Integrating RocketMQ in SpringBoot only requires four simple steps:
1. Introduce relevant dependencies
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.rocketmq</groupId> <artifactId>rocketmq-spring-boot-starter</artifactId> </dependency>
2. Add RocketMQ related Configuration
rocketmq: consumer: group: springboot_consumer_group # 一次拉取消息最大值,注意是拉取消息的最大值而非消费最大值 pull-batch-size: 10 name-server: producer: # 发送同一类消息的设置为同一个group,保证唯一 group: springboot_producer_group # 发送消息超时时间,默认3000 sendMessageTimeout: 10000 # 发送消息失败重试次数,默认2 retryTimesWhenSendFailed: 2 # 异步消息重试此处,默认2 retryTimesWhenSendAsyncFailed: 2 # 消息最大长度,默认1024 * 1024 * 4(默认4M) maxMessageSize: 4096 # 压缩消息阈值,默认4k(1024 * 4) compressMessageBodyThreshold: 4096 # 是否在内部发送失败时重试另一个broker,默认false retryNextServer: false
3. Use the provided template tool class RocketMQTemplate to send messages
@RestController public class NormalProduceController { @Setter(onMethod_ = @Autowired) private RocketMQTemplate rocketmqTemplate; @GetMapping("/test") public SendResult test() { Message<String> msg = MessageBuilder.withPayload("Hello,RocketMQ").build(); SendResult sendResult = rocketmqTemplate.send(topic, msg); } }
4. Implement the RocketMQListener interface to consume messages
import org.apache.rocketmq.spring.annotation.RocketMQMessageListener; import org.apache.rocketmq.spring.core.RocketMQListener; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; @Component @RocketMQMessageListener(topic = "your_topic_name", consumerGroup = "your_consumer_group_name") public class MyConsumer implements RocketMQListener<String> { @Override public void onMessage(String message) { // 处理消息的逻辑 System.out.println("Received message: " + message); } }
The above 4 steps can realize the connection between SpringBoot and RocketMQ Integration, this part belongs to basic knowledge and will not be explained too much.
The following are some problems commonly encountered when using RocketMQ in SpringBoot. Now we will solve them one by one for you.
You will see the following alarm in the log when starting the project
RocketMQLog: WARN No appenders could be found for logger (io.netty.util.internal.InternalThreadLocalMap).
RocketMQLog:WARN Please initialize the logger system properly.
At this time we only need to set the environment variable in the startup class rocketmq.client.logUseSlf4j
is true to clearly specify RocketMQ’s log framework
@SpringBootApplication public class RocketDemoApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { /* * 指定使用的日志框架,否则将会告警 * RocketMQLog:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (io.netty.util.internal.InternalThreadLocalMap). * RocketMQLog:WARN Please initialize the logger system properly. */ System.setProperty("rocketmq.client.logUseSlf4j", "true");, args); } }
At the same time, you must adjust the log level in the configuration file, otherwise you will always see the broker’s log information in the console
RocketmqClient: ERROR
netty: ERROR
After using Java8, the two time type fields LocalDate/LocalDateTime
are often used. However, the original configuration of RocketMQ does not support the Java time type. When the entity message we send contains the above two fields, the consumer side The error shown below will occur when consuming.
For example, the producer's code is as follows:
@GetMapping("/test") public void test(){ //普通消息无返回值,只负责发送消息⽽不等待服务器回应且没有回调函数触发。 RocketMessage rocketMessage = RocketMessage.builder(). id(1111L). message("hello,world") .localDate( .localDateTime( .build(); rocketmqTemplate.convertAndSend(destination,rocketMessage); }
The consumer's code is as follows:
@Component @RocketMQMessageListener(consumerGroup = "springboot_consumer_group",topic = "consumer_topic") public class RocketMQConsumer implements RocketMQListener<RocketMessage> { @Override public void onMessage(RocketMessage message) { System.out.println("消费消息-" + message); } }
A type conversion exception error will occur when the consumer starts consuming Cannot construct instance of java.time.LocalDate
, the error details are as follows:
Cause: The built-in converter used by RocketMQ is RocketMQMessageConverter, and MappingJackson2MessageConverter is used when converting Json, but this The converter does not support time types.
