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How to fine-tune LLM with a single GPU to bypass computing power limitations? This is a tutorial on the 'Gradient Accumulation' algorithm

Release: 2023-05-22 20:25:04
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Since large models became a hot trend, GPUs have become a scarce commodity. The reserves of many companies may not be sufficient, let alone individual developers. Is there any way to use computing power to train models more efficiently?

In a recent blog, Sebastian Raschka introduced the "gradient accumulation" method, which can use a larger batch size to train the model when GPU memory is limited, bypassing hardware limitations.

绕开算力限制,如何用单GPU微调 LLM?这是一份「梯度累积」算法教程

Prior to this, Sebastian Raschka also shared an article using a multi-GPU training strategy to accelerate the fine-tuning of large language models. , including mechanisms such as model or tensor sharding, which distribute model weights and computations across different devices to address the memory limitations of GPUs.

Fine-tuning the BLOOM model for classification

Suppose we are interested in adopting a recently pre-trained large language model to handle downstream tasks such as text classification. Then, we might choose to use GPT-3's open source alternative BLOOM model, especially the BLOOM version with "only" 560 million parameters - it should be able to fit into the RAM of a traditional GPU without any problem (Google Colab is free version has a GPU with 15 Gb RAM).

Once you start, you are likely to encounter problems: memory will increase rapidly during training or fine-tuning. The only way to train this model is with a batch size of 1.

绕开算力限制,如何用单GPU微调 LLM?这是一份「梯度累积」算法教程

The code to fine-tune BLOOM for the target classification task using a batch size of 1 (batch size=1) is as follows. You can also download the complete code on the GitHub project page:


You can copy and paste this code directly into Google Colab, but you will also have to drag and drop the accompanying local_dataset_utilities.py file from which some dataset utilities are imported in the same folder.

