SpringBoot will use relevant annotations when receiving data/parameters submitted by the client
Detailed explanation of @PathVariable, @RequestHeader, @ModelAttribute, @RequestParam, @MatrixVariable, @CookieValue , @RequestBody
1. Requirements: Demonstrate various ways to submit data/parameters to the server, and how the server uses annotations to receive
2 .Application example demonstration
Requirements: Demonstrate various ways to submit data/parameters to the server, and how the server uses annotations to receive
Create src\main\resources\ static\index.html
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>index</title> </head> <body> <h2>hello, llp</h2> 基本注解: <hr/> <a href="/monster/200/jack" rel="external nofollow" >@PathVariable-路径变量 monster/200/jack</a><br/><br/> </body> </html>
Demonstrate the use of @PathVariable, create src\main\java\com\llp\springboot\controller\ParameterController.java, and complete the test
@RestController public class ParameterController { /** * /monster/{id}/{name} 解读 * 1. /monster/{id}/{name} 构成完整请求路径 * 2. {id} {name} 就是占位变量 * 3. @PathVariable("name"): 这里name 和{name} 命名保持一致 * 4. String name_ 这里自定义,和{name}命名无关 * 5. @PathVariable Map<String, String> map 把所有传递的值传入map * 6. 可以看下@PathVariable源码 */ @GetMapping("/monster/{id}/{name}") public String pathVariable(@PathVariable("id") Integer id, @PathVariable("name") String name, @PathVariable Map<String, String> map) { System.out.println("id-" + id); System.out.println("name-" + name); System.out.println("map-" + map); return "success"; } }
Demonstrate the use of @RequestHeader, modify ParameterController.java, complete the test
√ Modify index.html
<a href="/requestHeader" rel="external nofollow" >@RequestHeader-获取Http请求头 </a><br/><br/>
√ Modify ParameterController.java
/** * @RequestHeader("Host") 获取http请求头的 host信息 * @RequestHeader Map<String, String> header: 获取到http请求的所有信息 */ @GetMapping("/requestHeader") public String requestHeader(@RequestHeader("host") String host, @RequestHeader Map<String, String> header, @RequestHeader("accept") String accept) { System.out.println("host-" + host); System.out.println("header-" + header); System.out.println("accept-" + accept); return "success"; }
Demonstrate the use of @RequestParam, modify ParameterController.java, and complete the test
√ Modify index.html
<a href="/hi?name=wukong&fruit=apple&fruit=pear&id=300&address=北京" rel="external nofollow" >@RequestParam-获取请求参数</a><br/><br/>
√ Modify ParameterController.java
/** * @param username wukong * @param fruits List<String> fruits 接收集合 [apple, pear] * @param paras Map<String, String> paras 如果我们希望将所有的请求参数的值都获取到, * 可以通过@RequestParam Map<String, String> paras这种方式 * 一次性的接收所有的请求参数 {name=wukong, fruit=apple, id=300, address=北京} * 如果接收的某个参数中有多个之值比如这里fruits是一个集合,从map中只能拿到一个 * 可以理解map底层会将相同的key的value值进行覆盖 * @return * @RequestParam */ @GetMapping("/hi") public String hi(@RequestParam(value = "name") String username, @RequestParam("fruit") List<String> fruits, @RequestParam Map<String, String> paras) { //username-wukong System.out.println("username-" + username); //fruit-[apple, pear] System.out.println("fruit-" + fruits); //paras-{name=wukong, fruit=apple, id=300, address=北京} System.out.println("paras-" + paras); return "success"; }
Demonstrate the use of @CookieValue, modify ParameterController.java, and complete the test
√ Modify index.html
<a href="/cookie" rel="external nofollow" >@CookieValue-获取cookie值</a><br/><br/>
√ Modify ParameterController.java
/** * 因为我的浏览器目前没有cookie,我们可以自己设置cookie[技巧还是非常有用] * 如果要测试,可以先写一个方法,在浏览器创建对应的cookie * 说明 1. value = "cookie_key" 表示接收名字为 cookie_key的cookie * 2. 如果浏览器携带来对应的cookie , 那么 后面的参数是String ,则接收到的是对应对value * 3. 后面的参数是Cookie ,则接收到的是封装好的对应的cookie */ @GetMapping("/cookie") public String cookie(@CookieValue(value = "cookie_key", required = false) String cookie_value, HttpServletRequest request, @CookieValue(value = "username", required = false) Cookie cookie) { System.out.println("cookie_value-" + cookie_value); if (cookie != null) { System.out.println("username-" + cookie.getName() + "-" + cookie.getValue()); } System.out.println("-------------------------"); Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies(); for (Cookie cookie1 : cookies) { System.out.println(cookie1.getName() + "=>" + cookie1.getValue()); } return "success"; }