Solution: You need to customize the message converter, replace MappingJackson2MessageConverter, and add support time module
@Configuration public class RocketMQEnhanceConfig { /** * 解决RocketMQ Jackson不支持Java时间类型配置 * 源码参考:{@link org.apache.rocketmq.spring.autoconfigure.MessageConverterConfiguration} */ @Bean @Primary public RocketMQMessageConverter enhanceRocketMQMessageConverter(){ RocketMQMessageConverter converter = new RocketMQMessageConverter(); CompositeMessageConverter compositeMessageConverter = (CompositeMessageConverter) converter.getMessageConverter(); List<MessageConverter> messageConverterList = compositeMessageConverter.getConverters(); for (MessageConverter messageConverter : messageConverterList) { if(messageConverter instanceof MappingJackson2MessageConverter){ MappingJackson2MessageConverter jackson2MessageConverter = (MappingJackson2MessageConverter) messageConverter; ObjectMapper objectMapper = jackson2MessageConverter.getObjectMapper(); objectMapper.registerModules(new JavaTimeModule()); } } return converter; } }
When using RocketMQ, usually Specify the message topic directly in the code, and the development environment and test environment may share a RocketMQ environment. If not processed, messages sent in the development environment may be consumed by consumers in the test environment, and messages sent in the test environment may also be consumed by consumers in the development environment, resulting in data confusion.
In order to solve this problem, we can implement automatic isolation according to different environments. By simply configuring an option for different environments such as dev, test, prod, etc., all messages will be automatically isolated. For example, when the topic of the message sent is consumer_topic
, the environment suffix can be automatically added after the topic, such as consumer_topic_dev
So, how do we achieve it?
You can write a configuration class to implement BeanPostProcessor, and override the postProcessBeforeInitialization method to modify the corresponding topic before the listener instance is initialized.
BeanPostProcessor is an interface in the Spring framework. Its function is to perform some additional processing before and after the bean is initialized after the Spring container instantiates and configures the bean.
Specifically, the BeanPostProcessor interface defines two methods:
postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName): In the bean Processing before initialization, you can make some modifications to the bean and other operations.
postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName): Processed after bean initialization, some cleaning or other operations can be performed.
BeanPostProcessor can intercept and modify the creation and initialization process of Bean in the application, and intervene and operate the life cycle of Bean. It can enhance all Bean class instances, allowing developers to customize some operations before and after Bean initialization to achieve their own business needs. For example, you can use BeanPostProcessor to inject certain necessary attribute values, add an object, etc.
The implementation plan is as follows:
1. Add relevant configuration in the configuration file
rocketmq: enhance: # 启动隔离,用于激活配置类EnvironmentIsolationConfig # 启动后会自动在topic上拼接激活的配置文件,达到自动隔离的效果 enabledIsolation: true # 隔离环境名称,拼接到topic后,topic_dev,默认空字符串 environment: dev
2. Add a new configuration class and instantiate message listening The author modified the topic before
