There is a "core object" in RedisIt is called redisObject, which is used to represent all keys and values. The redisObject structure is used to represent String, Five data types: Hash, List, Set, and ZSet.
The source code of redisObject is in redis.h, written in c language. If you are interested, you can check it out by yourself. I have drawn a picture about redisObject here, which shows that the structure of redisObject is as follows:
In redisObject"type indicates which data type it belongs to, and encoding indicates the storage method of the data", which is the underlying implementation of the data type. structure. Therefore, this article specifically introduces the corresponding part of encoding.
So what do the storage types in encoding mean? The meaning represented by the specific data type is as shown in the following figure:
#You may still feel confused after reading this picture. Don’t panic, we will give a detailed introduction to the five data structures. This picture only allows you to find the storage types corresponding to each data structure, and probably have an impression in your mind.
To give a simple example, if you set a string key 234 in Redis, and then check the storage type of this string, you will see that it is int type. Non-integer types use the embstr storage type. The specific operation is shown in the figure below:
String is the most basic data type of Redis. The above introduction also mentioned that Redis uses c language developed. However, there are obvious differences between string types in Redis and string types in C language.
There are three ways to store data structure of type String: int, raw, and embstr.. So what are the differences between these three storage methods?
Redis stipulates that if what is stored is "integer value", such as set num 123, it will be stored using the int storage method. This value will be saved in the "ptr attribute" of redisObject.
If the stored "string is a string value and the length is greater than 32 bytes" will be used Store in SDS (simple dynamic string) mode, and the encoding is set to raw; if "The string length is less than or equal to 32 bytes", the encoding will be changed to embstr to save the string.
SDS is called "Simple Dynamic String". There are three attributes defined in SDS in the Redis source code: int len, int free, and char buf[].
len saves the length of the string, free represents the number of unused bytes in the buf array, and the buf array stores each character element of the string.
So when you store a string Hello in Redsi, according to the description of the Redis source code, you can draw the redisObject structure diagram in the form of SDS as shown below:
Redis definitely has its own advantages in using SDS as the type of string storage. Compared with SDS strings in c language, SDS has The string has its own design and optimization. The specific advantages are as follows:
(1) The string in the C language does not record its own length, so "get the string every time The length of will be traversed, and the time complexity is O(n)". To obtain a string in Redis, you only need to read the value of len, and the time complexity becomes O(1).
(2)"c language" In the concatenation of two strings, if sufficient length of memory space is not allocated, "buffer overflow will occur" ; And 『SDS』 will first determine whether the space meets the requirements based on the len attribute. If the space is not enough, the corresponding space will be expanded, so "there will be no buffer overflow" .
(3) SDS also provides "space pre-allocation" and "lazy space release" two strategies. When allocating space for a string, allocate more space than actual, so that "reduce the number of memory reallocations caused by continuous execution of string growth".
When the string is shortened, SDS will not immediately reclaim the unused space. Instead, it will record the unused space through the free attribute and release it when it is used later.
The specific space pre-allocation principle is: "When the length len of the modified string is less than 1MB, space with the same length as len will be pre-allocated, that is, len=free; if len is greater than 1MB, The space allocated by free is 1MB".
(4) SDS is binary safe. In addition to storing strings, it can also store binary files (such as binary data of pictures, audios, videos, etc.); while strings in C language use empty strings as Terminators. Some images contain terminators and are therefore not binary safe.
In order to make it easier to understand, we have made a table comparing C language strings and SDS, as shown below:
C language strings SDS The time complexity of getting the length is O(n) The time complexity of getting the length is O(1) It is not binary safe but binary safe can only save strings and can also save binary data. When the string grows n times, the string will inevitably grow. Bringing n times of memory allocation n times increasing the number of string memory allocations
Speaking of this, I believe many people can say that they are already proficient in the String type of Redis , but to master pure theory, theory still needs to be applied in practice. As mentioned above, String can be used to store pictures. Now we will use picture storage as a case study.
(1) First of all, the uploaded image must be encoded. Here is a tool class to process the image into Base64 encoding. The specific implementation code is as follows:
/** * 将图片内容处理成Base64编码格式 * @param file * @return */ public static String encodeImg(MultipartFile file) { byte[] imgBytes = null; try { imgBytes = file.getBytes(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } BASE64Encoder encoder = new BASE64Encoder(); return imgBytes==null?null:encoder.encode(imgBytes );
Copy code
(2) The second step is to store the processed image string format into Redis. The implemented code is as follows:
/** * Redis存储图片 * @param file * @return */ public void uploadImageServiceImpl(MultipartFile image) { String imgId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); String imgStr= ImageUtils.encodeImg(image); redisUtils.set(imgId , imgStr); // 后续操作可以把imgId存进数据库对应的字段,如果需要从redis中取出,只要获取到这个字段后从redis中取出即可。 }
This is how the image is implemented Binary storage, of course, the application of String type data structure also has conventional counting: "Statistics on the number of Weibo, statistics on the number of fans", etc.
