Decision Tree
Decision trees are an integral part of today's most powerful supervised learning methods. A decision tree is basically a flowchart of a binary tree where each node splits a set of observations based on some characteristic variable.
The goal of a decision tree is to divide data into groups so that every element in a group belongs to the same category. Decision trees can also be used to approximate continuous target variables. In this case, the tree will be split such that each group has the smallest mean squared error.
An important property of decision trees is that they are easily interpretable. You don't need to be familiar with machine learning techniques at all to understand what decision trees are doing. Decision tree diagrams are easy to interpret.
Pros and Cons
The advantages of the decision tree method are:
The decision tree can generate understandable rules.
Decision trees perform classification without requiring extensive calculations.
Decision trees can handle continuous variables and categorical variables.
Decision trees provide a clear indication of which fields are most important.
The disadvantages of the decision tree method are:
Decision trees are not suitable for estimation tasks where the goal is to predict continuous attribute values.
Decision trees are prone to errors in classification problems with many classes and few training samples.
Training of decision trees can be computationally expensive. The process of generating decision trees is computationally very expensive. At each node, each candidate split field must be sorted to find its best split. In some algorithms, using combinations of fields, the best combination of weights must be searched. Pruning algorithms can also be expensive because many candidate subtrees must be formed and compared.
Python Decision Tree
Python is a general-purpose programming language that provides data scientists with powerful machine learning packages and tools. In this article, we will use scikit-learn, the most famous machine learning package in Python, to build a decision tree model. We will create the model using the "DecisionTreeClassifier" algorithm provided by scikit learn and then visualize the model using the "plot_tree" function.
Step 1: Import package
The main software packages we use to build models are pandas, scikit learn and NumPy. Follow the code to import the required packages in python.
import pandas as pd # 数据处理 import numpy as np # 使用数组 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 可视化 from matplotlib import rcParams # 图大小 from termcolor import colored as cl # 文本自定义 from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier as dtc # 树算法 from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split # 拆分数据 from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score # 模型准确度 from sklearn.tree import plot_tree # 树图 rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (25, 20)
After importing all the packages needed to build our model, it’s time to import the data and do some EDA on it.
Step 2: Import data and EDA
In this step we will use the "Pandas" package provided in python to import and do some EDA on it . We will build our decision tree model on a dataset that is a dataset of medications that are prescribed to patients based on specific criteria. Let’s import the data using python!
Python implementation:
df = pd.read_csv('drug.csv') df.drop('Unnamed: 0', axis = 1, inplace = True) print(cl(df.head(), attrs = ['bold']))
Age Sex BP Cholesterol Na_to_K Drug 0 23 F HIGH HIGH 25.355 drugY 1 47 M LOW HIGH 13.093 drugC 2 47 M LOW HIGH 10.114 drugC 3 28 F NORMAL HIGH 7.798 drugX 4 61 F LOW HIGH 18.043 drugY
Now we have a clear idea of the dataset. After importing the data, let's use the "info" function to get some basic information about the data. Information provided by this function includes number of entries, index number, column name, non-null value count, attribute type, etc.
Python implementation:
<class> RangeIndex: 200 entries, 0 to 199 Data columns (total 6 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Age 200 non-null int64 1 Sex 200 non-null object 2 BP 200 non-null object 3 Cholesterol 200 non-null object 4 Na_to_K 200 non-null float64 5 Drug 200 non-null object dtypes: float64(1), int64(1), object(4) memory usage: 9.5+ KB</class>
Step 3: Data processing
We can See that attributes like Sex, BP and Cholesterol are categorical and object type in nature. The problem is that the decision tree algorithm in scikit-learn inherently does not support X variables (features) being of type "object". Therefore, it is necessary to convert these "object" values into "binary" values. Let us use python to implement
Python implementation:
for i in df.Sex.values: if i == 'M': df.Sex.replace(i, 0, inplace = True) else: df.Sex.replace(i, 1, inplace = True) for i in df.BP.values: if i == 'LOW': df.BP.replace(i, 0, inplace = True) elif i == 'NORMAL': df.BP.replace(i, 1, inplace = True) elif i == 'HIGH': df.BP.replace(i, 2, inplace = True) for i in df.Cholesterol.values: if i == 'LOW': df.Cholesterol.replace(i, 0, inplace = True) else: df.Cholesterol.replace(i, 1, inplace = True) print(cl(df, attrs = ['bold']))
Age Sex BP Cholesterol Na_to_K Drug 0 23 1 2 1 25.355 drugY 1 47 1 0 1 13.093 drugC 2 47 1 0 1 10.114 drugC 3 28 1 1 1 7.798 drugX 4 61 1 0 1 18.043 drugY .. ... ... .. ... ... ... 195 56 1 0 1 11.567 drugC 196 16 1 0 1 12.006 drugC 197 52 1 1 1 9.894 drugX 198 23 1 1 1 14.020 drugX 199 40 1 0 1 11.349 drugX [200 rows x 6 columns]
We can observe that all "object" values are processed into "binary" values to represent categorical data. For example, in the cholesterol attribute, values showing "low" are processed as 0, and "high" values are processed as 1. Now we are ready to create the dependent and independent variables from the data.
