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How to implement Python search algorithm

Release: 2023-05-28 11:21:12
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The search algorithm is used to retrieve whether there is a given data (keyword) in the sequence data (population). Commonly used search algorithms are:

  • Linear search: Linear search is also called It is a sequential search, used to search in unordered numerical columns.

  • Binary search: Binary search is also called half search, and its algorithm is used for ordered sequences.

  • Interpolation search: Interpolation search is an improvement on the binary search algorithm.

  • Blocked search: Also known as index sequential search, it is an improved version of linear search.

  • Tree table search: Tree table search can be divided into binary search tree and balanced binary tree search.

  • Hash search: Hash search can directly find the required data through keywords.

Because tree table search and hash search require a lot of space, they will not be explained in this article. This article provides a comprehensive overview of search algorithms beyond tree-based and hash-based approaches. It analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of each algorithm and proposes corresponding optimization strategies.

1. Linear search

Sequential search, also known as linear search, is an algorithm based on primitive, exhaustive, and brute force search. It is easy to understand and the coding implementation is simple. If the amount of data processed is large, its performance may be lower due to the relatively simple idea of ​​the algorithm and the lack of optimal design of the algorithm.

Linear search idea:

  • Scan each data in the original list one by one from beginning to end, and compare it with the given keyword.

  • If the comparison is equal, the search is successful.

  • When the scan is completed and data equal to the given keyword is still not found, the search failure is declared.

According to the description of the linear search algorithm, it is easy to code and implement:

    nums: 序列
    如果没有,则返回 -1
def line_find(nums, key):
    for i in range(len(nums)):
        if nums[i] == key:
            return i
    return -1
if __name__ == "__main__":
    nums = [4, 1, 8, 10, 3, 5]
    key = int(input("请输入要查找的关键字:"))
    pos = line_find(nums, key)
    print("关键字 {0} 在数列的第 {1} 位置".format(key, pos))
关键字 3 在数列的 4 位置
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Average time complexity analysis of the linear search algorithm.

1. Best luck situation: If the keyword you want to find happens to be at the 1st position of the sequence, you only need to search it once.

For example, search for the keyword 4 in the sequence =[4,1,8,10,3,5].

Only needs to be searched once.

2. The worst-luck situation: the keyword is not found until the end of the sequence is scanned.

Such as searching for the keyword 5 in the sequence =[4,1,8,10,3,5].

The number of searches required is equal to the length of the sequence, which is 6 times here.

3. Good or bad luck: If the keyword to be found is somewhere in the middle of the sequence, the probability of finding it is 1/n.

n is the length of the sequence.

The average number of searches for linear search should = (1 n)/2. This sentence is rewritten as: Its time complexity is O(n).

Constants are ignored in big O notation.

The worst case scenario for linear search is: after scanning the entire array, there is no keyword to be found.

For example, find whether the keyword 12 exists in the sequence =[4,1,8,10,3,5].

After scanning 6 times, I failed! !

Improved Linear Search Algorithm

The Linear Search algorithm can be optimized accordingly. Such as setting up an "outpost". The so-called "outpost" is to insert the keyword to be searched for at the end of the sequence before searching.

def line_find_(nums, key):
    i = 0
    while nums[i] != key:
        i += 1
    return -1 if i == len(nums)-1 else i

if __name__ == "__main__":
    nums = [4, 1, 8, 10, 3, 5]
    key = int(input("请输入要查找的关键字:"))
    # 查找之前,先把关键字存储到列到的尾部
    pos = line_find_(nums, key)
    print("关键字 {0} 在数列的第 {1} 位置".format(key, pos))
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The time complexity of the linear search algorithm optimized with "Outpost" has not changed, O(n). In other words, judging from the 2 code, there are not many changes.

But from the perspective of the actual running of the code, the 2 option reduces the number of if instructions and also reduces the number of compiled instructions, thus reducing CPUThe number of times the instruction is executed, this kind of optimization is a micro-optimization, not an optimization of the essence of the algorithm.

Code written using computer programming language is pseudo-instruction code.

The compiled instruction code is called CPU instruction set.

One optimization solution is to reduce the compiled instruction set.

2. Binary search

Ordered search means that the data being searched must be arranged in a certain order, and binary search is an ordered search. For example, if you search for the keyword 4 in the sequence = [4,1,8,10,3,5,12], the factor sequence is not ordered, so binary search cannot be used. If you want to use the binary search algorithm, you need to first Sort a sequence of numbers.

