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How to use email, smtplib, poplib, imaplib modules to send and receive emails in Python

Release: 2023-05-16 23:44:26
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The journey of an email is:

  • Mail User Agent (MUA) refers to an email client or software used by a user to access their email account. (i.e. email software similar to Outlook)

  • MTA: Mail Transfer Agent--Mail transfer agent is those Email service providers, such as NetEase, Sina, etc.

  • MDA: Mail Delivery Agent——Mail delivery agent. A server of the Email service provider

Sender-> MUA -> MTA -> MTA -> Several MTA -> MDA <- MUA < ;- The recipient

needs to write a program to send and receive emails, which is essentially:

  • Write a MUA to send the email to the MTA;

  • Write MUA to receive emails from MDA.

When sending emails, the protocol used by the MUA and MTA is SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. The subsequent MTA also uses the SMTP protocol to another MTA.

When receiving emails, MUA and MDA use two protocols: POP: Post Office Protocol, the current version is 3, commonly known as POP3; IMAP: Internet Message Access Protocol, the current version is 4, the advantage is that not only can Mail, you can also directly operate the mail stored on the MDA, such as moving it from the inbox to the trash, etc.

1. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

is the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It is a set of rules for transmitting mail from the source address to the destination address. It controls the delivery of letters. transit mode.

Python's smtplib provides a very convenient way to send emails. It simply encapsulates the SMTP protocol.

Python supports SMTP with two modules: smtplib and email. email is responsible for constructing emails, and smtplib is responsible for sending. mail.

1. Construct an email: email.mime type

Constructing an email object is a Messag object. If you construct a MIMEText object, it means A text mail object, if you construct a MIMEImage object, it represents a picture as an attachment. To combine multiple objects, use the MIMEMultipart object, and MIMEBasecan represent any object. Their inheritance relationship is as follows:

+- MIMEBase
   +- MIMEMultipart
   +- MIMENonMultipart
      +- MIMEMessage
      +- MIMEText
      +- MIMEImage
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First, we construct the simplest plain text email, and then send it through SMTP.

from email.mime.text import MIMEText
msg = MIMEText(&#39;hello, send by Python...&#39;, &#39;plain&#39;, &#39;utf-8&#39;)
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Notice that when constructing the MIMEText object, the first parameter is the email body, the second parameter is the subtype of MIME, pass in 'plain', and finally The MIME is 'text/plain', and finally you must use utf-8 encoding to ensure multi-language compatibility.

2. Create SMTP object

The syntax is as follows:

import smtplib
smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP( [host [, port [, local_hostname]]] )
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Parameter description:

  • host: SMTP server host. This parameter is optional. You can specify the IP address or domain name of the host as needed, for example: runoob.com.

  • port: If you provide the host parameter, you need to specify the port number used by the SMTP service. Generally, the SMTP port number is 25.

  • local_hostname: If SMTP is on your local machine, you only need to specify the server address as localhost.

3. The Python SMTP object uses the sendmail method to send emails

The syntax is as follows:

SMTP.sendmail(from_addr, to_addrs, msg[, mail_options, rcpt_options])
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Parameter description:

  • from_addr: Email sender address.

  • to_addrs: string list, email sending address.

  • msg: Send a message

Pay attention to the third parameter here, msg is a string, representing an email. To send an email, you must pay attention to the format of the information, because the email usually includes a title, sender, recipient, email content, attachments, etc. This format is the format defined in the smtp protocol.

2. Example

2: The service that supports SMTP has been installed on this machine

The following execution example requires that you have installed the service that supports SMTP on your machine.

sendmail()The method is to send an email. Since it can be sent to multiple people at one time, a list is passed in, and the email body is a str, as_string()turns the MIMEText object into str.

The text encoded by the Header object contains UTF-8 encoding information and Base64 encoded text.

The following is a simple example of using Python to send emails:

import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.header import Header
sender = &#39;from@runoob.com&#39;
receivers = [&#39;429240967@qq.com&#39;]  # 接收邮件,可设置为你的QQ邮箱或者其他邮箱
# 三个参数:第一个为文本内容,第二个 plain 设置文本格式,第三个 utf-8 设置编码
message = MIMEText(&#39;Python 邮件发送测试内容...&#39;, &#39;plain&#39;, &#39;utf-8&#39;)
message[&#39;From&#39;] = Header("菜鸟教程", &#39;utf-8&#39;)   # 发送者
message[&#39;To&#39;] =  Header("测试", &#39;utf-8&#39;)        # 接收者
message[&#39;Subject&#39;] = Header(&#39;Python SMTP 邮件测试主题&#39;, &#39;utf-8&#39;)
    smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP(&#39;localhost&#39;)
    smtpObj.sendmail(sender, receivers, message.as_string())
    print "邮件发送成功"
except smtplib.SMTPException:
    print "Error: 无法发送邮件"
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2. Using a third-party SMTP service

