口索引
                draw_square(ci, ri, road_color)  # 绘制通道
    turtle.tracer(1)  # 显示动画效果
def draw_sign(ci, ri, word):
    :param ci: 列索引
    :param ri: 行索引
    :param word: 标记文字内容
    cx, cy = itoc((ci, ri))  # 将索引位置转换为坐标位置
    sign_t.ht()  # 隐藏海龟光标
    sign_t.penup()  # 抬笔
    sign_t.goto(cx, cy)  # 移动到标记位置
    sign_t.color('red')  # 设置画笔为红色
    sign_t.write(word, font=('黑体', 12, 'normal'))  # 绘制标记文字
def win_tip():
    global level
    c_move_to(manual_t, (-150, 0))
    if int(level) == 3:
        manual_t.write('\n恭喜您顺利通关!', font=('黑体', 20, 'bold'))
        turtle.onkey(turtle.bye, key='Return')  # 监听按下Enter键退出游戏
        manual_t.write('\n恭喜过关!\n按下Enter进入下一关!', font=('黑体', 20, 'bold'))
        level += 1
        turtle.onkey(level_init, key='Return')  # 监听按下Enter键
def manual_move(d):
    :param d: 向不同方面走时索引的变化规则
    dc, dr = d  # 将表示方向的元组分别赋值给两个变量dc和dr,其中dc为x轴方向,dr为y轴方向
    rici = ctoi(round(manual_t.xcor(), 1) + dc * cell_size, round(manual_t.ycor(), 1) + dr * cell_size)  # 获取行列索引
    point = mazeList[rici[0]][rici[1]]  # 获取地图列表中对应点的值
    print('移动:', rici, point)
    if point == '0':  # 通路
        mazeList[rici[0]][rici[1]] = '$'  # 将当前位置标记为已探索
        manual_t.forward(cell_size)  # 向前移动
    elif point == '$':  # 已探索
        manual_t.color(road_color)  # 绘制和通道相同颜色的线,达到擦除痕迹的效果
        mazeList[rici[0] + dr][rici[1] - dc] = '0'  # 将当前位置的前一个点设置为未探索(目的是取消标记)
        manual_t.forward(road_color)  # 向前移动
    elif point == 'E':  # 出口
def up_move():  # 朝上
    manual_t.setheading(90)  # 设置海龟朝向
    manual_move(direction[2])  # 手动探索并移动
def down_move():  # 朝下
    manual_t.setheading(270)  # 设置海龟朝向
    manual_move(direction[3])  # 手动探索并移动
def left_move():  # 朝左
    manual_t.setheading(180)  # 设置海龟朝向
    manual_move(direction[1])  # 手动探索并移动
def right_move():  # 朝右
    manual_t.setheading(0)  # 设置海龟朝向
    manual_move(direction[0])  # 手动探索并移动
def manual_path():
    manual_t.clear()  # 清除绘图
    auto_t.ht()  # 隐藏海龟
    auto_t.clear()  # 清除绘图
    global mazeList  # 定义全局变量
    mazeList = get_map(txt_path)  # 重新读取地图数据
    # print(area_sign['entry_i'][0],area_sign['entry_i'][1])
    c_move_to(manual_t, itoc(area_sign['entry_i']))  # 移动到入口位置
    manual_t.st()  # 显示手动走迷宫所用的海龟光标
    manual_t.width(3)  # 设置画笔粗细为3像素
    manual_t.color('red')  # 设置画笔为红色
    manual_t.getscreen().listen()  # 让海龟屏幕(TurtleScreen)获得焦点
    manual_t.getscreen().onkeyrelease(up_move, 'Up')  # 按下向上方向键
    manual_t.getscreen().onkeyrelease(down_move, 'Down')  # 按下向下方向键
    manual_t.getscreen().onkeyrelease(left_move, 'Left')  # 按下向左方向键
    manual_t.getscreen().onkeyrelease(right_move, 'Right')  # 按下向右方向键
def auto_path():
    global mazeList  # 定义全局变量
    mazeList = get_map(txt_path)  # 重新读取地图数据
    manual_t.ht()  # 隐藏海龟
    manual_t.clear()  # 清除绘图
    auto_t.clear()  # 清除绘图
    auto_t.pensize(5)  # 设置画笔粗细
    auto_t.speed(0)  # 绘图速度
    auto_t.ht()  # 隐藏海龟光标
    find(mazeList)  # 开始探索
def find(mazeList):
    :param mazeList: 地图列表
    auto_t.clear()  # 清空帮助
    start_r, start_c = 0, 0
    for ri in range(R):
        for ci in range(C):
            item = mazeList[ri][ci]
            if item == "S":
                start_r, start_c = ri, ci
    auto_t.penup()  # 抬笔
    draw_path(start_c, start_r)
