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How to use Python file processing methods, os module and glob module

Release: 2023-05-13 10:19:05
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    1. Basic file operations

    1. open() Open the file

    open() method Used to open a file and return a File object. This function needs to be used during file processing. If the file cannot be opened, an OSError will be thrown.

    Note: When using the open() method, you must ensure that the file object is closed, that is, the close() method is called.

    The common form of the open() function is to receive two parameters: file name (file) and mode (mode).

    open(file, mode='r')
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    The complete syntax format is:

    open(file, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, closefd=True, opener=None)
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    2. read() reads the file

    f = open(r'/Users/mac/desktop/jupyter/pythonCourseware/32.txt', mode='r')# read模式打开文件
    data = f.read() # 读取文件内容,向操作系统发起读请求,会被操作系统转成具体的硬盘操作,将内容由硬盘读入内存
    # 由于Python的垃圾回收机制只回收引用计数为0的变量,但是打开文件还占用操作系统的资源,所以我们需要回收操作系统的资源资源
    # del f 只是回收变量f
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    3. write() writes the file:

    # write模式打开文件
    f = open(r'/Users/mac/desktop/jupyter/pythonCourseware/32.txt', mode='w')
    f.write("""name = 'nick'
    pwd = '123'""")
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    4 , with open() method

    The with open() method not only provides a method to automatically release the resources occupied by the operating system, but also with open can be separated by commas to open multiple files at one time to achieve fast copying of files.

    with open('32.txt', 'rt', encoding='utf8') as f:
    with open('32.txt', 'rb') as fr, \
            open('35r.txt', 'wb') as fw:
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    2. File opening mode

    There are four basic modes of file operation

    • r mode: (default) read-only mode, only It can be read but not written. The file pointer will be placed at the beginning of the file. If the file does not exist, an error will be reported.

    • w mode: Overwrite mode. If the file does not exist, it will be created and edited from the beginning. That is, the original content will be deleted, that is, it will be completely overwritten.

    • a mode: Append writing mode: If the file does not exist, it will be created. If it exists, the content will be appended to the end of the file. That is to say, the new content will be written after the existing content.

    There are two formats for file reading and writing content

    • t mode is text (default): text mode

    • b mode is bytes: byte mode.

    It should be noted that the two modes t and b cannot be used alone, and they need to be used in conjunction with one of r/w/a.

    1. File r opening mode

    1. Reading text
    # rt: read by text
    # windows的操作系统默认编码为gbk,因此需要使用utf8编码
    f = open('32.txt', mode='rt', encoding='utf8')
    data = f.read()
    print(data) # nick最帅吗
    print(type(data)} # <class &#39;str&#39;>
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    2. Reading bytes
    # rb: read by bytes
    f = open(&#39;32.txt&#39;, mode=&#39;rb&#39;)
    data = f.read()
    print(data) # b&#39;aaa\nbbb\nccc\nnick\xe6\x9c\x80\xe5\xb8\x85\xe5\x90\x97&#39;
    print(type(data)) # <class &#39;bytes&#39;>
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    3. for reading line by line, quite on readline.
    fname = input("请输入要打开的文件名称:")
    fo = open(fname, "r")
    print(type(fo))  # <class &#39;_io.TextIOWrapper&#39;>
    for line in fo:
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    4. Reading method:
    • read(size): Read all the contents of the file at one time. If parameters are given, read the previous size length.

    • readline(size): Read a line of content, including the newline character '\n'. If given, size length before reading the line. Next time you can continue reading where you left off last time. If f.readline() returns an empty string, it means the last line has been read.

    • readlines([sizeint]): Read all lines and return a list. If sizeint>0 is given, return lines whose total sum is approximately sizeint bytes. The actual read value may be larger than sizeint is larger because the buffer needs to be filled.

    f = open(&#39;32.txt&#39;, mode=&#39;rt&#39;, encoding=&#39;utf8&#39;)
    print(f.readable())  #True 判断文件是否可读
    data1 = f.readline()
    data2 = f.readlines()
    print(data1) # aaa
    print(data2) # [&#39;bbb\n&#39;, &#39;ccc\n&#39;, &#39;nick最帅吗&#39;]
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    2. File W opening mode

    can only be written, not read. When the file exists, clear the file and then write the content; when the file does not exist The file will be created and the content will be written.