<code># pip install torch lightning matplotlib pandas torchmetrics watermark transformers datasets -Uimport osimport os.path as opimport timefrom datasets import load_datasetfrom lightning import Fabricimport torchfrom torch.utils.data import DataLoaderimport torchmetricsfrom transformers import AutoTokenizerfrom transformers import AutoModelForSequenceClassificationfrom watermark import watermarkfrom local_dataset_utilities import download_dataset, load_dataset_into_to_dataframe, partition_datasetfrom local_dataset_utilities import IMDBDatasetdef tokenize_text (batch):return tokenizer (batch ["text"], truncatinotallow=True, padding=True, max_length=1024)def train (num_epochs, model, optimizer, train_loader, val_loader, fabric):for epoch in range (num_epochs):train_acc = torchmetrics.Accuracy (task="multiclass", num_classes=2).to (fabric.device)for batch_idx, batch in enumerate (train_loader):model.train ()### FORWARD AND BACK PROPoutputs = model (batch ["input_ids"],attention_mask=batch ["attention_mask"],labels=batch ["label"]) fabric.backward (outputs ["loss"])### UPDATE MODEL PARAMETERSoptimizer.step ()optimizer.zero_grad ()### LOGGINGif not batch_idx % 300:print (f"Epoch: {epoch+1:04d}/{num_epochs:04d}"f"| Batch {batch_idx:04d}/{len (train_loader):04d}"f"| Loss: {outputs ['loss']:.4f}")model.eval ()with torch.no_grad ():predicted_labels = torch.argmax (outputs ["logits"], 1)train_acc.update (predicted_labels, batch ["label"])### MORE LOGGINGmodel.eval ()with torch.no_grad ():val_acc = torchmetrics.Accuracy (task="multiclass", num_classes=2).to (fabric.device)for batch in val_loader:outputs = model (batch ["input_ids"],attention_mask=batch ["attention_mask"],labels=batch ["label"])predicted_labels = torch.argmax (outputs ["logits"], 1)val_acc.update (predicted_labels, batch ["label"])print (f"Epoch: {epoch+1:04d}/{num_epochs:04d}"f"| Train acc.: {train_acc.compute ()*100:.2f}%"f"| Val acc.: {val_acc.compute ()*100:.2f}%")train_acc.reset (), val_acc.reset ()if __name__ == "__main__":print (watermark (packages="torch,lightning,transformers", pythnotallow=True))print ("Torch CUDA available?", torch.cuda.is_available ())device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available () else "cpu"torch.manual_seed (123)# torch.use_deterministic_algorithms (True)############################# 1 Loading the Dataset##########################download_dataset ()df = load_dataset_into_to_dataframe ()if not (op.exists ("train.csv") and op.exists ("val.csv") and op.exists ("test.csv")):partition_dataset (df)imdb_dataset = load_dataset ("csv",data_files={"train": "train.csv","validation": "val.csv","test": "test.csv",},)############################################ 2 Tokenization and Numericalization#########################################tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained ("bigscience/bloom-560m", max_length=1024)print ("Tokenizer input max length:", tokenizer.model_max_length, flush=True)print ("Tokenizer vocabulary size:", tokenizer.vocab_size, flush=True)print ("Tokenizing ...", flush=True)imdb_tokenized = imdb_dataset.map (tokenize_text, batched=True, batch_size=None)del imdb_datasetimdb_tokenized.set_format ("torch", columns=["input_ids", "attention_mask", "label"])os.environ ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "false"############################################ 3 Set Up DataLoaders#########################################train_dataset = IMDBDataset (imdb_tokenized, partition_key="train")val_dataset = IMDBDataset (imdb_tokenized, partition_key="validation")test_dataset = IMDBDataset (imdb_tokenized, partition_key="test")train_loader = DataLoader (dataset=train_dataset,batch_size=1,shuffle=True,num_workers=4,drop_last=True,)val_loader = DataLoader (dataset=val_dataset,batch_size=1,num_workers=4,drop_last=True,)test_loader = DataLoader (dataset=test_dataset,batch_size=1,num_workers=2,drop_last=True,)############################################ 4 Initializing the Model#########################################fabric = Fabric (accelerator="cuda", devices=1, precisinotallow="16-mixed")fabric.launch ()model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained ("bigscience/bloom-560m", num_labels=2)optimizer = torch.optim.Adam (model.parameters (), lr=5e-5)model, optimizer = fabric.setup (model, optimizer)train_loader, val_loader, test_loader = fabric.setup_dataloaders (train_loader, val_loader, test_loader)############################################ 5 Finetuning#########################################start = time.time ()train (num_epochs=1,model=model,optimizer=optimizer,train_loader=train_loader,val_loader=val_loader,fabric=fabric,)end = time.time ()elapsed = end-startprint (f"Time elapsed {elapsed/60:.2f} min")with torch.no_grad ():model.eval ()test_acc = torchmetrics.Accuracy (task="multiclass", num_classes=2).to (fabric.device)for batch in test_loader:outputs = model (batch ["input_ids"],attention_mask=batch ["attention_mask"],labels=batch ["label"])predicted_labels = torch.argmax (outputs ["logits"], 1)test_acc.update (predicted_labels, batch ["label"])print (f"Test accuracy {test_acc.compute ()*100:.2f}%")</code>
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The author used Lightning Fabric because it gives developers the flexibility to change the number of GPUs and multi-GPU training strategies when running this code on different hardware. It also allows mixed-precision training to be enabled by simply adjusting the precision flag. In this case, mixed-precision training can increase training speed by three times and reduce memory requirements by approximately 25%.

The main code shown above is executed in the main function (if __name__ == "__main__" context). Even if only a single GPU is used, it is recommended to use the PyTorch running environment for execution. Multi-GPU training. Then, the following three code sections contained in if __name__ == "__main__" are responsible for data loading:

# 1 Load the data set

# 2 Tokenization and numericization

# 3 Setting up the data loader

Section 4 is in Initializing the Model , and then in Section 5 Finetuning, the train function is called, which is where things start to get interesting. In the train (...) function, a standard PyTorch loop is implemented. The annotated version of the core training loop looks like this:

The problem with a batch size of 1 (Batch size=1) is that gradient updates will become very confusing and difficult, as shown in the following training The model is based on fluctuating training loss and poor test set performance as seen:

<code>...torch : 2.0.0lightning : 2.0.0transformers: 4.27.2Torch CUDA available? True...Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 23700/35000 | Loss: 0.0969Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 24000/35000 | Loss: 1.9902Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 24300/35000 | Loss: 0.0395Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 24600/35000 | Loss: 0.2546Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 24900/35000 | Loss: 0.1128Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 25200/35000 | Loss: 0.2661Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 25500/35000 | Loss: 0.0044Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 25800/35000 | Loss: 0.0067Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 26100/35000 | Loss: 0.0468Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 26400/35000 | Loss: 1.7139Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 26700/35000 | Loss: 0.9570Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 27000/35000 | Loss: 0.1857Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 27300/35000 | Loss: 0.0090Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 27600/35000 | Loss: 0.9790Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 27900/35000 | Loss: 0.0503Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 28200/35000 | Loss: 0.2625Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 28500/35000 | Loss: 0.1010Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 28800/35000 | Loss: 0.0035Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 29100/35000 | Loss: 0.0009Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 29400/35000 | Loss: 0.0234Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 29700/35000 | Loss: 0.8394Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 30000/35000 | Loss: 0.9497Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 30300/35000 | Loss: 0.1437Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 30600/35000 | Loss: 0.1317Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 30900/35000 | Loss: 0.0112Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 31200/35000 | Loss: 0.0073Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 31500/35000 | Loss: 0.7393Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 31800/35000 | Loss: 0.0512Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 32100/35000 | Loss: 0.1337Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 32400/35000 | Loss: 1.1875Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 32700/35000 | Loss: 0.2727Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 33000/35000 | Loss: 0.1545Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 33300/35000 | Loss: 0.0022Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 33600/35000 | Loss: 0.2681Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 33900/35000 | Loss: 0.2467Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 34200/35000 | Loss: 0.0620Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 34500/35000 | Loss: 2.5039Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 34800/35000 | Loss: 0.0131Epoch: 0001/0001 | Train acc.: 75.11% | Val acc.: 78.62%Time elapsed 69.97 minTest accuracy 78.53%</code>
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Since there are not many GPUs available for tensor sharding, how can it be done? What to train a model with a larger batch size?

One solution is gradient accumulation, which can be used to modify the training loop mentioned earlier.


梯度累积是一种在训练期间虚拟增加批大小(batch size)的方法,当可用的 GPU 内存不足以容纳所需的批大小时,这非常有用。在梯度累积中,梯度是针对较小的批次计算的,并在多次迭代中累积(通常是求和或平均),而不是在每一批次之后更新模型权重。一旦累积梯度达到目标「虚拟」批大小,模型权重就会使用累积梯度进行更新。

参考下面更新的 PyTorch 训练循环:

绕开算力限制,如何用单GPU微调 LLM?这是一份「梯度累积」算法教程

如果将 accumulation_steps 设置为 2,那么 zero_grad () 和 optimizer.step () 将只会每隔一秒调用一次。因此,使用 accumulation_steps=2 运行修改后的训练循环与将批大小(batch size)加倍具有相同的效果。

例如,如果想使用 256 的批大小,但只能将 64 的批大小放入 GPU 内存中,就可以对大小为 64 的四个批执行梯度累积。(处理完所有四个批次后,将获得相当于单个批大小为 256 的累积梯度。)这样能够有效地模拟更大的批大小,而无需更大的 GPU 内存或跨不同设备的张量分片。