If we do not have sendmail access locally, we can also use other emails SMTP access from service providers (QQ, NetEase, Google, etc.).

login()Method used to log in to the SMTP server

The recipient's name is not displayed as a friendly name, such as Mr Green ;

Use the formataddr method to format an email address. If it contains Chinese, it needs to be encoded through the Header object.

msg['To'] receives a string instead of a list. If there are multiple email addresses, just use , to separate them.

import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.utils import formataddr

# 第三方 SMTP 服务
mail_host = "mail.sss.com"  # 设置服务器
mail_user = "it_system@sss.com"  # 用户名
mail_pass = "Ssss201709#"  # 口令

sender = &#39;it_system@tcl.com&#39;
receivers = &#39;sss.yang@tcsssl.com&#39;  # 接收邮件,可设置为你的QQ邮箱或者其他邮箱

message = MIMEText(&#39;Python 邮件内容测试...&#39;, &#39;plain&#39;, &#39;utf-8&#39;)
message[&#39;From&#39;] = formataddr((&#39;SCBC-啊iT&#39;,   sender))
message[&#39;To&#39;] = formataddr((&#39;杨生&#39;, receivers))
message[&#39;Subject&#39;] = &#39;Python SMTP 邮件测试&#39;

    smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP()
    smtpObj.connect(mail_host, 25)  # 25 为 SMTP 端口号
    smtpObj.login(mail_user, mail_pass)
    smtpObj.sendmail(sender, receivers, message.as_string())
except smtplib.SMTPException:
    print("Error: 无法发送邮件")
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mail_msg = """
Python 邮件内容测试...


message = MIMEText(mail_msg, &#39;html&#39;, &#39;utf-8&#39;)
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4、Python 发送带附件的邮件



from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart

# 创建一个带附件的实例
message = MIMEMultipart()

message[&#39;From&#39;] = formataddr((&#39;SCBC-啊iT&#39;, sender))
message[&#39;To&#39;] = formataddr((&#39;杨生&#39;, receivers))
message[&#39;Subject&#39;] = &#39;Python SMTP 邮件测试&#39;

mail_msg = """
Python 邮件内容测试...


# 邮件正文内容
message.attach(MIMEText(mail_msg, &#39;html&#39;, &#39;utf-8&#39;))

# 构造附件1,传送当前目录下的 test.txt 文件
att = MIMEText(open(&#39;32.txt&#39;, &#39;rb&#39;).read(), &#39;base64&#39;, &#39;utf-8&#39;)
att["Content-Type"] = &#39;application/octet-stream&#39;
# 这里的filename可以任意写,写什么名字,邮件中显示什么名字
att["Content-Disposition"] = &#39;attachment; filename="32.txt"&#39;
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5、在 HTML 文本中添加图片


邮件的 HTML 文本中一般邮件服务商添加外链是无效的,正确添加图片的实例如下所示:

from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.image import MIMEImage

# 创建一个带附件的实例
message = MIMEMultipart()

message[&#39;From&#39;] = formataddr((&#39;SCBC-啊iT&#39;, sender))
message[&#39;To&#39;] = formataddr((&#39;杨生&#39;, receivers))
message[&#39;Subject&#39;] = &#39;Python SMTP 邮件测试&#39;

mail_msg = """
Python 邮件内容测试...



# 邮件正文内容
message.attach(MIMEText(mail_msg, &#39;html&#39;, &#39;utf-8&#39;))

# 指定图片为当前目录
with  open(&#39;a.jpg&#39;, &#39;rb&#39;) as fp:
    msgImage = MIMEImage(fp.read())

# 定义图片 ID,在 HTML 文本中引用
msgImage.add_header(&#39;Content-ID&#39;, &#39;&#39;)
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# 指定图片为当前目录
with  open(&#39;a.jpg&#39;, &#39;rb&#39;) as fp:
    # 设置附件的MIME和文件名,这里是png类型:
    mime = MIMEBase(&#39;image&#39;, &#39;jpg&#39;, filename=&#39;a.jpg&#39;)
    # 加上必要的头信息:
    mime.add_header(&#39;Content-Disposition&#39;, &#39;attachment&#39;, filename=&#39;附件显示名称.jpg&#39;)
    mime.add_header(&#39;Content-ID&#39;, &#39;&#39;)  # 如果有多个文件需要使用.format(index)
    mime.add_header(&#39;X-Attachment-Id&#39;, &#39;0&#39;)  # 如果有多个文件需要使用.format(index)
    # 把附件的内容读进来:
    # 用Base64编码:
    # 添加到MIMEMultipart:
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msg = MIMEMultipart(&#39;alternative&#39;)
msg[&#39;From&#39;] = ...
msg[&#39;To&#39;] = ...
msg[&#39;Subject&#39;] = ...

