HTML jump parameters: Tips for passing parameters using GET and POST methods
HTML is a commonly used front-end programming language. In practical applications, sometimes it is necessary to pass some parameters while jumping on the page. For example, if you search for keywords in the search page, then jump to the search results page, and display relevant search results in the results page, you need to pass parameters. This article will introduce how to jump parameters in HTML, and how to pass parameters using GET and POST methods.
1. How to jump parameters in HTML
To jump parameters in HTML pages, there are two methods: URL parameters to jump and form submission to jump.
1. URL parameter jump
URL parameter jump refers to appending parameters directly to the end of the URL address, so that when jumping to the target page, the background can obtain the parameters through URL parsing .
The URL address format is as follows:
where key
is the parameter name and value
is the parameter value. If you need to pass multiple parameters, you can use &
symbols to connect. For example:
In the hyperlink tag <a>
that needs to be jumped, the value of the href attribute is the URL address of the jump destination, for example:
<a href="">跳转到目的地</a>
When the user clicks this link, it will automatically jump to the target page and bring the parameters.
2. Form submission to achieve jump
Form submission to achieve jump means passing the parameters to the background through form submission, and the background obtains the parameters by parsing the form data.
Common forms of HTML forms include text input boxes, drop-down selection boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, etc. To submit a form, a handler for the form data must be defined in the