Binary search uses the idea of ​​bisection (halving) algorithm. There are 2 key information in the binary search algorithm that need to be obtained at any time:

  • One is the middle position of the sequence mid_pos.

  • One is the middle value mid_val of the sequence.

Now learn about the algorithm process of binary search by searching for the keyword 8 in the sequence nums=[1,3,4,5,8,10,12].

Before performing a binary search, first define 2 position (pointer) variables:

  • The left pointer l_idx initially points to the leftmost number of the sequence.

  • The right pointer r_idx initially points to the rightmost number of the array.

How to implement Python search algorithm

第 1 步:通过左、右指针的当前位置计算出数列的中间位置 mid_pos=3,并根据 mid_pos 的值找出数列中间位置所对应的值 mid_val=nums[mid_pos]5

How to implement Python search algorithm


第 2 步:把数列中间位置的值和给定的关键字相比较。这里关键字是 8,中间位置的值是 5,显然 8 是大于 5,因为数列是有序的,自然会想到没有必要再与数列中 5 之前的数字比较,而是专心和 5 之后的数字比较。


How to implement Python search algorithm

第 3 步:根据比较结果,调整数列的大小,这里的大小调整不是物理结构上调整,而是逻辑上调整,调整后原数列没有变化。也就是通过修改左指针或右指针的位置,从逻辑上改变数列大小。调整后的数列如下图。


How to implement Python search algorithm

第 4 步:重复上述步骤,至到找到或找不到为止。


def binary_find(nums, key):
    # 初始左指针
    l_idx = 0
    # 初始在指针
    r_ldx = len(nums) - 1
    while l_idx <= r_ldx:
        # 计算出中间位置
        mid_pos = (r_ldx + l_idx) // 2
        # 计算中间位置的值
        mid_val = nums[mid_pos]
        # 与关键字比较
        if mid_val == key:
            # 出口一:比较相等,有此关键字,返回关键字所在位置
            return mid_pos
        elif mid_val > key:
            # 说明查找范围应该缩少在原数的左边
            r_ldx = mid_pos - 1
            l_idx = mid_pos + 1
    # 出口二:没有查找到给定关键字
    return -1

if __name__ == "__main__":
    nums = [1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12]
    key = 3
    pos = binary_find(nums, key)
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def binary_find_dg(nums, key, l_idx, r_ldx):
    if l_idx > r_ldx:
        # 出口一:没有查找到给定关键字
        return -1
    # 计算出中间位置
    mid_pos = (r_ldx + l_idx) // 2
    # 计算中间位置的值
    mid_val = nums[mid_pos]
    # 与关键字比较
    if mid_val == key:
        # 出口二:比较相等,有此关键字,返回关键字所在位置
        return mid_pos
    elif mid_val > key:
        # 说明查找范围应该缩少在原数的左边
        r_ldx = mid_pos - 1
        l_idx = mid_pos + 1
    return binary_find_dg(nums, key, l_idx, r_ldx)
if __name__ == "__main__":
    nums = [1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12]
    key = 8
    pos = binary_find_dg(nums, key,0,len(nums)-1)
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1.如上述代码执行过程中,先找到数列中的中间数字 5,然后以 5 为根节点构建唯一结点树。