msg.attach(MIMEText(&#39;hello&#39;, &#39;plain&#39;, &#39;utf-8&#39;))
msg.attach(MIMEText(&#39;Hello&#39;, &#39;html&#39;, &#39;utf-8&#39;))
# 正常发送msg对象...
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smtp_server = &#39;smtp.gmail.com&#39;
smtp_port = 587
server = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server, smtp_port)
# 剩下的代码和前面的一模一样:
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POP3 的命令和响应数据都是基于 ASCII 文本的,并以 CR 和 LF(/r/n) 作为行结束符,响应数据包括一个表示返回状态的符号(+/)和描述信息。


请求标准格式:命令 [参数] CRLF
响应标准格式:+OK /[-ERR] description CRLF

POP3 协议客户端的命令和服务器端对应的响应数据如下:

  • user name:向 POP 服务器发送登录的用户名。

  • pass string:向 POP 服务器发送登录的密码。

  • quit:退出 POP 服务器。

  • stat:统计邮件服务器状态,包括邮件数和总大小。

  • list [msg_no]:列出全部邮件或指定邮件。返回邮件编号和对应大小。

  • retr msg_no:获取指定邮件的内容(根据邮件编号来获取,编号从 1 开始)。

  • dele msg_no:删除指定邮件(根据邮件编号来删除,编号从 1 开始)。

  • noop:空操作。仅用于与服务器保持连接。

  • rset:用于撤销 dele 命令。

poplib 模块完全模拟了上面命令,poplib.POP3 或 poplib.POP3_SSL 为上面命令提供了相应的方法,开发者只要依次使用上面命令即可从服务器端下载对应的邮件




第一步:使用poplib.POP3 或 poplib.POP3_SSL 按 POP3 协议把邮件的原始文本下载到本地;


import poplib
from email.parser import Parser
# email.parser 解析电子邮件,返回这个对象的email.message.Message实例
from email.header import decode_header
from email.utils import parseaddr

# 服务器及用户信息
host = &#39;mail.tcl.com&#39;
username = &#39;bobin.yang@tcl.com&#39;
password = &#39;Ybb7654321&#39;

# 连接到POP3服务器
conn = poplib.POP3_SSL(host)
# 注意qq邮箱使用SSL连接
# 设置调试模式,可以看到与服务器的交互信息

# 打印POP3服务器的欢迎文字

# 身份认证

# 获取服务器上信件信息,返回一个列表,第一项是一共有多少封邮件,第二项是共有多少字节
# stat()返回邮件数量和占用空间
mail_total, total_size = conn.stat()
print(&#39;message: %s.Size:%s&#39; % (mail_total, total_size))

# list()返回(response, [&#39;mesg_num octets&#39;, ...], octets),第二项是编号
resp, mails, octets = conn.list()
# 返回的列表类似[b&#39;1 82923&#39;, b&#39;2 2184&#39;, ...]

# 获取最新一封邮件,注意索引号从1开始
# POP3.retr(which) 检索序号which的这个邮件,然后设置他的出现标志 返回(response, [&#39;line&#39;, ...], octets)这个三元组
resp, lines, ocetes = conn.retr(len(mails))
print(&#39;lines:&#39;, len(lines))
# lines 存储了邮件的原始文本的每一行
# 可以获得整个邮件的原始文本
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第二步:使用 email.parser.Parser或BytesParser 解析邮件内容为消息对象,然后,用适当的形式把邮件内容展示给用户即可。


程序在创建 BytesParser(解析字节串格式的邮件数据)或 Parser(解析字符串格式的邮件数据)时,必须指定 policy=default;否则,BytesParse 或 Parser 解析邮件数据得到的就是过时的 Message 对象,,不是新的 EmailMessage,处理起来非常不方便。

1、使用 email.parser.Parser解析邮件内容为 email.message.Message(过时,不推荐)
msg = b&#39;\r\n&#39;.join(lines).decode(&#39;utf-8&#39;)
# 解析出邮件
msg = Parser().parsestr(msg)

