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How to implement Redis protocol parser based on Golang

Release: 2023-05-28 19:13:21
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RESP protocol

RESP is a protocol for communication between the client and the server. There are five formats:

Normal reply: starting with " " and ending with "\ r\n" in the form of a string

Error reply: starting with "-" and ending in the form of a string with "\r\n"

Integer: starting with ":", String format ending with "\r\n"

Multi-line string: starting with "$", followed by the actual number of bytes sent, and then starting and ending with "\r\n"


Array: starts with "*", followed by the number of members

SET key value
*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$3\r\nkey\r\n$5\r\ nvalue\r\n

Commands or data sent by the client and server always use \r\n (CRLF) as the newline character.

When we enter *3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$3\r\nkey\r\n $5\r\nvalue\r\nFor such a series of commands, the server receives the following commands:


type Connection interface {
   Write([]byte) error
   GetDBIndex() int

type Reply interface {
	ToBytes() []byte
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  • Connection interface: a connection for the Redis client

  • Write: reply to the client

  • GetDBIndex: Redis has 16 DBs

  • Reply interface: response interface


type PongReply struct{}

var pongBytes = []byte("+PONG\r\n")

func (r *PongReply) ToBytes() []byte {
    return pongBytes

var thePongReply = new(PongReply)

func MakePongReply() *PongReply {
    return thePongReply

type OkReply struct{}

var okBytes = []byte("+OK\r\n")

func (r *OkReply) ToBytes() []byte {
    return okBytes

var theOkReply = new(OkReply)

func MakeOkReply() *OkReply {
    return theOkReply

var nullBulkBytes = []byte("$-1\r\n")

type NullBulkReply struct{}

func (r *NullBulkReply) ToBytes() []byte {
    return nullBulkBytes

func MakeNullBulkReply() *NullBulkReply {
    return &NullBulkReply{}

var emptyMultiBulkBytes = []byte("*0\r\n")

type EmptyMultiBulkReply struct{}

func (r *EmptyMultiBulkReply) ToBytes() []byte {
    return emptyMultiBulkBytes

type NoReply struct{}

var noBytes = []byte("")

func (r *NoReply) ToBytes() []byte {
    return noBytes
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Define five kinds of replies: reply pong, ok, null, empty array, empty


type ErrorReply interface {
   Error() string
   ToBytes() []byte
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ErrorReply: Define error interface


type UnknownErrReply struct{}

var unknownErrBytes = []byte("-Err unknown\r\n")

func (r *UnknownErrReply) ToBytes() []byte {
   return unknownErrBytes

func (r *UnknownErrReply) Error() string {
   return "Err unknown"

type ArgNumErrReply struct {
   Cmd string

func (r *ArgNumErrReply) ToBytes() []byte {
   return []byte("-ERR wrong number of arguments for '" + r.Cmd + "' command\r\n")

func (r *ArgNumErrReply) Error() string {
   return "ERR wrong number of arguments for '" + r.Cmd + "' command"

func MakeArgNumErrReply(cmd string) *ArgNumErrReply {
   return &ArgNumErrReply{
      Cmd: cmd,

type SyntaxErrReply struct{}

var syntaxErrBytes = []byte("-Err syntax error\r\n")
var theSyntaxErrReply = &SyntaxErrReply{}

func MakeSyntaxErrReply() *SyntaxErrReply {
   return theSyntaxErrReply

func (r *SyntaxErrReply) ToBytes() []byte {
   return syntaxErrBytes

func (r *SyntaxErrReply) Error() string {
   return "Err syntax error"

type WrongTypeErrReply struct{}

var wrongTypeErrBytes = []byte("-WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value\r\n")

func (r *WrongTypeErrReply) ToBytes() []byte {
   return wrongTypeErrBytes

func (r *WrongTypeErrReply) Error() string {
   return "WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value"

type ProtocolErrReply struct {
   Msg string

func (r *ProtocolErrReply) ToBytes() []byte {
   return []byte("-ERR Protocol error: '" + r.Msg + "'\r\n")

func (r *ProtocolErrReply) Error() string {
   return "ERR Protocol error: '" + r.Msg
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errors defines 5 types of errors: UnknownErrReply Unknown error , ArgNumErrReply parameter number error, SyntaxErrReply syntax error, WrongTypeErrReply data type error, ProtocolErrReply protocol error


var (
   nullBulkReplyBytes = []byte("$-1")
   // 协议的结尾
   CRLF = "\r\n"