    1. Text mode
    f = open(&#39;34w.txt&#39;, mode=&#39;wt&#39;, encoding=&#39;utf8&#39;)
    print(f"f.readable(): {f.readable()}") #False
    f.write(&#39;nick 真帅呀\n&#39;)  # &#39;\n&#39;是换行符
    f.write(&#39;nick,nick, you drop, I drop.&#39;)
    f.write(&#39;nick 帅的我五体投地&#39;)
    f.flush()  # 立刻将文件内容从内存刷到硬盘
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    2. Byte mode
    f = open(&#39;34a.txt&#39;, mode=&#39;wb&#39;)
    f.write(&#39;nick 帅的我五体投地&#39;.encode(&#39;unicode_escape&#39;) )  # 编码成bytes类型再写入
    print(type(&#39;nick 帅的我五体投地&#39;.encode(&#39;unicode_escape&#39;))) #<class &#39;bytes&#39;>
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    Note: b mode is a universal mode, because all files on the hard disk are in binary format stored in form.

    It should be noted that when reading and writing files in b mode, the encoding parameter must not be added, because binary cannot be re-encoded.

        import requests
        response = requests.get( &#39;https://cache.yisu.com/upload/information/20220528/112/3002.jpg&#39;)
        data = response.content
        f = open(&#39;mv.jpg&#39;, &#39;wb&#39;)
    except Exception as e:
        print(e, &#39;报错了,那就算了吧,以后爬虫处会详细介绍&#39;)
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    3. Writing method:
    • write(s): Write the string to the file, and return the length of the characters written.

    • writelines(lines): Write a multi-line string list to the file. If line breaks are required, you must add newline characters to each line yourself.

    • flush(): Refresh the internal buffer of the file and directly write the data in the internal buffer to the file immediately instead of passively waiting for the output buffer to be written.

    3. File a opening mode

    a: Can be appended. If the file exists, the content will be written at the end of the file; if the file does not exist, the file will be created and the content will be written.

    # at
    f = open(&#39;34a.txt&#39;, mode=&#39;at&#39;, encoding=&#39;utf8&#39;)
    print(f.readable()) # False
    f.write(&#39;nick 真帅呀\n&#39;)  # &#39;\n&#39;是换行符
    f.write(&#39;nick,nick, you drop, I drop.&#39;)
    f.write(&#39;nick 帅的我五体投地&#39;)
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    4. Readable and writable

    • r: Readable and writable. The file pointer will be placed at the beginning of the file.

    • rb: Readable and writable binary format

    • w: Writable and readable. If the file already exists, open the file and start editing from the beginning, that is, the original content will be deleted. If the file does not exist, create a new file.

    • wb: Writable, readable Binary format

    • a: Appendable, readable. If the file already exists, the file pointer will be placed at the end of the file. The file will be opened in append mode. If the file does not exist, a new file is created for reading and writing.

    • ab: Appendable, readable binary format

    # r+t
    with open(&#39;32.txt&#39;, &#39;r+&#39;, encoding=&#39;utf-8&#39;) as fr:
        print(fr.readable())  # True
        print(fr.writable())  # True
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    3. File pointer operations

    Anything involving file pointers They are all bytes.

    1. seek(offset, from_what): Change the position of the current file operation pointer

    The value of from_what, if it is 0, it means the beginning, if it is 1, it means the current position, and 2 means the end of the file , for example:

    • seek(x,0): Move x characters from the starting position, which is the first character of the first line of the file