Step 4: Split the Data
After processing our data into the correct structure, we now set the "X" variable (independent variable), "Y "Variable (dependent variable). Let us use python to implement
Python implementation:
X_var = df[['Sex', 'BP', 'Age', 'Cholesterol', 'Na_to_K']].values # 自变量 y_var = df['Drug'].values # 因变量 print(cl('X variable samples : {}'.format(X_var[:5]), attrs = ['bold'])) print(cl('Y variable samples : {}'.format(y_var[:5]), attrs = ['bold']))
X variable samples : [[ 1. 2. 23. 1. 25.355] [ 1. 0. 47. 1. 13.093] [ 1. 0. 47. 1. 10.114] [ 1. 1. 28. 1. 7.798] [ 1. 0. 61. 1. 18.043]] Y variable samples : ['drugY' 'drugC' 'drugC' 'drugX' 'drugY']
We can now use the "train_test_split" algorithm in scikit learn to The data is split into a training set and a test set, which contain the X and Y variables we defined. Follow the code to split data in python.
Python implementation:
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X_var, y_var, test_size = 0.2, random_state = 0) print(cl('X_train shape : {}'.format(X_train.shape), attrs = ['bold'], color = 'black')) print(cl('X_test shape : {}'.format(X_test.shape), attrs = ['bold'], color = 'black')) print(cl('y_train shape : {}'.format(y_train.shape), attrs = ['bold'], color = 'black')) print(cl('y_test shape : {}'.format(y_test.shape), attrs = ['bold'], color = 'black'))
X_train shape : (160, 5) X_test shape : (40, 5) y_train shape : (160,) y_test shape : (40,)
Now we have all the components to build the decision tree model. So, let's go ahead and build our model in python.
Step 5: Build model and prediction
With the help of the "DecisionTreeClassifier" algorithm provided by the scikit learning package, it is feasible to build a decision tree. Afterwards, we can use our trained model to predict our data. Finally, the accuracy of our prediction results can be calculated using the "Accuracy" evaluation metric. Let’s use python to complete this process!
Python implementation:
model = dtc(criterion = 'entropy', max_depth = 4), y_train) pred_model = model.predict(X_test) print(cl('Accuracy of the model is {:.0%}'.format(accuracy_score(y_test, pred_model)), attrs = ['bold']))
Accuracy of the model is 88%
现在我们有了决策树模型,让我们利用python中scikit learn包提供的“plot_tree”函数来可视化它。按照代码从python中的决策树模型生成一个漂亮的树图。
feature_names = df.columns[:5] target_names = df['Drug'].unique().tolist() plot_tree(model, feature_names = feature_names, class_names = target_names, filled = True, rounded = True) plt.savefig('tree_visualization.png')
import pandas as pd # 数据处理 import numpy as np # 使用数组 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 可视化 from matplotlib import rcParams # 图大小 from termcolor import colored as cl # 文本自定义 from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier as dtc # 树算法 from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split # 拆分数据 from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score # 模型准确度 from sklearn.tree import plot_tree # 树图 rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (25, 20) df = pd.read_csv('drug.csv') df.drop('Unnamed: 0', axis = 1, inplace = True) print(cl(df.head(), attrs = ['bold'])) for i in df.Sex.values: if i == 'M': df.Sex.replace(i, 0, inplace = True) else: df.Sex.replace(i, 1, inplace = True) for i in df.BP.values: if i == 'LOW': df.BP.replace(i, 0, inplace = True) elif i == 'NORMAL': df.BP.replace(i, 1, inplace = True) elif i == 'HIGH': df.BP.replace(i, 2, inplace = True) for i in df.Cholesterol.values: if i == 'LOW': df.Cholesterol.replace(i, 0, inplace = True) else: df.Cholesterol.replace(i, 1, inplace = True) print(cl(df, attrs = ['bold'])) X_var = df[['Sex', 'BP', 'Age', 'Cholesterol', 'Na_to_K']].values # 自变量 y_var = df['Drug'].values # 因变量 print(cl('X variable samples : {}'.format(X_var[:5]), attrs = ['bold'])) print(cl('Y variable samples : {}'.format(y_var[:5]), attrs = ['bold'])) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X_var, y_var, test_size = 0.2, random_state = 0) print(cl('X_train shape : {}'.format(X_train.shape), attrs = ['bold'], color = 'red')) print(cl('X_test shape : {}'.format(X_test.shape), attrs = ['bold'], color = 'red')) print(cl('y_train shape : {}'.format(y_train.shape), attrs = ['bold'], color = 'green')) print(cl('y_test shape : {}'.format(y_test.shape), attrs = ['bold'], color = 'green')) model = dtc(criterion = 'entropy', max_depth = 4), y_train) pred_model = model.predict(X_test) print(cl('Accuracy of the model is {:.0%}'.format(accuracy_score(y_test, pred_model)), attrs = ['bold'])) feature_names = df.columns[:5] target_names = df['Drug'].unique().tolist() plot_tree(model, feature_names = feature_names, class_names = target_names, filled = True, rounded = True) plt.savefig('tree_visualization.png')
The above is the detailed content of How to build a decision tree in Python. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!