type BulkReply struct {
   Arg []byte

func MakeBulkReply(arg []byte) *BulkReply {
   return &BulkReply{
      Arg: arg,

func (r *BulkReply) ToBytes() []byte {
   if len(r.Arg) == 0 {
      return nullBulkReplyBytes
   return []byte("$" + strconv.Itoa(len(r.Arg)) + CRLF + string(r.Arg) + CRLF)

type MultiBulkReply struct {
   Args [][]byte

func (r *MultiBulkReply) ToBytes() []byte {
   argLen := len(r.Args)
   var buf bytes.Buffer
   buf.WriteString("*" + strconv.Itoa(argLen) + CRLF)
   for _, arg := range r.Args {
      if arg == nil {
         buf.WriteString("$-1" + CRLF)
      } else {
         buf.WriteString("$" + strconv.Itoa(len(arg)) + CRLF + string(arg) + CRLF)
   return buf.Bytes()

func MakeMultiBulkReply(args [][]byte) *MultiBulkReply {
   return &MultiBulkReply{
      Args: args,

type StatusReply struct {
   Status string

func MakeStatusReply(status string) *StatusReply {
   return &StatusReply{
      Status: status,

func (r *StatusReply) ToBytes() []byte {
   return []byte("+" + r.Status + CRLF)

type IntReply struct {
   Code int64

func MakeIntReply(code int64) *IntReply {
   return &IntReply{
      Code: code,

func (r *IntReply) ToBytes() []byte {
   return []byte(":" + strconv.FormatInt(r.Code, 10) + CRLF)

type StandardErrReply struct {
   Status string

func (r *StandardErrReply) ToBytes() []byte {
   return []byte("-" + r.Status + CRLF)

func (r *StandardErrReply) Error() string {
   return r.Status

func MakeErrReply(status string) *StandardErrReply {
   return &StandardErrReply{
      Status: status,

func IsErrorReply(reply resp.Reply) bool {
   return reply.ToBytes()[0] == '-'
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  • BulkReply: Reply to a string

  • MultiBulkReply: Reply to an array of strings

  • StatusReply: Status reply

  • IntReply: Numeric reply

  • StandardErrReply: Standard error reply

  • IsErrorReply: Determine whether it is an error reply

  • ToBytes: Convert the string into the format specified by the RESP protocol


type Payload struct {
   Data resp.Reply
   Err  error

type readState struct {
   readingMultiLine  bool     
   expectedArgsCount int     
   msgType           byte    
   args              [][]byte 
   bulkLen           int64    

func (s *readState) finished() bool {
   return s.expectedArgsCount > 0 && len(s.args) == s.expectedArgsCount

func ParseStream(reader io.Reader) <-chan *Payload {
   ch := make(chan *Payload)
   go parse0(reader, ch)
   return ch

func parse0(reader io.Reader, ch chan<- *Payload) {
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Payload Structure: The data sent to us by the customer service side

Reply: The data sent by the client and the server to each other is called Reply

readState structure:

  • readingMultiLine: parsing single or multiple lines of data

  • expectedArgsCount: the number of parameters that should be read

  • msgType: message type

  • args: Message content

  • bulkLen: Data length

finished method: Determine whether the parsing is completed

ParseStream method: Asynchronously parse the data and put it into the pipeline, and return the pipeline data

func readLine(bufReader *bufio.Reader, state *readState) ([]byte, bool, error) {
   var msg []byte
   var err error
   if state.bulkLen == 0 {
      msg, err = bufReader.ReadBytes(&#39;\n&#39;)
      if err != nil {
         return nil, true, err
      if len(msg) == 0 || msg[len(msg)-2] != &#39;\r&#39; {
         return nil, false, errors.New("protocol error: " + string(msg))
   } else {
      msg = make([]byte, state.bulkLen+2)
      _, err = io.ReadFull(bufReader, msg)
      if err != nil {
         return nil, true, err
      if len(msg) == 0 || msg[len(msg)-2] != &#39;\r&#39; || msg[len(msg)-1] != &#39;\n&#39; {
         return nil, false, errors.New("protocol error: " + string(msg))
      state.bulkLen = 0
   return msg, false, nil
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readLine: Read line by line. Read normal lines, separated by \n. When reading lines containing \r\n characters in the text, state.bulkLen adds the newline character \r\n (state.bulkLen 2)

