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How to apply Java wrapper classes

Release: 2023-05-26 16:26:21
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    1. Overview of packaging classes

    Java has 8 basic data types: integer (byte, short, int, long), floating point ( float, double), Boolean, and character char. Correspondingly, Java provides 8 packaging classes: Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Boolean, and Character. Wrapper classes create objects just like other classes.

    Integer num = new Integer(0);    //创建一个数值为0的Integer对象
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    2. Automatic boxing and automatic unboxing mechanism of packaging classes

    The above construction object statement is actually the conversion of basic data types to packaging classes. In applications, we often need to convert between basic type data and wrapper class objects.

    Integer num1 = new Integer(1);	//基本数据类型转为包装类
    int num2 = num1.intValue();		//包装类型转为基本数据类型
    System.out.println(num1 +"	"+ num2);
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    Java provides automatic boxing and unboxing mechanisms, designed to facilitate our use, and also for other purposes, such as performance tuning. This mechanism simplifies conversion between basic types and wrapped types.

    Integer  num1 = 1;		//自动装箱
    int num2 = num1;		//自动拆箱
    System.out.println(num1 +"	"+ num2);
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    When using the jad tool to decompile the above code, the results are as follows.

    Integer integer = Integer.valueOf(1);
    int i = integer.intValue();
    System.out.println((new StringBuilder()).append(integer).append("\t").append(i).toString());
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    It can be seen that the Java compiler helped us complete the conversion operation. In addition, we can see that in addition to using the new keyword, you can also use the valueOf() method of the Integer class to create an Integer object. There are differences between these two methods, which we will talk about below.

    3. Caching mechanism in packaging classes

    The previously mentioned method of creating packaging class objects includes the use of the new keyword and the valueOf() method. Let's look at a piece of code to feel the difference.

    Integer num3 = 10;
    Integer num4 = 10;
    Integer num5 = new Integer(20);
    Integer num6 = new Integer(20);
    Integer num7 = 128;
    Integer num8 = 128;
    System.out.println((num3==num4) +"	"+ num3.equals(num4));
    System.out.println((num5==num6) +"	"+ num5.equals(num6));
    System.out.println((num7==num8) +"	"+ num7.equals(num8));
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    The running result is

    How to apply Java wrapper classes

    Let’s take a look at its decompiled code

    Integer integer = Integer.valueOf(10);
    Integer integer1 = Integer.valueOf(10);
    Integer integer2 = new Integer(20);
    Integer integer3 = new Integer(20);
    Integer integer4 = Integer.valueOf(128);
    Integer integer5 = Integer.valueOf(128);
    System.out.println((new StringBuilder()).append(integer == integer1).append("\t").append(integer.equals(integer1)).toString());
    System.out.println((new StringBuilder()).append(integer2 == integer3).append("\t").append(integer2.equals(integer3)).toString());
    System.out.println((new StringBuilder()).append(integer4 == integer5).append("\t").append(integer4.equals(integer5)).toString());
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    First, we look at the valueOf() method of Integer The source code

        public static Integer valueOf(int i) {
            if (i >= IntegerCache.low && i <= IntegerCache.high)
                return IntegerCache.cache[i + (-IntegerCache.low)];
            return new Integer(i);
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    Look at the cache array members, low, and high members of the Integer internal class IntegerCache

            static final int low = -128;
            static final int high;
            static final Integer cache[];
            static {
                // high value may be configured by property
                int h = 127;
                String integerCacheHighPropValue =
                if (integerCacheHighPropValue != null) {
                    try {
                        int i = parseInt(integerCacheHighPropValue);
                        i = Math.max(i, 127);
                        // Maximum array size is Integer.MAX_VALUE
                        h = Math.min(i, Integer.MAX_VALUE - (-low) -1);
                    } catch( NumberFormatException nfe) {
                        // If the property cannot be parsed into an int, ignore it.
                high = h;
                cache = new Integer[(high - low) + 1];
                int j = low;
                for(int k = 0; k < cache.length; k++)
                    cache[k] = new Integer(j++);
                // range [-128, 127] must be interned (JLS7 5.1.7)
                assert IntegerCache.high >= 127;
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    It can be found that as long as the Integer class is used for the first time, the static internals of Integer The class is loaded. When loading, Integer objects ranging from -128 to 127 will be created, and an array cache will be created to cache these objects. When using the valueOf() method to create an object, the cached object will be returned directly, which means that no new object will be created; when the new keyword or the valueOf() method is used to create a value object that is less than -128 and greater than 127, it will New objects will be created.