@Configuration public class EnvironmentIsolationConfig implements BeanPostProcessor { @Value("${rocketmq.enhance.enabledIsolation:true}") private boolean enabledIsolation; @Value("${rocketmq.enhance.environment:''}") private String environmentName; /** * 在装载Bean之前实现参数修改 */ @Override public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException { if(bean instanceof DefaultRocketMQListenerContainer){ DefaultRocketMQListenerContainer container = (DefaultRocketMQListenerContainer) bean; //拼接Topic if(enabledIsolation && StringUtils.hasText(environmentName)){ container.setTopic(String.join("_", container.getTopic(),environmentName)); } return container; } return bean; } }
Start the project and you can see that the message listening queue in the log has been modified
2023-03-23 17:04:59.726 [main] INFO - running container: DefaultRocketMQListenerContainer{consumerGroup='springboot_consumer_group', nameServer='', topic='consumer_topic_dev', consumeMode=CONCURRENTLY, selectorType=TAG, selectorExpression='*', messageModel=CLUSTERING}
RocketMQ 无法避免消息重复(Exactly-Once),所以如果业务对消费重复非常敏感,务必要在业务层面进行去重处理。可以借助关系数据库进行去重。首先需要确定消息的唯一键,可以是msgId,也可以是消息内容中的唯一标识字段,例如订单Id等。
按照上述最佳实践,一个完整的消息传递链路从生产到消费应包括 准备消息、发送消息、记录消息日志、处理发送失败、记录接收消息日志、处理业务逻辑、异常处理和异常重试 等步骤。
虽然使用原生RocketMQ可以完成这些动作,但每个生产者和消费者都需要编写大量重复的代码来完成相同的任务,这就是需要进行二次封装的原因。我们希望通过二次封装,**生产者只需准备好消息实体并调用封装后的工具类发送,而消费者只需处理核心业务逻辑,其他公共逻辑会得到统一处理。 **
/** * 消息实体,所有消息都需要继承此类 * 公众号:JAVA日知录 */ @Data public abstract class BaseMessage { /** * 业务键,用于RocketMQ控制台查看消费情况 */ protected String key; /** * 发送消息来源,用于排查问题 */ protected String source = ""; /** * 发送时间 */ protected LocalDateTime sendTime =; /** * 重试次数,用于判断重试次数,超过重试次数发送异常警告 */ protected Integer retryTimes = 0; }
@Slf4j @RequiredArgsConstructor(onConstructor = @__(@Autowired)) public class RocketMQEnhanceTemplate { private final RocketMQTemplate template; @Resource private RocketEnhanceProperties rocketEnhanceProperties; public RocketMQTemplate getTemplate() { return template; } /** * 根据系统上下文自动构建隔离后的topic * 构建目的地 */ public String buildDestination(String topic, String tag) { topic = reBuildTopic(topic); return topic + ":" + tag; } /** * 根据环境重新隔离topic * @param topic 原始topic */ private String reBuildTopic(String topic) { if(rocketEnhanceProperties.isEnabledIsolation() && StringUtils.hasText(rocketEnhanceProperties.getEnvironment())){ return topic +"_" + rocketEnhanceProperties.getEnvironment(); } return topic; } /** * 发送同步消息 */ public <T extends BaseMessage> SendResult send(String topic, String tag, T message) { // 注意分隔符 return send(buildDestination(topic,tag), message); } public <T extends BaseMessage> SendResult send(String destination, T message) { // 设置业务键,此处根据公共的参数进行处理 // 更多的其它基础业务处理... Message<T> sendMessage = MessageBuilder.withPayload(message).setHeader(RocketMQHeaders.KEYS, message.getKey()).build(); SendResult sendResult = template.syncSend(destination, sendMessage); // 此处为了方便查看给日志转了json,根据选择选择日志记录方式,例如ELK采集"[{}]同步消息[{}]发送结果[{}]", destination, JSONObject.toJSON(message), JSONObject.toJSON(sendResult)); return sendResult; } /** * 发送延迟消息 */ public <T extends BaseMessage> SendResult send(String topic, String tag, T message, int delayLevel) { return send(buildDestination(topic,tag), message, delayLevel); } public <T extends BaseMessage> SendResult send(String destination, T message, int delayLevel) { Message<T> sendMessage = MessageBuilder.withPayload(message).setHeader(RocketMQHeaders.KEYS, message.getKey()).build(); SendResult sendResult = template.syncSend(destination, sendMessage, 3000, delayLevel);"[{}]延迟等级[{}]消息[{}]发送结果[{}]", destination, delayLevel, JSONObject.toJSON(message), JSONObject.toJSON(sendResult)); return sendResult; } }