How to implement Python search algorithm

2.5 和关键字 8 比较后,再在以数字 5 为分界线的右边数列中找到中间数字10,树形结构会变成下图所示。

How to implement Python search algorithm

3.10 和关键字 8比较后,再在10 的左边查找。

How to implement Python search algorithm

查找到8 后,意味着二分查找已经找到结果,只需要 3 次就能查找到最终结果。



How to implement Python search algorithm

很明显,树结构是标准的二叉树。从树结构上可以看出,无论查找任何数字,最小是 1 次,如查找数字 5,最多也只需要 3 次,比线性查找要快很多。

根据二叉树的特性,结点个数为 n 的树的深度为 h=log2(n+1),所以二分查找算法的大 O 表示的时间复杂度为 O(logn),是对数级别的时间度。

当对长度为1000的数列进行二分查找时,所需次数最多只要 10 次,二分查找算法的效率显然是高效的。


3. 插值查找


原生二分查找算法中计算中间位置的逻辑:中间位置等于左指针位置加上右指针位置然后除以 2

    # 计算中间位置
    mid_pos = (r_ldx + l_idx) // 2
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key 为要查找的关键字!!

# 插值算法中计算中间位置
mid_pos = l_idx + (key - nums[l_idx]) // (nums[r_idx] - nums[l_idx]) * (r_idx - l_idx)
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# 插值查找基于二分法,只是mid计算方法不同
def binary_search(nums, key):
    l_idx = 0
    r_idx = len(nums) - 1
    old_mid = -1
    mid_pos = None
    while l_idx < r_idx and nums[0] <= key and nums[r_idx] >= key and old_mid != mid_pos:
        # 中间位置计算
        mid_pos = l_idx + (key - nums[l_idx]) // (nums[r_idx] - nums[l_idx]) * (r_idx - l_idx)
        old_mid = mid_pos
        if nums[mid_pos] == key:
            return "index is {}, target value is {}".format(mid_pos, nums[mid_pos])
            # 此时目标值在中间值右边,更新左边界位置
        elif nums[mid_pos] < key:
            l_idx = mid_pos + 1
        # 此时目标值在中间值左边,更新右边界位置
        elif nums[mid_pos] > key:
            r_idx = mid_pos - 1
    return "Not find"

li =[1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12]
print(binary_search(li, 6))
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4. 分块查找


现有原始数列 nums=[5,1,9,11,23,16,12,18,24,32,29,25],需要查找关键字11 是否存在。

第 1 步:使用分块查找之前,先要对原始数列按区域分成多个块。至于分成多少块,可根据实际情况自行定义。分块时有一个要求,前一个块中的最大值必须小于后一个块的最小值。


How to implement Python search algorithm


第 2 步:根据分块信息,建立索引表。索引表至少应该有 2 个字段,每一块中的最大值数字以及每一块的起始地址。显然索引表中的数字是有序的。

How to implement Python search algorithm

第 3 步:查找给定关键字时,先查找索引表,查询关键字应该在那个块中。如查询关键字 29,可知应该在第三块中,然后根据索引表中所提供的第三块的地址信息,再进入第三块数列,按线性匹配算法查找29 具体位置。

How to implement Python search algorithm



    nums 原始数列
    blocks 块大小
def create_index_table(nums, blocks):
    # 索引表使用列表保存
    index_table = []
    # 每一块的数量
    n = len(nums) // blocks
    for i in range(0, len(nums), n):
        # 索引表中的每一行记录
        tmp_lst = []
        # 最大值
        tmp_lst.append(max(nums[i:i + n-1]))
        # 起始地址
        # 终止地址
        tmp_lst.append(i + n - 1)
        # 添加到索引表中
    return index_table
nums = [5, 1, 9, 11, 23, 16, 12, 18, 24, 32, 29, 25]
it = create_index_table(nums, 3)
[[11, 0, 3], [23, 4, 7], [32, 8, 11]]
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    nums 原始数列
    blocks 块大小
def create_index_table(nums, blocks):
    # 索引表使用列表保存
    index_table = []
    # 每一块的数量
    n = len(nums) // blocks
    for i in range(0, len(nums), n):
        tmp_lst = []
        tmp_lst.append(max(nums[i:i + n - 1]))
        tmp_lst.append(i + n - 1)
    return index_table

def lind_find(nums, start, end):
    for i in range(start, end):
        if key == nums[i]:
            return i
    return -1

nums = [5, 1, 9, 11, 23, 16, 12, 18, 24, 32, 29, 25]
key = 16
# 索引表
it = create_index_table(nums, 3)
# 索引表的记录编号
pos = -1
# 在索引表中查询
for n in range(len(it) - 1):
    # 是不是在第一块中
    if key <= it[0][0]:
        pos = 0
    # 其它块中
    if it[n][0] < key <= it[n + 1][0]:
        pos = n + 1
if pos == -1:
    print("{0} 在 {1} 数列中不存在".format(key, nums))
    idx = lind_find(nums, it[pos][1], it[pos][2] + 1)
    if idx != -1:
        print("{0} 在 {1} 数列的 {2} 位置".format(key, nums, idx))
        print("{0} 在 {1} 数列中不存在".format(key, nums))
16 在 [5, 1, 9, 11, 23, 16, 12, 18, 24, 32, 29, 25] 数列的第 5 位置
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