How to install and use python genetic algorithm geatpy
May 14, 2023 am 08:55 AM1. Installation of geatpy
The first step is to install geatpy, just use the pip3 command to install it:
pip3 install geatpy
The following prompt appears: Successful installation:
2. The basic data structure of geatpy
Most of the data in geatpy is stored and calculated using numpy arrays , below I will introduce how the concepts in genetic algorithms are represented by numpy data, and the meaning of rows and columns.
2.1 Population chromosome
The most important thing in the genetic algorithm is the chromosome representation of the individual. In geatpy, the population chromosome is represented by Chrom. This is a two-dimensional array, in which each row corresponds to an individual. Chromosome encoding, the structure of Chrom is as follows: lind represents the length of the encoding, and Nind represents the size of the population (number of individuals).
2.2 Population phenotype
The population phenotype refers to the gene phenotype matrix Phen obtained after decoding the population chromosome matrix Chrom. Each row corresponds to a Individual, each column corresponds to a decision variable. The structure of Phen is as follows: Nvar represents the number of variables
The value of Phen is related to the decoding method used. Geatpy provides a decoding method for converting binary/Gray code encoding to decimal integer or real number. In addition, Geatpy can also use a "real-valued encoding" population that does not require decoding. Each bit of the chromosome of this population corresponds to the actual value of the decision variable, that is, Phen is equivalent to Chrom under this encoding method.
2.3 Objective function value
Geatpy uses the numpy array type matrix to store the objective function value of the population. Generally named ObjV, each row corresponds to each individual, so it has the same number of rows as Chrom; each column corresponds to an objective function, so for a single objective function, ObjV will only have 1 column; and for multiple objective functions, ObjV will have Multi-column, the representation of ObjV is as follows:
Note: Fitness in Geatpy follows "minimum fitness is 0 "The agreement. 2.5 Violation of Constraint Degree Matrix
Geatpy uses the numpy array type matrix CV (Constraint Violation Value) to store the degree to which individual populations violate various constraints. Named CV, each row of it corresponds to each individual of the population, so it has the same number of rows as Chrom; each column corresponds to a constraint, so if there is a constraint, then the CV matrix will have only one column, if there are multiple With a constraint, the CV matrix will have multiple columns. If there are num constraints, the structure of the CV matrix is as shown below:
If an element of the CV matrix is less than or equal to 0, it means that the element corresponds to The individual satisfies the corresponding constraints. If it is greater than 0, it means that the constraint condition is violated. If the value is greater than 0, the greater the value, the higher the degree of violation of the constraint by the individual. Geatpy provides two methods for handling constraints, one is the penalty function method and the other is the feasibility rule. When using feasibility rules to deal with constraints, you need to use the CV matrix.
2.6 Decoding Matrix
The so-called decoding matrix is just a matrix used to describe the chromosome characteristics of the population, such as the range of decision variables expressed by each element in the chromosome, whether it contains The boundaries of the range, whether to use binary or Gray code, whether to use a logarithmic scale, whether the decision variable represented by the chromosome decoding is a continuous variable or a discrete variable, etc.
When only using the library functions of the toolbox without using the object-oriented evolutionary algorithm framework provided by Geatpy, the decoding matrix can be used alone. If the object-oriented evolutionary algorithm framework provided by Geatpy is used, the decoding matrix can be used in conjunction with a string Encoding that stores the population chromosome encoding method.
Currently there are three Encodings in Geatpy, which are:
- BG: (Binary/Gray code)
