According to news on May 31, Google will soon launch a new smart watch Pixel Watch 2. It is revealed that the watch will abandon the Samsung Exynos chip. It is replaced by Qualcomm Snapdragon W5 Gen 1 chip, which uses a 4nm process. Compared with Exynos 9110, making the battery life longer. Pixel Watch 2 will be equipped with four Cortex-A53 clocked at 1.7GHz CPU core, a Cortex-M55 coprocessor and Adreno A702 GPU clocked at 1GHz.
According to a report by 9To5Google, Google Pixel Watch This change in 2 allows the watch to last more than 24 hours with the constant display turned on, and more than two days in conservative battery mode. In comparison, the current Google Pixel The Watch can only last about 24 hours with the display turned off.
According to the editor’s understanding, Pixel Watch 2 is expected to be released later this year with Pixel 8 series mobile phones were launched together. In addition to the upgraded chip, this smartwatch will also be equipped with Fitbit Sense 2 identical health sensors including accelerometer, barometer, compass, electrocardiogram (ECG), GPS, gyroscope, heart rate monitor, skin temperature sensor, sleep tracking, SpO2 blood oxygen monitoring sensor and stress tracking (all day). The addition of these features will make Pixel Watch 2 is more powerful in terms of health monitoring and tracking.
Compared to Samsung’s next-generation smartwatch, the Galaxy Watch 6, the Google Pixel Watch 2 will feature a more energy-efficient chip and Wear OS 4 optimization to provide better performance and higher efficiency. The release of Pixel Watch 2 is highly anticipated, and people have high expectations for the functionality and performance of this smartwatch.
The above is the detailed content of Google Pixel Watch 2 is equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon W5 Gen 1 chip, with more powerful performance. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!