# email.Parser.parsestr(text, headersonly=False)
# 与parser()方法类似,不同的是他接受一个字符串对象而不是一个类似文件的对象
# 可选的headersonly表示是否在解析玩标题后停止解析,默认为否
# 返回根消息对象

# 编码处理,文本邮件的内容也是str,还需要检测编码,否则,非UTF-8编码的邮件都无法正常显示
def guess_charset(msg):
    charset = msg.get_charset()  # 从msg对象获取编码
    if charset is None:
        content_type = msg.get(&#39;Content-Type&#39;, &#39;&#39;).lower()  # 如果获取不到,再从content—type字段获取
        if &#39;charset&#39; in content_type:
            charset = content_type.split(&#39;charset=&#39;)[1].strip()
            return charset
    return charset

# 数据解码,邮件的Subject或者Email中包含的名字都是经过编码后的str,要正常显示,就必须decode
def decode_str(s):
    value, charset = decode_header(s)[0]  # 数据,数据编码方式,from email.header import decode_header
    # decode_header()返回一个list,因为像Cc、Bcc这样的字段可能包含多个邮件地址,所以解析出来的会有多个元素。上面的代码我们偷了个懒,只取了第一个元素。
    if charset:
        value = value.decode(charset)
    return value

# print_ingo函数:解析邮件与构造邮件的步骤正好相反
def print_info(msg, indent=0):  # indent用于缩进显示
    if indent == 0:
        for header in [&#39;From&#39;, &#39;To&#39;, &#39;Subject&#39;]:  # 邮件的from、to、subject存在于根对象上
            value = msg.get(header, &#39;&#39;)
            if value:
                if header == &#39;Subject&#39;:
                    value = decode_str(value)  # 需要解码subject字符串
                    # 解码mail地址
                    hdr, addr = parseaddr(value)
                    name = decode_str(hdr)
                    value = &#39;%s&#39; % addr
            print(&#39;%s:  %s  %s&#39; % (header, value, name))
            print(&#39;-*-&#39; * 20)
    if msg.is_multipart():
        # 如果邮件对象是一个is_multipart,get_payload()返回一个list,包含所有子对象
        parts = msg.get_payload()  # 循环获得列表项
        for n, part in enumerate(parts):
            # print(&#39;%spart %s&#39; % (&#39;  &#39; * indent, n))
            # print(&#39;%s------------&#39; % (&#39;  &#39; * indent))
            # 递归打印没一个子对象
            print_info(part, indent + 1)
        # 邮件对象不是一个is_multipart,就根据content_type判断
        content_type = msg.get_content_type()  # 数据类型
        if content_type == &#39;text/plain&#39; or content_type == &#39;text/html&#39;:  # 纯文本 html文本
            # 纯文本或html内容
            content = msg.get_payload(decode=True)  # 获得文本对象的字符串而非对象本身
            charset = guess_charset(msg)  # 要检测文本编码
            if charset: content = content.decode(charset)
            content = &#39;%s&#39; % (content)
            print(content)  # 获取邮件文本内容,如果只有文本,打印显示的结果和邮件中看的效果一模一样

print_info(msg, 0)

# 退出
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2、使用email.parser.BytesParser 解析成email.message.EmailMessage对象

如果程序要获取邮件的发件人、收件人和主题,直接通过 EmailMessage 的相应属性来获取即可,与前面为 EmailMessage 设置发件人、收件人和主题的方式是对应的。
如果程序要读取 EmailMessage 的各部分,则需要调用该对象的 walk() 方法,该方法返回一个可迭代对象,程序使用 for 循环遍历 walk() 方法的返回值,对邮件内容进行逐项处理:

  • 如果邮件某项的 maintype 是 'multipart',则说明这一项是容器,用于包含邮件内容、附件等其他项。

  • 如果邮件某项的 maintype 是 'text',则说明这一项的内容是文本,通常就是邮件正文或文本附件。对于这种文本内容,程序直接将其输出到控制台中。

  • 如果邮件中某个项的 maintype 属性是“其他”,那么这一项的内容就是作为附件的,程序会将附件内容保存到本地文件中。

import os
import poplib
import mimetypes
from email.parser import Parser, BytesParser
from email.policy import default

msg_data = b&#39;\r\n&#39;.join(lines)
# 将字符串内容解析成邮件,此处一定要指定policy=default
msg = BytesParser(policy=default).parsebytes(msg_data)