@Slf4j public abstract class EnhanceMessageHandler<T extends BaseMessage> { /** * 默认重试次数 */ private static final int MAX_RETRY_TIMES = 3; /** * 延时等级 */ private static final int DELAY_LEVEL = EnhanceMessageConstant.FIVE_SECOND; @Resource private RocketMQEnhanceTemplate rocketMQEnhanceTemplate; /** * 消息处理 * * @param message 待处理消息 * @throws Exception 消费异常 */ protected abstract void handleMessage(T message) throws Exception; /** * 超过重试次数消息,需要启用isRetry * * @param message 待处理消息 */ protected abstract void handleMaxRetriesExceeded(T message); /** * 是否需要根据业务规则过滤消息,去重逻辑可以在此处处理 * @param message 待处理消息 * @return true: 本次消息被过滤,false:不过滤 */ protected boolean filter(T message) { return false; } /** * 是否异常时重复发送 * * @return true: 消息重试,false:不重试 */ protected abstract boolean isRetry(); /** * 消费异常时是否抛出异常 * 返回true,则由rocketmq机制自动重试 * false:消费异常(如果没有开启重试则消息会被自动ack) */ protected abstract boolean throwException(); /** * 最大重试次数 * * @return 最大重试次数,默认5次 */ protected int getMaxRetryTimes() { return MAX_RETRY_TIMES; } /** * isRetry开启时,重新入队延迟时间 * @return -1:立即入队重试 */ protected int getDelayLevel() { return DELAY_LEVEL; } /** * 使用模板模式构建消息消费框架,可自由扩展或删减 */ public void dispatchMessage(T message) { // 基础日志记录被父类处理了"消费者收到消息[{}]", JSONObject.toJSON(message)); if (filter(message)) {"消息id{}不满足消费条件,已过滤。",message.getKey()); return; } // 超过最大重试次数时调用子类方法处理 if (message.getRetryTimes() > getMaxRetryTimes()) { handleMaxRetriesExceeded(message); return; } try { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); handleMessage(message); long costTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - now;"消息{}消费成功,耗时[{}ms]", message.getKey(),costTime); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("消息{}消费异常", message.getKey(),e); // 是捕获异常还是抛出,由子类决定 if (throwException()) { //抛出异常,由DefaultMessageListenerConcurrently类处理 throw new RuntimeException(e); } //此时如果不开启重试机制,则默认ACK了 if (isRetry()) { handleRetry(message); } } } protected void handleRetry(T message) { // 获取子类RocketMQMessageListener注解拿到topic和tag RocketMQMessageListener annotation = this.getClass().getAnnotation(RocketMQMessageListener.class); if (annotation == null) { return; } //重新构建消息体 String messageSource = message.getSource(); if(!messageSource.startsWith(EnhanceMessageConstant.RETRY_PREFIX)){ message.setSource(EnhanceMessageConstant.RETRY_PREFIX + messageSource); } message.setRetryTimes(message.getRetryTimes() + 1); SendResult sendResult; try { // 如果消息发送不成功,则再次重新发送,如果发送异常则抛出由MQ再次处理(异常时不走延迟消息) sendResult = rocketMQEnhanceTemplate.send(annotation.topic(), annotation.selectorExpression(), message, getDelayLevel()); } catch (Exception ex) { // 此处捕获之后,相当于此条消息被消息完成然后重新发送新的消息 //由生产者直接发送 throw new RuntimeException(ex); } // 发送失败的处理就是不进行ACK,由RocketMQ重试 if (sendResult.getSendStatus() != SendStatus.SEND_OK) { throw new RuntimeException("重试消息发送失败"); } } }
@Configuration @EnableConfigurationProperties(RocketEnhanceProperties.class) public class RocketMQEnhanceAutoConfiguration { /** * 注入增强的RocketMQEnhanceTemplate */ @Bean public RocketMQEnhanceTemplate rocketMQEnhanceTemplate(RocketMQTemplate rocketMQTemplate){ return new RocketMQEnhanceTemplate(rocketMQTemplate); } /** * 解决RocketMQ Jackson不支持Java时间类型配置 * 源码参考:{@link org.apache.rocketmq.spring.autoconfigure.MessageConverterConfiguration} */ @Bean @Primary public RocketMQMessageConverter enhanceRocketMQMessageConverter(){ RocketMQMessageConverter converter = new RocketMQMessageConverter(); CompositeMessageConverter compositeMessageConverter = (CompositeMessageConverter) converter.getMessageConverter(); List<MessageConverter> messageConverterList = compositeMessageConverter.getConverters(); for (MessageConverter messageConverter : messageConverterList) { if(messageConverter instanceof MappingJackson2MessageConverter){ MappingJackson2MessageConverter jackson2MessageConverter = (MappingJackson2MessageConverter) messageConverter; ObjectMapper objectMapper = jackson2MessageConverter.getObjectMapper(); objectMapper.registerModules(new JavaTimeModule()); } } return converter; } /** * 环境隔离配置 */ @Bean @ConditionalOnProperty(name="rocketmq.enhance.enabledIsolation", havingValue="true") public EnvironmentIsolationConfig environmentSetup(RocketEnhanceProperties rocketEnhanceProperties){ return new EnvironmentIsolationConfig(rocketEnhanceProperties); } }