There are two ways to implement Hash objects: ziplist and hashtable. The storage method of hashtable is of type String, and the value is also stored in the form of key value.
The bottom layer of the dictionary type is implemented by hashtable. Understanding the bottom layer implementation principle of dictionary means understanding the implementation principle of hashtable. The implementation principle of hashtable can be compared to the bottom layer principle of HashMap.
Both will calculate the array subscript through the key when adding it. The difference is that the calculation method is different. HashMap uses the hash function, while hashtable calculates the array subscript. After the hash value, the array subscript must be obtained again through the sizemask attribute and the hash value.
We know that the biggest problem with hash tables is hash conflicts. In order to solve hash conflicts, if different keys in the hashtable obtain the same index through calculation, a one-way linked list will be formed ("Chain Address Method" ), as shown in the figure below:
In the underlying implementation of the dictionary, the value object is stored as an object of each dictEntry, When the key-value pairs stored in the hash table continue to increase or decrease, the hash table needs to be expanded or contracted.
Just like HashMap, rehash operation will also be performed here, that is, rehash arrangement. As can be seen from the above figure, ht[0] and ht[1] are two objects. Below we will focus on the role of their attributes.
There are four attributes in the hash table structure definition: dictEntry **table, unsigned long size, unsigned long sizemask, and unsigned long used, which respectively mean "hash table array, hash The table size, used to calculate the index value, is always equal to size-1, the number of nodes already in the hash table".
ht[0] is used to initially store data. When expansion or contraction is required, the size of ht[0] determines the size of ht[1]. All the data in ht[0] The key-value pairs will be rehashed into ht[1].
Expansion operation: The expanded size of ht[1] is the first integer power of 2 that is twice the current value of ht[0].used; Shrinking operation: The first integer power of ht[0].used An integer power of 2 greater than or equal to 2.
When all key-value pairs on ht[0] are rehashed to ht[1], all array subscript values will be recalculated, and ht[0] will be released after the data migration is completed. , then change ht[1] to ht[0], and create a new ht[1] to prepare for the next expansion and contraction.
If the amount of data is very large during the rehash process, Redis does not successfully rehash all the data at once, which will cause Redis's external service to stop. In order to handle this situation internally, Redis The situation uses "Progressive rehash".
Redis divides all rehash operations into multiple steps until all rehash operations are completed. The specific implementation is related to the rehashindex attribute in the object. "If rehashindex is expressed as -1, it means there is no rehash operation".
When the rehash operation starts, the value will be changed to 0. During the progressive rehash process "Updates, deletions, and queries will be performed in both ht[0] and ht[1]", for example, when updating a value, first update ht[0], and then update ht[1].
The new operation is directly added to the ht[1] table, and ht[0] will not add any data. This ensures that "ht[0] only decreases but does not increase, until At a certain moment in the end, it becomes an empty table", and the rehash operation is completed.
The above is the implementation principle of the underlying hashtable of the dictionary. After talking about the implementation principle of hashtable, let's take a look at the two storage methods of Hash data structure"ziplist (compressed list)"
若是使用Redis的hash来存储用户数据,就会将原来的value值又看成了一个k v形式的存储容器,这样就不会带来序列化的性能开销的问题。