func parseMultiBulkHeader(msg []byte, state *readState) error {
   var err error
   var expectedLine uint64
   expectedLine, err = strconv.ParseUint(string(msg[1:len(msg)-2]), 10, 32)
   if err != nil {
      return errors.New("protocol error: " + string(msg))
   if expectedLine == 0 {
      state.expectedArgsCount = 0
      return nil
   } else if expectedLine > 0 {
      state.msgType = msg[0]
      state.readingMultiLine = true
      state.expectedArgsCount = int(expectedLine)
      state.args = make([][]byte, 0, expectedLine)
      return nil
   } else {
      return errors.New("protocol error: " + string(msg))

func parseBulkHeader(msg []byte, state *readState) error {
   var err error
   state.bulkLen, err = strconv.ParseInt(string(msg[1:len(msg)-2]), 10, 64)
   if err != nil {
      return errors.New("protocol error: " + string(msg))
   if state.bulkLen == -1 { // null bulk
      return nil
   } else if state.bulkLen > 0 {
      state.msgType = msg[0]
      state.readingMultiLine = true
      state.expectedArgsCount = 1
      state.args = make([][]byte, 0, 1)
      return nil
   } else {
      return errors.New("protocol error: " + string(msg))
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parseMultiBulkHeader: Parse the header of the array and set the expected number of lines and related parameters.

parseBulkHeader: Parse the header of a multi-line string.

func parseSingleLineReply(msg []byte) (resp.Reply, error) {
   str := strings.TrimSuffix(string(msg), "\r\n")
   var result resp.Reply
   switch msg[0] {
   case &#39;+&#39;: // status reply
      result = reply.MakeStatusReply(str[1:])
   case &#39;-&#39;: // err reply
      result = reply.MakeErrReply(str[1:])
   case &#39;:&#39;: // int reply
      val, err := strconv.ParseInt(str[1:], 10, 64)
      if err != nil {
         return nil, errors.New("protocol error: " + string(msg))
      result = reply.MakeIntReply(val)
   return result, nil

func readBody(msg []byte, state *readState) error {
   line := msg[0 : len(msg)-2]
   var err error
   if line[0] == &#39;$&#39; {
      // bulk reply
      state.bulkLen, err = strconv.ParseInt(string(line[1:]), 10, 64)
      if err != nil {
         return errors.New("protocol error: " + string(msg))
      if state.bulkLen <= 0 { // null bulk in multi bulks
         state.args = append(state.args, []byte{})
         state.bulkLen = 0
   } else {
      state.args = append(state.args, line)
   return nil
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parseSingleLineReply: Parse a single-line command

readBody: Read a multi-line command. If it starts with $, set bulkLen. When reading the next line, use this 2. If it does not start with $, add it directly. Go to args

func parse0(reader io.Reader, ch chan<- *Payload) {
    defer func() {
       if err := recover(); err != nil {
    bufReader := bufio.NewReader(reader)
    var state readState
    var err error
    var msg []byte
    for {
       var ioErr bool
       msg, ioErr, err = readLine(bufReader, &state)
       if err != nil {
          if ioErr {
             ch <- &Payload{
                Err: err,
          ch <- &Payload{
             Err: err,
          state = readState{}

       if !state.readingMultiLine {
          if msg[0] == &#39;*&#39; {
             // multi bulk reply
             err = parseMultiBulkHeader(msg, &state)
             if err != nil {
                ch <- &Payload{
                   Err: errors.New("protocol error: " + string(msg)),
                state = readState{}
             if state.expectedArgsCount == 0 {
                ch <- &Payload{
                   Data: &reply.EmptyMultiBulkReply{},
                state = readState{}
         } else if msg[0] == &#39;$&#39; { // bulk reply
             err = parseBulkHeader(msg, &state)
             if err != nil {
                ch <- &Payload{
                   Err: errors.New("protocol error: " + string(msg)),
                state = readState{} // reset state
             if state.bulkLen == -1 { // null bulk reply
                ch <- &Payload{
                   Data: &reply.NullBulkReply{},
                state = readState{} // reset state
         } else {
             // single line reply
             result, err := parseSingleLineReply(msg)
             ch <- &Payload{
                Data: result,
                Err:  err,
             state = readState{} // reset state
      } else {
          // read bulk reply
          err = readBody(msg, &state)
          if err != nil {
             ch <- &Payload{
                Err: errors.New("protocol error: " + string(msg)),
             state = readState{} // reset state
          // if sending finished
          if state.finished() {
             var result resp.Reply
             if state.msgType == &#39;*&#39; {
                result = reply.MakeMultiBulkReply(state.args)
            } else if state.msgType == &#39;$&#39; {
                result = reply.MakeBulkReply(state.args[0])
             ch <- &Payload{
                Data: result,
                Err:  err,
             state = readState{}
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parse0: Parse the command and send it through the channel after the parsing is completed


