This is a code based on JavaScript that implements an adjustable countdown time. We can manually adjust the countdown time, which can be accurate to "days, hours, minutes, seconds", and the style layout is also very novel.
First run the rendering:
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The JS code for the adjustable countdown time shared with you is as follows (If it does not work properly in the browser, you can try switching the browsing mode ) .
<head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>可调整倒计时间的JS代码</title> <!--[if lte IE 6]> <script src="js/DD_belatedPNG_0.0.8a.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> DD_belatedPNG.fix('a'); </script> <![endif]--> <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload=function () { var oFill=document.getElementById('fill_in'); var oInputYear=oFill.getElementsByTagName('input')[0]; var oInputMonth=oFill.getElementsByTagName('input')[1]; var oInputDay=oFill.getElementsByTagName('input')[2]; var oBtn=document.getElementById('go'); var oBtn2=document.getElementById('go2'); var oTxtDay=document.getElementById('day'); var oTxtHour=document.getElementById('hour'); var oTxtMin=document.getElementById('min'); var oTxtSec=document.getElementById('sec'); var oTxtTarget=document.getElementById('target').getElementsByTagName('strong')[0]; var timer=null; oBtn2.onclick=function () { timer=setInterval(updateTime, 1000); updateTime(); oTxtTarget.innerHTML=oInputYear.value+"年"+oInputMonth.value+"月"+oInputDay.value+"日"; }; function fillZero(num, digit) { var str=''+num; while(str.length<digit) { str='0'+str; } return str; } function updateTime() { var oDateEnd=new Date(); var oDateNow=new Date(); var iRemain=0; var iDay=0; var iHour=0; var iMin=0; var iSec=0; oDateEnd.setFullYear(parseInt(oInputYear.value)); oDateEnd.setMonth(parseInt(oInputMonth.value)-1); oDateEnd.setDate(parseInt(oInputDay.value)); oDateEnd.setHours(0); oDateEnd.setMinutes(0); oDateEnd.setSeconds(0); iRemain=(oDateEnd.getTime()-oDateNow.getTime())/1000; if(iRemain<=0) { clearInterval(timer); iRemain=0; alert('已过时间'); } iDay=parseInt(iRemain/86400); iRemain%=86400; iHour=parseInt(iRemain/3600); iRemain%=3600; iMin=parseInt(iRemain/60); iRemain%=60; iSec=iRemain; oTxtDay.innerHTML=fillZero(iDay,3); oTxtHour.innerHTML=fillZero(iHour,2); oTxtMin.innerHTML=fillZero(iMin,2); oTxtSec.innerHTML=fillZero(iSec,2); } var t=null; var alpha=0; var bShow=true; setInterval(function (){ if(bShow) { startMove(100); } else { startMove(0); } bShow=!bShow; function startMove(iTarget) { if(t)clearInterval(t); t=setInterval(function (){ doMove(iTarget); }, 30); } function doMove(iTarget) { var iSpeed=0; if(alpha<iTarget) { iSpeed=2; } else { iSpeed=-2; } if(alpha==iTarget) { clearInterval(t); t=null; if(iTarget==100) { startMove(0); } } else { alpha+=iSpeed;"alpha(opacity:"+alpha+")";; } } }, 2000); }; </script> <body> <div id="miaov"> <div id="fill_in"> <span class="title">请输入:</span> <input type="text" class="long_text" value="2015" /> <span class="space1">年</span> <input type="text" class="text" value="10" /> <span class="space2">月</span> <input type="text" class="text" value="1" /> <span class="space3">日</span> </div> <a href="javascript:;" id="go" class="go"></a> <a href="javascript:;" id="go2" class="active"></a> <p id="target"> 现在距离 - <strong>2015年10月1日</strong> - 还剩: </p> <div id="date"> <p id="day">000</p> <p id="hour">00</p> <p id="min">00</p> <p id="sec">00</p> </div> </div> </body> </html>
The above is the JS implementation of adjustable countdown time code shared with you. Isn’t it great? I hope you like it.