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Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration

Release: 2023-05-15 10:31:12
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      Hide nginx version number

      View version number

      Method 1: curl Command

      You can use the command curl -I in CentOS to display the response message header information.

      curl -I

      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration

      Method 2: View

      on the web page

      1. #Switch to the html directory and drag an image into it
      cd /usr/local/nginx/html

      2. #View on the webpage /game.png

      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration

      Hide version information

      Method 1: Modify the configuration file

      vim /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
      http {
          include       mime.types;
          default_type  application/octet-stream;
          server_tokens off;                        #添加,关闭版本号
      systemctl restart nginx
      curl -I
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      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration

      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration

      Method 2: Modify the source code file, recompile and install

      You can customize the version number, which can be confusing

      1. #切换至nginx安装包所在目录
      cd /opt/
      2. #停止nginx服务
      systemctl stop nginx.service
      3. #切换至安装目录
      cd nginx-1.12.0/
      4. #切换至内核目录
      cd src/core/
      5. #进入配置文件
      vim nginx.h
      #define NGINX_VERSION      "老铁"
      #define NGINX_VER          "666/" NGINX_VERSION
      6. #切换至文件目录
      cd ../../
      7. #编译
      ./configure \
      --prefix=/usr/local/nginx \
      --user=nginx \
      --group=nginx \
      8. #安装
      make && make install -j4
      9. #将配置文件下的之前关闭版本信息开启
      vim /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
      server_tokens on;
      10. #重启nginx
      systemctl restart nginx
      11. #查看版本信息
      curl -I
      Copy after login

      Modify users and groups

      1. #修改配置文件
      vim /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
      user  dayu dayu; #取消注释,修改用户为 dayu ,组为 dayu
      2. #创建非登录用户
      useradd -s /sbin/nologin dayu
      3. #重启服务
      systemctl restart nginx
      4. #查看是否修改成功
      ps aux | grep nginx
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      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration

      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration

      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration

      Cache time

      When nginx returns the web page data to the client Finally, the cache time can be set to facilitate direct return when requesting the same content in the future, avoiding repeated requests and speeding up access. Generally, the cache time is set for static web pages, and no cache time is set for dynamic web pages.

      1. #修改配置文件
      vim /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
              location ~ \.(jpg|png|bmp|gif)$ {
                  root   html;
                  expires 1d;
      2. #查看是否有语法错误
      nginx -t
      3. #重启服务
      systemctl restart nginx.service 
       Cahce-Control:max-age=86400 表示缓存时间是 86400 秒。
      而不需要向 Nginx 服务器重新发出请求,减少了服务器的使用带宽。
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      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration

      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration

      Log segmentation

      As the running time of Nginx increases, the logs generated will gradually increase. In order to To easily grasp the running status of Nginx, you need to always pay attention to the Nginx log file. Log files that are too large are a disaster for monitoring and are inconvenient for analysis and troubleshooting. Log files need to be cut regularly.

      1. #写脚本
      vim /usr/local/nginx/nginx_log.sh 
      #this is for divide nginx log
      d=$(date +%F -d -1day)                                       #显示前一天的时间
      [ -d $path ] ||mkdir -p $path                                #创建日志文件目录
      mv /usr/local/nginx/logs/access.log ${path}/www.yxp.com-$d   #移动并重命名日志文件
      kill -USR1 $(cat $pid)                                       #重建新日志文件
      find $path -mtime +30 -delete                                #删除30天之前的日志文件
      2. #赋予权限
      chmod +x /usr/local/nginx/nginx_log.sh 
      3. #计划任务
      [root@localhost nginx]#crontab -e
      30 1 * * * /usr/local/nginx/nginx_log.sh
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      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration

      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration

      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration

      Configure Nginx to implement connection timeout

      HTTP has a KeepAlive mode , which tells the web server to keep the TCP connection open after processing a request. If other requests from the same client are received, the server will use this unclosed connection without establishing another connection.

      KeepAlive remains open for a period of time, and they will occupy resources during this time. Taking up too much will affect performance.

      vim /usr/ local/nginx/conf/nginx. conf
      http {
      keepalive_ timeout 65 180;
      client header timeout 80;
      client_ body_ timeout 80;
      systemctl restart nginx
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      keepalive_ timeout

      • Specify the KeepAlive timeout (timeout). Specify the maximum length of time each TCP connection can be maintained, after which the server will close the connection.

      • The default value of Nginx is 65 seconds. Some browsers only maintain a maximum of 60 seconds, so it can be set to 60 seconds. If it is set to 0, keepalive connections are disabled.