    find_next(mazeList, start_c, start_r)
def find_next(mlist, ci, ri):
    :param mlist: 地图列表
    :param ci: 列索引
    :param ri: 行索引
    :return: 布尔值,表示是否为通路
    if mlist[ri][ci] == "E":
        imoveto(ci, ri)  # 移动到出口
        return True
    if not (0 <= ci < C and 0 <= ri < R):  # 判断位置是否不合法
        return False
    if mlist[ri][ci] in [&#39;1&#39;, &#39;$&#39;]:  # 判断是否为墙或者已探索过的
        return False
    mlist[ri][ci] = "$"  # 标记已探索过
    for d in direction:  # 尝试从不同方向探索是否为通路,如果发现一条通路,则不再继续探索
        dc, dr = d  # # 将索引变化规则的值分别赋值给dc和dr,其中dc为x轴方向,dr为y轴方向
        found = find_next(mlist, ci + dc, ri + dr)  # 递归调用
        if found:  # 如果是通路则绘制线路
            draw_path(ci, ri)  # 绘制线路
            return True  # 返回True,不再探索
    return False  # 当所有方向都不通时,返回False
def draw_path(ci, ri, color="green"):  # 自动绘制用
    :param ci: 列索引
    :param ri: 行索引
    :param color: 画笔颜色
    auto_t.st()  # 显示海龟光标
    cx, cy = itoc((ci, ri))  # 将索引位置转换为坐标位置
    auto_t.goto(cx, cy)
def level_init():
    manual_t.clear()  # 清除绘图
    auto_t.clear()  # 清除绘图
    turtle.clear()  # 清除绘图
    global txt_path, level, mazeList, R, C  # 定义全局变量
    if level == 1:  # 第一关的地图文件和背景
        txt_path = "map/map1.txt"
        levelbg = &#39;image/level1.png&#39;
    elif level == 2:  # 第二关的地图文件和背景
        txt_path = "map/map2.txt"
        levelbg = &#39;image/level2.png&#39;
    elif level == 3:  # 第三关的地图文件和背景
        txt_path = "map/map3.txt"
        levelbg = &#39;image/level3.png&#39;
        turtle.bye()  # 退出程序
    mazeList = get_map(txt_path)  # 获取地图数据
    R, C = len(mazeList), len(mazeList[0])
    turtle.setup(width=C * cell_size + 50, height=R * cell_size + 100)  # 根据地图调整窗口尺寸
    turtle.bgpic(levelbg)  # 设置背景图片
    # 如果想要手动绘制关卡数,可以使用下面的两行代码
    cmoveto(turtle, (1 * cellsize - C * cellsize / 2, R * cellsize / 2+10))
    turtle.write(&#39;关卡:&#39;+str(int(level)), font=(&#39;宋体&#39;, 16, &#39;normal&#39;))    
    turtle.ht()  # 隐藏海龟光标
    draw_map(mazeList)  # 绘制地图
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How to create a maze mini-game with Python and Turtle, in which the character is a turtle?四、效果图


How to create a maze mini-game with Python and Turtle, in which the character is a turtle?



How to create a maze mini-game with Python and Turtle, in which the character is a turtle?



How to create a maze mini-game with Python and Turtle, in which the character is a turtle?


How to create a maze mini-game with Python and Turtle, in which the character is a turtle?

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Front End Template
turtle.fd(dis)Move dist forward along the current brush direction Pixel length
turtle.bk(dist)Move dist pixel length in the opposite direction of the current brush
turtle.right (degree)Turn right along the current brush direction degree°
Draw a circle with a positive (negative) radius, which means the center of the circle is to the left of the brush ( Right) draw a circle
Move the current x-axis to the specified position
Move the current y-axis to the specified position
is used to set the direction of the brush. The parameter degree is the direction of the brush and the turtle coordinate system The angle between the positive x-axis
is used to hide the brush