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What is the method for ssm to transform spring boot project?

Release: 2023-05-16 08:28:05
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Add dependencies

If it is a normal Maven project, you need to add it manually.

<!-- 打包方式 jar 包 -->

<!-- 指定父工程 -->

    <!-- spring boot Web 包 -->
    <!-- spring boot Test 包 -->
    <!-- Lombok -->
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Add startup class

If it is a normal Maven project, it needs to be added manually.

public class xxxApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(xxxApplication.class, args);
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Copy project code

  • Copy all the java code in src\main\java to src\main\java in the new project.

  • Copy the directory where mapper.xml is stored in src\main\resources to src\main\resources in the new project.

What to copy in the following steps

Configure the database connection pool

Add dependencies

<!-- MySQL 驱动 -->
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You also need jdbc dependencies (transactions)

Automatic configuration method of connection pool


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At this time, the database connection pool object obtained by running the test can be executed successfully, and we see the connection pool used It's Hikari, the full name is Hikaricp.

In fact, after Spring Boot 2.0, the default connection pool used is Hikari, which is known as "the fastest connection pool in history", so we can use it directly without adding dependencies. Spring Boot The automatic configuration contains the DataSourceAutoConfiguration configuration class. It will first check whether there is a connection pool object in the container. If not, the default connection pool will be used and the connection pool object will be automatically configured according to specific properties. The property values ​​used come from DataSourceProperties object.

Configure Druid connection pool

Of course, if we still want to use Druid as the connection pool in the project, it is also possible. You only need to add dependencies. What is added at this time is the druid-spring-boot-starter automatic configuration package of Druid, which contains the DruidDataSourceAutoConfigure automatic configuration class, which will automatically create the Druid connection pool object, so Spring If Boot finds that there is already a connection pool object, it will no longer use Hikari.

<!-- druid -->
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Note: If the added dependency is the previous ordinary package, which only depends on Druid itself and is not an automatic configuration package, the following configuration is required:

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Add parameters in the configuration file

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So generally if Spring Boot-related automatic configuration packages have been provided, it will be more convenient to use automatic configuration directly.

For Hikari and Druid, both are open source products. Alibaba’s Druid has a Chinese open source community, which makes communication more convenient and has been tested by multiple Alibaba systems. The experiment is also very stable, and Hikari is the default connection pool of Spring Boot 2.0. It is also widely used around the world. For most businesses, it is almost the same which one to use. After all, the performance bottleneck is generally not in the connection pool. .

Integrate MyBatis

Add dependencies

<!-- Mybatis 集成到 SpringBoot 中的依赖 -->
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Configure Mapper object

Scan Mapper interfaceJust configure any class in ##Post a comment@MapperScan and specify the package path to be scanned.

public class SsmApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(SsmApplication.class, args);
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MyBatis configuration properties

Configure those MyBatis properties previously configured in XML in application.properties, with the property prefix mybatis.

# 配置别名

# 打印 SQL 日志
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Transaction management

Add dependency

<!-- Spring JDBC 和 TX -->
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Annotation method

Directly on the

business layer implementation class or directly on its method Just post the @Transactional comment.

Spring Boot automatic configuration provides the TransactionAutoConfiguration transaction annotation automatic configuration class. After the transaction dependency is introduced, the

@Transactional annotation can be used directly.

Configure switching agent

Spring Boot gives priority to the CGLIB agent by default. If you need to change to the JDK agent first, you need to do the following configuration:

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Test verification

Add a method to the test class and print the business object to see its true type.

public void testSave() {
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Integrated Web

Add dependencies

<!-- spring boot web 启动器 -->
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Modify the port

Configure in application.properties as follows:

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Directory structure

Copy static resources and template files

What is the method for ssm to transform spring boot project?

Some processing of static resources

  • By default, Spring Boot will Load static resources from /static, /public, /resources, /META-INF/resources under the classpath.

  • You can configure the spring.resources.staticLocations property in application.properties to modify the default loading address of static resources.

  • Because the application is packaged into a jar package, the previous src/main/webapp is invalid. If there are files to upload, then you must configure the path to save the image, because the image It cannot be stored in a jar package, only the war package method was available before.

