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How to use nginx rewrite function

Release: 2023-05-17 13:49:32
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    When you browse some websites, have you noticed that when you enter: www.abc.com or www.abcd.com? At all times, the page can display the homepage content of www.abc.com normally. This is a usage scenario of nginx rewrite.

    Introduction to rewrite

    rewrite is an important basic function provided by the Nginx server. Its main function is to realize URL address rewriting

    rewrite function implementation depends on Due to the support of pcre, so before compiling and installing the Nginx server, you need to install the pcre library (nginx uses the ngx_http_rewrite_module module to parse and process the relevant configuration of the Rewrite function)

    Before truly understanding the use of rewrite, it is necessary to have a comprehensive system Learn the instructions and syntax related to rewrite. Let’s learn about them one by one.

    Rewrite rules and instructions

    set instruction

    This instruction is used to set a new Variables.

    How to use nginx rewrite function

    • variable, variable name, the variable name must use "$" as the first character of the variable, and cannot be used with the Nginx server The default global variable has the same name;

    • value: variable value, which can be a string, other variables or a combination of variables, etc.;

    A simple case

    server {
        listen 8081;
        server_name localhsot;
        location /server {
                set $name zhangsan;
                set $age 19;
                default_type text/plain;
                return 200 $name=$age;
    Copy after login

    Restart the nginx service, and then access the browser to observe the effect

    How to use nginx rewrite function

    The following is a list of commonly used Rewrite Global variables

    These variables can be flexibly selected according to your own business during use

    $argsThe variable stores the request instructions in the request URL. For example, "arg1=value1&arg2=value2" in http://IP:8080?arg1=value1&args2=value2 has the same function as $query_string
    $http_user_agentVariable Stores the proxy information for users to access the service (if accessed through a browser, the relevant version information of the browser is recorded)
    $hostThe variable stores the access The server_name value of the server
    $document_uri variable stores the URI of the current access address. For example, "/server" in http://IP/server?id=10&name=zhangsan has the same function as $uri
    $document_rootThe variable stores The root value of the location corresponding to the current request. If not set, it defaults to the location of Nginx's own html directory.
    $content_lengthThe variable stores the Content in the request header. The value of -Length
    $content_typeThe variable stores the value of Content-Type in the request header
    $ The http_cookie variable stores the cookie information of the client. You can add cookie data through add_header Set-Cookie’cookieName=cookieValue’
    $limit_rateThe variable is stored in the Nginx server's limit on the network connection rate, which is the value set for the limit_rate directive in the Nginx configuration. The default is 0, no limit.
    $remote_addr The variable stores the IP address of the client
    $remote_portThe variable stores the port number for establishing a connection between the client and the server
    $remote_userThe variable stores the username of the client, which requires an authentication module to obtain
    $schemeThe access protocol is stored in the variable
    $server_addrThe address of the server is stored in the variable
    $server_nameThe variable stores the name of the server where the client request arrives
    $server_portThe variable stores the port number of the server where the client request arrives
    $server_protocolThe variable stores the version of the client request protocol, such as "HTTP/1.1"
    $request_body_fileThe variable stores the name of the local file resource sent to the back-end server
    $request_methodThe variable stores the client's request method, such as "GET", "POST", etc.
    $request_filenameThe variable stores the path name of the currently requested resource file
    $request_uriThe variable stores the URI of the current request and carries the request parameters, such as "/server?id=10&name=zhangsan name" in http://IP/server?id=10&name=zhangsan



    server {
        listen 8081;
        server_name localhsot;
        location /server {
                set $name zhangsan;
                set $age 19;
                default_type text/plain;
                return 200 $name=$age=$args;
    Copy after login

    How to use nginx rewrite function

    How to use nginx rewrite function

    How to use nginx rewrite function




    log_format main '$remote_addr - $request - $status - $request_uri - $http_user_agent';
       server {
            listen 8081;
            server_name localhsot;
            location /server {
                    access_log logs/access-server.log main;
                    set $name zhangsan;
                    set $age 19;
                    default_type text/plain;
                    return 200 $name=$age=$args=$http_user_agent;
    Copy after login


    How to use nginx rewrite function



    How to use nginx rewrite function



    if ($param) { 
    Copy after login
    location /testif {
                    set $username 'zhangsan';
                    default_type text/plain;
                    if ($username){
                            return 200 success;
                    return 200 'params is empty';
    Copy after login

    How to use nginx rewrite function

    2) 使用"=“和”!="比较变量和字符串是否相等,满足为true,不满足为false

    if ($request_method = POST) { 
     return 405; 3
    Copy after login



    • 匹配成功返回true,否则返回false;

    • 变量与正则表达式之间使用"“,”“,”!“,”!"来连接;

    • “~” 代表匹配正则表达式过程中区分大小写;

    • "~*"代表匹配正则表达式过程中不区分大小写;

    • "!“和”!*"刚好和上面取相反值,如果匹配上返回false,匹配不上返回true;

    if ($http_user_agent ~ MSIE) {
        #$http_user_agent的值中是否包含MSIE字符串,如果包含返回 true 
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    if ($http_user_agent ~ Safari){
                            return 200 Chrome;
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    How to use nginx rewrite function


    • 当使用"-f"时,如果请求的文件存在返回true,不存在返回false;

    • 当使用"!f"时,如果请求文件不存在,但该文件所在目录存在返回true,文件和目录都不存在返回false,如果文件存在返回false;

    if (-f $request_filename){
    if (!-f $request_filename){
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    location /file {
                    root html;
                    default_type text/html;
                    if (!-f $request_filename){
                            return 200 &#39;<h2>not find file</h2>&#39;;
    Copy after login


