Front-end technology stack: Vue-Cli
Front-end software: WebStorm 2020.3
Front-end style: Bootstrap
Back-end technology stack: SpringBoot
Back-end software: IntelliJ IEDA2019
JavaJDK: 1.8
Server: Alibaba Cloud Centos 7
Others: MyBatis, Redis, MySql, Docker, Shiro
Project source code: shoppingProject01_pub: version6.0
project Reference: Project05; Bad Man_Vue-Cli; Bad Man_Redis; Bad Man_Axios; Shang Silicon Valley_Redis
Project function:
1) Email registration login:
After the user applies email registration and clicks submit, the website will send the user an email with an activation code link. The user clicks the link to realize the account activation portal.
2) SMS registration and login:
When the user registers with his mobile phone number, click the "Get Verification Code" button, and the mobile phone will receive a text message with a verification code sent by the website. Based on Redis, the verification code is valid for 5 minutes, and each mobile phone number can only obtain the SMS verification code portal three times.
3) Alipay payment:
By downloading the Android version of the Alipay sandbox app, users can scan the QR code through alipay to purchase goods on the website. MySql in the background will record the order behavior portal, and the webpage is displayed as shown in Figure 1.
4) User classification:
When the user scans the code to purchase the annual VIP membership, the purchase website All products on the website are half-price, and MySql in the background records changes in user roles.
5) User points ranking list:
Users purchasing goods will increase their points. The web page is displayed as shown in Figure 2.
Big pitfalls encountered in the project:
1) The local test of the email sending function passed, Server-side testing bugs frequently occur, solutions.
2) After the project is deployed on the server, it cannot connect to Redis on the server. Solution: (1) Deploy Redis on the server instead of Docker; (2) Change the Redis port to 7000; (3) Release the 7000 port of the server and Alibaba Cloud in the active firewall state; (4) Modify the Redis.conf file.
3) git uploaded the local source code to gitee. Misoperation caused the local source code to be overwritten by the old code on gitee, which was discovered the next day. Solution: Because the source code jar package is left on the server, half a life can be saved by using the decompilation tool jd_gui. In addition, git upload files refer to the portal.
1 Vue-Cli module description:
1.1 Overview of Vue-Cli:
1) Characterized by front-end and back-end separation and single-page web application (SPA), Vue-Cli can create a Vue project, which has scaffolding specifications. The advantages of Vue-Cli are as follows:
(1) Development based on scaffolding specifications will become very flexible.
(2) Vue-Cli is built based on webpack and comes with reasonable default configuration. The packaging tool webpack can aggregate single pages and various development components.
(3) Vue-Cli is a rich collection of official plug-ins, inheriting the best tools in the front-end ecosystem.
2) Installation process:
(1) Install WebStorm (for development), install node.js, install vue-cli, install axios (for initiating cross-domain requests), and introduce bootstrap style.
3) Deployment process:
npm run build # 在WebStorm终端执行,生成dist文件夹 docker pull nginx:1.19.10 # 不建议Vue-cli项目部署到tomcat,因为tomcat属于动态服务器,启动需要java环境,是为了解析动态语言jsp的;像纯静态的就部署到静态服务器nginx上。 mkdir html # 为了做docker容器内外的数据卷映射 mv dist/ html/ docker run -p 80:80 --name nginx01 -d -v /root/html/dist/:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx:1.19.10 # 数据卷映射 # 此时可访问
4) Vue-Cli development points:
(1) In WebStorm, the development process is mainly oriented to src files, as shown in Figure 3:
[1] First master routing (router) and components (components [public components], views [private components]), components It is a "page". After the component is created, it must be registered with the route; [2] asserts encapsulates the bootstrap style and is imported in main.js; [3] In order to send cross-domain requests, the axios instance is encapsulated in utils , the code is as follows:
import axios from 'axios' // 创建默认实例 const instance = axios.create({ baseURL: '', // timeout: 10000, }); // 请求拦截器 instance.interceptors.request.use(config=>{ console.log("请求拦截器"); return config; }) // 响应拦截器 instance.interceptors.response.use(response=>{ console.log("响应拦截器"); return response; }, err=>{ console.log("响应出现错误时进入的拦截器"); }); // 暴露instance实例对象 export default instance;
In each component, the get and post request methods for the backend are as follows:
// Get请求 // 向后端接口发当前页码,获取当前页面的商品List instance.get("/item/findAllItem?page=">{ that.items =; that.totalPage =; =; }); // Post请求 // 向后端接口发送当前商品id和用户id,获取商品购买状态"/order/alipay/callback",{itemId:this.itemid,}).then(res=>{ if ( == 20000 ) { alert("提示:您已购买该商品"); } else { alert("提示:您未购买该商品"); } }); }
[4] The jump and value transfer methods between components are as follows:
// 跳转到MailReg组件 this.$router.push({name:"MailReg"}); // 跳转到item组件,并传递当前商品的id this.$router.push({path:"/item",query:{ItemId:myid}}); // item组件接收方法: this.itemid = this.$route.query.ItemId; // 另外不同组件可以依据token获取登录用户信息,需要用到redis,详见下文
2 用户积分排行榜模块说明:
1.1 Reids概述:
1) Redis是一种基于内存的数据存储NoSql;
2) Redis支持丰富的数据类型(String, List, Set, ZSet, Hash);
3) Redis有两种持久化方法: (1)快照(snapshot)存储,也叫rdb持久化,保存当前时刻的数据状态;(2) AOF(append only file)存储,将所有redis的写命令记录到日志文件中,Redis支持持久化间隔最快也是一秒,所以它是事务不安全的,即是可能丢失数据的。
(1) 利用Redis字符串完成项目中手机验证码存储的实现。------本项目采用
(2) 利用Redis字符串类型完成具有时效性的业务功能,如订单还有40分钟即将关闭。
(3) 利用Redis实现分布式集群系统中的Session共享。
(4) 利用Redis的ZSet数据类型(可排序set类型:元素+分数)实现排行榜功能。 ------本项目采用
(5) 利用Redis完成分布式缓存。 ------本项目实现MySql中数据的缓存
(6) 利用Redis存储认证之后的token信息。 ------非常方便,本项目采用。
(7) 利用Redis解决分布式集群系统中分布式锁问题。
1.2 基于Redis实现前端组件从后端获取用户信息:
// 这里调用了后端/user/login接口,获取当前登录用户的token,存入Session的localStorage中,在后续网页浏览过程中可随时调取这个token"/user/login",this.user).then(res=>{ if ( ) { alert(",点击确定进入主页"); // 前端存储token信息 localStorage.setItem("token",; that.$router.push({path:"/itemList"}); } else { alert(; that.user = {}; } });
// Controller层 @PostMapping("login") public Map<String, Object> loginAccount(@RequestBody User user, HttpSession session) { return userService.loginAccount(user, session); } // Service层 // 情况3:查询到一个用户时 // 获取主体对象 try { Subject subject = SecurityUtils.getSubject(); subject.login(new UsernamePasswordToken(user.getName(), user.getPassword())); User userDB = userListDB.get(0); String token = session.getId(); if (userDB.getScore() == null) { userDB.setScore(0.0); userDAO.updateUserScore(userDB); } redisTemplate.opsForValue().set("TOKEN_" + token, userDB, 30, TimeUnit.MINUTES); redisTemplate.opsForZSet().add("userRank", userDB, userDB.getScore()); map.put("token", token); map.put("state",true); map.put("msg","登录成功"); return map; ...