// offset表示的是id的递增梯度值 public Long getId(String key,String hashKey,Long offset) throws BusinessException{ try { if (null == offset) { offset=1L; } // 生成唯一id return redisUtil.increment(key, hashKey, offset); } catch (Exception e) { //若是出现异常就是用uuid来生成唯一的id值 int randNo=UUID.randomUUID().toString().hashCode(); if (randNo <h3>List类型</h3><p>在 Redis 3.2 之前的版本,Redis 的列表是通过结合使用 ziplist 和 linkedlist 实现的。在3.2之后的版本就是引入了quicklist。</p><p>ziplist压缩列表上面已经讲过了,我们来看看linkedlist和quicklist的结构是怎么样的。</p><p>Linkedlist有双向链接,和普通的链表一样,都由指向前后节点的指针构成。时间复杂度为O(1)的操作包括插入、修改和更新,而时间复杂度为O(n)的操作是查询。</p><p>linkedlist和quicklist的底层实现是采用链表进行实现,在c语言中并没有内置的链表这种数据结构,Redis实现了自己的链表结构。</p><p><img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="" class="lazy" alt="What is the underlying principle of redis"></p><p>Redis中链表的特性:</p><ol class=" list-paddingleft-2"> <li><p>每一个节点都有指向前一个节点和后一个节点的指针。</p></li> <li><p>头节点和尾节点的prev和next指针指向为null,所以链表是无环的。</p></li> <li><p>链表有自己长度的信息,获取长度的时间复杂度为O(1)。</p></li> </ol><p>Redis中List的实现比较简单,下面我们就来看看它的应用场景。</p><h3>应用场景</h3><p>Redis中的列表可以实现<strong>「阻塞队列」</strong>,结合lpush和brpop命令就可以实现。生产者使用lupsh从列表的左侧插入元素,消费者使用brpop命令从队列的右侧获取元素进行消费。</p><p>(1)首先配置redis的配置,为了方便我就直接放在application.yml配置文件中,实际中可以把redis的配置文件放在一个redis.properties文件单独放置,具体配置如下:</p><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">spring redis: host: port: 6379 password: user timeout: 0 database: 2 pool: max-active: 100 max-idle: 10 min-idle: 0 max-wait: 100000
@Configuration public class RedisConfiguration { @Value("{spring.redis.port}") private int port; @Value("{spring.redis.pool.max-active}") private int maxActive; @Value("{spring.redis.pool.min-idle}") private int minIdle; @Value("{spring.redis.database}") private int database; @Value("${spring.redis.timeout}") private int timeout; @Bean public JedisPoolConfig getRedisConfiguration(){ JedisPoolConfig jedisPoolConfig= new JedisPoolConfig(); jedisPoolConfig.setMaxTotal(maxActive); jedisPoolConfig.setMaxIdle(maxIdle); jedisPoolConfig.setMinIdle(minIdle); jedisPoolConfig.setMaxWaitMillis(maxWait); return jedisPoolConfig; } @Bean public JedisConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory() { JedisConnectionFactory factory = new JedisConnectionFactory(); factory.setHostName(host); factory.setPort(port); factory.setPassword(password); factory.setDatabase(database); JedisPoolConfig jedisPoolConfig= getRedisConfiguration(); factory.setPoolConfig(jedisPoolConfig); return factory; } @Bean public RedisTemplate, ?> getRedisTemplate() { JedisConnectionFactory factory = getConnectionFactory(); RedisTemplate, ?> redisTemplate = new StringRedisTemplate(factory); return redisTemplate; } }
@Component public class RedisUtil { @Autowired private RedisTemplate<string> redisTemplate; /** 存消息到消息队列中 @param key 键 @param value 值 @return */ public boolean lPushMessage(String key, Object value) { try { redisTemplate.opsForList().leftPush(key, value); return true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } /** 从消息队列中弹出消息 - <rpop> @param key 键 @return */ public Object rPopMessage(String key) { try { return redisTemplate.opsForList().rightPop(key); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** 查看消息 @param key 键 @param start 开始 @param end 结束 0 到 -1代表所有值 复制代码@return */ public List<object> getMessage(String key, long start, long end) { try { return redisTemplate.opsForList().range(key, start, end); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } }</object></rpop></string>
inset也叫做整数集合,用于保存整数值的数据结构类型,它可以保存int16_t、int32_t 或者int64_t 的整数值。
@RequestMapping(value = "/addFriend", method = RequestMethod.POST) public Long addFriend(User user, String friend) { String currentKey = null; // 判断是否是当前用户的好友 if (AppContext.getCurrentUser().getId().equals(user.getId)) { currentKey = user.getId.toString(); } //若是返回0则表示不是该用户好友 return currentKey==null?0l:setOperations.add(currentKey, friend); }
public Set intersectFriend(User userA, User userB) { return setOperations.intersect(userA.getId.toString(), userB.getId.toString()); }
跳跃表的结构中包含指向头节点和尾节点的指针head和tail,能够快速进行定位。当在跳跃表中从尾向前遍历时,层数用 level 表示,跳跃表长度用 len 表示,同时也会使用后退指针 BW。
@Autowired private RedisTemplate redisTemplate; /** * 获取前10排名 * @return */ public static List<levelvo> getZset(String key, long baseNum, LevelService levelService){ ZSetOperations<serializable> operations = redisTemplate.opsForZSet(); // 根据score分数值获取前10名的数据 Set<zsetoperations.typedtuple>> set = operations.reverseRangeWithScores(key,0,9); List<levelvo> list= new ArrayList<levelvo>(); int i=1; for (ZSetOperations.TypedTuple<object> o:set){ int uid = (int) o.getValue(); LevelCache levelCache = levelService.getLevelCache(uid); LevelVO levelVO = levelCache.getLevelVO(); long score = (o.getScore().longValue() - baseNum + levelVO .getCtime())/CommonUtil.multiplier; levelVO .setScore(score); levelVO .setRank(i); list.add( levelVO ); i++; } return list; }</object></levelvo></levelvo></zsetoperations.typedtuple></serializable></levelvo>
The above is the detailed content of What is the underlying principle of redis. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!