    How to use nginx rewrite function

    5) 判断请求的目录是否存在使用"-d"和"!-d"

    • 当使用"-d"时,如果请求的目录存在,if返回true,如果目录不存在则返回false;

    • 当使用"!-d"时,如果请求的目录不存在但该目录的上级目录存在则返回true,该目录和它上级目录都不存在则返回false,如果请求目录存在也返回false;


    • 当使用"-e",如果请求的目录或者文件存在时,if返回true,否则返回false;

    • 当使用"!-e",如果请求的文件和文件所在路径上的目录都不存在返回true,否则返回false;

    7) 判断请求的文件是否可执行使用"-x"和"!-x"

    • 当使用"-x",如果请求的文件可执行,if返回true,否则返回false;

    • 当使用"!-x",如果请求文件不可执行,返回true,否则返回false; break指令


    How to use nginx rewrite function

    location /{
        if ($param){
            set $id $1;
            limit_rate 10k;
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    location /break {
                    default_type text/plain;
                    set $username MIKE;
                    if ($args){
                            set $username JIM;
                            set $username JODAN;
                    return 200 $username;
    Copy after login

    How to use nginx rewrite function



    How to use nginx rewrite function

    • code,为返回给客户端的HTTP状态代理。可以返回的状态代码为0~999的任意HTTP状态代理;

    • text:为返回给客户端的响应体内容,支持变量的使用;

    • URL:为返回给客户端的URL地址;

    location /return {
                    default_type application/json;
                    return 200 &#39;{id:1,name:jike}&#39;;
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    How to use nginx rewrite function




    • URI:统一资源标识符

    • URL:统一资源定位符

    How to use nginx rewrite function

    • regex,用来匹配URI的正则表达式;

    • 替换:在匹配成功后,用于替换被截取字符串的URI内容。如果该字符串是以"http://"或者"https://"开头的,则不会继续向下对URI进行其他处理,而是直接返回重写后的URI给客户端;

    • flag:用来设置rewrite对URI的处理行为,可选值有如下

    last break redirect permanent

    last : 终止继续在本location中处理接收到的URI,并将此处重写的URI作为一个新的URI,使用各location块进行处理。该标志将重写的URI重写在server块中执行,为重写后的URI提供了转入到其他location块的机会;

    break : 将此处重写的URI作为一个新的URI,在本块中继续处理,该标志重写后的地址在当前的location块中执行,不会将新的URI转向其他的location块;

    redirect : 将重写后的URI返回给客户端,状态码为302,指明是临时重定向URI,主要用在replacement变量不是以 “http://”或“https://”开头的情况;

    redirect : 将重写后的URI返回给客户端,状态码为302,指明是临时重定向URI,主要用在replacement变量不是以 “http://”或“https://”开头的情况;

    permanent : 将重写后的URI返回给客户端,状态码为301,指明是临时重定向URI,主要用在replacement变量不是以 “http://”或“https://”开头的情况;


    location /rewirte {
                    rewrite ^/rewrite/url\w*$ https://www.baidu.com;
                    rewrite ^/rewrite/(test)/\w*$ /$1;
                    rewrite ^/rewrite/(hello)/\w*$ /$1;
            location /test {
                    default_type text/plain;
                    return 200 "hello success";
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    location /rewirte {
                    rewrite ^/rewrite/url\w*$ https://www.baidu.com;
                    rewrite ^/rewrite/(test)/\w*$ /$1 last;
                    rewrite ^/rewrite/(hello)/\w*$ /$1 last;
            location /test {
                    default_type text/plain;
                    return 200 "hello success";
    Copy after login



    How to use nginx rewrite function


    location /rewirte {
    				rewrite_log on;
    				error_log logs/error.log notice;
                    rewrite ^/rewrite/url\w*$ https://www.baidu.com;
                    rewrite ^/rewrite/(test)/\w*$ /$1 last;
                    rewrite ^/rewrite/(hello)/\w*$ /$1 last;
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    有很多大型网站,在起步的时候,比如域名为 : www.haoyijia.com,但是域名太长所带来的问题就是不方便记忆,于是后面改成 www.hyj.com,问题是,一些老用户之前一直习惯了那个长域名,如何在老用户输入长域名的时候仍然可以跳转到新的短域名上呢?就可以考虑使用rewrite的功能;下面在本地做一下模拟。




    How to use nginx rewrite function


    server {
    		listen 80;
    		server_name www.zcy.com www.zhangcongyi.com;
    		rewrite ^/ http://www.jd.com permanent;
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    重启nginx服务,浏览器访问:www.zcy.com 或者www.zhangcongyi.com,观察效果

    How to use nginx rewrite function

    How to use nginx rewrite function

    How to use nginx rewrite function

    How to use nginx rewrite function



    		listen 80;
    		server_name search.hm.com;
    		rewrite ^(.*) http://www.hm.com/bbs$1 last;
    		listen 81;
    		server_name item.hm.com;
    		rewrite ^(.*) http://www.hm.com/item$1 last;
    		listen 82;
    		server_name cart.hm.com;
    		rewrite ^(.*) http://www.hm.com/cart$1 last;
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    How to use nginx rewrite function


    How to use nginx rewrite function






    server {
    	listen 80;
    	server_name www.web.com;
    	location /server{
    		root html;
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    How to use nginx rewrite function

    How to use nginx rewrite function


    server {
    	listen 80;
    	server_name www.web.com;
    	location /server{
    		rewrite ^/server-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)- ([0-9]+)\.html$ /server/$1/$2/$3/$4/$5.html last;
    Copy after login

    The above is the detailed content of How to use nginx rewrite function. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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