    Integer num3 = 10;
    Integer num4 = 10;
    Integer num5 = new Integer(20);
    Integer num6 = new Integer(20);
    Integer num7 = 128;
    Integer num8 = 128;
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    Since num3 and num4 are both less than or equal to 127, they point to the same cached Integer object, so the result of comparison using == is true; num5 and num6 point to two objects using the new keyword. A different new object, the result is false; although num7 and num8 adopt automatic boxing, when the valueOf() method is executed, the condition i >= IntegerCache.low && i <= IntegerCache.high is not met. , and two different new objects are also created, and the result is also false.

    Next, let’s take a look at the implementation of the equals() method of Integer in the source code

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (obj instanceof Integer) {
                return value == ((Integer)obj).intValue();
            return false;
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    The equals() method compares the value of the Integer object, rather than comparing whether the objects are the same, similar to == Operator comparison method. Therefore, when you need to compare whether the values ​​of two Integer objects are equal, remember to use the equals() method. Due to caching mechanisms, using == for comparison can lead to some confusing results.

    In addition, among the 8 packaging types, those with cache areas include Character, Byte, Short, Integer, and Long, and their implementation methods are basically the same, with the cache range from -128 to 127. Although Boolean does not have a cache area, because there are only two values, true and false, Boolean creates two corresponding objects in the member variables. There are only Float and Double that do not have a cache area. The reason why there is no cache area is very simple. Even in the small range of 0 to 1, there are countless floating point numbers. It is not possible and practical to use the cache area to cache them.

    Commonly used packaging class objects can be reused, thanks to the existence of the cache area, thereby improving performance. When we need to create a new object, create a new one, which increases flexibility.

    4. Four arithmetic operations, bitwise operations, comparison operations, logical operations of the packaging class

    1. Four arithmetic operations and bitwise operations

    Integer num9 = 1;
    Integer num10 = 2;
    Integer num11 = num9 + num10; 
    Short num12 = 5;
    Integer num13 = num9 + num12;
    Long num14 = num9 + 10L;
    System.out.println(num9 << 1);	//位运算
    System.out.println(num9 +"	"+ num10 +"	"+ num11 +"	"+ num12 +"	"+ num13 +"	"+ num14);
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    How to apply Java wrapper classes

    The decompilation results are as follows

    Integer integer = Integer.valueOf(1);
    Integer integer1 = Integer.valueOf(2);
    Integer integer2 = Integer.valueOf(integer.intValue () integer1.intValue());
    Short short1 = Short.valueOf((short)5);
    Integer integer3 = Integer.valueOf(integer.intValue() short1.shortValue());
    Long long1 = Long.valueOf((long)integer.intValue() 10L);
    System.out.println(integer.intValue() << 1);
    System.out.println((new StringBuilder()).append(integer).append("\t").append(integer1).append("\t").append(integer2).append("\t").append(short1).append ("\t").append(integer3).append("\t").append(long1).toString());

    可以看到Integer num11 = num9 + num10; 这一句被划分为3个步骤:将两个Integer对象分别进行拆箱;将拆箱得到的两个int数值相加求其和;将和值进行装箱,从而将num11指向缓存数组中值为3的Integer对象。

    而Short num12 = 5; 这一句则先将5强制转换成short类型,再将其装箱把值为5的Short对象的引用赋给num12。

    而Integer num13 = num9 + num12; 这一句除了Integer num11 = num9 + num10;的3个步骤,中间还有short+int=int的类型自动提升的过程。

    而Long num14 = num9 + 10L; 这一句Integer num11 = num9 + num10;的3个步骤,中间还有强制类型转换的过程。需要注意的是,如果是Long num14 = num9 + num10; 的话就会出现类型不匹配的错误,因为num9、num10拆箱之后相加的和是int类型,而Long.valueOf(long)需要的形参是long类型,自然会出错。我们也可以看到,当包装类型对象和基本类型数据进行四则运算的时候,对象是会被拆箱的,然后再按基本类型数据的运算规则进行运算。