    • seek (x,1): means moving x characters backward from the current position

    • seek(-x,2):表示从文件的结尾往前移动x个字符

    from_what 值为默认为0,即文件开头。

    f.seek(0) # 回到文件开头
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    f = open(&#39;32.txt&#39;, &#39;rb+&#39;)
    print(f.write(b&#39;0123456789abcdef&#39;)) # 16
    print(f.seek(5))  # 移动到文件的第六个字节 # 5
    print(f.read(1))  # b&#39;5&#39;
    print(f.seek(-3, 2))  # 移动到文件的倒数第三字节 # 13
    print(f.read(1)) # b&#39;d&#39;
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    with open(&#39;32.txt&#39;, &#39;rb&#39;) as fr:
        fr.seek(4, 0)
        print(fr.tell() )  # 4
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    从文件的首行首字符开始截断,截断文件为 size 个字符,无 size 表示从当前位置截断;

    截断之后后面的所有字符被删除,其中 Widnows 系统下的换行代表2个字符大小。



    with open(&#39;32.txt&#39;, &#39;ab&#39;) as fr:
        fr.truncate(2)  # 截断2个字节后的所有字符,如果3个字节一个字符,只能截断2/3个字符,还会遗留1/3个字符,会造成乱码
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    import os
    with open(&#39;37r.txt&#39;) as fr, open(&#39;37r_swap.txt&#39;, &#39;w&#39;) as fw:
        data = fr.read()  # 全部读入内存,如果文件很大,会很卡
        data = data.replace(&#39;tank&#39;, &#39;tankSB&#39;)  # 在内存中完成修改
        fw.write(data)  # 新文件一次性写入原文件内容
    # 删除原文件
    # 重命名新文件名为原文件名
    os.rename(&#39;37r_swap.txt&#39;, &#39;37r.txt&#39;)
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    import os
    with open(&#39;37r.txt&#39;) as fr, open(&#39;37r_swap.txt&#39;, &#39;w&#39;) as fw:
         for line in fr: # 循环读取文件内容,逐行修改
            line = line.replace(&#39;jason&#39;, &#39;jasonSB&#39;)
            fw.write(line)  # 新文件写入原文件修改后内容
    os.rename(&#39;37r_swap.txt&#39;, &#39;37r.txt&#39;)
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    import os
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    • os.getcwd():获取当前工作目录,即当前python脚本工作的目录路径

    • os.chdir("dirname"):改变当前工作目录;相当于shell下cd

    • os.curdir:返回当前目录: ('.')

    • os.pardir:获取当前目录的父目录字符串名:('..')

    • os.listdir('dirname'):列出指定目录下的所有文件和子目录,包括隐藏文件,并以列表方式打印

    • os.chmod(path, mode):更改权限

    • os.mkdir('dirname'):生成单级目录;相当于shell中mkdir dirname

    • os.makedirs('dirname1/dirname2'):可生成多层递归目录

    • os.remove(path):删除路径为path的文件。如果path 是一个文件夹,将抛出OSError; 查看下面的rmdir()删除一个 directory。

    • os.removedirs('dirname1'):若目录为空,则删除,并递归到上一级目录,如若也为空,则删除,依此类推

    • os.rmdir('dirname'):删除单级空目录,若目录不为空则无法删除,报错;相当于shell中rmdir dirname

    • os.rename("oldname","newname"):重命名文件/目录

    • os.renames(old, new):递归地对目录进行更名,也可以对文件进行更名。

    • os.stat('path/filename'):获取文件/目录信息

    • os.sep:输出操作系统特定的路径分隔符,win下为"\",Linux下为"/"

    • os.linesep:输出当前平台使用的行终止符,win下为"\t\n",Linux下为"\n"

    • os.pathsep:输出用于分割文件路径的字符串 win下为;,Linux下为:

    • os.name:输出字符串指示当前使用平台。win->'nt'; Linux->'posix'

    • os.system("bash command"):运行shell命令,直接显示

    • os.environ:获取系统环境变量

    2、os.path 模块


    以下是 os.path 模块的几种常用方法:

    • os.path.abspath(path):返回path规范化的绝对路径

    • os.path.split(path):将path分割成目录和文件名二元组返回

    • os.path.splitdrive(path):一般用在 windows 下,返回驱动器名和路径组成的

    • os.path.splitext(path):分割路径,返回路径名和文件扩展名的元组

    • os.path.dirname(path):返回path的目录名。其实就是os.path.split(path)的第一个元素

    • os.path.basename(path):返回path最后的文件名。如何path以/或\结尾,那么就会返回空值。即os.path.split(path)的第二个元素