  • # 告诉 Spring Boot 必须要以怎样的路径开头才能访问到静态资源,这样做是为了后期如果需要拦截,拦截器可以统一排除掉这些以这个开头的访问
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Front-end controller mapping path configuration

In Spring Boot automatic configuration, the WebMvcAutoConfiguration automatic configuration class imports the DispatcherServletAutoConfiguration configuration object, and the DispatcherServlet front-end controller will be automatically created. The default mapping path is /. Spring Boot is mostly used for front-end and back-end separation and microservice development. It supports the RESTFul style by default, so generally the default can be used without making changes.

# 在匹配模式时是否使用后缀模式匹配(严格匹配后缀)一般前后端分离做严格区分时配置
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集成 Thymeleaf


<!-- 引入 Thymeleaf 依赖 -->
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# Thymelea 模板配置
# 上面几个配置都是默认值不需要配置

# 热部署文件,页面不产生缓存,及时更新(开发时禁用缓存)
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使用 Thymeleaf 的语法替换之前 JSP 中的 EL 表达式和 JSTL。



Spring Boot 默认情况下,会把所有错误都交给 BasicErrorController 类完成处理,错误的视图我们放到 classpath:/static/error/ 和 classpath:/templates/error/ 路径上,HTTP 错误状态码就是默认视图的名称。如:

  • 出现 404 错误 -> classpath:/static/error/404.html

  • 出现 5xx 错误 -> classpath:/static/error/5xx.html (因为 5xx 错误是后台错误, 原因很多种, 有时有需求需要根据原因不一样响应不同的内容, 甚至响应数据格式都不一样,所以我们一般都用统一异常处理,然后再根据错误原因把对应内容放到页面上)


自己定义一个控制器增强器,专门用于统一异常处理,该方式一般用于处理 5xx 类错误。

// 控制器消息,这个注解为了spring帮我们创建对象
public class ExceptionControllerAdvice {
    @ExceptionHandler(RuntimeException.class) // 处理什么类型的异常
    public String handlException(RuntimeException e, Model model,HandlerMethod m) {
        e.printStackTrace(); // 记得这行代码保留,不然项目后台出异常,开发工具控制台看不到错误信息
        return "errorView"; // 指定错误页面视图名称,然后在页面从model对象中拿到错误信息
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定义一个配置类,实现 WebMvcConfigurer 接口,在 addInterceptors 方法注册拦截器。

public class MvcJavaConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {

    private LoginInterceptor loginInterceptor;

    private PermissionInterceptor permissionInterceptor;

    public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
        // 注册登录拦截器
            // 对哪些资源起过滤作用
            // 对哪些资源起排除作用
            .excludePathPatterns("/login", "/static/**");//多个路径
        // 注册权限拦截器
            // 对哪些资源起过滤作用
            // 对哪些资源起排除作用
            .excludePathPatterns("/login", "/static/**");
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  • 比起 System.out.println,日志框架更为灵活,可以把日志的输出和代码分离。

  • 日志框架可以方便的定义日志的输出环境,控制台,文件,数据库。

  • 日志框架可以方便的定义日志的输出格式和输出级别。

Spring Boot 中的日志介绍

  • Spring Boot 默认已经开启日志,其默认的日志格式为:时间 日志级别 线程ID 线程名称 日志类 日志说明。

  • Spring Boot 的日志分为:系统日志和应用日志。

  • 日志级别,级别越高,输出的内容越少,如果设置的级别为 info,则 debug 以及 trace 级别的都无法显示,日志级别由低到高 trace < debug < info < warn < error。

  • Spring Boot 默认选择 Logback 作为日志框架,也能选择其他日志框架,但是没有必要。

What is the method for ssm to transform spring boot project?





在类中注入一个静态 Logger 对象,传入当前类的作用是方便输出日志时可以清晰地看到该日志信息是属于哪个类的。

private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(当前类.class);
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使用 Lombok 提供的 @Slf4j 注解来简化代码,其实和方式一的作用是一样的。

public class PermissionServiceImpl implements IPermissionService {}
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// 输出日志中有变量可以使用 {} 作为占位符
log.info("删除id为{}的数据", id);
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日志级别由低到高 trace < debug < info < warn < error。

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执行权限加载功能后,发现控制台出现 info 与 warn 的信息,debug 的没有显示,原因是因为 Spring Boot 默认的日志级别是 info,所以 debug 低于 info 级别,就不会显示出来了。

What is the method for ssm to transform spring boot project?