// 从localStorage获取token let token = localStorage.getItem("token"); let that = this; // 发送axios请求,根据token获取用户信息 instance.get("/user/token?token="+token).then(res=>{ that.user =; console.log(that.user); })
@GetMapping({"token"}) public User findUser(String token) { System.out.println("接收的token信息:" + token); return (User)redisTemplate.opsForValue().get("TOKEN_" + token); }
// 退出登录 @DeleteMapping({"logout"}) public Map<String, Object> logout(String token) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(); try { redisTemplate.delete("TOKEN_" + token); Subject subject = SecurityUtils.getSubject(); subject.logout(); map.put("state", true); map.put("msg", "提示:退出账户成功"); return map; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); map.put("state", false); map.put("msg", "提示:退出账户失败"); return map; } }
1.3 基于Redis的用户积分排行榜实现:
if (userDB.getScore() == null) { userDB.setScore(0.0); userDAO.updateUserScore(userDB); } redisTemplate.opsForValue().set("TOKEN_" + token, userDB, 30, TimeUnit.MINUTES); redisTemplate.opsForZSet().add("userRank", userDB, userDB.getScore());
// key值序列化 redisTemplate.setKeySerializer(new StringRedisSerializer()); // 由当前用户的token获取当前用户的信息 User firstUser = (User)redisTemplate.opsForValue().get("TOKEN_" + token); // 删除zSet中的当前用户 redisTemplate.opsForZSet().remove("userRank", firstUser); // 产生新的当前用户(昵称改变) List<User> userListDB = this.userDAO.selectUserByName(user.getName()); User secondUser = userListDB.get(0); // 更新token中当前用户的信息 redisTemplate.opsForValue().set("TOKEN_" + token, secondUser, 30, TimeUnit.MINUTES); // 产生zSet中的当前用户 redisTemplate.opsForZSet().add("userRank", secondUser, secondUser.getScore());
// 支付单件商品 @GetMapping("payForItem") public byte[] alipay(String itemid,String userid, String token) { this.token = token;"itemid=====>"+itemid);"userid=====>"+userid); PayVo payVo = new PayVo(); payVo.setItemId(itemid); payVo.setUserId(userid); System.out.println(payVo.getUserId()); return; }
// 1:支付的用户 String userId = payVo.getUserId(); // my 1: 依据用户id查询用户 User user = userService.selectUserById(Integer.valueOf(userId)); // 依据商品id查询商品 Item item = itemService.getItemById(payVo.getItemId()); // my 1: 依据用户id查询用户 if ( item == null ) return null; // 2: 支付金额 String tempMoney = item.getPrice().toString(); String money = ""; if ( user.getRole().equals("normal") ) { money = tempMoney; } if ( user.getRole().equals("vip") ) { Double tempMoney2 = Double.valueOf(tempMoney)*0.5; money = String.valueOf(tempMoney2); }
payCommonService.payUserPublic(bodyJsonObject, userId, user.getName(), orderNumber, tradeno, "alipay", this.token);
if ( itemId.equals("666") ) { int myuserId = Integer.valueOf(userId); User userDB = userService.selectUserById(myuserId); // key值序列化 this.redisTemplate.setKeySerializer(new StringRedisSerializer()); // 由当前token获取当前用户信息 User firstUser = (User)redisTemplate.opsForValue().get("TOKEN_" + token); // 由当前用户信息删除当前用户zSet redisTemplate.opsForZSet().remove("userRank", firstUser); // 更新当前用户信息身份 userDB.setRole("vip"); // 更新当前用户新身份的分数 userService.updateUserRole(userDB); List<User> userListDB = this.userDAO.selectUserByName(userDB.getName()); // 获取当前新身份用户的完整信息 User secondUser = userListDB.get(0); // 更新当前token对应的当前用户 redisTemplate.opsForValue().set("TOKEN_" + token, secondUser, 30, TimeUnit.MINUTES); // 设置当前用户的zSet redisTemplate.opsForZSet().add("userRank", secondUser, secondUser.getScore().doubleValue()); }
// 更新当前用户的积分 double tempScore = Double.valueOf(orderDetail.getPrice()) * 0.3; String key1 = "TOKEN_" + token; // 由当前token获取当前用户 User user = (User)redisTemplate.opsForValue().get(key1); // 更新当前用户的zSet分数 redisTemplate.opsForZSet().incrementScore("userRank", user, tempScore); // 获取当前用户的zSet分数 double newScore = redisTemplate.opsForZSet().score("userRank", user); // 删除当前用户的zSet(因为要更新当前用户的信息,将当前用户在数据库中的分数进行同步) redisTemplate.opsForZSet().remove("userRank", new Object[] { user }); user.setScore(newScore); userDAO.updateUserScore(user); // 更新token对应的当前用户的信息 redisTemplate.opsForValue().set(key1, user); // 新增当前用户的zSet redisTemplate.opsForZSet().add("userRank", user, newScore);
The above is the detailed content of Redis+SpringBoot case analysis. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!