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Analyze examples of four main data types in Python

Release: 2023-05-09 21:16:18
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Basic data types

Numeric type

The data in Python are all objects, such as the well-known int integer object, float double precision floating point type, bool logical object, they are all is a single element. Give two examples.

Prefix with 0x to create a hexadecimal integer:

0xa5 # 等于十进制的 165
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Use e to create a floating point number represented in scientific notation:

1.05e3 # 1050.0
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Container type

A container object that can accommodate multiple elements. Commonly used ones include: list list object, tuple tuple object, dict dictionary object, and set collection object. Python defines these types of variables with a very concise syntax.

Examples are as follows.

Use a pair of square brackets [] to create a list variable:

lst = [1,3,5] # list 变量
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As can be seen from the diagram, the container on the right is open-loop, which means that the container can Adding and deleting elements in:

Analyze examples of four main data types in Python

Use a pair of brackets () to create a tuple object:

tup = (1,3,5) # tuple 变量
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As shown in the diagram , the container on the right is closed, which means that once a tuple is created, elements cannot be added or deleted from the container:

Analyze examples of four main data types in Python

But it should be noted that tuples containing a single element A comma must be left behind to be interpreted as a tuple.

tup = (1,) # 必须保留逗号
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Otherwise it will be considered the element itself:

In [14]: tup=(1)
   ...: print(type(tup)) 
<class &#39;int&#39;>
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Use a pair of curly braces {} and use a colon : to create a dict object:

dic = {&#39;a&#39;:1, &#39;b&#39;:3, &#39;c&#39;:5} # dict变量
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The dictionary is a hash table. The following diagram vividly expresses the "shape" of the dictionary.

Analyze examples of four main data types in Python

Use only a pair of curly braces {} to create a set object:

s = {1,3,5} # 集合变量
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Python container type, list, dict , tuple, set, etc. can easily implement powerful functions. Here are a few cases.

1. Find the average

After removing a minimum value and a maximum value in the list, calculate the average of the remaining elements.

def score_mean(lst):
   return round((sum(lst2)/len(lst2)),1)

lst=[9.1, 9.0,8.1, 9.7, 19,8.2, 8.6,9.8]
score_mean(lst) # 9.1
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Code execution process, animation demonstration:

Analyze examples of four main data types in Python

2. Print 99 multiplication table

Print out the following The multiplication table in the format:

1*2=2   2*2=4
1*3=3   2*3=6   3*3=9
1*4=4   2*4=8   3*4=12  4*4=16
1*5=5   2*5=10  3*5=15  4*5=20  5*5=25
1*6=6   2*6=12  3*6=18  4*6=24  5*6=30  6*6=36
1*7=7   2*7=14  3*7=21  4*7=28  5*7=35  6*7=42  7*7=49
1*8=8   2*8=16  3*8=24  4*8=32  5*8=40  6*8=48  7*8=56  8*8=64
1*9=9   2*9=18  3*9=27  4*9=36  5*9=45  6*9=54  7*9=63  8*9=72  9*9=81
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has 10 rows in total. The j-th column of the i-th row is equal to: j*i, where:

  • i Value range: 1<=i<=9

  • j Value range: 1<=j<=i

According to the language description of "example analysis", it is converted into the following code:

In [13]: for i in range(1,10):
   ...:     for j in range(1,i+1):
   ...:         print(&#39;%d*%d=%d&#39;%(j,i,j*i),end=&#39;\t&#39;)
   ...:     print()
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3. Sample sampling

Use sample sampling , the following example randomly samples 10 samples from 100.

from random import randint,sample
lst = [randint(0,50) for _ in range(100)]
print(lst[:5])# [38, 19, 11, 3, 6]
lst_sample = sample(lst,10)
print(lst_sample) # [33, 40, 35, 49, 24, 15, 48, 29, 37, 24]
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Note that there is no character type (char) like C in Python, and all characters or strings are unified into str objects. For example, the type of a single character c is also str.