    • os.path.exists(path):如果path存在,返回True;如果path不存在,返回False

    • os.path.isabs(path):如果path是绝对路径,返回True

    • os.path.isfile(path):如果path是一个存在的文件,返回True。否则返回False

    • os.path.isdir(path):如果path是一个存在的目录,则返回True。否则返回False

    • os.path.join(path2[, path3[, ...]]):将多个路径组合后返回,第一个绝对路径之前的参数将被忽略

    • os.path.getatime(path):返回path所指向的文件或者目录的最后存取时间

    • os.path.getmtime(path):返回path所指向的文件或者目录的最后修改时间

    • os.path.getsize(path): 返回文件大小,如果文件不存在就返回错误


    1、获取指定目录及其子目录下的 py 文件

    import os
    import os.path
    """获取指定目录及其子目录下的 py 文件路径说明:l 用于存储找到的 py 文件路径 get_py 函数,递归查找并存储 py 文件路径于 l"""
    l = []
    def get_py(path, l):
        file_list = os.listdir(path)  # 获取path目录下所有文件
        for filename in file_list:
            path_tmp = os.path.join(path, filename)  # 获取path与filename组合后的路径
            if os.path.isdir(path_tmp):  # 如果是目录
                get_py(path_tmp, l)  # 则递归查找
            elif filename[-3:].upper() == &#39;.PY&#39;:  # 不是目录,则比较后缀名
    path = input(&#39;请输入路径:&#39;).strip()
    get_py(path, l)
    print(&#39;在%s目录及其子目录下找到%d个py文件\n分别为:\n&#39; % (path, len(l)))
    for filepath in l:
        print(filepath + &#39;\n&#39;)
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    import os
    vedio_list = []
    def search_file(start_dir, target) :
        for each_file in os.listdir(os.curdir) :
            ext = os.path.splitext(each_file)[1]
            if ext in target :
                vedio_list.append(os.getcwd() + os.sep + each_file + os.linesep) 
            if os.path.isdir(each_file) :
                search_file(each_file, target) # 递归调用
                os.chdir(os.pardir) # 递归调用后切记返回上一层目录
    start_dir = input(&#39;请输入待查找的初始目录:&#39;)
    program_dir = os.getcwd()
    target = [&#39;.mp4&#39;, &#39;.avi&#39;, &#39;.rmvb&#39;]
    search_file(start_dir, target)
    f = open(program_dir + os.sep + &#39;vedioList.txt&#39;, &#39;w&#39;)
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    import os
    path = input(&#39;请输入文件路径(结尾加上/):&#39;)
    # 获取该目录下所有文件,存入列表中
    fileList = os.listdir(path)
    n = 0
    for i in fileList:
        # 设置旧文件名(就是路径+文件名)
        oldname = path + os.sep + fileList[n]  # os.sep添加系统分隔符
        # 设置新文件名
        newname1 = path + os.sep + &#39;a&#39; + str(n + 1) + &#39;.JPG&#39;
        os.rename(oldname, newname1)  # 用os模块中的rename方法对文件改名c:\
        print(oldname, &#39;======>&#39;, newname1)
        n += 1
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    查找文件只用到三个匹配符:“*”, “?”, “[]”。

    • “*”:匹配0个或多个字符;

    • “?”:匹配单个字符;

    • “[]”:匹配指定范围内的字符,如:[0-9]匹配数字。




    import glob
    file = glob.glob(r&#39;C:\工具\*\*\pan*.exe&#39;)
    print(type(file))  # <class &#39;list&#39;>
    print(file)  # [&#39;C:\\工具\\PanDownload_v2.1.3\\PanDownload\\PanDownload.exe&#39;]
    print (glob.glob(r&#39;../*.py&#39;)) #相对路径
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    import glob
    f = glob.iglob(r&#39;../*.py&#39;)
    print ( f ) # <generator object iglob at 0x00B9FF80>
    for py in f:
       print  (py)
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    The above is the detailed content of How to use Python file processing methods, os module and glob module. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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