    System.out.println(num9 + num10);
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    System.out.println(integer.intValue() + integer1.intValue());
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    Short num3 = 10;
    Integer num4 = num3;	//错误: 不兼容的类型: Short无法转换为Integer
    Long num5 = (Long)num4;	//错误: 不兼容的类型: Integer无法转换为Long
    Double num6 = num5;	//错误: 不兼容的类型: Long无法转换为Double
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    Integer a = 20;
    Long b = a.longValue();
    Short c = b.shortValue();
    System.out.println(a +"	"+ b +"	"+ c);
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    Integer num9 = 100;
    Integer num10 = 200;
    Short num11 = 50;
    Long num12 = 50L;
    System.out.println((num9<num10) +"	"+ (num9<200) +"	"+ (num9<num11) +"	"+ (num9<num12) +"	"+ (num9<10L));
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    Integer integer = Integer.valueOf(100);
    Integer integer1 = Integer.valueOf(200);
    Short short1 = Short.valueOf((short)50);
    Long long1 = Long.valueOf(50L);
    System.out.println((new StringBuilder()).append(integer.intValue() < integer1.intValue()).append("\t").append(integer.intValue() < 200).append("\t").append(integer.intValue() < short1.shortValue()).append("\t").append((long)integer.intValue() < long1.longValue()).append("\t").append((long)integer.intValue() < 10L).toString());

    可以看到,两个同类型的包装类对象进行比较时比较的其实是各自的基本类型数值,如num9 < num10;两个不同类型的包装类对象进行比较时则在比较基本类型数值之前,会有类型提升or强制类型转换,如num9 < num11,num9 < num12。


    Integer num13 = new Integer(100);
    System.out.println(num9.equals(num13) +"	"+ num9.equals(50));
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    Integer integer2 = new Integer(100);
    System.out.println((new StringBuilder()).append(integer.equals(integer2)).append("\t").append(integer.equals(Integer.valueOf(50))).toString());


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    System.out.println(integer.intValue() & 1);
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    	public static Integer intToInteger(int i) {
    		return i;
    	public static int integerToInt(Integer i) {
    		return i;
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        public static Integer intToInteger(int i)
            return Integer.valueOf(i);
        public static int integerToInt(Integer integer)
            return integer.intValue();
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    List list = new ArrayList();
    list.add(new Object());
    Iterator it = list.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
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    ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList();
    arraylist.add(new Object());
    for(Iterator iterator = arraylist.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); System.out.println(iterator.next()));
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    可以发现,虽然集合元素要求是对象,add()方法的形参也是对象(public boolean add(E e)),但由于自动装箱,基本数据类型也可以直接加入集合中。

                    List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
    		for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
    		Iterator it = list.iterator();
    		while (it.hasNext()) {
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            ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList();
            for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            for(Iterator iterator = arraylist.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); System.out.println(iterator.next()));
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    		Boolean flag1 = false;
    		Boolean flag2 = null;
    		Boolean flag3 = true;
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    How to apply Java wrapper classes



    Boolean boolean1 = Boolean.valueOf(false);
    System.out.println(boolean1.booleanValue() ? "\u547D\u9898\u4E3A\u771F" : "\u547D\u9898\u4E3A\u5047");
    Boolean boolean2 = null;
    System.out.println(boolean2.booleanValue() ? "\u547D\u9898\u4E3A\u771F" : "\u547D\u9898\u4E3A\u5047");
    Boolean boolean3 = Boolean.valueOf(true);






    其次,如果仅仅有基本数据类型,那么在实际使用时将存在很多的不便,很多地方都需要使用对象而不是基本数据类型。比如,在集合类中,我们是无法将int 、double等类型放进去的,因为集合的容器要求元素是Object类型。包装类型的作用在于允许将数值类型作为集合对象的元素,弥补了基本数据类型的不足。


    int max = 0;
    int flag = 1;
    for (int i=0; i<31; i++) {
    	max += flag;
    	flag = flag << 1;
    System.out.println(max +"	"+ Integer.MAX_VALUE); //2147483647      2147483647
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