- RI: ((Real integer coding, that is, a mixed coding of real numbers and integers)
- P: (Permutation coding, that is, the elements of each chromosome are different from each other)
scales:指明每个子串用的是算术刻度还是对数刻度。scales[i] = 0为算术刻度,scales[i] = 1为对数刻度(对数刻度很少用,可以忽略。)
lbin:代表变量上界是否包含其范围边界。0代表不包含,1代表包含。‘[ ’和 ‘(’ 的区别
它表示待解码的种群染色体矩阵Chrom解码后可以表示成3个决策变量,每个决策变量的取值范围分别是[1,10], [2,9], [3,15]。其中第一第二个变量采用的是二进制编码,第三个变量采用的是格雷编码,且第一、第三个决策变量为连续型变量;第二个为离散型变量。
#通过种群染色体chrom和译码矩阵FieldD,可解码成种群表现型矩阵。 import geatpy as ea Phen = ea.bs2ri(Chrom, FieldD)
2.7 进化追踪器
3. geatpy的种群结构
3.1 Population类
sizes : int -种群规模,即种群的个体数目。
ChromNum : int -染色体的数目,即每个个体有多少条染色体。
Encoding : str -染色体编码方式。
Field : array -译码矩阵,可以是FieldD或FieldDR。
Chrom : array -种群染色体矩阵,每一行对应一个个体的一条染色体。
Lind : int -种群染色体长度。
ObjV : array -种群目标函数值矩阵。
FitnV : array -种群个体适应度列向量。
CV : array -种群个体违反约束条件程度的矩阵。
Phen : array -种群表现型矩阵。
可以直接对种群对象进行提取个体、个体合并等操作,比如pop1和pop2是两个种群对象,则通过语句“pop3 = pop1 + pop2”,即可把两个种群的个体合并,得到一个新的种群。在合并的过程中,实际上是把种群的各个属性进行合并,然后用合并的数据来生成一个新的种群(详见。又比如执行语句“pop3 = pop1[[0]]”,可以把种群的第0号个体抽取出来,得到一个新的只有一个个体的种群对象pop3。值得注意的是,种群的这种个体抽取操作要求下标必须为列表或是Numpy array类型的行向量,不能是标量(详见
3.2 PsyPopulation类
sizes : int -种群规模,即种群的个体数目。
ChromNum : int -染色体的数目,即每个个体有多少条染色体。
Encodings : list -存储各染色体编码方式的列表。
Fields : list -存储各染色体对应的译码矩阵的列表。
Chroms : list -存储种群各染色体矩阵的列表。
Linds : list -存储种群各染色体长度的列表。
ObjV : array -种群目标函数值矩阵。
FitnV : array -种群个体适应度列向量。
CV : array -种群个体违反约束条件程度的矩阵。
Phen : array -种群表现型矩阵。
4. 求解标准测试函数——McCormick函数
#-*-coding:utf-8-*- import numpy as np import geatpy as ea#导入geatpy库 import time """============================目标函数============================""" def aim(Phen):#传入种群染色体矩阵解码后的基因表现型矩阵 x1 = Phen[:, [0]]#取出第一列,得到所有个体的第一个自变量 x2 = Phen[:, [1]]#取出第二列,得到所有个体的第二个自变量 return np.sin(x1 + x2) + (x1 - x2) ** 2 - 1.5 * x1 + 2.5 * x2+1 """============================变量设置============================""" x1 = [-1.5, 4]#第一个决策变量范围 x2 = [-3, 4]#第二个决策变量范围 b1 = [1, 1]#第一个决策变量边界,1表示包含范围的边界,0表示不包含 b2 = [1, 1]#第二个决策变量边界,1表示包含范围的边界,0表示不包含 #生成自变量的范围矩阵,使得第一行为所有决策变量的下界,第二行为上界 ranges=np.vstack([x1, x2]).T #生成自变量的边界矩阵 borders=np.vstack([b1, b2]).T varTypes = np.array([0, 0])#决策变量的类型,0表示连续,1表示离散 """==========================染色体编码设置=========================""" Encoding ='BG'#'BG'表示采用二进制/格雷编码 codes = [1, 1]#决策变量的编码方式,两个1表示变量均使用格雷编码 precisions =[6, 6]#决策变量的编码精度,表示解码后能表示的决策变量的精度可达到小数点后6位 scales = [0, 0]#0表示采用算术刻度,1表示采用对数刻度#调用函数创建译码矩阵 FieldD =ea.crtfld(Encoding,varTypes,ranges,borders,precisions,codes,scales) """=========================遗传算法参数设置========================""" NIND = 20#种群个体数目 MAXGEN = 100#最大遗传代数 maxormins = np.array([1])#表示目标函数是最小化,元素为-1则表示对应的目标函数是最大化 selectStyle ='sus'#采用随机抽样选择 recStyle ='xovdp'#采用两点交叉 mutStyle ='mutbin'#采用二进制染色体的变异算子 Lind =int(np.sum(FieldD[0, :]))#计算染色体长度 pc= 0.9#交叉概率 pm= 1/Lind#变异概率 obj_trace = np.zeros((MAXGEN, 2))#定义目标函数值记录器 var_trace = np.zeros((MAXGEN, Lind))#染色体记录器,记录历代最优个体的染色体 """=========================开始遗传算法进化========================""" start_time = time.time()#开始计时 Chrom = ea.crtpc(Encoding,NIND, FieldD)#生成种群染色体矩阵 variable = ea.bs2ri(Chrom, FieldD)#对初始种群进行解码 ObjV = aim(variable)#计算初始种群个体的目标函数值 best_ind = np.argmin(ObjV)#计算当代最优个体的序号 #开始进化 for gen in range(MAXGEN): FitnV = ea.ranking(maxormins * ObjV)#根据目标函数大小分配适应度值 SelCh = Chrom[ea.selecting(selectStyle,FitnV,NIND-1),:]#选择 SelCh = ea.recombin(recStyle, SelCh, pc)#重组 SelCh = ea.mutate(mutStyle, Encoding, SelCh, pm)#变异 # #把父代精英个体与子代的染色体进行合并,得到新一代种群 Chrom = np.vstack([Chrom[best_ind, :], SelCh]) Phen = ea.bs2ri(Chrom, FieldD)#对种群进行解码(二进制转十进制) ObjV = aim(Phen)#求种群个体的目标函数值 #记录 best_ind = np.argmin(ObjV)#计算当代最优个体的序号 obj_trace[gen,0]=np.sum(ObjV)/ObjV.shape[0]#记录当代种群的目标函数均值 obj_trace[gen,1]=ObjV[best_ind]#记录当代种群最优个体目标函数值 var_trace[gen,:]=Chrom[best_ind,:]#记录当代种群最优个体的染色体 # 进化完成 end_time = time.time()#结束计时 ea.trcplot(obj_trace, [['种群个体平均目标函数值','种群最优个体目标函数值']])#绘制图像 """============================输出结果============================""" best_gen = np.argmin(obj_trace[:, [1]]) print('最优解的目标函数值:', obj_trace[best_gen, 1]) variable = ea.bs2ri(var_trace[[best_gen], :], FieldD)#解码得到表现型(即对应的决策变量值) print('最优解的决策变量值为:') for i in range(variable.shape[1]): print('x'+str(i)+'=',variable[0, i]) print('用时:', end_time - start_time,'秒')
The above is the detailed content of How to install and use python genetic algorithm geatpy. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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