public class EnvironmentIsolationConfig implements BeanPostProcessor { private RocketEnhanceProperties rocketEnhanceProperties; public EnvironmentIsolationConfig(RocketEnhanceProperties rocketEnhanceProperties) { this.rocketEnhanceProperties = rocketEnhanceProperties; } /** * 在装载Bean之前实现参数修改 */ @Override public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException { if(bean instanceof DefaultRocketMQListenerContainer){ DefaultRocketMQListenerContainer container = (DefaultRocketMQListenerContainer) bean; if(rocketEnhanceProperties.isEnabledIsolation() && StringUtils.hasText(rocketEnhanceProperties.getEnvironment())){ container.setTopic(String.join("_", container.getTopic(),rocketEnhanceProperties.getEnvironment())); } return container; } return bean; } }
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "rocketmq.enhance") @Data public class RocketEnhanceProperties { private boolean enabledIsolation; private String environment; }
<dependency> <groupId>com.jianzh6</groupId> <artifactId>cloud-rocket-starter</artifactId> </dependency>
rocketmq: ... enhance: # 启动隔离,用于激活配置类EnvironmentIsolationConfig # 启动后会自动在topic上拼接激活的配置文件,达到自动隔离的效果 enabledIsolation: true # 隔离环境名称,拼接到topic后,topic_dev,默认空字符串 environment: dev
@RestController @RequestMapping("enhance") @Slf4j public class EnhanceProduceController { //注入增强后的模板,可以自动实现环境隔离,日志记录 @Setter(onMethod_ = @Autowired) private RocketMQEnhanceTemplate rocketMQEnhanceTemplate; private static final String topic = "rocket_enhance"; private static final String tag = "member"; /** * 发送实体消息 */ @GetMapping("/member") public SendResult member() { String key = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); MemberMessage message = new MemberMessage(); // 设置业务key message.setKey(key); // 设置消息来源,便于查询 message.setSource("MEMBER"); // 业务消息内容 message.setUserName("Java日知录"); message.setBirthday(; return rocketMQEnhanceTemplate.send(topic, tag, message); } }
@Slf4j @Component @RocketMQMessageListener( consumerGroup = "enhance_consumer_group", topic = "rocket_enhance", selectorExpression = "*", consumeThreadMax = 5 //默认是64个线程并发消息,配置 consumeThreadMax 参数指定并发消费线程数,避免太大导致资源不够 ) public class EnhanceMemberMessageListener extends EnhanceMessageHandler<MemberMessage> implements RocketMQListener<MemberMessage> { @Override protected void handleMessage(MemberMessage message) throws Exception { // 此时这里才是最终的业务处理,代码只需要处理资源类关闭异常,其他的可以交给父类重试 System.out.println("业务消息处理:"+message.getUserName()); } @Override protected void handleMaxRetriesExceeded(MemberMessage message) { // 当超过指定重试次数消息时此处方法会被调用 // 生产中可以进行回退或其他业务操作 log.error("消息消费失败,请执行后续处理"); } /** * 是否执行重试机制 */ @Override protected boolean isRetry() { return true; } @Override protected boolean throwException() { // 是否抛出异常,false搭配retry自行处理异常 return false; } @Override protected boolean filter() { // 消息过滤 return false; } /** * 监听消费消息,不需要执行业务处理,委派给父类做基础操作,父类做完基础操作后会调用子类的实际处理类型 */ @Override public void onMessage(MemberMessage memberMessage) { super.dispatchMessage(memberMessage); } }
When consumers implement RocketMQListener, they can inherit EnhanceMessageHandler to process public logic, and the core business logic needs to implement the handleMessage
method by itself. If you need to filter or remove duplicate messages, you can override the filter method of the parent class to implement it. This makes it easier to process messages and reduce the workload of developers.
The above is the detailed content of How does SpringBoot integrate RocketMQ?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!