Demo Use @RequestBody, modify ParameterController.java, complete the test
√ Modify index.html
<hr/> <h2>测试@RequestBody获取数据: 获取POST请求体</h2> <form action="/save" method="post"> 姓名: <input name="name"/> <br> 年龄: <input name="age"/> <br/> <input type="submit" value="提交"/> </form>
√ Modify ParameterController.java
/** * @RequestBody 是整体取出Post请求内容 */ @PostMapping("/save") public String postMethod(@RequestBody String content) { System.out.println("content-" + content); return "success"; }
@RequestAttribute and @SessionAttribute use
Demonstrate the use of @RequestAttribute @SessionAttribute, create com/hspedu/web/controller/RequestController.java, complete the test
√ Modify index.html
<a href="/login" rel="external nofollow" >@RequestAttribute、@SessionAttribute-获取request域、session属性-</a>
√ Create RequestController .java
@GetMapping("/login") public String login(HttpServletRequest request) { request.setAttribute("user", "llp"); //向session中添加数据 request.getSession().setAttribute("website", "http://www.baidu.com"); //这里需要使用forward关键字,如果不适用则会走视图解析器,这 //里视图解析器前缀配置的是/ 后缀配置的.html ---> /ok.html //而请求转发在服务器端执行,/被解析成 ip:port/工程路径 //进而最终得到的完整路径是 ip:port/工程路径/ok.html //但是我们这里希望访问的是 ip:port/工程路径/ok这个请求路径 //因此这里手动的设置forward:/ok ,底层会根据我们设置的路径进行请求转发 return "forward:/ok"; } @GetMapping("ok") //返回字符串,不走视图解析器 @ResponseBody public String ok(@RequestAttribute(value = "user", required = false) String username, @SessionAttribute(value = "website",required = false) String website, HttpServletRequest request) { System.out.println("username= " + username); System.out.println("通过servlet api 获取 username-" + request.getAttribute("user")); System.out.println("website = " + website); System.out.println("通过servlet api 获取 website-"+request.getSession().getAttribute("website")); return "success"; } }
In development, SpringBoot is When responding to client requests, complex parameters
Map, Model, Errors/BindingResult, RedirectAttributes, ServletResponse, SessionStatus, UriComponentsBuilder, ServletUriComponentsBuilder, HttpSession
Map and Model data will be placed in the request field, and the underlying request.setAttribute()
RedirectAttributes redirects carry data
//响应一个注册请求 @GetMapping("/register") public String register(Map<String,Object> map, Model model, HttpServletResponse response) { //如果一个注册请求,会将注册数据封装到map或者model //map中的数据和model的数据,会被放入到request域中 map.put("user","llp"); map.put("job","码农"); model.addAttribute("sal", 2500); //一会我们再测试response使用 //我们演示创建cookie,并通过response 添加到浏览器/客户端 Cookie cookie = new Cookie("email", "123@sohu.com"); response.addCookie(cookie); //请求转发 return "forward:/registerOk"; } @ResponseBody @GetMapping("/registerOk") public String registerOk(HttpServletRequest request) { System.out.println("user-" + request.getAttribute("user")); System.out.println("job-" + request.getAttribute("job")); System.out.println("sal-" + request.getAttribute("sal")); return "success"; }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>添加妖怪</title></head> <body><h2>添加妖怪-坐骑[测试封装 POJO;]</h2> <form action="/savemonster" method="post"> 编号: <input name="id" value="100"><br/> 姓名: <input name="name" value="牛魔王"/><br/> 年龄: <input name="age" value="120"/> <br/> 婚否: <input name="isMarried" value="true"/> <br/> 生日: <input name="birth" value="2000/11/11"/> <br/> <!--注意这里car对象是monster的属性,给对象属性赋值时需要以对象名.字段名的方式--> 坐骑:<input name="car.name" value="法拉利"/><br/> 价格:<input name="car.price" value="99999.9"/> <input type="submit" value="保存"/> </form> </body> </html>
@PostMapping("/savemonster") public String saveMonster(Monster monster) { System.out.println("monster= " + monster); return "success"; }
The above is the detailed content of What are the annotations used by SpringBoot to receive parameters?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!