例如,现在让我们运行上面的代码,批大小为 1,需要 16 个累积步骤(accumulation steps)来模拟批大小等于 16。


<code>...torch : 2.0.0lightning : 2.0.0transformers: 4.27.2Torch CUDA available? True...Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 23700/35000 | Loss: 0.0168Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 24000/35000 | Loss: 0.0006Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 24300/35000 | Loss: 0.0152Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 24600/35000 | Loss: 0.0003Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 24900/35000 | Loss: 0.0623Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 25200/35000 | Loss: 0.0010Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 25500/35000 | Loss: 0.0001Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 25800/35000 | Loss: 0.0047Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 26100/35000 | Loss: 0.0004Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 26400/35000 | Loss: 0.1016Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 26700/35000 | Loss: 0.0021Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 27000/35000 | Loss: 0.0015Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 27300/35000 | Loss: 0.0008Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 27600/35000 | Loss: 0.0060Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 27900/35000 | Loss: 0.0001Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 28200/35000 | Loss: 0.0426Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 28500/35000 | Loss: 0.0012Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 28800/35000 | Loss: 0.0025Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 29100/35000 | Loss: 0.0025Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 29400/35000 | Loss: 0.0000Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 29700/35000 | Loss: 0.0495Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 30000/35000 | Loss: 0.0164Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 30300/35000 | Loss: 0.0067Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 30600/35000 | Loss: 0.0037Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 30900/35000 | Loss: 0.0005Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 31200/35000 | Loss: 0.0013Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 31500/35000 | Loss: 0.0112Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 31800/35000 | Loss: 0.0053Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 32100/35000 | Loss: 0.0012Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 32400/35000 | Loss: 0.1365Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 32700/35000 | Loss: 0.0210Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 33000/35000 | Loss: 0.0374Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 33300/35000 | Loss: 0.0007Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 33600/35000 | Loss: 0.0341Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 33900/35000 | Loss: 0.0259Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 34200/35000 | Loss: 0.0005Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 34500/35000 | Loss: 0.4792Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 34800/35000 | Loss: 0.0003Epoch: 0001/0001 | Train acc.: 78.67% | Val acc.: 87.28%Time elapsed 51.37 minTest accuracy 87.37%</code>
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根据上面的结果,损失的波动比以前小了。此外,测试集性能提升了 10%。由于只迭代了训练集一次,因此每个训练样本只会遇到一次。训练用于 multiple epochs 的模型可以进一步提高预测性能。

你可能还会注意到,这段代码的执行速度也比之前使用的批大小为 1 的代码快。如果使用梯度累积将虚拟批大小增加到 8,仍然会有相同数量的前向传播(forward passes)。然而,由于每八个 epoch 只更新一次模型,因此反向传播(backward passes)会很少,这样可更快地在一个 epoch(训练轮数)内迭代样本。






没问题。可以使用 PyTorch 2.0 中引入的 torch.compile 使其运行得更快。只需要添加一些 model = torch.compile,如下图所示:

绕开算力限制,如何用单GPU微调 LLM?这是一份「梯度累积」算法教程

GitHub 上提供了完整的脚本。

在这种情况下,torch.compile 在不影响建模性能的情况下又减少了十分钟的训练时间:

<code>poch: 0001/0001 | Batch 26400/35000 | Loss: 0.0320Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 26700/35000 | Loss: 0.0010Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 27000/35000 | Loss: 0.0006Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 27300/35000 | Loss: 0.0015Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 27600/35000 | Loss: 0.0157Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 27900/35000 | Loss: 0.0015Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 28200/35000 | Loss: 0.0540Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 28500/35000 | Loss: 0.0035Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 28800/35000 | Loss: 0.0016Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 29100/35000 | Loss: 0.0015Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 29400/35000 | Loss: 0.0008Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 29700/35000 | Loss: 0.0877Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 30000/35000 | Loss: 0.0232Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 30300/35000 | Loss: 0.0014Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 30600/35000 | Loss: 0.0032Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 30900/35000 | Loss: 0.0004Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 31200/35000 | Loss: 0.0062Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 31500/35000 | Loss: 0.0032Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 31800/35000 | Loss: 0.0066Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 32100/35000 | Loss: 0.0017Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 32400/35000 | Loss: 0.1485Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 32700/35000 | Loss: 0.0324Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 33000/35000 | Loss: 0.0155Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 33300/35000 | Loss: 0.0007Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 33600/35000 | Loss: 0.0049Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 33900/35000 | Loss: 0.1170Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 34200/35000 | Loss: 0.0002Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 34500/35000 | Loss: 0.4201Epoch: 0001/0001 | Batch 34800/35000 | Loss: 0.0018Epoch: 0001/0001 | Train acc.: 78.39% | Val acc.: 86.84%Time elapsed 43.33 minTest accuracy 87.91%</code>
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绕开算力限制,如何用单GPU微调 LLM?这是一份「梯度累积」算法教程

The above is the detailed content of How to fine-tune LLM with a single GPU to bypass computing power limitations? This is a tutorial on the 'Gradient Accumulation' algorithm. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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