print(&#39;发件人:&#39; + msg[&#39;from&#39;])
print(&#39;收件人:&#39; + msg[&#39;to&#39;])
print(&#39;主题:&#39; + msg[&#39;subject&#39;])
print(&#39;第一个收件人名字:&#39; + msg[&#39;to&#39;].addresses[0].username)
print(&#39;第一个发件人名字:&#39; + msg[&#39;from&#39;].addresses[0].username)
for part in msg.walk():
    counter = 1
    # 如果maintype是multipart,说明是容器(用于包含正文、附件等)
    if part.get_content_maintype() == &#39;multipart&#39;:
    # 如果maintype是multipart,说明是邮件正文部分
    elif part.get_content_maintype() == &#39;text&#39;:
    # 处理附件
        # 获取附件的文件名
        filename = part.get_filename()
        # 如果没有文件名,程序要负责为附件生成文件名
        if not filename:
            # 根据附件的contnet_type来推测它的后缀名
            ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(part.get_content_type())
            # 如果推测不出后缀名
            if not ext:
                # 使用.bin作为后缀名
                ext = &#39;.bin&#39;
            # 程序为附件来生成文件名
            filename = &#39;part-%03d%s&#39; % (counter, ext)
        counter += 1
        # 将附件写入的本地文件
        with open(os.path.join(&#39;.&#39;, filename), &#39;wb&#39;) as fp:
# 退出服务器,相当于发送POP 3的quit命令
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! encoding:utf8
    Win10 64位 Python 2.7.5

import imaplib
import email

def parseHeader(message):
    """ 解析邮件首部 """
    subject = message.get(&#39;subject&#39;)  
    h = email.Header.Header(subject)
    dh = email.Header.decode_header(h)
    subject = unicode(dh[0][0], dh[0][1]).encode(&#39;gb2312&#39;)
    # 主题
    print subject
    print &#39;
    # 发件人
    print &#39;From:&#39;, email.utils.parseaddr(message.get(&#39;from&#39;))[1]
    print &#39;
    # 收件人
    print &#39;To:&#39;, email.utils.parseaddr(message.get(&#39;to&#39;))[1]
    print &#39;
    # 抄送人
    print &#39;Cc:&#39;,email.utils.parseaddr(message.get_all(&#39;cc&#39;))[1]

def parseBody(message):
    """ 解析邮件/信体 """
    # 循环信件中的每一个mime的数据块
    for part in message.walk():
        # 这里要判断是否是multipart,是的话,里面的数据是一个message 列表
        if not part.is_multipart():
            charset = part.get_charset()
            # print &#39;charset: &#39;, charset
            contenttype = part.get_content_type()
            # print &#39;content-type&#39;, contenttype
            name = part.get_param("name") #如果是附件,这里就会取出附件的文件名
            if name:
                # 有附件
                # 下面的三行代码只是为了解码象=?gbk?Q?=CF=E0=C6=AC.rar?=这样的文件名
                fh = email.Header.Header(name)
                fdh = email.Header.decode_header(fh)
                fname = dh[0][0]
                print &#39;附件名:&#39;, fname
                # attach_data = par.get_payload(decode=True) # 解码出附件数据,然后存储到文件中

                # try:
                #     f = open(fname, &#39;wb&#39;) #注意一定要用wb来打开文件,因为附件一般都是二进制文件
                # except:
                #     print &#39;附件名有非法字符,自动换一个&#39;
                #     f = open(&#39;aaaa&#39;, &#39;wb&#39;)
                # f.write(attach_data)
                # f.close()
                print part.get_payload(decode=True) # 解码出文本内容,直接输出来就可以了。
                # pass
            # print &#39;+&#39;*60 # 用来区别各个部分的输出

def getMail(host, username, password, port=993):
        serv = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(host, port)
    except Exception, e:
        serv = imaplib.IMAP4(host, port)

    serv.login(username, password)
    # 搜索邮件内容
    typ, data = serv.search(None, &#39;(FROM "xx@xxx.com")&#39;)

    count = 1
    pcount = 1
    for num in data[0].split()[::-1]:
        typ, data = serv.fetch(num, &#39;(RFC822)&#39;)
        text = data[0][1]
        message = email.message_from_string(text)   # 转换为email.message对象
        print &#39;
        pcount += 1
        if pcount > count:


if __name__ == &#39;__main__&#39;:
    host = "imap.mail_serv.com" # "pop.mail_serv.com"
    username = "Trevor@mail_serv.com"
    password = "your_password"
    getMail(host, username, password)
Copy after login

The above is the detailed content of How to use email, smtplib, poplib, imaplib modules to send and receive emails in Python. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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