type Connection struct {
    conn net.Conn
    waitingReply wait.Wait
    mu sync.Mutex // 避免多个协程往客户端中写
    selectedDB int

func NewConn(conn net.Conn) *Connection {
    return &Connection{
        conn: conn,

func (c *Connection) RemoteAddr() net.Addr {
    return c.conn.RemoteAddr()

func (c *Connection) Close() error {
    c.waitingReply.WaitWithTimeout(10 * time.Second)
    _ = c.conn.Close()
    return nil

func (c *Connection) Write(b []byte) error {
    if len(b) == 0 {
        return nil
    defer func() {

    _, err := c.conn.Write(b)
    return err

func (c *Connection) GetDBIndex() int {
    return c.selectedDB

func (c *Connection) SelectDB(dbNum int) {
    c.selectedDB = dbNum
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We wrote before The EchoHandler is used to receive user input and return it unchanged. Now you need to write a RespHandler to replace the EchoHandler and let the parser perform the parsing. A Connection structure that manages client connections needs to exist in RespHandler.

Connection: Client connection, used in the handler of the protocol layer


var (
   unknownErrReplyBytes = []byte("-ERR unknown\r\n")

type RespHandler struct {
   activeConn sync.Map
   db         databaseface.Database
   closing    atomic.Boolean

func MakeHandler() *RespHandler {
   var db databaseface.Database
   db = database.NewEchoDatabase()
   return &RespHandler{
      db: db,

func (h *RespHandler) closeClient(client *connection.Connection) {
   _ = client.Close()

func (h *RespHandler) Handle(ctx context.Context, conn net.Conn) {
   if h.closing.Get() {
      // closing handler refuse new connection
      _ = conn.Close()

   client := connection.NewConn(conn)
   h.activeConn.Store(client, 1)

   ch := parser.ParseStream(conn)
   for payload := range ch {
      if payload.Err != nil {
         if payload.Err == io.EOF ||
            payload.Err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF ||
            strings.Contains(payload.Err.Error(), "use of closed network connection") {
            // connection closed
            logger.Info("connection closed: " + client.RemoteAddr().String())
         // protocol err
         errReply := reply.MakeErrReply(payload.Err.Error())
         err := client.Write(errReply.ToBytes())
         if err != nil {
            logger.Info("connection closed: " + client.RemoteAddr().String())
      if payload.Data == nil {
         logger.Error("empty payload")
      r, ok := payload.Data.(*reply.MultiBulkReply)
      if !ok {
         logger.Error("require multi bulk reply")
      result := h.db.Exec(client, r.Args)
      if result != nil {
         _ = client.Write(result.ToBytes())
      } else {
         _ = client.Write(unknownErrReplyBytes)

func (h *RespHandler) Close() error {
   logger.Info("handler shutting down...")
   // TODO: concurrent wait
   h.activeConn.Range(func(key interface{}, val interface{}) bool {
      client := key.(*connection.Connection)
      _ = client.Close()
      return true
   return nil
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RespHandler: and The previous echo is similar, with the addition of the core layer's db.exec execution parsing instructions


type CmdLine = [][]byte

type Database interface {
	Exec(client resp.Connection, args [][]byte) resp.Reply
	AfterClientClose(c resp.Connection)

type DataEntity struct {
	Data interface{}
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Exec: core layer execution

AfterClientClose: Aftercare method after closing

CmdLine: Command alias for two-dimensional byte array

DataEntity: Represents Redis data, including string, list, set, etc.


type EchoDatabase struct {

func NewEchoDatabase() *EchoDatabase {
   return &EchoDatabase{}

func (e EchoDatabase) Exec(client resp.Connection, args [][]byte) resp.Reply {
   return reply.MakeMultiBulkReply(args)

func (e EchoDatabase) AfterClientClose(c resp.Connection) {
   logger.Info("EchoDatabase AfterClientClose")

func (e EchoDatabase) Close() {
   logger.Info("EchoDatabase Close")
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echo_database: Test protocol layer

Exec: After the instruction is parsed, use MakeMultiBulkReply to wrap it and return it


err := tcp.ListenAndServeWithSignal(
      Address: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d",
if err != nil {
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Change main to what you just wrote: handler.MakeHandler()

The above is the detailed content of How to implement Redis protocol parser based on Golang. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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