The str type will be frequently used. Let’s first list 5 frequently used methods.

strip is used to remove spaces before and after a string:

In [1]: &#39;  I love python\t\n  &#39;.strip()
Out[1]: &#39;I love python&#39;
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replace is used to replace strings:

In [2]: &#39;i love python&#39;.replace(&#39; &#39;,&#39;_&#39;)
Out[2]: &#39;i_love_python&#39;
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join is used to merge strings:

In [3]: &#39;_&#39;.join([&#39;book&#39;, &#39;store&#39;,&#39;count&#39;])
Out[3]: &#39;book_store_count&#39;
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title is used to capitalize the first character of a word:

In [4]: &#39;i love python&#39;.title()
Out[4]: &#39;I Love Python&#39;
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find is used to return the starting position index of the matching string:

In [5]: &#39;i love python&#39;.find(&#39;python&#39;)
Out[5]: 7
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As an example of applying strings, determine whether str1 is composed of str2 is rotated.

String stringbook is rotated to obtain bookstring. Write a code to verify whether str1 is str2 obtained by rotation.

Convert to judgment: whether str1 is a substring of str2 str2.


def is_rotation(s1: str, s2: str) -> bool:
   if s1 is None or s2 is None:
       return False
   if len(s1) != len(s2):
       return False

   def is_substring(s1: str, s2: str) -> bool:
       return s1 in s2
   return is_substring(s1, s2 + s2)
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测试函数 is_rotation:

r = is_rotation(&#39;stringbook&#39;, &#39;bookstring&#39;)
print(r)  # True

r = is_rotation(&#39;greatman&#39;, &#39;maneatgr&#39;)
print(r)  # False
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字符串的匹配操作除了使用 str 封装的方法外,Python 的 re 正则模块功能更加强大,写法更为简便,广泛适用于爬虫、数据分析等。



  • 要求密码为 6 到 20 位;

  • 密码只包含英文字母和数字。

import re
pat = re.compile(r&#39;\w{6,20}&#39;) # 这是错误的,因为 \w 通配符匹配的是字母,数字和下划线,题目要求不能含有下划线
# 使用最稳的方法:\da-zA-Z 满足“密码只包含英文字母和数字”
# \d匹配数字 0-9
# a-z 匹配所有小写字符;A-Z 匹配所有大写字符
pat = re.compile(r&#39;[\da-zA-Z]{6,20}&#39;)
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选用最保险的 fullmatch 方法,查看是否整个字符串都匹配。

以下测试例子都返回 None,原因都在解释里。

pat.fullmatch(&#39;qaz12&#39;) # 返回 None,长度小于 6
pat.fullmatch(&#39;qaz12wsxedcrfvtgb67890942234343434&#39;) # None 长度大于 22
pat.fullmatch(&#39;qaz_231&#39;) # None 含有下划线
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下面这个字符串 n0passw0Rd 完全符合:

In [20]: pat.fullmatch(&#39;n0passw0Rd&#39;)
Out[20]: <re.Match object; span=(0, 10), match=&#39;n0passw0Rd&#39;>
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Python 使用关键字 class 定制自己的类,self 表示类实例对象本身。



class Dog(object):
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以上定义一个 Dog 对象,它继承于根类 object,pass 表示没有自定义任何属性和方法。

下面创建一个 Dog 类型的实例:

wangwang = Dog()
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Dog 类现在没有定义任何方法,但是刚才说了,它会有自带的方法,使用 dir() 查看这些自带方法:

In [26]: wangwang.__dir__()
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  • init 方法能定义一个带参数的类;

  • new 方法自定义实例化类的行为;

  • getattribute 方法自定义读取属性的行为;

  • setattr 自定义赋值与修改属性时的行为。


def __init__(self, name, dtype):
    self.name = name
    self.dtype = dtype
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通过 init,定义 Dog 对象的两个属性:name、dtype。


wangwang = Dog(&#39;wangwang&#39;,&#39;cute_type&#39;)
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wangwangDog 类的实例。


def shout(self):
   print(&#39;I\&#39;m %s, type: %s&#39; % (self.name, self.dtype))
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  • 自定义方法的第一个参数必须是 self,它指向实例本身,如 Dog 类型的实例 dog;

  • 引用属性时,必须前面添加 self,比如 self.name 等。


In [40]: class Dog(object):
   ...:     def __init__(self,name,dtype):
   ...:         self.name=name
   ...:         self.dtype=dtype
   ...:     def shout(self):
   ...:         print('I\'m %s, type: %s' % (self.name, self.dtype))