若要修改日志显示级别,最快速的方式是在 application.properties 配置,配置如下

# 把日志级别修改为 debug,不过我们一般不会更改,除非要调试找 bug,不然控制台显示的内容太多也容易乱,下面为全局配置,单路径配置如打印 SQL 日志 logging.level.cn.xxx.mapper=trace
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Logback 配置文件,日志存入文件中

Logback 框架默认会自动加载 classpath:logback.xml,作为框架的配置文件,在 Spring Boot项目中使用时,还会额外的支持自动加载classpath:logback-spring.xml,在 Spring Boot 项目中推荐使用 logback-spring.xml,功能更强大些。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    scan:开启日志框架的热部署,默认值 true 表示开启
    scanPeriod:热部署的频率,默认值 60 second
    debug:设置输出框架内部的日志,默认值 false
<configuration scan="true" scanPeriod="60 second" debug="false">
    <property name="appName" value="springboot demo" />
    <!-- appender:日志输出对象,配置不同的类拥有不同的功能
    <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
            <pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss} %level [%thread]-%logger{35} >> %msg %n</pattern>
    <!-- ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender:日志输出到文件中-->
    <appender name="fileAppender" class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender">
            <pattern>%-4relative [%thread] %level %logger{35} - %msg %n</pattern>
        <append>true</append> <!-- 是否为在原有文件追加内容方式-->
        <file>MyLog.log</file> <!-- 日志存放的文件,也可以指定路径 -->
        root 是项目通用的 logger,一般情况下都是使用 root 配置的日志输出
   <root level="info">
        <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" /> <!-- 日志输出到控制台还是存入文件中 -->
    <!-- 自定义的 logger,用于专门输出特定包中打印的日志
    <logger name="cn.xxx.crm.mapper" level="trace">
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  • %d{yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss} %level [%thread]-%class:%line >> %msg %n


  • %logger{n}:输出 Logger 对象类名,n 代表长度

  • %class{n}:输出所在类名

  • %d{pattern} 或者 date{pattern}:输出日志日期,格式同 Java

  • %L/line:日志所在行号

  • %m/msg:日志内容

  • %method:所在方法名称

  • %p/level:日志级别

  • %thread:所在线程名称


实际上线了, 日志一般记录到文件中


修改spring boot启动打印画面

Spring Boot 提供了一些扩展点,比如修改 banner:在 resources 根目录中放入 banner.txt 文件,替换默认的启动spring打印的字样。

# application.properties
# 关闭 banner
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除了使用 JRebel 插件(收费)来实现热部署,还可以使用 Spring Boot 提供的 spring-boot-devtools 包来完成 Springboot 应用热部署,从而实现更改方法内代码和模板文件不需要重启,只需要点击编译即可。

<!-- Spring Boot 热部署插件 -->
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Spring Boot 重启是 reload 重启,通过监控 classpath 的变化,如果 classpath 中的文件发生变化,即触发重启。Spring Boot 通过两个 classpath 来完成 reload,一个 basic classloader 中加载不变的类(jar 包中的类),一个 restart classloader 中加载 classpath 中的类(自己写的类),重启的时候,restart classloader 中的类丢弃并重新加载。


# 默认排除不需要更新的资源

# 增加额外的排除资源
# 处理默认配置排除之外的

# 禁用自动重启
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在实际开发中,一个系统是有多套运行环境的,如开发时有开发的环境,测试时有测试的环境,不同的环境中,系统的参数设置是不同的,如:连接开发数据和测试数据库的 URL 绝对是不同的,那么怎么快速的切换系统运行的环境呢?我们需要为不同的环境创建不同的配置文件,如下:

# application-dev.properties
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# application-test.properties
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最后我们在 application.properties 中指定需要使用的环境即可

# 在 application.properties 中指定需要使用的环境即可
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在命令行模式下启动也可以激活: java -jar xxx --spring.profiles.active=dev

The above is the detailed content of What is the method for ssm to transform spring boot project?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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