      • The second parameter (optional) specifies the time value in the response header Keep-Alive: timeout=t ime. This header allows some browsers to actively close the connection, so that the server does not have to close the connection. Without this parameter, Nginx will not send the Keep-Alive response header.

      client_ header_ timeout

      The timeout period for the client to send a complete request header to the server. If the client does not send a complete request header within the specified time, Nginx returns HTTP 408 (Request Timed Out).

      client_ body_ timeout

      Specify the timeout for sending requestbody after the client establishes a connection with the server. If the client does not send anything within the specified time, Nginx returns HTTP 408 (Request Timed Out).

      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration

      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration






      • 一般设为CPU的个数或者核数

      • 在高并发的情况下可设置为CPU个数或者核数的2倍


      使用ps aux查看运行进程数的变化情况

      [root@www conf]# cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -c "physical"
      [root@www conf]# vi nginx.conf
      worker_ processes 4;
      [root@www conf]# systemctl restart nginx
      [root@www conf]# ps aux | grep nginx
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      默认情况,Nginx的多个进程可能跑在一 个CPU上,可以分配不同的进程给不同的CPU处理,充分利用硬件多核多CPU。

      [root@www conf]# vi nginx.conf
      worker_ processes 4;
      worker_ cpu_ affinity 0001 0010 0100 1000;
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      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration

      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration

      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration


      • Nginx的ngx_http_ gzip_module压缩模块提供对文件内容压缩的功能

      • 允许Nginx服务器将输出内容在发送客户端之前进行压缩,以节约网站带宽,提升用户的访问体验,默认已经安装

      • 可在配置文件中加入相应的压缩功能参数对压缩性能进行优化


      1. #修改配置文件
         gzip on;                          #取消注释,开启gzip压缩功能
         gzip_min_length 1k;              #最小压缩文件大小
         gzip_buffers 4 16k;              #压缩缓冲区,大小为4个16k缓冲区
         gzip_http_version 1.1;           #压缩版本(默认1.1,前端如果是squid2.5请使用1.0)
         gzip_comp_level 6;               #压缩比率
         gzip_vary on;                    #支持前端缓存服务器存储压缩页面
         gzip_types text/plain text/javascript application/x-javascript text/css text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss image/jpg image/jpeg image/png image/gif application/x-httpd-php application/javascript application/json;       #压缩类型,表示哪些网页文档启用压缩功能
      2. #重启服务
      systemctl restart nginx.service 
      3. #网页查看
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      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration

      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration

      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration

      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration



      Nginx 的防盗链功能也非常强大,在默认情况下,只需要进行很简单的配置,即可实现防盗链处理。

      vim /usr/ local/nginx/conf/nginx. conf
      http {
         server {
          location ~* \. (jpglgiflswf)$ {
            valid_ referers none blocked * . kgc. com kgc . com;
              if ( $invalid referer ) {
              rewrite ^/ http: I /www. kgc. com/error。pngi
                 #return 403;
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      ~* \. (jpgIgifIswf)$ :这段正则表达式表示匹配不区分大小写,以.jpg或.gif 或.swf结尾的文件:
      valid_ referers :设置信任的网站,可以正常使用图片:
      none:允许没有http_refer的请求访问资源(根据Referer的定义,它的作用是指示一个请求是从哪里链接过来的,如果直接在浏览器的地址栏中输入一个资源的URL地址,那么这种请求是不会包含Referer 字段的),如http:/ /www.dayu.com/ game.jpg
      我们使用http://www. dayu.com访问显示的图片,可以理解成http://www. dayu.com/game.jpg这个请求是从http://www. dayu.com这个链接过来的。
      blocked: 允许不是http://开头的, 不带协议的请求访问资源;
      *. dayu. com: 只允许来自指定域名的请求访问资源,如http://www. dayu.com
      if语句:如果链接的来源域名不在valid_ referers所列出的列表中,$invalid_ referer为true, 则执行后面的操作,即进行重写或返回403 页面。

      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration

      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration


      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration

      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration

      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration

      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration

      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration


      Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration

      Now the anti-theft picture appears

      Additional interview questions: Which nginx modules have been used and what optimizations have been done

      Website data compression
      Address rewriting
      stub_ status
      Statistical nginx service status
      ssl supports https,
      You must first use openss1 or TLS tools to generate relevant certificates and private key files . Then call the certificate and private key in the ssl module configuration
      Use nginx as a reverse proxy web cluster and define the cluster server pool
      Used to define a 4-layer reverse proxy

      auth_ basic
      User authentication###fastcgi ### Forward the request to php###--with-module name ### Enable the module###--without-module name ### Disable the module### # ##Hidden version number, compression, caching, anti-leeching, continuous maintenance, optimizing the number of working processes and process connections, log segmentation, reverse proxy ######

      The above is the detailed content of Example analysis of Nginx anti-hotlink and service optimization configuration. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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