In [41]: wangwang = Dog(&#39;wangwang&#39;,&#39;cute_type&#39;)

In [42]: wangwang.name
Out[42]: 'wangwang'

In [43]: wangwang.dtype
Out[43]: 'cute_type'

In [44]: wangwang.shout()
I'm wangwang, type: cute_type
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看到创建的两个属性和一个方法都被暴露在外面,可被 wangwang 调用。这样的话,这些属性就会被任意修改:

In [49]: wangwang.name=&#39;wrong_name&#39;
In [50]: wangwang.name
Out[50]: &#39;wrong_name&#39;
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如果想避免属性 name 被修改,可以将它变为私有变量。改动方法:属性前加 2 个 _ 后,变为私有属性。如:

In [51]: class Dog(object):
   ...:     def __init__(self,name,dtype):
   ...:         self.__name=name
   ...:         self.__dtype=dtype
   ...:     def shout(self):
   ...:         print(&#39;I\&#39;m %s, type: %s&#39; % (self.name, self.dtype))
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同理,方法前加 2 个 _ 后,方法变为“私有方法”,只能在 Dog 类内被共享使用。

但是这样改动后,属性 name 不能被访问了,也就无法得知 wangwang 的名字叫啥。不过,这个问题有一种简单的解决方法,直接新定义一个方法就行:

def get_name(self):
   return self.__name
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In [52]: class Dog(object):
   ...:     def __init__(self,name,dtype):
   ...:         self.__name=name
   ...:         self.__dtype=dtype
   ...:     def shout(self):
   ...:         print('I\'m %s, type: %s' % (self.name, self.dtype))
   ...:     def get_name(self):
   ...:         return self.__name

In [53]: wangwang = Dog(&#39;wangwang&#39;,&#39;cute_type&#39;)

In [54]: wangwang.get_name()
Out[54]: 'wangwang'
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但是,通过此机制,改变属性的可读性或可写性,怎么看都不太优雅!因为无形中增加一些冗余的方法,如 get_name。


自定义一个最精简的 Book 类,它继承于系统的根类 object:

class Book(object):
   def __init__(self,name,sale):
       self.__name = name
       self.__sale = sale
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使用 Python 自带的 property 类,就会优雅地将 name 变为只读的。

   def name(self):
       return self.__name
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使用 @property 装饰后 name 变为属性,意味着 .name 就会返回这本书的名字,而不是通过 .name() 这种函数调用的方法。这样变为真正的属性后,可读性更好。

In [101]: class Book(object):
    ...:     def __init__(self,name,sale):
    ...:         self.__name = name
    ...:         self.__sale = sale
    ...:     @property
    ...:     def name(self):
    ...:         return self.__name

In [102]: a_book = Book(&#39;magic_book&#39;,100000)

In [103]: a_book.name
Out[103]: &#39;magic_book&#39;
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property 是 Python 自带的类,前三个参数都是函数类型。更加详细的讨论放在后面讨论装饰器时再展开。

In [104]: help(property)
Help on class property in module builtins:

class property(object)
|  property(fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None)
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如果使 name 既可读又可写,就再增加一个装饰器 @name.setter。

In [105]: class Book(object):
    ...:     def __init__(self,name,sale):
    ...:         self.__name = name
    ...:         self.__sale = sale
    ...:     @property
    ...:     def name(self):
    ...:         return self.__name
    ...:     @name.setter
    ...:     def name(self,new_name):
    ...:         self.__name = new_name

In [106]: a_book = Book(&#39;magic_book&#39;,100000)

In [107]: a_book.name = &#39;magic_book_2.0&#39;

In [108]: a_book.name
Out[108]: &#39;magic_book_2.0&#39;
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注意这种装饰器写法:name.setter,name 已经被包装为 property 实例,调用实例上的 setter 函数再包装 name 后就会可写。对于 Python 入门者,可以暂时不用太纠结这部分理论,使用 Python 一段时间后,再回过头来自然就会理解。

The above is the detailed content of Analyze examples of four main data types in Python. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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