The three primary colors of RGB color are very likely to be used in interface programming. In most cases, it is necessary to convert the decimal number of the color into a hexadecimal value. For those developers with low digital sensitivity, manual conversion is required. It is often error-prone and puts a huge burden on them. This article introduces how to use the calculator tool that comes with Windows to convert decimal and hexadecimal RGB.
Press the Windows R shortcut key on the Windows system to open the Run Program dialog box, enter the calc command in the text box, and click the confirmation button
At this time Open the calculator tool that comes with the Windows system. Click the three horizontal lines button on the toolbar of the calculator window
After clicking the three-body horizontal lines button, you will see In the menu that opens, there is a calculator entry at the top and a programmer entry at the bottom. Click on the entry
. After clicking on the programmer mode entry, you will find that the appearance of the entire calculator has changed. You can There are four English HEXs above the calculator: hexadecimal, DEC: decimal, OCT: octal, BIN: binary. Hexadecimal and decimal are commonly used on RGB
At this time, enter for example 255 and check the numbers in hexadecimal and decimal positions. They happen to be hexadecimal FF and decimal 255. The conversion of other numbers is similar and will not be repeated.
The above is the detailed content of rgb to hexadecimal rgb tutorial. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!